How i can determine negative answers using Watson Conversation - ibm-watson

For example: If the user writes in the Watson Conversation Service:
"I wouldn't want to have a pool in my new house, but I would love to live in a Condo"
How you can know that user doesn't want to have a pool, but he loves to live in a Condo?

This is a good question and yeah this is a bit tricky...
Currently your best bet is to provide as much examples of the utterances that should be classified as a particular intent as a training examples for that intent - the more examples you provide the more robust the NLU (natural language understanding) will be.
Having said that, note that using examples such as:
"I would want to have a pool in my new house, but I wouldn't love to live in a Condo"
for intent-pool and
"I wouldn't want to have a pool in my new house, but I would love to live in a Condo"
for intent-condo will make the system to correctly classify these sentences, but the confidence difference between these might be quite small (because of the reason they are quite similar when you look just at the text).
So the question here is whether it is worth to make the system classify such intents out-of-the-box or instead train the system on more simple examples and use some form of disambiguation if you see the top N intents have low confidence differences.

Sergio, in this case, you can test all conditions valid with peers node (continue from) and your negative (example else) you can use "true".
Try used the intends for determine the flow and the entities for defining conditions.
See more:
PS: you can get the value of entity using:

This is a typical scenario of multi intents in Conversation service. Everytime user says something, all top 10 intents are identified. You can change your dialog JSON editor like this to see all intents.
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"<? intents ?>"
"selection_policy": "sequential"
For example, When user makes a statement, that will trigger two intents, you'll see that intents[0].confidence and intents[1].confidence both will be pretty high, which means that Conversation identified both the intents from the user text.
But there is a major limitation in it as of now, there is no guaranteed order for the identified intents, i.e. if you have said
"I wouldn't want to have a pool in my new house, but I would love to live in a Condo", there is no guarantee that positive intent "would_not_want" will be the intents[0].intent and intent "would_want" will be the intents[1].intent. So it will be a bit hard to implement this scenario with higher accuracy in your application.

This is now easily possible in Watson Assistant. You can do this by creating contextual entities.
In your intent, you mark the related entity and flag it to the entity you define. The contextual entities will now learn the structure of the sentence. This will not only understand what you have flagged, but also detect entities you haven't flagged.
So example below ingredients have been tagged as wanted and not wanted.
When you run it you get this.
Full example here:


Eliciting states and counties with Alexa

I have a skill that elicits a U.S. state and county from the user and then retrieves some data. The backend is working fine, but I am concerned about how to structure the conversation. So far, I have created an intent called GetInfoIntent, which has two custom slots, state_name, and county_name
There are about 3,000 U.S. counties with many duplicate names. It seems silly to me that I am asking for a county, without first "narrowing down", by states. Another way I can think of to do the conversation is to have 50 intents, "GetNewHampshireInfo, GetCaliforniaInfo, etc. If I did it this way, I'd need a custom slot type for each state, like nh_counties, ca_counties. etc.
This must be a pretty generic problem. Is there a standard approach, or best practice, I can use?
My (not necessarily best practice) practice tips:
Single slot for single data type. Meaning only have one slot for a four digit number even if you use it in more than one place for two different things in the skill.
As few intents as you need
no more no less. You certainly can and should break up the back end code with helper code, but try and not break the intents into too many smaller pieces. It can lead to difficulty when Alexa is trying to choose the intended intent.
Keep it voice focused. How would you ask in a
conversation. Voice first development is always the way to go.
For the slot filling I think it is fine to ask both state and county.
If the matching is not correct ask for confirmation.
Another option is to not use auto filling within the Alexa skill and use the dialog interface. Ask the county first and then only when it has more than one state option and is ambiguous continue the dialog to fill the state.
Even if you did have 50 separate intents you really never want to have two slots that can be filled by the same word. For example having a mo_counties and ky_counties that Clack satisfies both is ambiguous and can cause unneeded difficultly.
So for someone looking for the "best practice" I have learning that there isn't one yet (maybe never will be). Do what makes sense for the conversation and try and keep it as simple as it needs to be and no less on the back end.
I also find it helpful to find a non-developer to test your conversation flow.
This wasn't really technical and is all opinion, but that is a lot of what Alexa development is. I would suggest Tuesday Alexa office hours at very helpful and you can ask questions about stuff like this.

Watson Assistant - entity reference in Intents - I need to understand what I'm missing

I'm using watson assistant (plus) and I'm actually fighting with the correct usage of entity usage inside intent examples. First of all, inside the webUI I can't find trace of what mentioned in the documentation about entity suggestions, entity annotation inside intents examples..(we are on frankfurt server).
I have many intents in one skill and I decided to use entity mentions in intents examples. Having no trace of simplified way to add entity inside the single example, I directly wrote it inside the phrase.
From "What I need to activate MySpecificService ABC ?" to "What I need to activate #services:(MySpecificService ABC)", the same syntax used in dialog nodes.
I have used this method diffusely on my skill, according the documentation.
My problems starts here. Assistant refuse to detect the right intent when I try it.
If I ask "What I need to activate MyService Name?" the assistant detect a totally wrong intent, with low confidence (0.40 or less), and the correct intent does not appear neither as 2nd or 3rd intent (it correctly detect the entity).
No similar examples using exaclty #services:(MySpecificService ABC) in other intents, but I used other references to #services or #services:(otherservice name) in other intents.
I read documentation many times, I googled around, watched videos.. but nothing. Evidently I've misunderstood something.
Can You help me?
Intents are the actions/verbs that the user is trying to achieve. In this case, an intent could be the activation itself (no matter what is he trying to activate).
So you should write different examples of an activation question:
"How can I activate my service?", "I need to activate this service", etc.
The entities are the objects/substantives. In your case, services.
So in your dialog, if you are need the assistant to detect the intent+entity. So create a node with the condition #activation && #service:MySpecificService
Be aware that if you have several nodes in your dialog, their order will impact the way that your assistant analyzes the input. If the #activation && #service node is before the #activation && #service:MySpecificService node; the first one will be triggered as "MySpecificService" is one of the #services.
Hope that this helps!
im dealing with entities in intents as well and i think we're also on the frankfurt server.
Since youre on the frankfurt server im pretty sure the reason youre not seeing the annotation options is that youre using german language.
Annotations as mentioned in the documentation is only available for english language (unfortunately)

Why does the Fallback Intent not get called if you say ONE random word?

Whenever I go inside the skill and say one completely random word, the Fallback Intent is not triggered. The echo will just emit a sound and in the Alexa simulator, it would just show nothing. But I know for a fact that I am still inside the skill and the session has not yet ended since if I try to say an utterance that is mapped to a certain intent without including the word Alexa, it would respond correctly. BUT, if I try to say TWO completely random words the Fallback Intent is triggered. For example(this is already inside the skill), if I say the word "pizza" it would just respond with that weird noise and stay in the current session. But if I say the words "pizza pie" it would map to the Fallback Intent.
I have observed this behavior in a skill that has many custom intents each having many utterances configured. But when I tried inputting the word "pizza" to a skill with only 3 custom intents, the Fallback intent works fine.
If, when you say the out-of-domain word, you get a reprompt and then and end of session it means that Alexa assigned a very low confidence level to the mapping of that utterance to an intent. And this also applies the fallback intent!
Every time you build your model and out-of-domain model for fallback is built in parallel. That model is supposed to catch out-of-domain utterances but it's not perfect. Only utterances with a high confidence of matching the fallback model will be routed to the fallback intent. This is by design (fot the current version) meaning that not all utterances (both low and high confidence) will trigger fallback when fallback is the candidate. So what you're seeing here is an utterance that generates a low confidence for fallback (fallback is the best chosen candidate but confidence is too low). As fallback gets better it will become more effective at capturing these cases. A rather awkward solution (which defeats the purpose of fallback I guess) will be to extend fallback with sample one word utterances similar to the ones you're trying. Hope this helps...
Update: FallbackIntent sensitivity tuning was added recently so now, if you set it to high in the voice interactions model, it will work as you expected!
I think I just found the solution...
Having single word on any intent, Alexa by mistake (obviously), tends to match a single word interaction with some intent with a single word as sample utterances!!!!!!
As I see, Alexa uses the terms and the term count to calculate the statistical match with user interaction... wow!
Hope it helps you guys!

Amazon Alexa: slot types

Can any one tell me the slot type of the intent which can have long sentences in the English(India) Language? In English(US) I use AMAZON.StreetAddress for this purpose. Thanks.
Consider using a custom slot type. According to Amazon, use of the Amazon.LITERAL type is discouraged, and a custom slot type is recommended instead. Usually for custom slot types, you specify a set of sample values. However, based on your use case, it sounds like you want a match that is as close as possible to just catching all possible inputs, which is Scenario #3 from this Amazon Alexa blog article. As the article's content for the "Catch All" scenario mentions:
If you use the same training data that you would have used for
LITERAL, you’ll get the same results.
IMO, of special importance is the last paragraph regarding Scenario #3.
If you’re still not getting the results, trying setting the CatchAll
values to around twenty 2 to 8 word random phrases (from a random word
generator – be really random). When the user says something that
matches your other utterances, those intents will still be sent. When
it doesn’t match any of those, it will fall to the CatchAll slot. If
you go this route, you’re going to lose accuracy because you’re not
taking full advantage of Alexa’s NLP so you’ll need to test heavily.
Hope that helps.

How to use #out_of_scope intent with Watson's Conversation service?

I have defined #out_of_scope intent in the conversation workspace and added several user examples. Now when I ask a question that is not specified as an example, the JSON returned has #out_of_scope intent with a very low confidence score.
Why is that ? Does this mean, that if a user asks a question which is not in the list of specified examples, it will not be mapped to #out_of_scope intent ?
Thank you,
Technically #out_of_scope is just a label. If the user input is not similar to your sample data, it will not be highly confident. The real benefit of the out of scope class is that it will go a long way in making so your other classes are not highly confident against any "noise"
