Meteor loading data with React Komposer - reactjs

I'm trying to load data using React Komposer and I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, pretty sure this is the way it should be unless I miss something. But I'm not getting any data in the UI. Could use the help
import { composeWithTracker } from 'react-komposer';
import RightNavBar from './right-nav-bar.jsx';
function composer(props, onData) {
const subscription = Meteor.subscribe('currentUser');
const currentUser = 'bbbb';
onData(null, currentUser);
export default composeWithTracker(composer)(RightNavBar);
My component
export class RightNavBar extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
aaaa {currentUser}

Here is the "standard" example from react-komposer's repository (adapted to your specific case)
function composer(props, onData) {
const subscription = Meteor.subscribe('currentUser');
if (subscription.ready()) {
const currentUser = Meteor.user(); //or whatever
onData(null, {currentUser});
Here you subscribe and when the subscription is ready, your component is rendered. Otherwise, a loading component is rendered.
The 2nd parameter to onData should be an object. It is merged with other props passed to your component and is accessible from within your component via this.props.
From within your component,the props object is available via this.props, so you can either deconstruct it or access its properties directly.
class RightNavBar extends React.Component {
render() {
const {currentUser} = this.props;
return (
Hello, {}!
Your code sends a string rather than an object and React has no way of making sense of the token currentUser from within your component.


How to prevent React component mounting if props are empty?

I have a component which works with third party library and I need to add listener after component mounts. For some reason I can't add listeners without data which asynchronously fetched from server and passed through 'connect' function (from react-redux).
How to prevent React component mounting if props are empty?
After some research I haven't found a solution, so I wrote mine:
// No Props No Mount
import React from 'react';
import _ from 'lodash';
function NPNM(WrappedComponent) {
return class extends React.Component {
render() {
const { children } = this.props;
const data = _.omit(this.props, children);
let hasProps = true;
_.forEach(data, elm => {
if (_.isEmpty(elm) && !_.isFunction(elm)) hasProps = false;
return hasProps ? <WrappedComponent {...this.props} /> : <></>;
export default NPNM;
It should be used like
connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(NPNM(YourComponent));

React - What is meant by 'Do not use HOC’s in the render method of a component. Access the HOC outside the component definition.'?

I am learning HOCs and keep reading the above quote, but I do not understand what it means. If my HOC adds a method to my consuming component, can I use that method in the render method like so? If not how would I do what I am trying to do here:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withMyHOC } from '../with_my_component'
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const { methodFromHOC }= this.props;
const result = methodFromHOC(someArgument);
return (
<div >
export default withMyHOC(MyComponent );
When you say, do not use HOC within the render method, it means that you shouldn't create an instance of the component wrapped by HOC within the render method of another component. For example, if you have a App Component which uses MyComponent, it shouldn't be like below
import React, { Component } from 'react';
class MyComponent extends Component {
constructor(props) {
render() {
const { methodFromHOC }= this.props;
const result = methodFromHOC(someArgument);
return (
<div >
export default MyComponent;
import { withMyHOC } from '../with_my_component'
export default class App extends React.Component {
render() {
const Wrap = withMyHOC(MyComponent);
return (
{/* Other Code */}
<Wrap />
Why you shouldn't use it like above is because everytime render method is called a new instance of the MyComponent is created wrapped by HOC called Wrap and hence everytime it be be mounted again instead of going by the natural lifecycle or React.
However if your HOC passes a function as props, you can use it within the render as long as it doens't cause a re-render again otherwise it will lead to a infinite loop.
Also its better to memoize functions which are called in render directly to avoid computation again and again
CodeSandbox Demo
A High Order Component is a function which returns a Component, not jsx. When wrapping a component with an hoc, you're not changing the returned value of your component, you're changing the signature itself. Consider the following hoc
const withFoo = Component => props =>{
return <Component {...props} foo='foo' />
withFoo is a function which takes a Component (not jsx) as argument and returns a component. You don't need to call an hoc from render because the values it injects are already inside props of the wrapped component.
An hoc tells how a wrapped component will look like, changes it's definition so the only place to use it is in the component definition itself. Calling an hoc inside render creates a new instance of that component on each render. It's the equivalent of
const Component = () =>{
const ChildComponent = () =>{
return <span> Child </span>
return <ChildComponent /> //You're declaring again on each render
Use your high order components like this
const Component = ({ foo }) => <div>{ foo }</div>
export default withFoo(Component)
const Component = withFoo(({ foo }) => <div>{ foo }</div>)

ReactJS update view after receiving new props

After installing ReactJS again after a few months not working with it, I noticed the latest version (16) is now using getDerivedStateFromProps and there is no more will receive props functions and stuff.
Currently I have my environment running with react-redux included. My new data gets into the mapStateToProps function of my container script, but I want to update the view accordingly. Basically a loading screen, and after the data is fetched via an API call, update the view with the API's response data.
However, I don't seem to be able to find a solution to update my view anywhere up till now.
I noticed that the getDerivedStateFromProps only gets triggered once.
Am I missing some functions or anything?
Short example:
import React from 'react';
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import Files from '../components/files';
class ProjectContainer extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
componentDidMount() {
componentDidUpdate (prevProps) {
console.warn('does not get here?');
render() {
const { loading, files } = this.props;
let content = (
<div className="loading">Loading... Requesting file urls</div>
if (!loading && files && files.length) {
content = (
File urls requested!
<Files files={files} />
return (
const mapStateToProps = state => {
console.warn(state, 'this shows the new data');
return {
files: state.files,
loading: state.files_loading,
export default connect( mapStateToProps, {
}) (ProjectContainer);

How to get the data from React Context Consumer outside the render

I am using the new React Context API and I need to get the Consumer data from the Context.Consumer variable and not using it inside the render method. Is there anyway that I can achieve this?
For examplify what I want:
What I tested so far: the above example, tested Context.Consumer currentValue and other variables that Context Consumer has, tried to execute Context.Consumer() as a function and none worked.
Any ideas?
As of React v16.6.0, you can use the context API like:
class App extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
// render part here
// use context with this.context
App.contextType = CustomContext
However, the component can only access a single context. In order to use multiple context values, use the render prop pattern. More about Class.contextType.
If you are using the experimental public class fields syntax, you can use a static class field to initialize your contextType:
class MyClass extends React.Component {
static contextType = MyContext;
render() {
let value = this.context;
/* render something based on the value */
Render Prop Pattern
When what I understand from the question, to use context inside your component but outside of the render, create a HOC to wrap the component:
const WithContext = (Component) => {
return (props) => (
{value => <Component {...props} value={value} />}
and then use it:
class App extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
// render part here
export default WithContext(App);
You can achieve this in functional components by with useContext Hook.
You just need to import the Context from the file you initialised it in. In this case, DBContext.
const contextValue = useContext(DBContext);
You can via an unsupported getter:
Note that it only works during render, not in an async function or other lifecycle events.
This is how it can be achieved.
class BasElement extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return null;
const Element = () => (
{context =>
<BaseMapElement context={context} />
For the #wertzguy solution to work, you need to be sure that your store is defined like this:
// store.js
import React from 'react';
let user = {};
const UserContext = React.createContext({
setUser: () => null
export { UserContext };
Then you can do
import { UserContext } from 'store';

Initialize component with Async data

I'm trying to figure out how and where to load the data (ie call dispatch on my action) for my select box in react + redux + thunk. I'm not sure if it should go in the constructor of my App container, or should i load it inside my component (in my example: "MyDropdown")
My main App:
import MyDropdown from '../components/mydropdown';
// Should i import my action here and then...
// import { loadData } from '../actions';
class App extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="page-content">
<div className="option-bar">
// SEND it as a PROP inside MyDropdown...
<MyDropdown />
export default App;
My Component
// OR.. Should i load it in my MyDropdown component here?
import { loadData } from '../actions';
class MyDropdown extends Component {
// If i load it here on load, how do i do it?
render() {
I've tried componentDidMount() inside my App class, but it didnt seem to work. It seems to make sense to put the initialize data and call to actions there as it'll be all centralized, instead of calling actions inside my child components. Also, i'll have multiple select boxes that need to be loaded on startup, so my App class might grow quite a bit, is that the correct way to do it? I'm not sure what the best practice is as i've only just started learning react.
You should separate data components from presentation components (see post here).
So in your small example, MyDropdown should be passed all the data it needs in order to render the component. That would mean fetching the data in App (or some parent component of the component actually rendering the view.
Since you're working with React and Redux, the react-redux library provides a helper function to generate containers that fetch the data required for your presentation component.
To do that, change App to:
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import MyDropdown from '../components/mydropdown';
import { loadData } from '../actions';
// This class is not exported
class App extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
<div className="page-content">
<div className="option-bar">
<MyDropdown data={}/>
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { data } = state
return {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
// Export a container that wraps App
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(App);
Alternatively, you could keep App the same and change MyDropdown to:
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import { loadData } from '../actions';
// Exporting this allows using only the presentational component
export class MyDropdown extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
function mapStateToProps(state) {
const { data } = state
return {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
// By default, export the container that wraps the presentational component
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(MyDropdown);
In both cases, look at what is actually being exported as default at the end. It's not the component; it's the return of connect. That function wraps your presentational component and returns a container that is responsible for fetching the data and calling actions for the presentational component.
This gives you the separation you need and allows you to be flexible in how you use the presentation component. In either example, if you already have the data you need to render MyDropdown, you can just use the presentation component and skip the data fetch!
You can see a full example of this in the Redux docs here.
