SQL Server: 1 server multiple clients - sql-server

I'm writing a program for a small office (<5 client). All the computers are located at the office and I have a server too.
I want to install SQL Server on the server, and install my program on every client computer, and they will update data on the server.
Do I need to worry about conflicts? Do I need to write another program or service to run on the server to handle the clients request? Or is my program alone and the SQL Server service is enough?
What things I need to take into consideration in implementing this?
I'm new to this, so any additional help would be useful!

SQL Server will generally handle this without problems. But from a functional point of view there may be things to consider, such as two people opening the same item, both making a change, and both saving their change at different points in time.
Without countermeasures, the last person to save 'wins'. If that is OK, then all is OK, but you should at least discuss it and document it.
If it is not OK then you might need e.g. a timestamp column, and then saving an item could be disallowed if the timestamp on the server was changed in between opening the item and saving the item.
Another approach is 'locking' or 'checking out' items, which has its own advantages and disadvantages.


SQL DB Version without attaching

Random question, but I was wondering if there is a way to determining the SQL server version of a database before attaching it (i.e. whilst in a folder on the network).
The reason I ask is because we receive extremely large databases that take ages to attach only to then fail because they are not the correct version.
I was hoping there might be a tip to save time.
Many Thanks

Store database in sql server client wise

I have develop application in which i have created different logins for every client.Our applications is having so many clients like job portals or facebook and every client having huge amount of data .If i use single database then one table get huge amount of data for all client
I find out one solution for that and solution is to create separate database for every client but as there are so many client then we need to create so many databases so that not correct solution
Please can you tell me right way to implement this by using sql server 2008 r2
You could try having one schema per client, and that client's logon has that schema as their default and is the only schema that they have access to. However you'll have a lot of schemas so it may not be much help! (Also, iof you're using something like EF to access the db it won't work.)
Single database good:
Easy management
Single database bad:
Possible performance problems (although not until you get into
billions of rows; one DB I designed had a table with more than 21B
rows after 3 months; lucky I made the IDENTITY column a BigInt!)
Security issues/complexity: how do you stop one client accessing
another's data?
Single point of failure for all clients
Multiple database good
Security is easier
Single point of failure per client (assuming multiple DB Servers to
spread that load also)
More flexibility in applying updates: some clients are OK with
Wednesday, some with Thursday
I'm sure that there are other issues as well. Really it's up to your requirements and how they can best be met,
Multiple db bad:
More management required
Given a DB has overhead, your overhead resource usage goes up

Point Connection String to custom utility

Currently we have our Asp mvc LOB web application talking to an SQL server database. This is setup through the a connection string in the web.config as usual.
We are having performance issues with some of our bigger customers that are running some really large reports and kpi's on the database which choke it up and cause performance issues for the rest of the users.
Our solution so far is to setup replication on the database and pass all the report and kpi data calls off to the replicated server and leave the main server for the common critical use.
Without having add another connection string to the config for the replicated server and go through the application and direct the report, kpi and other read only calls to the secondary db is there a way I can point the web.config connection string to an intermediary node that will analyse the data request and shuffle it off to the appropriate db accordingly? i.e. If the data call is a standard update process on the db it will shuffle that to the main db and if there is a report being loaded it will pass it off to the secondary replicated server.
We will only need to add this node in for the bigger customers with larger db's, so if we can get away with adding a node outside the current application setup it will save us a lot of code changes and testing needed.
Thanks in advance
I would say it may be easier for you to add a second connection string for reports, etc. instead of trying to analyse the request.
The reasons are as follows:
You probably have a fairly good idea which areas of your system need to go the second database. Once you identify them, you can just point them to to the second database and not worry about switching them back and forth.
You can just create 2 connection string in you config file. If you have only one database for smaller customers, you can point both connections to the same one database. For bigger customers, you can use two different connection strings. This way you will make the system flexible and configurable.
Analysing requests usually turns out to be complex and adding this additional complexity seems unwarranted in this case.
All my comments are based on what you wrote above and may not be absolutely valid - you know they system better, just use them if you want.

Anyone else heard of coldfusion t-sql use database bug?

On our admin of our company's production site, we have a little query dumping tool, and I unknowingly, in trying to get data from a database, different than the main one, used the use database command.
And here's the kicker, it then made every coldfusion page with it's query instantly fail.
since it somehow caches that use database command.
Has anyone else heard of this weird bug?
How can we stop this behavior?
If i use a "use database" command, I want that to only exist as far as the current query i am running, after i am done, to go back to the normal database usage.
This is weird and a potentially damaging problem.
Any thoughts?
I imagine that this has something to do with connection pooling. When you call close, it doesn't close the connection, it just puts it back into the pool. When you call open, it doesn't have to open a new connection, it just grabs an existing one from the pool. If you change the database that the connection is pointing to, ColdFusion may be unaware of this. This is why some platforms (MySQL on .Net for instance) reset the connection each time you retrieve it from the pool, to ensure that you are querying the correct database, and to ensure that you don't have any temporary tables and other session info hanging around. The downside of this kind of behaviour, is that it has to make a round trip to the database, even when using pooled connections, which really may not be necessary.
Kibbee is on the right track, but to extend that a little further with three possible workarounds:
Create a different DSN for use by that one query so the "USE DATABASE" statement would only persist for any queries using that DSN.
Uncheck "Maintain connections across client requests" in the CF admin
Always remember to reset the database to the one you intend to use at the end of the request. It kinda goes without saying that this is a very dangerous utility to have on your production server!
It's not a bug nor is it really unexpected behavior - if the query is cached, then everything inside the cfquery block is going along for the ride. Which database platform are you using?

Copying data from a local database to a remote one

I'm writing a system at the moment that needs to copy data from a clients locally hosted SQL database to a hosted server database. Most of the data in the local database is copied to the live one, though optimisations are made to reduce the amount of actual data required to be sent.
What is the best way of sending this data from one database to the other? At the moment I can see a few possibly options, none of them yet stand out as being the prime candidate.
Replication, though this is not ideal, and we cannot expect it to be supported in the version of SQL we use on the hosted environment.
Linked server, copying data direct - a slow and somewhat insecure method
Webservices to transmit the data
Exporting the data we require as XML and transferring to the server to be imported in bulk.
The data copied goes into copies of the tables, without identity fields, so data can be inserted/updated without any violations in that respect. This data transfer does not have to be done at the database level, it can be done from .net or other facilities.
More information
The frequency of the updates will vary completely on how often records are updated. But the basic idea is that if a record is changed then the user can publish it to the live database. Alternatively we'll record the changes and send them across in a batch on a configurable frequency.
The amount of records we're talking are around 4000 rows per table for the core tables (product catalog) at the moment, but this is completely variable dependent on the client we deploy this to as each would have their own product catalog, ranging from 100's to 1000's of products. To clarify, each client is on a separate local/hosted database combination, they are not combined into one system.
As well as the individual publishing of items, we would also require a complete re-sync of data to be done on demand.
Another aspect of the system is that some of the data being copied from the local server is stored in a secondary database, so we're effectively merging the data from two databases into the one live database.
Well, I'm biased. I have to admit. I'd like to hypnotize you into shelling out for SQL Compare to do this. I've been faced with exactly this sort of problem in all its open-ended frightfulness. I got a copy of SQL Compare and never looked back. SQL Compare is actually a silly name for a piece of software that synchronizes databases It will also do it from the command line once you have got a working project together with all the right knobs and buttons. Of course, you can only do this for reasonably small databases, but it really is a tool I wouldn't want to be seen in public without.
My only concern with your requirements is where you are collecting product catalogs from a number of clients. If they are all in separate tables, then all is fine, whereas if they are all in the same table, then this would make things more complicated.
How much data are you talking about? how many 'client' dbs are there? and how often does it need to happen? The answers to those questions will make a big difference on the path you should take.
There is an almost infinite number of solutions for this problem. In order to narrow it down, you'd have to tell us a bit about your requirements and priorities.
Bulk operations would probably cover a wide range of scenarios, and you should add that to the top of your list.
I would recommend using Data Transformation Services (DTS) for this. You could create a DTS package for appending and one for re-creating the data.
It is possible to invoke DTS package operations from your code so you may want to create a wrapper to control the packages that you can call from your application.
In the end I opted for a set of triggers to capture data modifications to a change log table. There is then an application that polls this table and generates XML files for submission to a webservice running at the remote location.
