Changing word in string with another word in C - c

I am looking for a way to change words in string.
I want to change word to another word which have more symbols than first word.
First I count the symbols of the word which i want to change with another one,
than I count how many this word is in the text which is in my program as a char array(string) and now i want to change this word with the word which has more symbols.
There is the code:
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
printf("This program can change word or symbols combanation in text\n\n");
char text[550] = "There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop.\nFood was in plenty for them. hey also wasted the bread\nbiscuits and fruits of the shop.\nThe grocer got really worried. So, he thought I should buy a cat\nand let it stay at the grocery. Only then I can save my things.\nHe bought a nice, big fat cat and let him stay there. The cat had a nice\nime hunting the mice and killing them.\nThe mice could not move freely now. They were afraid that\n\n";
printf("%s\n", text);
int symbols_in_text = 0;
for (int f = 0;f < 550;f++)
if (text[f])
printf("Text has %i symbols\n\n", symbols_in_text);
char b[15];
printf("Which word would you like to chenge in text above?\n(Maximum quantity of Symbols is 15)\nType word or some symbol(s)\n--->>");
cin >> b;
int word_symbols=0;
for (int a = 0;a < 15;a++)
if (b[a])
printf("Word which you have entered has %i symbols\n", word_symbols);
int word_in_text = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 550 - word_symbols; i++)
int found = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < word_symbols; j++)
if (b[j] != text[i + j])
found = 0;
if (found && text[i + word_symbols]==' ')
printf("Founded %i %s as the word an is Not the some part of the other word\n", word_in_text,b);
if (word_in_text != 0)
char input_word[15];
printf("Enter the word which you want to insert for first entered word\nWarning:You have to enter the world which have %i symbols\n--->>", word_symbols);
cin >> input_word;
int in_word_symbols = 0;
for (int a = 0;a < 15;a++)
if (input_word[a])
printf("The word which you have entered has %i symbols\n\n", in_word_symbols);
if (word_symbols == in_word_symbols)
for (int i = 0; i < 550 - word_symbols; i++)
int found = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < word_symbols; j++)
if (b[j] != text[i + j])
found = 0;
if (found != 0 && text[i + word_symbols] == ' ')
for (int j = 0; j < in_word_symbols; j++)
text[i + j] = input_word[j];
printf("The result is--->>\n%s\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////END OF////////////////////////////////////////\n\n", text);
else if (in_word_symbols > word_symbols)
int text_char_index = 0;
for (int count = 0; count < 550 - word_symbols; count++)
int found = 1;
for (int j = 0; j < word_symbols; j++)
if (b[j] != text[count + j])
found = 0;
if (found != 0 && text[count + word_symbols] == ' ')
count = text_char_index-1;
goto index_changing;
for (int c = 0; c < in_word_symbols; c++)
text[count + c] = input_word[c];
if (count > 500)
goto printing_result;
for (int l = 466; l > text_char_index + word_symbols; --l)
text[l] = text[l + 1];
goto insert;
printf("The result is--->>\n%s\n\n//////////////////////////////////////////END OF////////////////////////////////////////\n\n", text);
goto Start;
return 0;
If I enter the word was ( - it is word which i want to change in text) and than I enter the word detected (which has more symbols than first entered word - an it is the word which i want to insert in the text in return "was")
Console output is: There detected
And I can't use in this code method or something like that, I can only use if() and for loop.
Can anyone help me to understand how to do it?

First let's get the ground rules straight -- you are not allowed to use string functions/methods in this exercise, you have to write the code out explicity using primarily if statements and loops.
Rather than create a whole separate block of code to deal with the replacement word being larger than the original, just deal with it as part of the original replacement code -- as well as deal with the possibility that the replacement word is smaller. Both require shifting the original text one way or the other based on the difference between the original word and the replacement.
Here is a rework of your code that does the above and makes a number of style changes and bug fixes. It also makes it a pure 'C' program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
int main()
printf("This program can change word or character combinations in text.\n\n");
char text[1024] =
"There was a grocery shop in a town. Plenty of mice lived in that grocery shop.\n"
"Food was in plenty for them. They also wasted the bread, biscuits and fruits\n"
"of the shop. The grocer got really worried. So, he thought I should buy a cat\n"
"and let it stay at the grocery. Only then I can save my things. He bought a\n"
"nice, big fat cat and let him stay there. The cat had a nice time hunting mice\n"
"and killing them. The mice could not move freely now. They were afraid that\n";
while (true) {
printf("%s\n", text);
int characters_in_text = 0;
for (int f = 0; text[f] != '\0'; f++) // not allowed to use strlen()
printf("Text has %i characters.\n\n", characters_in_text);
char word[17];
printf("Which word would you like to change in text above?\n");
printf("(Maximum quantity of characters is %d)\n", (int) sizeof(word) - 2);
printf("Type word or some character(s)\n");
printf("--->> ");
(void) fgets(word, sizeof(word), stdin);
int a, word_characters = 0;
for (a = 0; word[a] != '\n'; a++)
word[a] = '\0';
if (word_characters == 0)
break; // exit program
printf("Word which you have entered has %i characters.\n", word_characters);
int words_in_text = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < characters_in_text - word_characters; i++)
bool found = true;
for (int j = 0; j < word_characters; j++)
if (word[j] != text[i + j])
found = false;
if (found)
char next_letter = text[i + word_characters];
if (next_letter == ' ' || next_letter == '.' || next_letter == ',' || next_letter == '\n' || next_letter == '\0')
printf("Found %i instance(s) of %s that are not part of another word.\n", words_in_text, word);
char replacement_word[17];
printf("Enter the word which you want to insert for first entered word.\n");
printf("(Maximum quantity of characters is %d)\n", (int) sizeof(replacement_word) - 2);
printf("Type word or some character(s)\n");
printf("--->> ");
(void) fgets(replacement_word, sizeof(replacement_word), stdin);
int replacement_word_characters = 0;
for (a = 0; replacement_word[a] != '\n'; a++)
replacement_word[a] = '\0';
printf("The word which you have entered has %i characters.\n\n", replacement_word_characters);
int text_shift = replacement_word_characters - word_characters;
for (int i = 0; i < characters_in_text - word_characters; i++)
bool found = true;
for (int j = 0; j < word_characters; j++)
if (word[j] != text[i + j])
found = false;
if (found)
char next_letter = text[i + word_characters];
if (next_letter == ' ' || next_letter == '.' || next_letter == ',' || next_letter == '\n' || next_letter == '\0')
if (text_shift > 0)
for (int k = characters_in_text; k > i + word_characters - 1; k--)
text[k + text_shift] = text[k];
else if (text_shift < 0)
for (int k = i + word_characters; k < characters_in_text + 1; k++)
text[k + text_shift] = text[k];
characters_in_text += text_shift;
for (int j = 0; j < replacement_word_characters; j++)
text[i + j] = replacement_word[j];
return 0;
You can see how complicated this code gets without library functions -- testing for the possible punctuation that follows a word would be a lot easier with functions like ispunct() in ctype.h
You also computed a number of useful values in your original code but failed to use them appropriately later on in the code.
Yet to do: you've a lot of error checks to add to this code -- what if the replacement makes the text larger than the array that contains it? You check that a word isn't contained in another by testing the character after the word but fail to test the character before the work, e.g. 'other' vs. 'another'.


C language - operation replaces mutiple array elements instead of one

I am in the process of creating hangman in C language, but there is one problem that I cannot quite grasp. When a user correctly guesses one of the letters that the word that is being guessed has, the program replaces all of previously guessed letters to the one user just put. What is the source of this problem?
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
int x = 0, isCompleted, matchFound, numberOfTries = 7;
char letterGuess[1];
int randomIndex = rand()%14;
const char *wordArray[14];
const char *guessedWord[10];
const char *usedLetters[17];
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
guessedWord[k] = "_";
wordArray[0] = "butonierka";
wordArray[1] = "centyfolia";
wordArray[2] = "chiroplast";
wordArray[3] = "cmentarzyk";
wordArray[4] = "chrustniak";
wordArray[5] = "budowniczy";
wordArray[6] = "cholewkarz";
wordArray[7] = "cornflakes";
wordArray[8] = "brzydactwo";
wordArray[9] = "germanofil";
wordArray[10] = "lichtarzyk";
wordArray[11] = "lutowniczy";
wordArray[12] = "mikrocysta";
wordArray[13] = "tryskawiec";
const char *wordToGuess = wordArray[randomIndex];
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
printf(" %s ", guessedWord[i]);
while(numberOfTries != 0 && isCompleted != 10) {
matchFound = 0;
isCompleted = 0;
printf("Please give a lowercase letter\n");
printf("Left tries: %d\n", numberOfTries);
scanf("%s", &letterGuess);
for (int z = 0; z < 17; z++) {
if (usedLetters[z] == letterGuess[0]) {
matchFound = 1;
if (letterGuess[0] >= 'a' && letterGuess[0] <= 'z' && matchFound == 0) {
usedLetters[x] = letterGuess[0];
for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
if (letterGuess[0] == wordArray[randomIndex][j])
guessedWord[j] = letterGuess;
matchFound = 1;
if (matchFound == 0) {
for(int z = 0; z < 10; z++) {
printf(" %s ", guessedWord[z]);
} else {
if (matchFound == 1) {
printf("You've already given such letter!!\n");
} else {
printf("Wrong input, please try again!\n");
for (int k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
if (guessedWord[k] != "_") {
if (isCompleted == 10) {
printf("You have correctly guessed a word! Congrats!!\n");
printf("The word was: %s\n", wordArray[randomIndex]);
printf("Game over!!\n");
The problem is that you're storing letterGuess, rather than individual characters. So each time letterGuess is updated with a new guess, all references to it change. Also, letterGuess is too short, leaving no room for the terminating null character.
The best solution is to make letterGuess a char (or an int), not an array, and to make guessedWord a char [] rather than a char *[]. There is no reason to use strings for single characters. That will solve the string-sharing problem.

Program not encrypting properly with spaces

I have tried to create an implementation of a vigenere cipher, but have come across a hurde in the form of the program not working properly when given spaces in the input. (Assume keyword bacon)
With Spaces
Meet me
Correct Output
Negh zf
Actual Output
Negh Ne
Without Spaces
So clearly the program is working for strings without the spaces. Anywhere here is the code and thanks in advance for help.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
char encrypt(int key, char a);
int hash(char a);
int main(int argc, string argv[])
if (argc != 2)
printf("You need a keyword!");
return 1;
string keyword = argv[1];
for (int j = 0; j != strlen(keyword); ++j)
if (!isalpha(keyword[j]))
printf ("The keyword needs to be all words!");
return 1;
string text = GetString();
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i != strlen(text); ++i, ++j)
if (j == strlen(keyword))
j = 0;
int key = 0;
if (isupper(keyword[j]))
key = keyword[j] - 'A';
text[i] = encrypt(key, text[i]);
else if (islower(keyword[j]))
key = keyword[j] - 'a';
text[i] = encrypt(key, text[i]);
else if (isspace(text[i]))
j = j - 1;
printf ("%s\n", text);
char encrypt(int key, char a)
if (isalpha(a))
int total = (int) a + key;
if (isupper(a))
while (total > 90)
total = total - 26;
else if (islower(a))
while (total > 122)
total = total - 26;
return (char) total;
return a;
the problem is inside your for loop. Try to correct it in the following way (you will understand easily the mistake):
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i != strlen(text); ++i, ++j)
if (j == strlen(keyword))
j = 0;
// the following check mmust be done here
if (isspace(text[i])) {
j = j - 1;
int key = 0;
if (isupper(keyword[j]))
key = keyword[j] - 'A';
text[i] = encrypt(key, text[i]);
else if (islower(keyword[j]))
key = keyword[j] - 'a';
text[i] = encrypt(key, text[i]);
It looks like you are reading your words from command line arguments; however, command line arguments are typically separated by whitespace. Your program doesn't know that those spaces are supposed to be part of the input.
You need to change the way you are reading input.

Sorting word occurrence in string C programming

I have been stuck on this for a while now. I wrote my program to count word occurrence in an inputted string by the user as well to sort the words alphabetically. My issue is my program runs perfectly only if there are spaces in between the words inputted. For example, if I input "to to," my program will count those two words as two different words due to the comma rather than counting it as one word in "to" as I would like it to. It is that issue for all of my delimiters in the array const char delim[]. How can I fix this issue in my program? I really appreciate any help! My code is down below:
Edit: I took Bob's suggestion to use strchr() and it worked! My only issue is my program outputs the count for delimiters now. I was thinking of possibly writing an if statement when comparing words[i] with words[j] to see if they have the same value. Is that the best approach to it?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
const char delim[] = ", . - !*()&^%$##<> ? []{}\\ / \"";
#define SIZE 1000
int main(){
char string[SIZE], words[SIZE][SIZE], temp[SIZE];
int a = 0, i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, n = 0, count;
int c = 0, cnt[26] = { 0 };
int word = 0;
int x;
printf("Enter your input string:");
fgets(string, SIZE, stdin);
string[strlen(string) - 1] = '\0';
/*extracting each and every string and copying to a different place */
while (string[i] != '\0'){
if (strchr(", . - !*()&^%$##<> ? []{}\\ / \"", string[i]) != NULL){
words[j][k] = '\0';
k = 0;
}else {
words[j][k++] = string[i];
words[j][k] = '\0';
n = j;
printf("Number of occurences of each word unsorted:\n");
i = 0;
/* find the frequency of each word and print the results */
while (i <= n) {
count = 1;
if (i != n) {
for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {
if (strcmp(words[i], words[j]) == 0) {
for (a = j; a <= n; a++)
strcpy(words[a], words[a + 1]);
//word == strtok(string, delim);
/* count - indicates the frequecy of word[i] */
printf("%s\t%d\n", words[i], count);
i = i + 1;
printf("Alphabetical Order:\n");
/* sort the words in the given string */
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
strcpy(temp, words[i]);
for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++){
if (strcmp(words[i], words[j]) > 0){
strcpy(temp, words[j]);
strcpy(words[j], words[i]);
strcpy(words[i], temp);
} //inner for
} //outer for
i = 0;
while (i <= n) {
count = 1;
if (i != n) {
for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {
if (strcmp(words[i], words[j]) == 0) {
printf("%s\n", words[i]);
i = i + count;
Strip every word of that delimeter before comparing. Actually you don't even need a list of delimeters because words are 'alpha' other than that it's a delimeter.
Please try this, it works, it is an extract of your own code, a little bit modified, it will give you the count, then you have to write the rest, have fun.
#include <string.h>
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
int main( )
char string[1000];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int is_this_a_word = 0;
strcpy( string, " to or not ,tobe" );
while ( string[i++] != '\0' )
if ( strchr( ", . - !*()&^%$##<> ? []{}\\ / \"", string[i] ) != NULL )
is_this_a_word = NO;
if ( ! is_this_a_word )
is_this_a_word = YES;
printf( "I counted %d words", j );
getchar( );

Sorting words out in a string array

My program is designed to allow the user to input a string and my program will output the number of occurrences of each letters and words. My program also sorts the words alphabetically.
My issue is: I output the words seen (first unsorted) and their occurrences as a table, and in my table I don't want duplicates. SOLVED
For example, if the word "to" was seen twice I just want the word "to" to appear only once in my table outputting the number of occurrences.
How can I fix this? Also, why is it that i can't simply set string[i] == delim to apply to every delimiter rather than having to assign it manually for each delimiter?
Edit: Fixed my output error. But how can I set a condition for string[i] to equal any of the delimiters in my code rather than just work for the space bar? For example on my output, if i enter "you, you" it will out put "you, you" rather than just "you". How can I write it so it removes the comma and compares "you, you" to be as one word.
Any help is appreciated. My code is below:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
const char delim[] = ", . - !*()&^%$##<> ? []{}\\ / \"";
#define SIZE 1000
void occurrences(char s[], int count[]);
void lower(char s[]);
int main()
char string[SIZE], words[SIZE][SIZE], temp[SIZE];
int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0, n = 0, count;
int c = 0, cnt[26] = { 0 };
printf("Enter your input string:");
fgets(string, 256, stdin);
string[strlen(string) - 1] = '\0';
occurrences(string, cnt);
printf("Number of occurrences of each letter in the text: \n");
for (c = 0; c < 26; c++){
if (cnt[c] != 0){
printf("%c \t %d\n", c + 'a', cnt[c]);
/*extracting each and every string and copying to a different place */
while (string[i] != '\0')
if (string[i] == ' ')
words[j][k] = '\0';
k = 0;
words[j][k++] = string[i];
words[j][k] = '\0';
n = j;
printf("Unsorted Frequency:\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
strcpy(temp, words[i]);
for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++)
if (strcmp(words[i], words[j]) == 0)
for (a = j; a <= n; a++)
strcpy(words[a], words[a + 1]);
} //inner for
i = 0;
/* find the frequency of each word */
while (i <= n) {
count = 1;
if (i != n) {
for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {
if (strcmp(words[i], words[j]) == 0) {
/* count - indicates the frequecy of word[i] */
printf("%s\t%d\n", words[i], count);
/* skipping to the next word to process */
i = i + count;
printf("ALphabetical Order:\n");
for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
strcpy(temp, words[i]);
for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++)
if (strcmp(words[i], words[j]) > 0)
strcpy(temp, words[j]);
strcpy(words[j], words[i]);
strcpy(words[i], temp);
i = 0;
while (i <= n) {
count = 1;
if (i != n) {
for (j = i + 1; j <= n; j++) {
if (strcmp(words[i], words[j]) == 0) {
printf("%s\n", words[i]);
i = i + count;
return 0;
void occurrences(char s[], int count[]){
int i = 0;
while (s[i] != '\0'){
if (s[i] >= 'a' && s[i] <= 'z')
count[s[i] - 'a']++;
void lower(char s[]){
int i = 0;
while (s[i] != '\0'){
if (s[i] >= 'A' && s[i] <= 'Z'){
s[i] = (s[i] - 'A') + 'a';
I have the solution to your problem and its name is called Wall. No, not the type to bang your head against when you encounter a problem that you can't seem to solve but for the Warnings that you want your compiler to emit: ALL OF THEM.
If you compile C code with out using -Wall then you can commit all the errors that people tell you is why C is so dangerous. But once you enable Warnings the compiler will tell you about them.
I have 4 for your program:
for (c; c< 26; c++) { That first c doesn't do anything, this could be written for (; c < 26; c++) { or perhaps beter as for (c = 0; c <26; c++) {
words[i] == NULL "Statement with no effect". Well that probably isn't what you wanted to do. The compiler tells you that that line doesn't do anything.
"Unused variable 'text'." That is pretty clear too: you have defined text as a variable but then never used it. Perhaps you meant to or perhaps it was a variable you thought you needed. Either way it can go now.
"Control reaches end of non-void function". In C main is usually defined as int main, i.e. main returns an int. Standard practice is to return 0 if the program successfully completed and some other value on error. Adding return 0; at the end of main will work.
You can simplify your delimiters. Anything that is not a-z (after lower casing it), is a delimiter. You don't [need to] care which one it is. It's the end of a word. Rather than specify delimiters, specify chars that are word chars (e.g. if words were C symbols, the word chars would be: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and _). But, it looks like you only want a-z.
Here are some [untested] examples:
scanline(char *buf)
int chr;
char *lhs;
char *rhs;
char tmp[5000];
lhs = tmp;
for (rhs = buf; *rhs != 0; ++rhs) {
chr = *rhs;
if ((chr >= 'A') && (chr <= 'Z'))
chr = (chr - 'A') + 'a';
if ((chr >= 'a') && (chr <= 'z')) {
*lhs++ = chr;
char_histogram[chr] += 1;
*lhs = 0;
if (lhs > tmp)
lhs = tmp;
if (lhs > tmp) {
*lhs = 0;
count_string(char *str)
int idx;
int match;
match = -1;
for (idx = 0; idx < word_count; ++idx) {
if (strcmp(words[idx],str) == 0) {
match = idx;
if (match < 0) {
match = word_count++;
word_histogram[match] += 1;
Using separate arrays is ugly. Using a struct might be better:
#define STRMAX 100 // max string length
#define WORDMAX 1000 // max number of strings
struct word {
int word_hist; // histogram value
char word_string[STRMAX]; // string value
int word_count; // number of elements in wordlist
struct word wordlist[WORDMAX]; // list of known words

Print a Histogram based on word lengths (C)

This is a K&R exercise (1-13)...
"Write a program to print a histogram
of the length of words in its input.
It is easy to draw the histogram with
bars horizontal; a vertical
orientation is more challenging."
The section was about arrays, and to be honest, I'm not sure I fully understood it. Everything up to this point was fairly easy to grasp, this was not.
Anyway I'm trying to do a histogram with horizontal bars first. Once I got that down I'll try vertical, but right now I'm not even sure where to begin with the easy version. (I slept on it, woke up, and still couldn't get it.)
I drew an example of what the program would output:
And tried to break it (the program) down in sections. This is what I came up with:
But the more I think about it the less I think that's how it would work (because getchar() goes through one character at a time, and it wouldn't be able to go back up to put a X in the right category.) Or...
... I'm just really confused as to how I would solve this problem. Here's as far as I've been able to get code wise:
#include <stdio.h>
// print a histogram of the length of words in input. horizontal bar version
int main(void)
int c;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
return 0;
Could someone help enlighten me? Not necessarily with the code, maybe just pseudo code, or with some "words from the wise" as to what I need to do, or think, or something. This has just been a really big stone in the road and I'd like to get past it :/.
(I'll check back in 30 minutes)
I loved the pseudo-code! Some good thinking there, but you're still not ordering your program right.
As you said yourself, you can't read the text, go back and print an X in a particular row. If we establish that it can't be done, then there's no choice but to know all the values of the histogram beforehand.
So you should think your program as having two parts (and you'll make this kind of division in practically every program you write): first, a part that will make calculations; and then a part that will output them in a certain format (the histogram).
This tip should get you started! If you need further help, comment below.
I suggest you simplify the problem by solving it for the case of one word per line, so you can use fgets. Here's how to "eat up" lines that are too long.
Then, as often, the central data structure is the key to solving the problem. The data structure you need is an array used as frequency table:
int freq[11];
In freq[1], store the number of words/lines of length 1, in freq[2] those of length 2, etc., and in freq[0] those of length >10. You don't need to store the words since the rest of the program only needs their length. Writing out the histogram should be easy now.
I hope this isn't too much of a spoiler.
The code below prints a horizontal histogram using only the basic toolkit provided by the book so far:
/* Prints a horizontal histogram of the lengths of words */
#define MAX_WORDS 100
#define IN 1
#define OUT 0
int c, length, wordn, i, j, state, lengths[MAX_WORDS];
wordn = length = 0;
state = OUT;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WORDS; ++i) lengths[i] = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && wordn < MAX_WORDS)
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n')
state = OUT;
else if (wordn == 0)
state = IN;
else if (state == IN)
else if (state == OUT)
lengths[wordn] = length;
length = 1;
state = IN;
lengths[wordn] = length;
for (i = 1; i <= wordn; ++i)
printf("%3d: ",i);
for (j = 0; j < lengths[i]; j++)
#define RESET 0
#define ON 1
int i,wnum=0,c,wc[50];
int count=0,state;
/*Populating the array with character counts of the typed words*/
if(c=='\n'||c=='\t'||c==' '||c=='"')
else if((c>=65&&c<=90)||(c>=97&&c<=122))
/*Finding the character count of the longest word*/
/*Printing the Histogram Finally*/
printf(" ");
else printf("x ");
VERTICAL ORIENTATION: Using only the tools we learned so far in the book. And you can change the array size, wc[50]. I kept the code valid for 50 words.
Horizontal orientation should be quite simpler. I didn't try it though.
To histogram the word lengths, you are going to need to know the word lengths.
How do you define a word?
How can you measure the length of a word? Can you do it one character at a time as you read the stream, or should you buffer the input an use strtok or something similar?
You will need to accumulate data on how many occurrences of each length occur.
How will you store this data?
You will need to output the results in a pleasing form. This is fiddly but not hard.
I will link the answer below but since you asked for details the key seems to be this
Use an ARRAY of lengths i.e have an array with each element initialised to zero assume MAX wordlength to be about 30...
*have a flag while in the word and increment a counter every time a whitespace is NOT encountered
*once out of the word flag is set to "out" and the corresponding word length index item in the array is incremented i.e if word length counter is w_ctr use
*use the array as a table of reference for each line in a loop to print each line in the histogram so you can use the array and will now be able to determine weather the 'X' in the histogram is to be inserted or not
EDIT: sorry i didn't read the question right but the idea is simpler for Vertical histograms and the same thing can be used.
after the last step just print the horizontal histogram until counter exceeds current wordlength being printed
the original is here
CLC-wiki is also a place see the comments for details.
//This is for horizontal histogram.
//It works for any number of lines of words where total words <= MAX
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX 100 //Change MAX to any value.But dont give words more than MAX.
void main()
int w, nwords[MAX] = {0}, i = 0; //nwords is an array for storing length of each word.Length of all words initialized to 0.
while ((w = getchar()) != EOF)
if (w == ' ' || w == '\t' || w == '\n')
++i; //if space or tab or newline is encountered, then index of array is advanced indicating new word
++nwords[i]; //increment the count of number of characters in each word
} //After this step,we will have array with each word length.
for (i = 0; i < MAX; i++) //iterating through array
for (; nwords[i] > 0; nwords[i]--)
printf("$"); //if length of word > 0 , print $ and decrement the length.This is in loop.
if (nwords[i+1] == 0) //as MAX is 100, to avoid printing blank new lines in histogram,we check the length of next word.
break; //If it is 0, then break the loop
printf("\n"); //After each word bar in histogram, new line.
} //main
I've been also studying K&R book. An good approach is to use a int array for storing word frequencies. The array index is the word length, and the array values are the frequencies.
For example:
int histogram[15]; // declares an int array of size 15
// it is very important to initialize the array
for (int i = 0; i <= 15; ++i) {
histogram[i] = 0;
histogram[4] = 7; // this means that you found 7 words of length 4
Given that now you have a data structure for storing your word length frequencies, you can use the same reasoning of Word Counting example found in the book to populate the histogram array. It is very important that you manage to find the right spot for word length tracking (and resetting it) and histogram update.
You can create a function display_histogram for displaying the histogram afterwards.
Here's a code example:
#define MAX_WORD_LENGTH 15
#define IS_WORD_SEPARATOR_CHAR(c) (c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t')
#define IN 1
#define OUT 0
/* WARNING: There is no check for MAX_WORD_LENGTH */
void display_horizontal_histogram(int[]);
void display_vertical_histogram(int[]);
void display_histogram(int[], char);
void display_histogram(int histogram[], char type) {
if (type == 'h') {
} else if (type = 'v') {
void display_horizontal_histogram(int histogram[]) {
//ignoring 0 length words (i = 1)
for (int i = 1; i <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH; ++i) {
printf("%2d: ", i);
for (int j = 0; j < histogram[i]; ++j) {
void display_vertical_histogram(int histogram[]) {
int i, j, max = 0;
// ignoring 0 length words (i = 1)
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH; ++i) {
if (histogram[i] > max) {
max = histogram[i];
for (i = 1; i <= max; ++i) {
for (j = 1; j <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH; ++j) {
if (histogram[j] >= max - i + 1) {
printf(" * ");
} else {
printf(" ");
for (i = 1; i <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH; ++i) {
printf(" %2d ", i);
int main()
int c, state, word_length;
int histogram[MAX_WORD_LENGTH + 1];
for (int i = 0; i <= MAX_WORD_LENGTH; ++i) {
histogram[i] = 0;
word_length = 0;
state = OUT;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
state = OUT;
if (word_length != 0) {
word_length = 0;
} else {
if (state == OUT) {
state = IN;
if (word_length > 0) {
display_histogram(histogram, 'h');
display_histogram(histogram, 'v');
Here's an input/output sample:
kaldklasjdksla klsad lask dlsk aklsa lkas adç kdlaç kd dklask las kçlasd kas kla sd saçd sak dasças sad sajçldlsak dklaa slkdals kkçl askd lsak lçsakç lsak lsak laskjl sa jkskjd aslld jslkjsak dalk sdlk jsalk askl jdsj dslk salkoihdioa slk sahoi hdaklshd alsh lcklakldjsalkd salk j sdklald jskal dsakldaksl daslk
1: *
2: ***
3: ******
4: ***************
5: **********
6: ****
7: ****
8: ***
10: *
11: **
14: **
* *
* *
* *
* *
* * *
* * *
* * * * *
* * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * *
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
You should separate your 2 problems in functions, like:
void gethist(char *s, int *hist, int len)
{ /* words here breaks on spaces (' ') */
char *t;
for( t=strtok(s," ");t;t=strtok(0," ") )
hist[ strlen(t)>len-1?len-1:strlen(t)-1 ]++;
void outhist(int *hist, int len)
int i;
for( i=1; i<=len; ++i )
char *s = calloc(1,5+hist[i-1]);
sprintf(s,"%03d|", i);
memset( s+4, 'X', hist[i-1]);
then its easy in your main:
int main(void)
int c, hist[11] = {};
char *s = calloc(1,1);
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
s = realloc( s, 2+strlen(s) );
s[ strlen(s)+1 ] = 0;
s[ strlen(s) ] = c;
gethist(s,hist,11); free(s);
return 0;
The vertical histogram can be printed one line at a time, by going through the array of word lengths and decreasing the word length at each iteration. A # is printed if the word length is still above zero, and a space is printed when it reaches 0. The newline is printed after each iteration.
If lengths[i] holds the number of characters for word i, and wordn is the total number of words, then the following will print the vertical histogram:
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
more_lines = YES;
while (more_lines)
more_lines = NO;
for (i = 1; i <= wordn; ++i)
if (lengths[i] > 0 )
more_lines = YES;
printf(" \t");
The complete code is below:
/* Prints a histogram of the lenghts of words */
#define MAX_WORDS 100
#define IN 1
#define OUT 0
#define YES 1
#define NO 0
int c, length, wordn, i, j, state, more_lines, lengths[MAX_WORDS];
wordn = length = 0;
state = OUT;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WORDS; ++i) lengths[i] = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && wordn < MAX_WORDS)
if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n')
state = OUT;
else if (wordn == 0)
state = IN;
else if (state == IN)
else if (state == OUT)
lengths[wordn] = length;
length = 1;
state = IN;
lengths[wordn] = length;
/* Print histogram header */
for (i = 1; i <= wordn; ++i)
printf ("%d\t", i);
more_lines = YES;
while (more_lines)
more_lines = NO;
for (i = 1; i <= wordn; ++i)
if (lengths[i] > 0 )
more_lines = YES;
printf(" \t");
Although the exercise is based on Arrays, I tried to write it using the basic while loop and an if statement. I am not really good with Arrays as of now, so thought of trying this out. I have not tested it for bugs though, but it seems to be working fine for most inputs.
main() {
long int c;
while((c=getchar())!=EOF) {
if(c!=' '&&c!='\n'&&c!='\t') {
if(c==' '||c=='\n'||c=='\t') {
return 0;
Please note that this is a very basic piece of code to print it horizontally, just for the basic understanding of the structure.
// Histogram to print the length of words in its input
#include <stdio.h>
int wordcount[10],c,token=0;
int word=0, count =0;
for (int i=0; i<10; i++)
if(c== ' ' || c == '\n' || c== '\t')
// add the length of word in the appropriate array number
case 1:
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
case 6:
case 7:
case 8:
case 9:
case 10:
word =0;
else if (c != ' ' || c != '\n' || c!= '\t')
for (int j=0; j<10; j++)
printf("- ");
for (int k=0;k<wordcount[j];k++)
printf("X", wordcount[j]);
Here is the example of simple vertical Histogram
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int c, i, j, max;
int ndigit[10];
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
ndigit[i] = 0;
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF)
if (c >= '0' && c <= '9')
max = ndigit[0];
for (i = 1; i < 10; ++i) /* for Y-axis */
if (max < ndigit[i])
max = ndigit[i];
for (i = max; i > 0; --i) {
printf("%.3d|", i);
for (j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
(ndigit[j] >= i) ? printf(" X ") : printf(" ");
printf(" ");
for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) /* for X-axis */
printf("%3d", i);
return 0;
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main()
//hold length of string
unsigned long length;
// Holds the name input by user upto 50 characters
char name[50];
//iterator for generating dash for bar chart
int i = 0;
//iterator for generating dash for bar chart
int j = 0;
//take user name input
printf("input your name [without spaces and < 50 characters] : ");
scanf("%s", &name[0]);
//find the length of string
length = strlen(name);
printf("length of your name is %lu \n", length);
//generate dashes for bar chart
while (i < length)
printf("| \n");
// fill the bar chart with []
while (j < length)
printf("| \n");
//generate dashes for bar chart
while (length > 0)
printf("| \n");
input your name [without spaces and < 50 characters] : ThisIsAtestRun
length of your name is 14
I've tried to implement the latter part of the question (i.e. Displaying the histogram in a vertical manner) and have managed to get most of it done. In the code below, The maximum number of words accepted are 20 and the maximum word length is 10. Also, apologies for not getting the best graphical representation of a typical histogram but the logic to display vertical bars is completely accurate!
Here's my code,
#define MAXWORDS 20
#define MAXLENGTH 10
int c, nlength = 0, i, nword = 0, j;
int length_words[20]= {0};
while((c = getchar()) != EOF && nword <= MAXWORDS)
if(c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')
if(nlength != 0){
length_words[nword] = nlength;
/* for(i = 0; i < nlength; i++)
printf("Word number: %d has length: %d\n", nword - 1, nlength);
nlength = 0;
// Displaying the Histogram
for(i = MAXLENGTH; i > 0; i--)
for(j = 0; j < nword; j++)
if(i > length_words[j])
printf(" ");
printf(" O ");
Feel free to run this and let me know in case of any discrepancy or loopholes!
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
int i, ii, state, c, largest, highest;
int A[100];
for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
A[i] = 0;
i = ii = state = c = largest = 0;
while((c = getchar()) != EOF)
if(c == ' ' || c == '\b' || c == '\n')
if(largest <= i)
largest = i;
i = state = 0;
state = 1;
for(i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
if(highest <= A[i])
highest = A[i];
for(i = 0; i <= highest; ++i)
for(ii = 0; ii < 100; ++ii)
if(A[ii] > (highest - i))
printf(" \t");
for(ii = 0; ii < 100; ++ii)
for(ii = 0; ii < 100; ++ii)
printf("%d\t", ii + 1);
return 0;
Print Histogram based on word Length. (C Program).
#define MAX 15
int main()
int c, wordLength, count;
int arr[MAX] = { 0 };
wordLength = count = 0;
while((c = getchar()) != EOF)
if(c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')
for(int i = 0; i <= count; i++)
printf("\n%2d |", i+1);
for(int k = arr[i]; k > 0; k--)
printf("— ");
return 0;
Input/Output :
man in black thor jsjsk ksskka
1 |— — —
2 |— —
3 |— — — — —
4 |— — — —
5 |— — — — —
#define MAX 15
int main()
int c, count, maxLength;
int arr[MAX] = { 0 };
maxLength = count = 0;
while((c = getchar()) != EOF)
if(c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n')
if(arr[count] > maxLength)
maxLength = arr[count];
for(int i = 1; i <= maxLength + 2; i++)
for(int k = 0; k <= count; k++)
if(i <= maxLength)
if(maxLength - i < arr[k])
printf(" ");
if(maxLength - i == -1)
printf("%d", k+1);
printf(" ");
return 0;
Input/Output :
jsjs sjsj sjsj sjskks sjs sjs
| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
— — — — — —
1 2 3 4 5 6
here is the method that I used :
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAXWD 25 // maximum words
#define MAXLW 20 // maximum lenght of word or characters
int main(void) {
int word[MAXWD]; // an array consists of 25 words
int c, i, j, nc, nw; // declaring c for the input, i for the loop 'for', j is for printing left to right, nc and nw stands for new character and new word
for (i = 0; i < 25; ++i)
word[i] = 0;
nc = nw = 0; // set to count from 0
while ((c = getchar()) != EOF) {
if ( c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n') {
word[nw] = nc -1; // for deleting the space to go for the new word
nc = 0; // start counting from zero
for (i = MAXLW; i >= 1; --i) {
for(j = 0; j <= nw; ++j) { // to start from left to wright
if (i <= word[j]) // MAXLW is less or equal to the number of words
putchar(' ');
putchar ('\n');
return 0;
