subversion tool that also includes the include files of a program when showing changes - c

We have subversion to help us manage our c files (and tortoise svn as front end).
When I want to know the changes in a c module, I (of course) only get the changes in the "body" of the program, not the changes in the include files.
So I wrote a small simple programm finding out all include files of a c module, checking the last subversion change date for each include file and writing the result in an output file.
This way I get a full impression of what has changed recently in the whole module.
But the program is very simple and I would like to know, if there is a solution out there that handles this "full view" of a c module in good way.
As I work on multiple independent change requests at one time in one subversion working folder, it does not help just looking at the result of "check for modifications".
Thanks a lot in advance.

Some handwork (onetime) required, but it can work
Using (file-level type for all files in every "project" /reqiure SVN 1.6+/) create virtual (or real) folders, which will include all files for each project. After it svn log inside such folder in WC will show only related to project-files changes


How to fix function (that validates input) from not reading a text file? [duplicate]

Trying out the Clion EAP on the Mac. How does one change the current working directory for a launched program? It appears to be set to the output directory of the binaries.
This can be changed via the Run -> Edit Configurations... dialog, just like Idea.
The mix of needing to make changes to CMakeLists.txt for so much of the configuration just threw me, and I've been hunting for a way to change it there, but this bit at least is consistent with the other IDEs, which is good.
Hopefully they'll improve the rest of the Project Settings in a similar fashion.
The "Working Directory" is where the executable starts. Modifying the "Working Directory" in the Configurations setting tells Clion to change to the "Working Directory" after the executable starts execution.
If you want to change where the executable starts execution you will need to add a line to the CMakesLists.txt file.
add_executable(TimeServer ${SOURCE_FILES})
Position in the cmakes file is important. If you add the set command after the add_executable it will not work. It must come before.
These answers are relatively old. Not sure when the feature was added but there's a very nice UI way to set the current working directory now.
I made a YouTube tutorial for my COSC1030 (Beginning C++) students but the solution is the same for everyone:
If you know your CLion fairly well and don't need a demo, here's a short-hand version: Edit Configurations (from drop-down menu at top right of screen), enter the directory you want to use in Working Directory or select via "..." pop-up.

Sync folders with xcopy/batch based on checksum?

I'm trying to make a simple batch for windows that will basically sync two folders, the catch is that the files in the folders can be named arbitrarily and the snyc should be based on the checksum. I've only found information about xcopy that compares the timestamp so I'm wondering if this is possible in a simple matter at all.
Here is the scenario I'm trying to manage, you've got the "Import Folder" containing the files named A_2.bmp and A_3.bmp and the "Target Folder" containing file A_1.bmp.
File A_2.bmp is infact the same file as A_1.bmp, just with a different name and thus should be skipped, A_3.bmp should then be copied over to target folder and icrementally renamed to A_2.bmp.
This probably sounds more like a work for patching software, but I'm looking for a solution that doesn't require building patches all the time and is open for the user (so he can just drop files into the import folder and run it whenever the need arises)
If there is software for such a thing that is free and can be distributed without installing I would also consider this a good option, but I haven't found anything.
I'm thankful for any advice and help on this matter so thank you very much for your time and help!
You have this command line utility :
You can then make a bat who simply test the checksum of the files

Execute a program with a custom .ini path

I make a fair amount portable Apps for personal use and they work perfectly for the most part. I do, however, find it quite frustrating that if I run them on another computer none of my preferences are retained, as a program always looks in appData for the configuration files (which obviously don't exist on another system), so I'm wondering whether there is some kind of command line to launch an .exe with a custom .ini location.
I'm asking this firstly because Google has proved fruitless (once again) and secondly because I know it's possible - I've actually done this before, but with only one of my Apps. I accomplished this by launching the App via the command programFile.exe -f configFile.ini /s (I have also seen programFile.exe -d -f configFile.ini /s elsewhere). Naturally, I thought I would try to apply this to some other Apps but it seems it only works for that particular App.
So, is there a command/switch that I am unaware of that will do this for an .exe file?
It really depends on each executable file you are using. Some have support for what you are looking for, and some don't. Some programs don't even use .ini files. What you should look for is if each and every program you use have support for user data custom location.
The only case where generic arguments would be avaialble for a group of EXE files is if they are generated with the same tool, which automatically provides these arguments for you. InstallShield and MSI install programs have that kind of feature (with the silent install and automated installation for instance).
I suggest you look into the tool you are using to generate your portable Apps, and see if it does provide those generic arguments for you, and how they work. If it does not have that feature, then look into the Apps you were able to specify a custom location for your INI file. Somewhere into the code, there must be a piece of code that handles the arguments you specify to the EXE file and handles them. You should share that piece of code with your other Apps, to make sure they provide the same arguments list.

Configuration Management for FPGA Designs

Which configuration management tool is the best for FPGA designs, specifically Xilinx FPGA's programmed with VHDL and C for the embedded (microblaze) software?
There isn't a "best", but configuration control solutions that work for software will be OK for FPGAs - the flow is very similar. I use Subversion at work and git at home, and wrote a little on 'why' at my blog.
In other answers, binary files keep getting mentioned - the only binary files I deal with are compilation products (equivalent to software object and executables), so I don't keep them in the version control repository, I keep a zipfile for each release/tag that I create with all the important (and irritatingly slow to reproduce) ones in.
I don't think it much matters what revision control tool you use -- anything that you would consider good in general will probably be OK here. I personally use Git for a sizable Verilog + software project, and I'm quite happy with it.
What will bite you in the ass -- no matter what version control you use -- is this: The Xilinx tools don't generally respect a clean division between "input" and "output" or between (human edited) "source" and (opaque) "binary." Many of the tools like to store some state information, like a last-run time or a hash value, in their "input" files meaning that you'll get lots of false changes. Coregen does this to its .xco files, and project navigator (the main GUI) does this to its .xise files. Also, both tools have a habit of inserting or removing lines for default-valued parameters, seemingly at random.
The biggest issue I've encountered is the work-flow with Coregen: In many cases, at least one of the following is true:
You have to manually edit the HDL files produced by Coregen.
The parameters that went into Coregen are stored somewhere other than the .xco file (usually in what looks like an output file).
You have to copy-and-paste the output from Coregen into your top-level design.
This means that there is no single logical source/master location for your input to the core-generating process. So even if you have the .xco file under version control, there's no expectation that the design you're running corresponds to it. If you re-generate "the same" core from its nominal inputs, you probably won't get the right outputs. And don't even think about merging.
I suggest CM tools that support version labeling and binary files. Most Software CM applications are fine with ASCII text files. They may just store a "difference" file rather than the entire file for updates.
My recommendations: PVCS, ClearCase and Subversion. DO NOT USE Microsoft SourceSafe. I don't like it because it only supports one label per revision.
I've seen Perforce and Subversion used in a couple of FPGA-intensive companies.
We use Perforce, and its great. You can have your code that lives in Linux-land checked in side-by-side with your Specs and Docs that live in Windows-land. And you get branching, labels, etc.
I've seen everything from Clearcase to RCS used, and it is really all okay for this kind of thing. The important thing is to get a good set of check-in policies established for your group, and make sure they stick to it.
And have automated nightly regressions. That way, when someone breaks the rules, they can be identified and publicly shamed.
I have personally used Perforce, Subverion, git and ClearCase for FPGA projects. Since VHDL and C are just text files, any works fine. However be sure to capture the other project and contraint files and any libraries you use.
Also think about what to do with the outputs, e.g. log file and bitstreams. Both tend to be big and the bitstreams are binaries.
Previously I used Subversion but have switched to git two years ago. Git handles FPGA design files just as well as it handles every other text and binary file. Git is all you need for version controlling your files and artifacts.
For building the designs, I recommend just using a single ISE project called "ise" (living in a subdirectory called "ise/"). You can take a look at my (very modest) FPGA open-source project on github for the file layout. I don't bother storing the ISE files at all since they are easy to regenerate. The only things I save are the Verilog files and some ISIM waveform config files. In other projects that use coregen I save the coregen.cgp project file and all of the *.xco scripts for regenerating cores. Then I use a Makefile for actually running coregen on the *.xco files. There are a few other Xilinx-specific files you should version control too: *.ucf, *.coe, *.xcf, etc.
I experimented with using Makefiles and the Xilinx command-line tools but found that ISE did a much better job tracking dependencies and calling the tools with the right arguments. Just don't make the mistake of trying to version control your ise/ project files or you will go mad. Xilinx has something like 300 different file types which change every release. If you want to save a file, you can try the ISE project file itself with a .xise extension. Anything that is hard to recreate, like the golden bitfile that you know works and took 6 hours to build, you might want to copy that and configuration manage it explicitly.

Setting up Netbeans/Eclipse for Linux Kernel Development

I'm doing some Linux kernel development, and I'm trying to use Netbeans. Despite declared support for Make-based C projects, I cannot create a fully functional Netbeans project. This is despite compiling having Netbeans analyze a kernel binary that was compiled with full debugging information. Problems include:
files are wrongly excluded: Some files are incorrectly greyed out in the project, which means Netbeans does not believe they should be included in the project, when in fact they are compiled into the kernel. The main problem is that Netbeans will miss any definitions that exist in these files, such as data structures and functions, but also miss macro definitions.
cannot find definitions: Pretty self-explanatory - often times, Netbeans cannot find the definition of something. This is partly a result of the above problem.
can't find header files: self-explanatory
I'm wondering if anyone has had success with setting up Netbeans for Linux kernel development, and if so, what settings they used. Ultimately, I'm looking for Netbeans to be able to either parse the Makefile (preferred) or extract the debug information from the binary (less desirable, since this can significantly slow down compilation), and automatically determine which files are actually compiled and which macros are actually defined. Then, based on this, I would like to be able to find the definitions of any data structure, variable, function, etc. and have complete auto-completion.
Let me preface this question with some points:
I'm not interested in solutions involving Vim/Emacs. I know some people like them, but I'm not one of them.
As the title suggest, I would be also happy to know how to set-up Eclipse to do what I need
While I would prefer perfect coverage, something that only misses one in a million definitions is obviously fine
SO's useful "Related Questions" feature has informed me that the following question is related: Upon reading it, the question is more of a comparison between IDE's, whereas I'm looking for how to set-up a particular IDE. Even so, the user Wade Mealing seems to have some expertise in working with Eclipse on this kind of development, so I would certainly appreciate his (and of course all of your) answers.
Eclipse seems to be pretty popular for Linux kernel development:
I previously wrote up an answer. Now I come up with all the details of the solution and would like to share it. Unfortunately stackoverflow does not allow me to edit the previous answer. So I write it up in this new answer.
It involves a few steps.
[1] The first step is to modify linux scripts to leave dep files in. By default after using them in the build, those dep files are removed. Those dep files contains exact dependency information about which other files a C file depends. We need them to create a list of all the files involved in a build. Thus, modify files under linux-x.y.z/scripts to make them not to remove the dep files like this:
Kbuild.include: echo do_not_rm1 rm -f $(depfile); echo do_not_rm2 rm -f $(depfile);
The other steps are detailed in my github code project file Roughly you do:
[2] Configure with your method of configuration, but be sure use "O=" option to build the obj files into a separate directory.
[3] Then use the same "O=" option and "V=1" option to build linux, and save make output into a file.
[4] Run my nbkparse script from the above github project. It does:
[4.1] Read in the make log file, and the dep files. Generate a mirroring command.
[4.2] Run the mirroring command to hard-link the relevant source files into a separate tree, and generate a make-log file for NetBeans to use.
Now create a NetBeans C project using the mirrored source tree and the generated log file. NetBeans should be able to resolve all the kernel symbols. And you will only see the files involved in the build.
The Eclipse wiki has a page about this: HowTo use the CDT to navigate Linux kernel source
I have been doing some embedded linux development. Including kernel module development and have imported the entire linux kernel source code into Eclipse, as a separate project. I have been building the kernel itself outside of Eclipse(so far), but I don't any reason why I shouldn't be able to set up the build environment within Eclipse to build the kernel. For my projects, as long as I setup the PATH properties to point to the appropriate linux source include directories, it seems to be pretty good about name completion for struct fields, etc.
I can't really comment, on if it is picking up the correct defines and not greying out the correspond sections, as I haven't really paid to much attention to the files within the kernel itself.(so far)
I was also wondering about using Netbeans as a linux 'C' IDE, as I do prefer Netbean's for Java GUI development.
I think this would work (done each step for various projects):
[1] Modify kernel build scripts to leave .d files. By default they are removed.
[2] Log the build process to a file.
[3] Write a script to parse the build log.
[3.1] From the build log, you know every .c files.
[3.2] From the .c file, you know which is the corresponding .d file.
[3.3] Look into .d files to find out all the included .h files.
[3.4] Form a complete .c and .h file list.
[4] Now create a new dir, and use "ln -s" or "ln" to pick files of interest.
Now, create a Netbeans project for existing source code in the [4].
Configure code assistance to use make-log file. You should see
exactly the effective source code as when you build it at [2].
Some explanations to the above steps:
At [2], do a real build so the log file contains the exact files and flags of interest.
Later netbeans will be able to use the exact flags to parse.
At [4], pick only the files you want to see. Incorporating the whole kernel tree into netbeans will be unpractical.
There is a trick to parsing .d files: Many of the depended items are not real paths to a .h file, they are a modified entry for part of the linux config sections in the auto config file. You may need to reverse the modification to figure out which is the real header file.
Actually there is a topic on netbeans site. This is the discussion url: . And there is a wiki page linked from the discussion: . Basically it asks you to prefix make with CFLAGS="-g3 -gdwarf-2" .
I found this link very helpful in setting up proper indexing in Eclipse. It requires running a script to alter Eclipse environment to match your kernel options, in my case
$ ./include/generated/autoconf.h .
An illustrated guide to indexing the linux kernel in eclipse
