Configure smtp for Episerver Forms - episerver

Is there any easy way to configure smtp for episerver forms? (iam using 4.0)
I want the form owner and potentially the user to get a confirmation mail.
I tried to add a smtp settings in web.config
<smtp deliveryMethod="Network">
<network defaultCredentials="false" enableSsl="true" host="" port="587" userName="***" password="***" />
And in episerver the form is configured:
I dont know if it should work, but i decided to read the logs and its complaining:
System.FormatException: The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.
at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressParser.ParseAddress(String data, Boolean expectMultipleAddresses, Int32& index)
at System.Net.Mail.MailAddressParser.ParseAddress(String data)
at System.Net.Mail.MailAddress..ctor(String address, String displayName, Encoding displayNameEncoding)
at EPiServer.Forms.Implementation.Actors.SendEmailAfterSubmissionActor.SendMessage(EmailTemplateActorModel emailConfig)
However, its really hard to guess which string its complaining about since all ive done seems right to me. Any ideas?

Ok, so it works. I dont know why i thought i could enter whatever i wanted at the "from" address. Make sure its a correct email address and it works just fine.
If you want an email address from a form field you can select it by its name like this.


How to remove default disclaimer in javamail

When sending emails via javamail, the following is always appended to the bottom of each message:
This email and any files transmitted with it are confidential and
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they
are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify
the system manager. This message contains confidential information and
is intended only for the individual named. If you are not the named
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.
Please notify the sender immediately by e-mail if you have received
this e-mail by mistake and delete this e-mail from your system. If you
are not the intended recipient you are notified that disclosing,
copying, distributing or taking any action in reliance on the contents
of this information is strictly prohibited.
How does one prevent this?
(NOTE: This problem is extremely frustrating to research on the web due to the fact that a disclaimer of this form is attached to so many indexed documents! :-(
JavaMail is not doing that, it is your outgoing SMTP server appending it to each message, probably set up by IT.
To confirm, you can use gmail's servers (with a personal account) and you will see it does not get added to the messages.
This should work. Pay attention to the form in which email body get parsed. In my case the emailBody string is on one line, so you have to put the "#Your disclaimer Here#" on one line. Answer for who will come in future.
public String deleteDisclaimer(String emailBody) {
String disclaimer = "#Your disclaimer here#";
if (emailBody.contains(disclaimer)) {
System.out.println("Deleting Disclaimer..");
return emailBody.substring(0,emailBody.indexOf(disclaimer));
System.out.println("DISCLAIMER NOT FOUND!");
return emailBody;

Change Recipient Address Google Apps Script

Is it possible to change the recipient address when using the reply function in Google Apps Script?
I want to receive an email from a random email account, mark it with a label and when scheduled, run the following code to reply to a desired email address rather than the original sender. The reason I want to reply is to keep it in the same thread. I have tried nearly all variations of the following code and can't get it to work the way I want it to:
thread.reply("This is a message.", {
htmlBody: "This is a message.",
name: "My Name",
recipient: "",
replyTo: "",
to: ""
If you're asking to generate a random email address and send a real email from that address... that's not possible.
However... you could set the replyTo optional parameter as a random address - though when users would try to reply to that thread they would get a bounce-back notification that the address could not be reached. However, the original sender (the non-random address) would still be visible in the original message.
If you look at the GmailApp docs (replying)/(sending), you'll notice a few limitations. The sender's address (from) must be a valid Alias, if you're sending mail from MailApp (Google Apps Script).
However, there are plenty of methods in the GmailMessage class such as getFrom() and getReplyTo() that would allow you to get/set the message's from/replyTo parameters and have them be the same value. That way, when you reply to a message you will always be in the same thread.

Target email address validiation

Before the client sends a new email, he/she specifies one or more (To) destination addresses. Is there any way to check the validity of these emails before sending the message ?
Define "validity".
This JavaMail FAQ entry might help.
The InternetAddress class only checks the syntax of the address. The InternetAddress class is not able to determine whether the address actually exists as a legal address. It is not even possible to verify the host name if the application is running behind a firewall or isn't currently connected to the Internet.

D3 Connection issue using mvsp java api

I am trying to connect to D3 Database with MVSP java api. So far:
I have downloaded the mvapi.jar
added it in project lib folder
written the sample code for connection inside main method
String url = "jdbc:mv:d3:hostname:portNo";
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("username", "");
props.setProperty("password", "");
String account = "AGCO";
String password = "";
MVConnection connection = null;
try {
// Getting error at this point
connection = new MVConnection(url,props);
MVStatement mvStatement = connection.createStatement();
MVResultSet results = mvStatement.executeQuery(query);
com.tigr.mvapi.exceptions.MVException: server error with errorCode 1023.
I checked the console but I'm not able to figure out the actual cause or whether I am entering the wrong username, password.
Please suggest what I am doing wrong.
First, you have to set a breakpoint or trace which function is throwing the errors. Then check the routes, (FileName) probably you will have much more experience than I do, but keep in mind that giving the full route ("account,filename," where the last comma is important) is never a bad idea while keep you safer and is mandatory if the filename is in a different account that you are logged to.
And like always please verify these things:
You have enough licenses. Try to close any terminal you have opened for testing your queries. Yes you know is true. One connection one license. Sometimes MVSP let you two under the same IP but chek this.
MVSP service is running. See Pick D3 documentation.
Your USER and ACCOUNT are both ENABLED to access in the MVSP server otherwise you won't be able to access these files or login with the user through the API. See the documentation to enable in the MVSP.Menu account.
I hope this helps.

Server is unwilling to process the request - Active Directory - Add User via C#

I used the example in this page to add a user to an Active Directory group, but I get an exception with the message "Server is unwilling to process the request" when executing
I had a similar issue where I was trying to add a member to a group. Specifically trying to add a group to a group and getting the same helpful error 'The server is unwilling to process the request' The answer provided by the OP did not work for me.
For me, the reason I was unable to add a group to my group was because the group I was trying to add members to was a 'global' scoped group whereas it needed to be a 'universal' scoped group. Hope this helps someone.
This question took me a lot of time to solve. First of all, the error message looks like a joke. Second, there is nothing more, just that message.
Anyway, I managed to fix it by:
Making sure that userDn contains the whole path (e.g., "LDAP://server-address/CN=" + userDn + ",OU=optional,DC=your-domain,DC=com". This is actually very important, if you don't supply the full path it will throw an Exception from HRESULT: 0x80005000.
Replacing dirEntry.Properties["member"].Add(userDn); by entry.Invoke("Add", new object[] { userDn });
Then I wanted to remove a user and I expected entry.Invoke("Remove", new object[] { userDn }); to work. However, this devilish AD will only work if you use lower case "remove", so entry.Invoke("remove", new object[] { userDn }); worked for me.
I got this generic error message when my path did not match the forest domain name. For example, if my forest domain name is, and I am trying to create a group with path CN=Users,DC=example,DC=net one has .com the other has .net - they don't line up. I would need to correct my group to match. My group path should then be CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com. describes potential causes for "The server is unwilling to process the request". Check ExtendedErrorMessage property of your exception to figure out what applies. In my case "00002145: SvcErr: DSID-031A1254, problem 5003 (WILL_NOT_PERFORM)". The following line resolved the issue:
ent.Properties["groupType"].Value = 8;
I had missed to set groupType and so attempted to nest a universal group in a global group. Find more information on groupType attribute in
Just look out, because the start of the .properties("distinguished Name") can be different than the .properties("cn"). If the user is created with a , or ; in the .properties("cn"), the start of the .properties("distinguished Name") will be the username with \, or \;.
This can give an error if u are trying to add a user you found by use of .properties("cn") to a Group.
After many days searching i find the problem. when you add user in group you must set "distinguished Name" not LDAP path.
You must write like this:
This is wrong code:
Also when you do remove mast to save this rule
P.S. ent is DirectoryEntry object of group
