Number of NOP Instructions per second - c

I'm writing a program to determine how many NOPs per second can be run, but the number I'm getting seems extremely small.
int main()
struct timeval tvStart, tvDiff, tvEnd;
unsigned int i;
unsigned long numberOfRuns = 0xffffffff;
gettimeofday(&tvStart, NULL);
for(i = 0; i < (unsigned int) 0xffffffff; i++)
hundred(); /*Simple assembly loop that runs 100 times and returns */
gettimeofday(&tvEnd, NULL);
timeval_subtract(&tvDiff, &tvEnd, &tvStart);
/* Get difference in time in microseconds */
unsigned long nopTime = (tvDiff.tv_sec * 1000000L) + tvDiff.tv_usec;
printf("NOP Seconds: %lu\n", nopTime);
gettimeofday(&tvStart, NULL);
for(i = 0; i < (unsigned int) 0xffffffff; i++)
none(); /* Assembly function that just returns */
gettimeofday(&tvEnd, NULL);
timeval_subtract(&tvDiff, &tvEnd, &tvStart);
/* Get difference in time in microseconds */
unsigned long retTime = (tvDiff.tv_sec * 1000000L) + tvDiff.tv_usec;
printf("RET Seconds: %lu\n", retTime);
unsigned long avgTime = nopTime - retTime;
/* Takes number of NOP runs and divides it by the time taken
and multiplies by 1,000,000 to convert to seconds */
printf("%lu\n", ((numberOfRuns * 100) / avgTime) * 1000000);
The first thing I do is run an assembly loop that consists of 100 NOP instructions 0xffffffff time and store the time it took in nopTime. Then, I do the same, but instead call an assembly function that just returns.
I believe I should be getting at least 1,000,000,000 NOP instructions per second, if not more, but I'm not even close. Here's the output of my last run:
NOP Seconds: 251077086
RET Seconds: 10450449
/* Calculated number of NOPs per second */
I'm not quite used to using larger data types, so are things being truncated and I'm not realizing it? Should I be making use of doubles? It seems that when I mess around with the data types, I get different numbers, but they are also fairly small numbers.
Is my logic just wrong?

I'm not sure if you can get NOP's in C but it may be possible using inline assembly. But even if you can write the NOPs inside the for loop with inline assembly, the actual loops generate arithmetic and branch instructions.
And if you compile without optimizations, you will even get memory loads and stores and those are slower.
Other than that, the theoretical speed of NOPs and nothing but NOP instructions on a pipelined CPU should be the same as the CPU frequency.
For practical purposes, if you really want to measure, you should write a loop in assembly that uses just registers, and inside the loop you have NOP instructions as much as they fit in a single instruction-cache block or maybe few blocks.
If you do this in C, compile with optimizations gcc -O3 so the for loop counter is only registers, and also make sure that the NOPs don't get optimized away. Look at the output assembly with gcc -S.


Why cannot my program reach integer addition instruction throughput bound?

I have read chapter 5 of CSAPP 3e. I want to test if the optimization techniques described in the book can work on my computer. I write the following program:
#define SIZE (1024)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int sum = 0;
int* array = malloc(sizeof(int) * SIZE);
unsigned long long before = __rdtsc();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; ++i) {
sum += array[i];
unsigned long long after = __rdtsc();
double cpe = (double)(after - before) / SIZE;
printf("CPE is %f\n", cpe);
printf("sum is %d\n", sum);
return 0;
and it reports the CPE is around 1.00.
I transform the program using the 4x4 loop unrolling technique and it leads to the following program:
#define SIZE (1024)
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int sum = 0;
int* array = malloc(sizeof(int) * SIZE);
int sum0 = 0;
int sum1 = 0;
int sum2 = 0;
int sum3 = 0;
/* 4x4 unrolling */
unsigned long long before = __rdtsc();
for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i += 4) {
sum0 += array[i];
sum1 += array[i + 1];
sum2 += array[i + 2];
sum3 += array[i + 3];
unsigned long long after = __rdtsc();
sum = sum0 + sum1 + sum2 + sum3;
double cpe = (double)(after - before) / SIZE;
printf("CPE is %f\n", cpe);
printf("sum is %d\n", sum);
return 0;
Note that I omit the code to handle the situation when SIZE is not a multiple of 4. This program reports the CPE is around 0.80.
My program runs on an AMD 5950X, and according to AMD's software optimization manual (, the integer addition instruction has a latency of 1 cycle and throughput of 4 instructions per cycle. It also has a load-store unit which could execute three independent load operations at the same time. My expectation of the CPE is 0.33, and I do not know why the result is so much higher.
My compiler is gcc 12.2.0. All programs are compiled with flags -Og.
I checked the assembly code of the optimized program, but found nothing helpful:
movslq %r9d, %rcx
addl (%r8,%rcx,4), %r11d
addl 4(%r8,%rcx,4), %r10d
addl 8(%r8,%rcx,4), %ebx
addl 12(%r8,%rcx,4), %esi
addl $4, %r9d
cmpl $127, %r9d
jle .L4
I assume at least 3 of the 4 addl instructions should execute in parallel. However, the result of the program does not meet my expectation.
cmpl $127, %r9d is not a large iteration count compared to rdtsc overhead and the branch mispredict when you exit the loop, and time for the CPU to ramp up to max frequency.
Also, you want to measure core clock cycles, not TSC reference cycles. Put the loop in a static executable (for minimal startup overhead) and run it with perf stat to get core clocks for the whole process. (As in Can x86's MOV really be "free"? Why can't I reproduce this at all? or some perf experiments I've posted in other answers.)
See Idiomatic way of performance evaluation?
10M to 1000M total iterations is appropriate since that's still under a second and we only want to measure steady-state behaviour, not cold-cache or cold-branch-predictor effect. Or page-faults. Interrupt overhead tends to be under 1% on an idle system. Use perf stat --all-user to only count user-space cycles and instructions.
If you want to do it over an array (instead of just removing the pointer increment from the asm), do many passes over a small (16K) array so they all hit in L1d cache. Use a nested loop, or use an and to wrap an index.
Doing that, yes you should be able to measure the 3/clock throughput of add mem, reg on Zen3 and later, even if you leave in the movslq overhead and crap like that from compiler -Og output.
When you're truly micro-benchmarking to find out stuff about throughput of one form of one instruction, it's usually easier to write asm by hand than to coax a compiler into emitting the loop you want. (As long as you know enough asm to avoid pitfalls, e.g. .balign 64 before the loop just for good measure, to hopefully avoid front-end bottlenecks.)
See also for how they measure; for any given test, you can click on the link to see the asm loop body for the experiments they ran, and the raw perf counter outputs for each variation on the test. (Although I have to admit I forget what MPERF and APERF mean for AMD CPUs; the results for Intel CPUs are more obvious.) e.g. is the Zen3 results, which includes a test of 4 or 8 independent add reg, [r14+const] instructions as the inner loop body.
They also tested with an indexed addressing mode. With "With unroll_count=200 and no inner loop" they got identical results for MPERF / APERF / UOPS for 4 independent adds, with indexed vs. non-indexed addressing modes. (Their loops don't have a pointer increment.)

Using Time stamp counter to get the time stamp

I have used the below code to get the clock cycle of the processor
unsigned long long rdtsc(void)
unsigned hi, lo;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
return ( (unsigned long long)lo)|( ((unsigned long long)hi)<<32 );
I get some value say 43, but what is the unit here? Is it in microseconds or nanoseconds.
I used below code to get the frequency of my board.
cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/cpuinfo_cur_freq
I also used below code to find my processor speed
dmidecode -t processor | grep "Speed"
Max Speed: 3700 MHz
Current Speed: 3700 MHz
Now how do I use above frequency and convert it to microseconds or milliseconds?
A simple answer to the stated question, "how do I convert the TSC frequency to microseconds or milliseconds?" is: You do not. What the TSC (Time Stamp Counter) clock frequency actually is, varies depending on the hardware, and may vary during runtime on some. To measure real time, you use clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME) or clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) in Linux.
As Peter Cordes mentioned in a comment (Aug 2018), on most current x86-64 architectures the Time Stamp Counter (accessed by the RDTSC instruction and __rdtsc() function declared in <x86intrin.h>) counts reference clock cycles, not CPU clock cycles. His answer to a similar question in C++ is valid for C also in Linux on x86-64, because the compiler provides the underlying built-in when compiling C or C++, and rest of the answer deals with the hardware details. I recommend reading that one, too.
The rest of this answer assumes the underlying issue is microbenchmarking code, to find out how two implementations of some function compare to each other.
On x86 (Intel 32-bit) and x86-64 (AMD64, Intel and AMD 64-bit) architectures, you can use __rdtsc() from <x86intrin.h> to find out the number of TSC clock cycles elapsed. This can be used to measure and compare the number of cycles used by different implementations of some function, typically a large number of times.
Do note that there are hardware differences as to how the TSC clock is related to CPU clock. The abovementioned more recent answer goes into some detail on that. For practical purposes in Linux, it is sufficient in Linux to use cpufreq-set to disable frequency scaling (to ensure the relationship between the CPU and TSC frequencies does not change during microbenchmarking), and optionally taskset to restrict the microbenchmark to specific CPU core(s). That ensures that the results gathered in that microbenchmark yield results that can be compared to each other.
(As Peter Cordes commented, we also want to add _mm_lfence() from <emmintrin.h> (included by <immintrin.h>). This ensures that the CPU does not internally reorder the RDTSC operation compared to the function to be benchmarked. You can use -DNO_LFENCE at compile time to omit those, if you want.)
Let's say you have functions void foo(void); and void bar(void); that you wish to compare:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <x86intrin.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#ifdef NO_LFENCE
#define lfence()
#include <emmintrin.h>
#define lfence() _mm_lfence()
static int cmp_ull(const void *aptr, const void *bptr)
const unsigned long long a = *(const unsigned long long *)aptr;
const unsigned long long b = *(const unsigned long long *)bptr;
return (a < b) ? -1 :
(a > b) ? +1 : 0;
unsigned long long *measure_cycles(size_t count, void (*func)())
unsigned long long *elapsed, started, finished;
size_t i;
elapsed = malloc((count + 2) * sizeof elapsed[0]);
if (!elapsed)
return NULL;
/* Call func() count times, measuring the TSC cycles for each call. */
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
/* First, let's ensure our CPU executes everything thus far. */
/* Start timing. */
started = __rdtsc();
/* Ensure timing starts before we call the function. */
/* Call the function. */
/* Ensure everything has been executed thus far. */
/* Stop timing. */
finished = __rdtsc();
/* Ensure we have the counter value before proceeding. */
elapsed[i] = finished - started;
/* The very first call is likely the cold-cache case,
so in case that measurement might contain useful
information, we put it at the end of the array.
We also terminate the array with a zero. */
elapsed[count] = elapsed[0];
elapsed[count + 1] = 0;
/* Sort the cycle counts. */
qsort(elapsed, count, sizeof elapsed[0], cmp_ull);
/* This function returns all cycle counts, in sorted order,
although the median, elapsed[count/2], is the one
I personally use. */
return elapsed;
void benchmark(const size_t count)
unsigned long long *foo_cycles, *bar_cycles;
if (count < 1)
printf("Measuring run time in Time Stamp Counter cycles:\n");
foo_cycles = measure_cycles(count, foo);
bar_cycles = measure_cycles(count, bar);
printf("foo(): %llu cycles (median of %zu calls)\n", foo_cycles[count/2], count);
printf("bar(): %llu cycles (median of %zu calls)\n", bar_cycles[count/2], count);
Note that the above results are very specific to the compiler and compiler options used, and of course on the hardware it is run on. The median number of cycles can be interpreted as "the typical number of TSC cycles taken", because the measurement is not completely reliable (may be affected by events outside the process; for example, by context switches, or by migration to another core on some CPUs). For the same reason, I don't trust the minimum, maximum, or average values.
However, the two implementations' (foo() and bar()) cycle counts above can be compared to find out how their performance compares to each other, in a microbenchmark. Just remember that microbenchmark results may not extend to real work tasks, because of how complex tasks' resource use interactions are. One function might be superior in all microbenchmarks, but poorer than others in real world, because it is only efficient when it has lots of CPU cache to use, for example.
In Linux in general, you can use the CLOCK_REALTIME clock to measure real time (wall clock time) used, in the very same manner as above. CLOCK_MONOTONIC is even better, because it is not affected by direct changes to the realtime clock the administrator might make (say, if they noticed the system clock is ahead or behind); only drift adjustments due to NTP etc. are applied. Daylight savings time or changes thereof does not affect the measurements, using either clock. Again, the median of a number of measurements is the result I seek, because events outside the measured code itself can affect the result.
For example:
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#ifdef NO_LFENCE
#define lfence()
#include <emmintrin.h>
#define lfence() _mm_lfence()
static int cmp_double(const void *aptr, const void *bptr)
const double a = *(const double *)aptr;
const double b = *(const double *)bptr;
return (a < b) ? -1 :
(a > b) ? +1 : 0;
double median_seconds(const size_t count, void (*func)())
struct timespec started, stopped;
double *seconds, median;
size_t i;
seconds = malloc(count * sizeof seconds[0]);
if (!seconds)
return -1.0;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &started);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, &stopped);
seconds[i] = (double)(stopped.tv_sec - started.tv_sec)
+ (double)(stopped.tv_nsec - started.tv_nsec) / 1000000000.0;
qsort(seconds, count, sizeof seconds[0], cmp_double);
median = seconds[count / 2];
return median;
static double realtime_precision(void)
struct timespec t;
if (clock_getres(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t) == 0)
return (double)t.tv_sec
+ (double)t.tv_nsec / 1000000000.0;
return 0.0;
void benchmark(const size_t count)
double median_foo, median_bar;
if (count < 1)
printf("Median wall clock times over %zu calls:\n", count);
median_foo = median_seconds(count, foo);
median_bar = median_seconds(count, bar);
printf("foo(): %.3f ns\n", median_foo * 1000000000.0);
printf("bar(): %.3f ns\n", median_bar * 1000000000.0);
printf("(Measurement unit is approximately %.3f ns)\n", 1000000000.0 * realtime_precision());
In general, I personally prefer to compile the benchmarked function in a separate unit (to a separate object file), and also benchmark a do-nothing function to estimate the function call overhead (although it tends to give an overestimate for the overhead; i.e. yield too large an overhead estimate, because some of the function call overhead is latencies and not actual time taken, and some operations are possible during those latencies in the actual functions).
It is important to remember that the above measurements should only be used as indications, because in a real world application, things like cache locality (especially on current machines, with multi-level caching, and lots of memory) hugely affect the time used by different implementations.
For example, you might compare the speeds of a quicksort and a radix sort. Depending on the size of the keys, the radix sort requires rather large extra arrays (and uses a lot of cache). If the real application the sort routine is used in does not simultaneously use a lot of other memory (and thus the sorted data is basically what is cached), then a radix sort will be faster if there is enough data (and the implementation is sane). However, if the application is multithreaded, and the other threads shuffle (copy or transfer) a lot of memory around, then the radix sort using a lot of cache will evict other data also cached; even though the radix sort function itself does not show any serious slowdown, it may slow down the other threads and therefore the overall program, because the other threads have to wait for their data to be re-cached.
This means that the only "benchmarks" you should trust, are wall clock measurements used on the actual hardware, running actual work tasks with actual work data. Everything else is subject to many conditions, and are more or less suspect: indications, yes, but not very reliable.

optimized sum of an array of doubles in C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to optimize these loops (with compiler optimization disabled)?
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I've got an assignment where I must take a program and make it more efficient in terms of time.
the original code is:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// You are only allowed to make changes to this code as specified by the comments in it.
// The code you submit must have these two values.
#define N_TIMES 600000
#define ARRAY_SIZE 10000
int main(void)
double *array = calloc(ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(double));
double sum = 0;
int i;
// You can add variables between this comment ...
long int help;
// ... and this one.
// Please change 'your name' to your actual name.
printf("CS201 - Asgmt 4 - I. Forgot\n");
for (i = 0; i < N_TIMES; i++) {
// You can change anything between this comment ...
int j;
for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) {
sum += array[j];
// ... and this one. But your inner loop must do the same
// number of additions as this one does.
// You can add some final code between this comment ...
// ... and this one.
return 0;
I almost exclusively modified the second for loop by changing it to
double *j=array;
double *p=array+ARRAY_SIZE;
for(; j<p;j+=10){
sum += j[0]+j[1]+j[2]+j[3]+j[4]+j[5]+j[6]+j[7]+j[8]+j[9];
this on its own was able to reduce the time down to the criteria...
it already seems to work but are there any mistakes i'm not seeing?
I posted an improved version of this answer on a duplicate of this: C loop optimization help for final assignment. It was originally just a repost, but then I made some changes to answer the differences in that question. I forget what's different, but you should probably read that one instead. Maybe I should just delete this one.
See also other optimization guides in the x86 tag wiki.
First of all, it's a really crap sample because it doesn't have anything to stop a smart compiler from optimizing away the entire thing. It doesn't even print the sum. Even gcc -O1 (instead of -O3) threw away some of the looping.
Normally you'd put your code in a function, and call it in a loop from main() in another file. And compile them separately, without whole-program cross-file optimisation, so the compiler can't do optimisations based on the compile-time constants you call it with. The repeat-loop being wrapped so tightly around the actual loop over the array is causing havoc with gcc's optimizer (see below).
gcc -Wall -O3 -march=native fast-loop-cs201.c -o fl
fast-loop-cs201.c: In function ‘main’:
fast-loop-cs201.c:17:14: warning: ‘help’ is used uninitialized in this function [-Wuninitialized]
long int help;
I have to agree with EOF's disparaging remarks about your prof. Giving out code that optimizes away to nothing, and with uninitialized variables, is utter nonsense.
Some people are saying in comments that "the compiler doesn't matter", and that you're supposed to do optimize your C source for the CPU microarchitecture, rather than letting the compiler do it. This is crap: for good performance, you have to be aware of what compilers can do, and can't do. Some optimizations are "brittle", and a small seemingly-innocent change to the source will stop the compiler from doing something.
I assume your prof mentioned a few things about performance. There are a crapton of different things that could come into play here, many of which I assume didn't get mentioned in a 2nd-year CS class.
Besides multithreading with openmp, there's vectorizing with SIMD. There are also optimizations for modern pipelined CPUs: specifically, avoid having one long dependency chain.
Further essential reading:
Agner Fog's guides for optimizing C and asm for x86. Some of it applies to all CPUs.
What Every Programmer Should Know About Memory
Your compiler manual is also essential, esp. for floating point code. Floating point has limited precision, and is not associative. The final sum does depend on which order you do the additions in. However, usually the difference in rounding error is small. So the compiler can get a big speedup by re-ordering things if you use -ffast-math to allow it. This may have been what your unroll-by-10 allowed.
Instead of just unrolling, keeping multiple accumulators which you only add up at the end can keep the floating point execution units saturated, because FP instructions have latency != throughput. If you need the result of the last op to be complete before the next one can start, you're limited by latency. For FP add, that's one per 3 cycles. In Intel Sandybridge, IvB, Haswell, and Broadwell, the throughput of FP add is one per cycle. So you need to keep at least 3 independent ops that can be in flight at once to saturate the machine. For Skylake, it's 2 per cycle with latency of 4 clocks. (On the plus side for Skylake, FMA is down to 4 cycle latency.)
In this case, there's also basic stuff like pulling things out of the loop, e.g. help += ARRAY_SIZE.
compiler options
I started out with the original inner loop, with just help += ARRAY_SIZE pulled out, and adding a printf at the end so gcc doesn't optimize everything away. Let's try some compiler options and see what we can achieve with gcc 4.9.2 (on my i5 2500k Sandybridge. 3.8GHz max turbo (slight OC), 3.3GHz sustained (irrelevant for this short benchmark)):
gcc -O0 fast-loop-cs201.c -o fl: 16.43s performance is a total joke. Variables are stored to memory after every operation, and re-loaded before the next. This is a bottleneck, and adds a lot of latency. Not to mention losing out on actual optimisations. Timing / tuning code with -O0 is not useful.
-O1: 4.87s
-O2: 4.89s
-O3: 2.453s (uses SSE to do 2 at once. I'm of course using a 64bit system, so hardware support for -msse2 is baseline.)
-O3 -ffast-math -funroll-loops: 2.439s
-O3 -march=sandybridge -ffast-math -funroll-loops: 1.275s (uses AVX to do 4 at once.)
-Ofast ...: no gain
-O3 -ftree-parallelize-loops=4 -march=sandybridge -ffast-math -funroll-loops: 0m2.375s real, 0m8.500s user. Looks like locking overhead killed it. It only spawns the 4 threads total, but the inner loop is too short for it to be a win (because it collects the sums every time, instead of giving one thread the first 1/4 of the outer loop iterations).
-Ofast -fprofile-generate -march=sandybridge -ffast-math, run it, then
-Ofast -fprofile-use -march=sandybridge -ffast-math: 1.275s
clang-3.5 -Ofast -march=native -ffast-math: 1.070s. (clang doesn't support -march=sandybridge).
gcc -O3 vectorizes in a hilarious way: The inner loop does 2 (or 4) iterations of the outer loop in parallel, by broadcasting one array element to all elements of an xmm (or ymm) register, and doing an addpd on that. So it sees the same values are being added repeatedly, but even -ffast-math doesn't let gcc just turn it into a multiply. Or switch the loops.
clang-3.5 vectorizes a lot better: it vectorizes the inner loop, instead of the outer, so it doesn't need to broadcast. It even uses 4 vector registers as 4 separate accumulators. However, it doesn't assume that calloc returns aligned memory, and for some reason it thinks the best bet is a pair of 128b loads.
vmovupd -0x60(%rbx,%rcx,8),%xmm4`
vinsertf128 $0x1,-0x50(%rbx,%rcx,8),%ymm4,%ymm4
It's actually slower when I tell it that the array is aligned. (with a stupid hack like array = (double*)((ptrdiff_t)array & ~31); which actually generates an instruction to mask off the low 5 bits, because clang-3.5 doesn't support gcc's __builtin_assume_aligned.) I think the way the tight loop of 4x vaddpd mem, %ymmX,%ymmX is aligned puts cmp $0x271c,%rcx crossing a 32B boundary, so it can't macro-fuse with jne. uop throughput shouldn't be an issue, though, since this code is only getting 0.65insns per cycle (and 0.93 uops / cycle), according to perf.
Ahh, I checked with a debugger, and calloc is only returning a 16B-aligned pointer. So half the 32B memory accesses are crossing a cache line, causing a big slowdown. I guess it is slightly faster to do two separate 16B loads when your pointer is 16B-aligned but not 32B-aligned, on Sandybridge. The compiler is making a good choice here.
Source level changes
As we can see from clang beating gcc, multiple accumulators are excellent. The most obvious way to do this would be:
for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j+=4) { // unroll 4 times
sum0 += array[j];
sum1 += array[j+1];
sum2 += array[j+2];
sum3 += array[j+3];
and then don't collect the 4 accumulators into one until after the end of the outer loop.
Your source change of
sum += j[0]+j[1]+j[2]+j[3]+j[4]+j[5]+j[6]+j[7]+j[8]+j[9];
actually has a similar effect, thanks to out-of-order execution. Each group of 10 is a separate dependency chain. order-of-operations rules say the j values get added together first, and then added to sum. So the loop-carried dependency chain is still only the latency of one FP add, and there's lots of independent work for each group of 10. Each group is a separate dependency chain of 9 adds, and takes few enough instructions for the out-of-order execution hardware to see the start of the next chain and, and find the parallelism to keep those medium latency, high throughput FP execution units fed.
With -O0, as your silly assignment apparently requires, values are stored to RAM at the end of every statement. (Technically, at every "sequence point", as the C standards call it.) Writing longer expressions without updating any variables, even temporaries, will make -O0 run faster, but it's not a useful optimisation. Don't waste your time on changes that only help with -O0, esp. not at the expense of readability.
Using 4-accumulators and not adding them together until the end of the outer loop defeats clang's auto-vectorizer. It still runs in only 1.66s (vs. 4.89 for gcc's non-vectorized -O2 with one accumulator). Even gcc -O2 without -ffast-math also gets 1.66s for this source change. Note that ARRAY_SIZE is known to be a multiple of 4, so I didn't include any cleanup code to handle the last up-to-3 elements (or to avoid reading past the end of the array, which would happen as written now). It's really easy to get something wrong and read past the end of the array when doing this.
gcc, on the other hand, does vectorize this, but it also pessimises (un-optimises) the inner loop into a single dependency chain. I think it's doing multiple iterations of the outer loop, again.
Using gcc's platform-independent vector extensions, I wrote a version which compiles into apparently-optimal code:
// compile with gcc -g -Wall -std=gnu11 -Ofast -fno-tree-vectorize -march=native fast-loop-cs201.vec.c -o fl3-vec
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <string.h>
// You are only allowed to make changes to this code as specified by the comments in it.
// The code you submit must have these two values.
#define N_TIMES 600000
#define ARRAY_SIZE 10000
int main(void)
double *array = calloc(ARRAY_SIZE, sizeof(double));
double sum = 0;
int i;
// You can add variables between this comment ...
long int help = 0;
typedef double v4df __attribute__ ((vector_size (8*4)));
v4df sum0={0}, sum1={0}, sum2={0}, sum3={0};
const size_t array_bytes = ARRAY_SIZE*sizeof(double);
double *aligned_array = NULL;
// this more-than-declaration could go in an if(i == 0) block for strict compliance with the rules
if ( posix_memalign((void**)&aligned_array, 32, array_bytes) ) {
exit (1);
memcpy(aligned_array, array, array_bytes); // In this one case: faster to align once and have no extra overhead for N_TIMES through the loop
// ... and this one.
// Please change 'your name' to your actual name.
printf("CS201 - Asgmt 4 - I. Forgot\n");
for (i = 0; i < N_TIMES; i++) {
// You can change anything between this comment ...
#if defined(__GNUC__) && (__GNUC__ * 100 + __GNUC_MINOR__) >= 407 // GCC 4.7 or later.
array = __builtin_assume_aligned(array, 32);
// force-align for other compilers. This loop-invariant will be done outside the loop.
array = (double*) ((ptrdiff_t)array & ~31);
assert ( ARRAY_SIZE / (4*4) == (ARRAY_SIZE+15) / (4*4) ); // We don't have a cleanup loop to handle where the array size isn't a multiple of 16
// incrementing pointers can be more efficient than indexing arrays
// esp. on recent Intel where micro-fusion only works with one-register addressing modes
// of course, the compiler can always generate pointer-incrementing asm from array-indexing source
const double *start = aligned_array;
while ( (ptrdiff_t)start & 31 ) {
// annoying loops like this are the reason people use aligned buffers
sum += *start++; // scalar until we reach 32B alignment
// in practice, this loop doesn't run, because we copy into an aligned buffer
// This will also require a cleanup loop, and break our multiple-of-16 doubles assumption.
const v4df *end = (v4df *)(aligned_array+ARRAY_SIZE);
for (const v4df *p = (v4df *)start ; p+3 < end; p+=4) {
sum0 += p[0]; // p+=4 increments the pointer by 4 * 4 * 8 bytes
sum1 += p[1]; // make sure you keep track of what you're incrementing
sum2 += p[2];
sum3 += p[3];
// the compiler might be smart enough to pull this out of the inner loop
// in fact, gcc turns this into a 64bit movabs outside of both loops :P
help+= ARRAY_SIZE;
// ... and this one. But your inner loop must do the same
// number of additions as this one does.
/* You could argue legalese and say that
if (i == 0) {
for (j ...)
sum += array[j];
sum *= N_TIMES;
* still does as many adds in its *INNER LOOP*, but it just doesn't run it as often
// You can add some final code between this comment ...
sum0 = (sum0 + sum1) + (sum2 + sum3);
sum += sum0[0] + sum0[1] + sum0[2] + sum0[3];
printf("sum = %g; help=%ld\n", sum, help); // defeat the compiler.
free (aligned_array);
free (array); // not strictly necessary, because this is the end of main(). Leaving it out for this special case is a bad example for a CS class, though.
// ... and this one.
return 0;
The inner loop compiles to:
4007c0: c5 e5 58 19 vaddpd (%rcx),%ymm3,%ymm3
4007c4: 48 83 e9 80 sub $0xffffffffffffff80,%rcx # subtract -128, because -128 fits in imm8 instead of requiring an imm32 to encode add $128, %rcx
4007c8: c5 f5 58 49 a0 vaddpd -0x60(%rcx),%ymm1,%ymm1 # one-register addressing mode can micro-fuse
4007cd: c5 ed 58 51 c0 vaddpd -0x40(%rcx),%ymm2,%ymm2
4007d2: c5 fd 58 41 e0 vaddpd -0x20(%rcx),%ymm0,%ymm0
4007d7: 4c 39 c1 cmp %r8,%rcx # compare with end with p
4007da: 75 e4 jne 4007c0 <main+0xb0>
(For more, see online compiler output at godbolt. Note I had to cast the return value of calloc, because godbolt uses C++ compilers, not C compilers. The inner loop is from .L3 to jne .L3. See for x86 asm links. See also Micro fusion and addressing modes, because this Sandybridge change hasn't made it into Agner Fog's manuals yet.).
$ perf stat -e task-clock,cycles,instructions,r1b1,r10e,stalled-cycles-frontend,stalled-cycles-backend,L1-dcache-load-misses,cache-misses ./fl3-vec
CS201 - Asgmt 4 - I. Forgot
sum = 0; help=6000000000
Performance counter stats for './fl3-vec':
1086.571078 task-clock (msec) # 1.000 CPUs utilized
4,072,679,849 cycles # 3.748 GHz
2,629,419,883 instructions # 0.65 insns per cycle
# 1.27 stalled cycles per insn
4,028,715,968 r1b1 # 3707.733 M/sec # unfused uops
2,257,875,023 r10e # 2077.982 M/sec # fused uops. lower than insns because of macro-fusion
3,328,275,626 stalled-cycles-frontend # 81.72% frontend cycles idle
1,648,011,059 stalled-cycles-backend # 40.47% backend cycles idle
751,736,741 L1-dcache-load-misses # 691.843 M/sec
18,772 cache-misses # 0.017 M/sec
1.086925466 seconds time elapsed
I still don't know why it's getting such low instructions per cycle. The inner loop is using 4 separate accumulators, and I checked with gdb that the pointers are aligned. So cache-bank conflicts shouldn't be the problem. Sandybridge L2 cache can sustain one 32B transfers per cycle, which should keep up with the one 32B FP vector add per cycle.
Loads 32B loads from L1 take 2 cycles (it wasn't until Haswell that Intel made 32B loads a single-cycle operation). However, there are 2 load ports, so the sustained throughput is 32B per cycle (which we're not reaching).
Perhaps the loads need to be pipelined ahead of when they're used, to minimize having the ROB (re-order buffer) fill up when a load stalls? But the perf counters indicate a fairly high L1 cache hit rate, so hardware prefetch from L2 to L1 seems to be doing its job.
0.65 instructions per cycle is only about half way to saturating the vector FP adder. This is frustrating. Even IACA says the loop should run in 4 cycles per iteration. (i.e. saturate the load ports and port1 (where the FP adder lives)) :/
update: I guess L2 latency was the problem after all. Reducing ARRAY_SIZE to 1008 (multiple of 16), and increasing N_TIMES by a factor of 10, brought the runtime down to 0.5s. That's 1.68 insns per cycle. (The inner loop is 7 total instructions for 4 FP adds, thus we are finally saturating the vector FP add unit, and the load ports.) IDK why the HW prefetcher can't get ahead after one stall, and then stay ahead. Possibly software prefetch could help? Maybe somehow avoid having the HW prefetcher run past the array, and instead start prefetching the start of the array again. (loop tiling is a much better solution, see below.)
Intel CPUs only have 32k each L1-data and L1-instruction caches. I think your array would just barely fit in the L1 on an AMD CPU.
Gcc's attempt to vectorize by broadcasting the same value into a parallel add doesn't seem so crazy. If it had managed to get this right (using multiple accumulators to hide latency), that would have allowed it to saturate the vector FP adder with only half the memory bandwidth. As-is, it was pretty much a wash, probably because of overhead in broadcasting.
Also, it's pretty silly. The N_TIMES is a just a make-work repeat. We don't actually want to optimize for doing the identical work multiple times. Unless we want to win at silly assignments like this. A source-level way to do this would be to increment i in the part of the code we're allowed to modify:
for (...) {
sum += a[j] + a[j] + a[j] + a[j];
i += 3; // The inner loop does 4 total iterations of the outer loop
More realistically, to deal with this you could interchange your loops (loop over the array once, adding each value N_TIMES times). I think I've read that Intel's compiler will sometimes do that for you.
A more general technique is called cache blocking, or loop tiling. The idea is to work on your input data in small blocks that fit in cache. Depending on your algorithm, it can be possible to do various stages of thing on a chunk, then repeat for the next chunk, instead of having each stage loop over the whole input. As always, once you know the right name for a trick (and that it exists at all), you can google up a ton of info.
You could rules-lawyer your way into putting an interchanged loop inside an if (i == 0) block in the part of the code you're allowed to modify. It would still do the same number of additions, but in a more cache-optimal order.
I would try this for the inner loop:
double* tmp = array;
for (j = 0; j < ARRAY_SIZE; j++) {
sum += *tmp; // Use a pointer
tmp++; // because it is faster to increment the pointer
// than it is to recalculate array+j every time
or better
double* tmp = array;
double* end = array + ARRAY_SIZE; // Get rid of variable j by calculating
// the end criteria and
while (tmp != end) { // just compare if the end is reached
sum += *tmp;
I think You should read about openmp library if You could use multithreaded. But this is so simple example that I think could not be optimized.
Certain thing is that You don't need to declare i and j before for loop. That would do:
for (int i = 0; i < N_TIMES; i++)

My attempt to optimize memset on a 64bit machine takes more time than standard implementation. Can someone please explain why?

(machine is x86 64 bit running SL6)
I was trying to see if I can optimize memset on my 64 bit machine. As per my understanding memset goes byte by byte and sets the value. I assumed that if I do in units of 64 bits, it would be faster. But somehow it takes more time. Can someone take a look at my code and suggest why ?
/* Code */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
void memset8(unsigned char *dest, unsigned char val, uint32_t count)
while (count--)
*dest++ = val;
void memset32(uint32_t *dest, uint32_t val, uint32_t count)
while (count--)
*dest++ = val;
memset64(uint64_t *dest, uint64_t val, uint32_t count)
while (count--)
*dest++ = val;
#define CYCLES 1000000000
int main()
clock_t start, end;
double total;
uint64_t loop;
uint64_t val;
/* memset 32 */
start = clock();
for (loop = 0; loop < CYCLES; loop++) {
memset32((uint32_t*)&val, 0, 2);
end = clock();
total = (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Timetaken memset32 %g\n", total);
/* memset 64 */
start = clock();
for (loop = 0; loop < CYCLES; loop++) {
memset64(&val, 0, 1);
end = clock();
total = (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Timetaken memset64 %g\n", total);
/* memset 8 */
start = clock();
for (loop = 0; loop < CYCLES; loop++) {
memset8((unsigned char*)&val, 0, 8);
end = clock();
total = (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Timetaken memset8 %g\n", total);
/* memset */
start = clock();
for (loop = 0; loop < CYCLES; loop++) {
memset(&val, 0, 8);
end = clock();
total = (double)(end-start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
printf("Timetaken memset %g\n", total);
Timetaken memset32 12.46
Timetaken memset64 7.57
Timetaken memset8 37.12
Timetaken memset 6.03
Looks like the standard memset is more optimized than my implementation.
I tried looking into code and everywhere is see that implementation of memset is same as what I did for memset8. When I use memset8, the results are more like what I expect and very different from memset.
Can someone suggest what am I doing wrong ?
Actual memset implementations are typically hand-optimized in assembly, and use the widest aligned writes available on the targeted hardware. On x86_64 that will be at least 16B stores (movaps, for example). It may also take advantage of prefetching (this is less common recently, as most architectures have good automatic streaming prefetchers for regular access patterns), streaming stores or dedicated instructions (historically rep stos was unusably slow on x86, but it is quite fast on recent microarchitectures). Your implementation does none of these things. It should not be terribly surprising that the system implementation is faster.
As an example, consider the implementation used in OS X 10.8 (which has been superseded in 10.9). Here’s the core loop for modest-sized buffers:
.align 4,0x90
1: movdqa %xmm0, (%rdi,%rcx)
movdqa %xmm0, 16(%rdi,%rcx)
movdqa %xmm0, 32(%rdi,%rcx)
movdqa %xmm0, 48(%rdi,%rcx)
addq $64, %rcx
jne 1b
This loop will saturate the LSU when hitting cache on pre-Haswell microarchitectures at 16B/cycle. An implementation based on 64-bit stores like your memset64 cannot exceed 8B/cycle (and may not even achieve that, depending on the microarchitecture in question and whether or not the compiler unrolls your loop). On Haswell, an implementation that uses AVX stores or rep stos can go even faster and achieve 32B/cycle.
As per my understanding memset goes byte by byte and sets the value.
The details of what the memset facility does are implementation dependent. Relying on this is usually a good thing, because the I'm sure the implementors have extensive knowledge of the system and know all kind of techniques to make things as fast as possible.
To elaborate a little more, lets look at:
memset(&val, 0, 8);
When the compiler sees this it can notice a few things like:
The fill value is 0
The number of bytes to fill is 8
and then choose the right instructions to use depending on where val or &val is (in a register, in memory, ...). But if memset is stuck needing to be a function call (like your implementations), none of those optimizations are possible. Even if it can't make compile time decisions like:
memset(&val, x, y); // no way to tell at compile time what x and y will be...
you can be assured that there's a function call written in assembler that will be as fast as possible for your platform.
I think it's worth exploring how to write a faster memset particularly with GCC (which I assume you are using with Scientific Linux 6) in C/C++. Many people assume the standard implementation is optimized. This is not necessarily true. If you see table 2.1 of Agner Fog's Optimizing Software in C++ manuals he compares memcpy for for several different compilers and platforms to his own assembly optimized version of memcpy. Memcpy in GCC at the time really underperformed (but the Mac version was good). He claims the built in functions are even worse and recommends using -no-builtin. GCC in my experience is very good at optimizing code but its library functions (and built in functions) are not very optimized (with ICC it's the other way around).
It would be interesting to see how good you could do using intrinsics. If you look at his asmlib you can see how he implements memset with SSE and AVX (it would be interesting to compare this to the Apple's optimized version Stephen Canon posted).
With AVX you can see he writes 32 bytes at a time.
K100: ; Loop through 32-bytes blocks. Register use is swapped
; Rcount = end of 32-bytes blocks part
; Rdest = negative index from the end, counting up to zero
vmovaps [Rcount+Rdest], ymm0
add Rdest, 20H
jnz K100
vmovaps in this case is the same as the intrinsic _mm256_store_ps. Maybe GCC has improved since then but you might be able to beat GCC's implementation of memset using intrinsics. If you don't have AVX you certainly have SSE (all x86 64bit do) so you could look at the SSE version of his code to see what you could do.
Here is a start for your memset32 funcion assuming the array fits in the L1 cache. If the array does not fit in the cache you want to do a non temporal store with _mm256_stream_ps. For a general function you need several cases also including cases when the memory is not 32 byte aligned.
#include <immintrin.h>
int main() {
int count = (1<<14)/sizeof(int);
int* dest = (int*)_mm_malloc(sizeof(int)*count, 32); // 32 byte aligned
__m256 val8 = _mm256_castsi256_ps(_mm256_set1_epi32(val));
for(int i=0; i<count; i+=8) {
_mm256_store_ps((float*)(dest+i), val8);

Calculating CPU frequency in C with RDTSC always returns 0

The following piece of code was given to us from our instructor so we could measure some algorithms performance:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
static unsigned cyc_hi = 0, cyc_lo = 0;
static void access_counter(unsigned *hi, unsigned *lo) {
asm("rdtsc; movl %%edx,%0; movl %%eax,%1"
: "=r" (*hi), "=r" (*lo)
: /* No input */
: "%edx", "%eax");
void start_counter() {
access_counter(&cyc_hi, &cyc_lo);
double get_counter() {
unsigned ncyc_hi, ncyc_lo, hi, lo, borrow;
double result;
access_counter(&ncyc_hi, &ncyc_lo);
lo = ncyc_lo - cyc_lo;
borrow = lo > ncyc_lo;
hi = ncyc_hi - cyc_hi - borrow;
result = (double) hi * (1 << 30) * 4 + lo;
return result;
However, I need this code to be portable to machines with different CPU frequencies. For that, I'm trying to calculate the CPU frequency of the machine where the code is being run like this:
int main(void)
double c1, c2;
c1 = get_counter();
c2 = get_counter();
printf("CPU Frequency: %.1f MHz\n", (c2-c1)/1E6);
printf("CPU Frequency: %.1f GHz\n", (c2-c1)/1E9);
return 0;
The problem is that the result is always 0 and I can't understand why. I'm running Linux (Arch) as guest on VMware.
On a friend's machine (MacBook) it is working to some extent; I mean, the result is bigger than 0 but it's variable because the CPU frequency is not fixed (we tried to fix it but for some reason we are not able to do it). He has a different machine which is running Linux (Ubuntu) as host and it also reports 0. This rules out the problem being on the virtual machine, which I thought it was the issue at first.
Any ideas why this is happening and how can I fix it?
Okay, since the other answer wasn't helpful, I'll try to explain on more detail. The problem is that a modern CPU can execute instructions out of order. Your code starts out as something like:
push 1
call sleep
Modern CPUs do not necessarily execute instructions in their original order though. Despite your original order, the CPU is (mostly) free to execute that just like:
push 1
call sleep
In this case, it's clear why the difference between the two rdtscs would be (at least very close to) 0. To prevent that, you need to execute an instruction that the CPU will never rearrange to execute out of order. The most common instruction to use for that is CPUID. The other answer I linked should (if memory serves) start roughly from there, about the steps necessary to use CPUID correctly/effectively for this task.
Of course, it's possible that Tim Post was right, and you're also seeing problems because of a virtual machine. Nonetheless, as it stands right now, there's no guarantee that your code will work correctly even on real hardware.
Edit: as to why the code would work: well, first of all, the fact that instructions can be executed out of order doesn't guarantee that they will be. Second, it's possible that (at least some implementations of) sleep contain serializing instructions that prevent rdtsc from being rearranged around it, while others don't (or may contain them, but only execute them under specific (but unspecified) circumstances).
What you're left with is behavior that could change with almost any re-compilation, or even just between one run and the next. It could produce extremely accurate results dozens of times in a row, then fail for some (almost) completely unexplainable reason (e.g., something that happened in some other process entirely).
I can't say for certain what exactly is wrong with your code, but you're doing quite a bit of unnecessary work for such a simple instruction. I recommend you simplify your rdtsc code substantially. You don't need to do 64-bit math carries your self, and you don't need to store the result of that operation as a double. You don't need to use separate outputs in your inline asm, you can tell GCC to use eax and edx.
Here is a greatly simplified version of this code:
#include <stdint.h>
uint64_t rdtsc() {
uint64_t ret;
# if __WORDSIZE == 64
asm ("rdtsc; shl $32, %%rdx; or %%rdx, %%rax;"
: "=A"(ret)
: /* no input */
: "%edx"
asm ("rdtsc"
: "=A"(ret)
return ret;
Also you should consider printing out the values you're getting out of this so you can see if you're getting out 0s, or something else.
As for VMWare, take a look at the time keeping spec (PDF Link), as well as this thread. TSC instructions are (depending on the guest OS):
Passed directly to the real hardware (PV guest)
Count cycles while the VM is executing on the host processor (Windows / etc)
Note, in #2 the while the VM is executing on the host processor. The same phenomenon would go for Xen, as well, if I recall correctly. In essence, you can expect that the code should work as expected on a paravirtualized guest. If emulated, its entirely unreasonable to expect hardware like consistency.
You forgot to use volatile in your asm statement, so you're telling the compiler that the asm statement produces the same output every time, like a pure function. (volatile is only implicit for asm statements with no outputs.)
This explains why you're getting exactly zero: the compiler optimized end-start to 0 at compile time, through CSE (common-subexpression elimination).
See my answer on Get CPU cycle count? for the __rdtsc() intrinsic, and #Mysticial's answer there has working GNU C inline asm, which I'll quote here:
// prefer using the __rdtsc() intrinsic instead of inline asm at all.
uint64_t rdtsc(){
unsigned int lo,hi;
__asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a" (lo), "=d" (hi));
return ((uint64_t)hi << 32) | lo;
This works correctly and efficiently for 32 and 64-bit code.
hmmm I'm not positive but I suspect the problem may be inside this line:
result = (double) hi * (1 << 30) * 4 + lo;
I'm suspicious if you can safely carry out such huge multiplications in an "unsigned"... isn't that often a 32-bit number? ...just the fact that you couldn't safely multiply by 2^32 and had to append it as an extra "* 4" added to the 2^30 at the end already hints at this possibility... you might need to convert each sub-component hi and lo to a double (instead of a single one at the very end) and do the multiplication using the two doubles
