MKS Integrity list all files from sandbox and their Member Rev - integrity

is there a way that I could list all files from my sandbox with their Member Rev. by using si.exe?
Beside this, are there any special rights required in order to do this?

You could do this using:
si viewsandbox
Enter sandbox name: d:\DELETEME\SB1\project.pj
Do you want to recurse into the subproject d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\project.pj? [ynYN](n): y
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\project.pj (d1) variant-subsandbox
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\AISubsystem.txt archived 1.3
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\ConversionTool.asm archived 1.1
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\ExceptionHandler.asm archived 1.1
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\ archived 1.6
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\dataStructure.txt archived 1.2
d:\DELETEME\SB1\watch\findSmallestInput.asm archived 1.1


Error publishing app on apple, archive without version

oh when I post it gives identity error
enter image description here
The provided entity includes a relationship with an invalid value
'' is not a valid id for the relationship 'build' (ID: 5809e44a-8b06-4ca7-83d7-bdbd4e6893d6)
enter image description here
tips on how to solve
This solution works for me
Xcode is not archiving to the specified version number
open info.plist to source
and change this

OWL API V5 read ontology from local file

in the current documentation example at the link:
There is no example of how to load an ontology from a local file. There is only a way to load it from a string.
In the past when i used owl-api version 3
the following code worked perfectly:
OWLOntologyManager manager =OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
File file = new File (path);
OWLOntology ont = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(IRI.create(file));
however, in this version, the last line of the previous code:
returns this error:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:
at org.semanticweb.owlapi.rdf.rdfxml.parser.RDFXMLParser.parse(
at glass.main.ontology_Test_main2.readOntology(
at glass.main.ontology_Test_main2.main(
Kindly note the attachment, a small test java project, link:
Kindly what am i doing wrong, i m sure that this code
Kindly would you please provide the correct way to do it, and add it to the tutorial example in the link
Thanks very much for your time.
Sincere regards
You are very near to the solution:
final OWLOntologyManager manager = OWLManager.createOWLOntologyManager();
final OWLOntology ontology = manager.loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(new File("/home/galigator/myLocalDir/aura.owl"));
Just use new File instead of IRI.create
The reason of the problem was:
The previous versions that i was using:
I was using Hermit version and OWL-API previous version 5.0.5 got modified it seems.
Solution: use the newer versions Hermit and OWL-API 5.1.0.
I posted this answer in case someone else is using the previous version and got affected.
Sincere regards.

Display project version in ASP.NET Core 1.0.0 web application

None of what used to work in RC.x helps anymore.
I have tried these:
They all return instead of 1.0.0-9 which should be after execution of the dotnet publish --version-suffix 9 having this in project.json: "version": "1.0.0-*"
Basically they give me "File version" from the attached picture instead of "Product version" which dotnet publish actually seems to change.
For version 1.x:
For version 2.0.0 this attribute contains something ugly:
2.0.0 built by: dlab-DDVSOWINAGE041 so use this one:
I would do it like this on ASP.NET Core 2.0+
var assemblyVersion = typeof(Startup).Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString();
In .Net Core 3.1 I show the version directly in my View using:
This shows the Assembly Version you have in your csproj file:
If you want to display the "other" FileVersion or "Informational" Version properties in the View add using System.Reflection:
using System.Reflection;
.... bunch of html and stuff
<footer class="main-footer">
<div class="float-right hidden-xs">
<b>Assembly Version</b> #(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version)
<b>File Version</b> #(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute<AssemblyFileVersionAttribute>().Version)
<b>Info Version</b> #(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttribute<AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute>().InformationalVersion)
Note that after adding the System.Reflection the original #GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString() line returns and you need to use the #Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName().Version
There's a blog post here
Edit: Make sure to follow proper naming conventions for the Version strings. In general, they need to lead with a number. If you don't, your app will build but when you try to use NuGet to add or restore packages you'll get an error like 'anythingGoesVersion' is not a valid version string. Or a more cryptic error: Missing required property 'Name'. Input files: C:\Users....csproj.'
more here:
This work for me too:
It works with csproj file - either <Version>, or <VersionPrefix>1.2.3</VersionPrefix>. However the <VersionSuffix> isn't recoganized as this doc says.
The answer by Michael G should have been the accepted one since it works as expected. Just citing the answer by Michael G above.
var version = GetType().Assembly.GetName().Version.ToString();
works fine. It gets the Package version set in the Package tab of project properties.
As an addition, if we need to get the Description we set in the same tab, this code would work. (core 3.1)
string desc = GetType().Assembly.GetCustomAttribute<AssemblyDescriptionAttribute>().Description;
Just in case someone needs this.
Happy coding !!!

Programmatically reading the "Details" tab of an executable

I wish to read the values contained within the details tab of a .exe file. At a minimum the 'Title' value under 'Description'. Can anybody advise?
If you want to access this information from a batch-file, consider using sigcheck from SysInternals, for example:
> sigcheck.exe accesschk.exe
Verified: Signed
Signing date: 21:15 18-1-2015
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Description: Reports effective permissions for securable objects
Product: Sysinternals AccessChk
Prod version: 5.21
File version: 5.21
MachineType: 32-bit
For more tips read this and this answer.
You probably need this:
Assuming that you wanna look at the windows files.
If you wanna look at linux files (which are not .exe) - you probably need this:

how to get dataset of 10.000 static html pages from Wiki

I am working on a classification algorithm. In order to do that I need a dataset that contains about 10,000 static HTML pages from wikimedia. Something like
page-title-1.html .... page-title-10000.html
I tried Google and I find out that my best solution was downloading it from
However, I do not know how to use it in order to get what I want.
There are some files as following
html.lst 2008-Jun-19 17:25:05 692.2M application/octet-stream
images.lst 2008-Jun-19 18:02:09 307.4M application/octet-stream
skins.lst 2008-Jun-19 17:25:06 6.0K application/octet-stream
wikipedia-en-html.tar.7z 2008-Jun-21 16:44:22 14.3G application/x-7z-compressed
I want to know how to do with *.lst files and what is in wikipedia-en-html.tar.7z
You might want to read the section "Static HTML tree dumps for mirroring or CD distribution" of Database download on Wikipedia (and in fact that whole page, which points you to 7zip for unpacking the main archive).
