2sxc DNN - QueryString attribute filter - dotnetnuke

I'm using the blog app of 2sxc DNN module.
It already has querystring by author and tags, i was wondering if it would be possible todo one with PublicationMoment with Year only.
I only want to show post by year, so thought doing a query string would be helpful
(example: xxxx/blog/?PublicationMoment=2015), however in visualquery i don't know how to go about it, as QueryString is through a relationship filter by Entity not by attribute.
Anyhelp in this regard would be helpful

I think this should be easy... here's how you can start going on about it...
While you're experimenting, please create a completely new query which only queries this. You need this, because you'll be tinkering around a bit and you want to be sure you're not confusing yourself with other parts of the query.
You should be able to create a value-filter where the publication-moment between and then date1 and date2. While tinkering, I suggest you really do a 2016-01-01 and 2017-01-01. once that works, start replacing the static values 2016-01-01 with [QueryString:Start] or with [QueryString:Year]-01-01....then build on that.


How to properly format wordpress post date in ionic angularjs

I am working on a news blog mobile app using wordpress WP-API, everything else is working ok, but am having problem formatting the wordpress post date
this {{post.date}} gives me something like2016-08-07T15:45:26
How ever I want to format the date to have something like dd-mm-year, then in another one I get the time, instead of 15:45:26, I want to get something like 3:45 pm.
If possible, I will also like a filter that returns the date 2016-08-07T15:45:26 to something like 24 hours ago, 2 days ago, 1 week ago etc
Had the same problem too. You may want to check this
You could use a date manipulation library to convert the datetime provided by WordPress to the desired format. You may want to check out Moment.js.

List style article in drupal 7

I'm trying to create a content type that allows me to post multiple images from an external database in this sort of style: http://www.newageman.co.uk/14-time-travelling-celebrities
In an ideal world this is what I would like my group of fields to look like in the article creation screen.
Any idea how I would achieve this using best practices? To post articles like this I'm currently using a piece of php code but it's confusing for my contributors, so would like to use fields. I've never made a module or custom field before.
Thank you!
I have done something similar using the Field Group module, you may give it a try.

Dojo Calendar is only showing numbers instead of month names

I currently have a problem with Dojo's calendar. It doesn't seem to be showing the name of the month when the locale is switched to zh-tw.
Instead of getting:
we get
We don't have this problem when Dojo the locale is set to en. This is somewhat related to https://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/10490.
Anyone have a clue as to how to fix this? :)
That's because they implemented it that way. You can look at the source code and see that the months are numbered. You can even compare it to the English version.
As far as I know there is no way to extend or override this, so you will have to extend the dijit.Calendar._MonthDropDown yourself and hardcode it (not that this is a best practice).

How to display dynamic marker label info from database

For the past month or so I have been trying to solve this problem. I checked the website extensively, including all tutorials I could find, and even bought a book. I previously posted but have had no luck. Hopefully I have more info to get some help.
Basically I have a map in my FileMaker database. Everything works fine, except for one thing I would like to change. When I roll over each marker I would like to see the label show the customers name, instead of the static "Marker 1", "Marker 2", etc.
I included a link to dropbox that has the html, the MarkersArray custom function and hopefully all the info that's passed to the Html that may be needed. Through much trial and terror, I can't figure out how to make it happen. Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
instantiate a variable that calculates the company name inside of your for loop. replace "Marker" +i with the variable.

How to get city code weather in AccuWeather?

Have someone ever use AccuWeather to search your country weather? I want to get my city weather code in AccuWeather who can help me? The code generate has form like this: EUR|DE|GM014|TORGAU. I can't find my city code (Phnom Penh, Cambodia)
to find your location
use this link provided by the help in ubuntu
add your location at the end of the link
For Phnom Penh, the code you seek is ASI|KH|CB012|PHNOM PENH.
Now in general, getting that old style format is difficult because around the end of 2009 / beginning of 2010 they did away with that style of coding stations and replaced it with a newer, perhaps more friendly model. So new style,
will give you the current for Phnom Penh.
If you really really really need to find the old style codes, there is an awesome list here. I would recommend you download the list from here as it is gold at this point and then you can programmatically access it however you see fit. Regex would be a good bet as the format seems to be pretty consistent.
Find your (nearest) city here: http://pastebin.com/dbtemx5F

