SQL select HTML5 datetime-local - sql-server

Using a datetime-local form field, and inserting its value into a SQL 2014 smalldatetime field. When querying the database to populate the form field for editing, I'm using
SELECT FORMAT(myDate, 'yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss') AS myDate
My form field code is:
<input type="datetime-local" name="myDate"
id="myDate" required
When populating the above form field with this database value, it returns the correct date and time BUT it always indicates AM. EXAMPLE: the value in the database table is
2016-11-03 13:09:00 but the value in the form shows as 11/03/2016 01:09 AM
How can I change my SQL format to accurately populate the form field? It should be 11/03/2016 01:09 PM?

I would leave the formatting in the front end. However, if you change the hours to uppercase it will give you the time in 24 hour format.
SELECT FORMAT(myDate, 'yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss') AS myDate


Converting text to date format SSIS

I am using SSIS to import data from Excel to SQL Server database.
The date column has nvarchar data type, and I want to change it to a date data type YYYY-MM-DD.
If the value is null then I want to get null.
I used [mycolumn] date, on the create a new table option on the OLE DB destination.
Is that right?
Add a Data Conversion Data Flow Component.
Right click, Show Advanced Editor...
Goto Input and Output Properties
Expand Data Conversion Output and click on the date column
Set FastParse to True in the Custom Properties
Make sure the data type is set to database date [DT_DBDATE]
Run the ssis package again the yyyymmdd dates should flow smoothly from nvarchar to date
Convert [mycolumn] to the needed DATE format before inserting it to the table. Try this:-
SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10), [mycolumn],126)

Get date from int (YYYYMMDD)

By doing a mistake a few months ago I got myself in a situation, where I have to find a workaround for the following problem:
I am saving dates as integer in a common format inside my SQL Server database (YYYYMMDD). I want to have my select statement giving me the integer in a format, that looks like a date (or even is in a true date type) to the user, so I can use the received datatable directly as datasource for my DataGridView.
I do not want to use clientside formatting
Let's call the table myTable and the integer/date column myIntDate
myIntDate can be NULL
sample myIntDate-value : 20160803 for the 3rd of August 2016
Select cast(cast(20160729 as varchar(10)) as date)
Select cast(left(20160729,8) as date)

Day/Month/Year date changed to Month/Day/Year in SQL

I have an old Classic ASP application that was worked perfectly, recently it was moved to window server 2012 server with IIS 8.5, the problem is that I have a form to add record with Day/Month/Year format, when the date entered as 23/06/2015 in SQL will be added correctly as 23/06/2015 but when date entered as 01/06/2015 : 1st june 2015 in SQL will be added as 06/01/2015 Month/Day/Year which will be incorrect
I checked the location and date format for the server and it was dd/mm/yyyy, and the database didn't changed since the old server SQL 2008.
I searched the net and found the i need to change the IIS culture under GLOBALIZATION, but I don't know what to choose even if I chose my country still I am facing the same issue.
If you don't want to get into changing globalization and localization settings, the simple answer is to use the universal date input YYYYMMDD when inserting dates as strings.
To expland on your comment: when changing the format of the date string in an insert/update query it does not change the format within the sql table itself.
UPDATE [table]
SET [column] = '20150716 10:22'
WHERE Id = 7489
When viewed displays the same as the other records in the table:
Try this:-
Add an entry into global.asa as below...
'When a session starts on the server the following code will be run
Sub Session_OnStart
'Set the server locale
Session.LCID = 2057
End Sub
Somethimes when nothing fix this problem (or a global solution could damage old scripts), A workaround that you could use is the convert function, to change the format in your stored procedure.
For Example:
select getdate() --prints 2018-10-05 12:24:43.597
select Convert(char(10),getdate(),103) --To force the date to be dd/mm/yyyy
And not leting the asp page to format the date, just print raw.

Date Conversion Issue MS Access to SQL Server

I'm creating a table B from an exisitng table A. In the table A I have a column ValDate which is varchar and contains Date. When I try to create the table B I have a function used in the query as given below and I get a conversion error. Table A contains null values as well.
MS Access:
((DateDiff("d",Date(),format(Replace(Replace([Table A].ValDate,".","/"),"00/00/0000","00:00:00"),"dd/mm/yyyy")))>0)).
Tables were in MS Access and are being migrated to SQL Server 2012.
SQL Server:
((DATEDIFF(day,FORMAT( GETDATE(), 'dd-MM-yyyy', 'en-US' ),FORMAT( ValDate, 'dd-MM-yyyy', 'en-US' ))>0))
I tried converting the date using several approachs like Convert , Format and Cast but I end up getting error as below.
Msg 8116, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
Argument data type date is invalid for argument 1 of isdate function.
I would really appreciate someone telling me what I'm missing here.
since you have date data in a string field is very likely you have some value that is not valid against your expected date format.
copy the data in a sql server table and then perform check and validation of the content of the string field.
have a look to the function try_convert that can be helpful when checking the content of the string field containing the date values.
when bad data is ruled out you can apply again your formula with (hopefully) a different result.
a better solution would be to create a separate field with appropriate datatype to store date values converted from the string field and apply your logic to that field.

database field with type timestamp is not updating

Duplicate of database timestamp value is not
I have a variable which contains the date and time in 0000-00-00 00:00:00 format but when i put this variable in database field with type timestamp .. it is still 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Make sure that you are using the right format of the datetime. Mysql default datetime format is YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s. But, it seems that you are trying to insert the datetime value with the format of (YYYY:MM-DD H:i:s). It does not allow to insert the datetime value, so the inserted value becomes 0000-00-00 00:00:00.
Try by changing your calendar format to (YYYY-MM-DD H:i:s). I assume that you are using datatime datatype for the Valid_till column. Click the below to know more about mysql data structure.
Mysql Date format
