How to read, manipulate and write .docx file in c - c

I am reading .docx file in a buffer and writing it to a new file successfully. (Using fread and fwrite in C) However now I want to enhance the scope of this project for the purpose of encryption. For which I want to be able to manipulate the buffer, then write it in new file.
Now one question might be, what manipulation do I need?
It could be anything really, like I'd write character 's' in buffer's location 15. Like below, and then write this new buffer (having character 's' at location 15, but the rest of the buffer remains unchanged) in a new .docx file.
buffer[15] = 's';
When I did this, the file that was created was corrupt. Since I am not fully aware of the structure of .docx file, this byte number 15 could be some potential identifier, or header, or any important information of .docx file needed for creating a non-corrupt file.
However, the things I know about .docx internal structure are:
It consists of XML files, zipped together.
The content that is written in .docx file, (for e.g. I have a file named test.docx, and it contains "Hello, how are you?") then the contents "Hello, how are you?" are stored in XML files.
There is a .rels (not confirm) extension file, among those files that are zipped together, that tells MS word about where the content is stored in file, i.e. where to look for content.
Apart from these 3 points I don't know much about structure of .docx file. Now considering all this, I want to be able to extract the contents of .docx file, from the XML files zipped together, read it (in C) in a buffer, change the buffer as I need it, and create a new file, with the new content that is present in the buffer.
Can someone guide me through this?
Also kindly mention, if I need to provide code, or any other essential details. Thanks in advance.
I want to do all this for encryption. As by encrypting a file (using AES) the whole file will become unreadable, corrupt and everything inside will be changed from its place. When I decrypt that file, the file is unable to open. My guess is, as AES decryption algo does not know how to parse the contents recovered from decrypting the encrypted file, in to a new .docx file, thus it is unable to place the contents/structure properly in its place.
I have tried it. Original docx file was of 14 KB, encrypted docx file was of 14 KB as well as the decrypted docx file. But when I try to open the decrypted file, it says file is corrupt. Also I tried to check it in HEX editor. Decrypted file has just 00 bytes after exactly 30 Bytes.

DOCX files are based on OPC and OOXML. OPC is based on Zip. OOXML is based on XML. Therefore, you can use Zip and XML tools to operate on DOCX files. Beyond this, you'll have to be more specific about what you wish to do in order to receive better guidance.
Poking characters into random index locations in an XML file is operating at the wrong level of abstraction.


Extract all png files from a large txt file

I have a really large txt file (80MB) that contains about 700 png files and I want to find a way to extract them.
All I know is that png files start with ‰PNG characters and end with IEND®B`‚ if they open in a text editor and I believe if I find a way to store all strings between those characters in seperate files (including the start and end chars of course) I will achieve my goal.
But I have no idea how to do this considering the giant size of txt file. I tried Notepad++ to open the large file and it crashes due to its tremendous size.

File extension detection mechanism

How Application will detect file extension?
I knew that every file has header that contains all the information related to that file.
My question is how application will use that header to detect that file?
Every file in file system associated some metadata with it for example, if i changed audio file's extension from .mp3 to .txt and then I opened that file with VLC but still VLC is able to play that file.
I found out that every file has header section which contains all the information related to that file.
I want to know how can I access that header?
Just to give you some more details:
A file extension is basically a way to indicate the format of the data (for example, TIFF image files have a format specification).
This way an application can check if the file it handles is of the right format.
Some applications don't check (or accept wrong) file formats and just tries to use them as the format it needs. So for your .mp3 file, the data in this file is not changed when you simply change the extension to .txt.
When VLC reads the .txt byte by byte and interprets it as a .mp3 it can just extract the correct music data from that file.
Now some files include a header for extra validation of what kind of format the data inside the file is. For example a unicode text file (should) include a BOM to indicate how the data in the file needs to be handled. This way an application can check whether the header tag matches the expected header and so it knows for sure that your '.txt` file actually contains data in the 'mp3' format.
Now there are quite some applications to read those header tags, but they are often specific for each format. This TIFF Tag Viewer for example (I used it in the past to check the header tags from my TIFF files).
So or you could just open your file with some kind of hex viewer and then look at the format specifications what every bytes means, or you search Google for a header viewer for the format you want to see them.

C program for reading doc, docx, pdf

I want to write a program in C(only c not c++ or java) that will read doc, docx, pdf and want to make it available on github to use for all who needs that code. So I started with .doc file I explored that if I open .doc file with simple notepad it will show you all text but just with some extra content which you can easily trim. So I did write a simple c program to read .doc wile in both 'r' and 'rb' mode but both time it gives me only 5-9 character in the file and those also not readable. I don't know why it's happening. Any comment or disccussion will be very helpful for me.
Here is the link for github Source code. Please help me to complete all three format.
To answer your specific question, the reason your little application stops reading is because it mistakenly thinks there is an EOF character in your file.
Look at your code:
char ch;
int nol=0, not=0, nob=0, noc=0;
FILE *fp;
fp = fopen("file.doc","rb");
ch = fgetc(fp);
You store the result of fgetc(fp) in a variable of type char, which is a single-byte variable. However, the result of fgetc is very purposefully "int", not "char".
fgetc always returns a positive result in the range 0 to 255, except for when you reach the end of the file in which case it returns EOF, which is often implemented as a -1 value.
If you read a byte of value 255 and store it in an int, everything is OK, it's stored as the value 255 and your loop can continue. If you store the result in a char, it's going to be interpreted equal to EOF. And your loop stops.
Don't expect to get anywhere with this idea. .doc is a huge binary file format that is inhumanly complicated to parse. With that said, Cubia mentioned the offset where the text section of the document starts. I'm not familiar with the details of the format, but if the raw text is contained in one location, use fseek to get at it and stop when you reach the end. This won't be the case for the other formats because they are very different.
.docx and .pdf should be easier to parse because they are more modern formats. If you want to read anything from a docx you need to read from a zip file with a ton of xml in it and use a parser to figure out which text you want.
.pdf should be the easiest of the three because you might be able to find a library out there that can almost do what you want.
As for why you are getting strange output from your program, remember that .doc is a binary format and the vast majority of the data is garbage from your perspective. Dumping it to the terminal will yield readable text but also a bunch of control characters that should screw with your terminal.
As a last note - don't try to read docx files directly using fread - they are compressed so you likely won't recover the text unaltered. Take a look at libarchive. Also - expect to have to read the document specifications. docx seems to be a microsoft extension to the openoffice format. See this and some PDF specification documents (there are multiple versions).
Look at the .doc file type as a txt file but with extra non-printable characters before, in the middle, and after your content. These non-printable characters are used for defining special formatting, metadata and other infos.
With this said, all .doc files follow a certain structure.
If you open two different .doc files in a hex editor, you will notice that the text content of both files start at an offset of 0xA00 (2560 bytes) from the beginning of the file. This means that when you open your file initially, you can ignore the first 2560 bytes of the file (Take a look at the fseek() function).
From this point on, you can read the contents of your file until you reach '\0'.
I have not seen the implementation of a .pdf or a .docx file, but you can take open up both files with a hex editor and figure out what pattern you can use the isolate the important contents of the files.
Hope this helps.
EDIT : You can always find documentation on the different file formats that you want to manipulate. Here are the specifications of the PDF file type :

Read/Write files in C

I'm writing a program in C that basically creates an archive file for a given list of file names. This is pretty similar to the ar command in linux. This is how the archive file would look like:
file1.txt/ 1350248044 45503 13036 100660 28 `
this is sample file 1
file2.txt/ 1350512270 45503 13036 100660 72 `
this is sample file 2
this file is a little larger than file1.txt
But I'm having difficulties trying to exract a file from the archive. Let's say the user wants to extract file1.txt. The idea is it should get the index/location of the file name (in this case file1.txt), skip 58 characters to reach the content of the file, read the content, and write it to a new file. So here's my questions:
1) How can I get the index/location of the file name in the archive file? Note that duplicate file names are NOT allowed, so I don't have to worry about having two different indecies.
2) How can I skip several characters (in this case 58) when reading a file?
3) How can I figure out when the content of a file ends? i.e. I need it to read the content and stop right before the file2.txt/ header.
My approach to solving this problem would be:
To have a header information that contains the size of each file, its name and its location in the file.
Then parse the header, use fseek() and ftell() as well as fgetc() or fread() functions to get bytes of the file and then, create+write that data to it. This is the simplest way I can think of. <- Header of ar archives.
#programmer93 Consider your header is 80 bytes long(header contains the meta-data of the archive file). You have two files one of 112 bytes and the other of 182 bytes. Now they're laid out in a flat file(the archive file). So it would be 80(header).112(file1.txt).182(file2.txt).EOF . Thus if you know the size of each file, you can easily navigate(using fseek()) to a particular file and extract only that file. [to extract file2.txt I will just fseek(FILE*,(112+80),SEEK_SET); and then fgetc() 182 times. I think I made myself clear?
If the format of the file cannot be changed by adding additional header information to help, you'll have to search through it and work things out as you go.
This should not be too hard. Just read the file, and when you read a header line such as
file1.txt/ 1350248044 45503 13036 100660 28 `
you can check the filename and size etc. (You know you'll have a header line at the start after the !<arch>). If this is the file you want, the ftell() function from stdio.h will tell you exactly where you are in the file. Since the file size in bytes is given in the header line, you can read the file by reading that particular number of bytes ahead in the normal manner. Similarly, if it is not the file you want, you can use fseek() to move forward the number of bytes in the file you are skipping and be ready to read in the header info for the next file and repeat the process.

File archiver in C

i would like to know how could I possibly use the programming language C to create a file archiver such as tar.
Im stuck on the first bit on how to copy a bunch of files into one file, and then extrating them back out of that one file.
Any help would be appreciated thanks.
It's a good idea to read up on the tar format for some inspiration.
It's quite simple and shouldn't be too hard to implement yourself, if you got a good grasp of basic C I/O.
Assuming you don't want compression, which is pretty hard, and just want's something REALLY simple, you are gonna need to do the following:
Create a file to hold all the files you want.
Fetch one of the files you want to archive, get it's name, name_size and it's size.
Write the name_size of the name, name, size of the file, and the size * bytes of the file into the archive one.
Repeat to all of the files you want to archive.
To get the files back from the one archive, you are gonna need to read the name's size, create that file with the next name_size next bytes, then read the size of the file bytes, and write them to the single file you created.
You would have this:
After the archiving you would have:
5File1size of File1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx5FileNsizeof FileNyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
