Integrate Payment Gateway with IONIC - angularjs

Don't mark question as duplicate or already asked. If know please answer.
I am trying to integrate payumoney payment gateway in my hybrid app. I went through some tutorials and finally reached to plugin cordovaInAppBrowser and using its events, loadstart, loadstop but not able to send and get parameters.Since last One Week I stucked and so finally posting here. Thanks, in advance

Finally I succeed in integrating the payment gateway in ionic. Its very easy, jsut follow the following steps,
add the cordovaInAppBrowser plugin and Inject the dependency.
make all the fields you get that to send to that Gateway with all validations.
now you needed some 3 files as success.php, failure.php and paymentfile.html.
$"filename?"+params, '_blank',options)
make note that success and faliure php file are in server and access them through server
get the response in the php file than to controller, based on the response traverse the path and its done.
Most important you need to serialize the data while sending as its should be global and assign it to window object.
Also we have to use the cordovaInAppBrowser events loadstop() and all the stuff i had done in this event and later i call the close() function when its done.
Its Done.


Retrieve data from post webhook using React

So this is a more general question and I did not know who to turn to. I have configured a webhook using from a live streaming third party platform I am using. I did this using Golang and tested my webhook I am getting the POST data how I want. Now the problem is how do you get this data back on the front end. I have looked into setting up websockets and server side events. They both don't make too much sense to me as I see the work on the front end should be pretty straightforward. I don't think I should have to configure another endpoint to get the webhook data and it doesn't listen to the webhook async anyway so I don't think that will work. Any help please...

Is it possible to update an AngularJS expression via an API call through a Service?

I'm looking for a way (and not even sure if this is possible) to update an Angular expression on my HTML page when data is sent to an API.
For example, say I have $scope.message on my .html page. Is there a way I can send a message to an API (e.g. http://...?message=foo) and have my page update with the message sent?
Also, I need the $scope.message to be updated in an Angular Service so it is available to multiple pages within my website.
I am wanting this to be a live update, but if not, I am happy with some code executing on a timer or something similar.
Any suggestions appreciated.
I'm guessing it may not be possible, but just in case I haven't explained it correctly, I'll try and simplify it.
I can only find information about using AngularJS to send GET commands OUT to a URL and receive data back. I need to send a JSON string TO my Angular site to update a variable. So basically as a field updates in my database, I want another server application to send an alert to my Angular site to update the status of this value live. I don't really want to run a constant check of the database if I don't have to.
I am open to any other suggestions on how to achieve this.
if you don't care about old school browsers, you can try using WebSocket, it is similar to a TCP socket, which allows you to push from server to client. I would create a service that manages the websocket connection, and update scope when receiving message. Hope this help. More info here:

angularjs ngfacebook batch request

Can anyone who knows how to use the angularjs ngFacebook module help me to perform a facebook batch request? Is it possible to do it with this module?
What I need exactly is to get the user events from facebook, for that I have to do 4 different request:
$facebook.api('/me/events/attending').then(function(response) {//code here});
$facebook.api('/me/events/created').then(function(response) {//code here});
$facebook.api('/me/events/maybe').then(function(response) {//code here});
I think I could batch this request, I just don't know if it's possible to do using this module.
Also the most tricky part would be that, for each event returned I would need to get the owner, and with the to get his picture, right now what I do is:
$facebook.api('/me/events/attending?fields=owner').then(function(response) {
//And here I do a "for" into the events to request for each owner picture
Of course it doesn't seem the best way to do it, but I have searched a lot for the solution and I couldn't make anything work.
I think you should be able to request all user events, inluding the owner info:
GET /me/events?fields=id,name,owner{id,picture},rsvp_status
You can determine the "status" of the event to the user by the rsvp_status (attending, maybe, declined, no_reply) field.
I'm not sure of the batch request protocol that Facebook uses but you could try this module.
If it doesn't support it add an issue and I'll looking into implementing it. Disclosure: I created this angular http batching library.

authentication/http headers support in forge.file module?

in the official docs there seems to be no provision for custom http headers when it comes to the forge.file module. I need this so I can download files behind an http authentication scheme. This seems like an easy thing to add, if support is not already there.
any workarounds? any chance of a quick fix in the next update? I know I could use forge.request instead, but I'd like to keep a local copy (saveURL).
Unfortunately the file module just uses simple "download url" methods rather than a full HTTP request library, which makes it a fairly big task to add support for custom headers.
I've added a task to our backlog for this, but I don't have a timeframe for it being added.
Currently on iOS you can do basic auth by using urls in the form in case that helps.
Maybe to avoid this you can configure your server differently, or have a proxy server in front that allows you to pass authentication details as get parameters?

Looking for a way to get HTTP Digest Authentication headers from incoming http requests

I've been working on a REST implementation with my existing Cake install, and it's looking great except that I want to use HTTP Digest Authentication for all requests (Basic Auth won't cut it). So great, I'll generate a header in the client app (which is not cake) and send it to my cake install. Only problem is, I can't find a method for extracting that Digest from the request...
I've looked through the Cake API for something that I can use to get the Digest Header. You'd think that Request Handler would be able to grab it, but I can't find anything resembling that.
There must be another method of getting the digest that I am overlooking?
In the meantime I'm writing my own regex to parse it out of the Request... once I'm done I'll post it here so no one has to waste as much time as I did hunting for it.
Figured it out. It's already accessible via PHP as $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']
So then you pass to parseDigestAuthData($_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_DIGEST']);
<bangs head against wall>
