Service to update WPF application placed on server - wpf

I am developing a WPF application, which will be accessed from shared folder on server (Windows Server). My goal is to implement some mechanism of updating the app. The updater should be run on server probably as some kind of service. Which mechanism/technique would you recommended to use?

Based on your comment, I would look into using ClickOnce.
ClickOnce enables Web-style application deployment for non-Web
applications. Applications are published to and deployed from Web or
file servers.

You can also use Squirrel.
Squirrel: It's like ClickOnce but Works™


How to deploy website on live server?

I have created a website on angularJS. I have local server running using nodeJS. Can anyone please tell me the further process to deploy the website.
Your local server is probably only for development purposes.
You can deploy it as usual application. All you need is web server. The most common selection is Apache, nginx or IIS. You can set up one of these on your own (on your own computer/VPS etc.) or use web hosting (just google it...).
Selecting correct solution depends on budget, needed support and number of users. I assume that usual "cheap web hosting" is the best for you.

Deploy and connect build application into Bluemix PaaS?

I already deploy my application with eclipse and built in database (generated from AssestDB of the application). I want now to manage the application and deploy it with IBM bluemix PaaS, to manage Mobile Data.
What is the best DB I must use when coding before deploy into Bluemix?
If you want to configure your local test environment in order to minimize migration problems when deploying your application on Bluemix, you should replicate the target environment on your local one, as much as possible.
If you are planning to use the Mobile Data service on Bluemix please consider that it is built on Cloudant NOSQL Database, and it offers a further layer of abstraction that allows you to directly persist objects (if you are familiar with the concepts of class, object etc..).
You could also directly connect from a local application to a DB service instance running on Bluemix.

WCF RIA Services Class Library and Deployment

Following the walkthrough at I have a working Silverlight solution that employs a WCF RIA Services Class Library. I am now stuck on how to deploy this to a production server.
In a previous project (not using RIA services) that used a standard WCF Class Library I had to create a seperate web application to host the services. When it came to deployment it was obvious that I needed to deploy both the front-end (Silverlight hosting) web app and the server (WCF hosting) web app and everything worked well.
With the WCF RIA Services Class library solution there is only one web app in the solution. I am presuming that since the solution works in VS, the service is somehow being hosted in the same web app that was created for the Silverlight front-end but this is not visibly clear. Anyhow, I deployed the application using Web Deploy (as I have done other apps before) but it does not work. I didn't really expect it to!
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
When you link the .web RIA class library projects to your main web project, the services are accessed behind the scenes by URLs like:
The client RIA class library projects just assume a relative URL (relative to the hosting project), so they will work in any Silverlight application.
The only requirement is that you link the RIA service ".Web" project to the website hosting your Silverlight app. That will place the required service relative to the clientbin folder, ready to be consumed.
I had not installed RIA on the IIS Server because I received a message that led me to believe that you couldn't do it. However there is a command prompt command to do a special Server install see here It now works by simply deploying the Web project.

Silverlight and Windows Workflow Foundation

Can I make a Silverlight application communicate with a Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) application? If yes, how can I do that?
I tried to add a reference from my Silverlight application to a WF application and it doesn't work.
If your application was a service application, then yes.
Silverlight won't host a workflow, but it could call a workflow service if the workflow you need to run is hosted within a service rather than an application.
It should be a matter of adding the service reference within the Silverlight application.

ClickOnce - Security Questions

I am considering using ClickOnce for a legacy Windows Forms application. I have several questions related to ClickOnce itself.
Does a user need administrative privelages to install the ClickOnce application?
Can the ClickOnce application access the local file system?
When does an end-user experience security prompts?
Can the application be served over https://?
Can the application make calls to services hosted on https://?
Can the application be served over SSL?
When the app is updated (optionally, you can suppress them)
See #4? I'm not sure what you're asking, HTTPS = HTTP over SSL
