I know there are some solutions for clustering points. I'm working with a feature layer that uses polygons to outline properties. What I'm trying to figure out is if there's anyway to do zoom-based clustering.
Is this possible?
You could achieve this by adding 2 layers, one for the clustering and one for the outlines. Then you can set the minScale and maxScale on each of these layers so that they are only visible when the map scale is between the min/max values.
Example reference for minScale https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-layers-FeatureLayer.html#minScale
I am currently playing around with a react-three-fiber project and I'm looking to create a glow effect around individual meshes in a scene (that are imported from Blender), similar to what is done here: https://100gecs.com/
I have tried experimenting with Bloom Postprocessing but I have found that
a) It slows down performance significantly
b) It applies to all meshes and I cannot target just one
Does anyone have advice for other techniques for this effect? Or if Bloom is the only way to go about it, are there methods for targeting a single mesh for the effect?
I'm very new to ThreeJS so i'm unsure where else to look for help on this specific issue! Let me know if I can clarify anything further
a) It slows down performance significantly
Well, the unreal bloom pass is not a cheap post processing pass since it requires multiple renderings to produce a single frame.
b) It applies to all meshes and I cannot target just one
There is an official three.js example that shows how you can selectively apply bloom to objects in your scene.
There are also other techniques to produce a fake bloom/glow effect which do not require the above bloom pass. You should find information about this topic right here:
three.js outer glow for sphere object?
A lot of the websites these days is built using grids, pre-made or custom ones. What I noticed is that most of these grids are based on rows, and usually work with the width of the columns, not taking the height of the elements (modules) into account.
I was wondering what the best way (or what the possibilities are) of building a modular grid is? By modular grid I understand such grid where the individual modules could be set in both width and height and be fluid in dependence on the screen. A grid where you'd know you have let's say 12 columns and 9 rows (the width / height of each would be given), and you'd be able to fill it with modules like a mosaic (that makes it sound almost too simple).
Here's an example picture of what I have in mind (picture borrowed from here):
I came upon a couple of examples, but most of them weren't responsive or were built using Flash. I believe there is a way to do it, just not sure myself how.
I know there might not be ONE correct way, but I'm curious about the possible techniques to go about it. Thank you!
This layout technique is commonly known as masonry, here are a couple of responsive masonry links to get you started:
good luck!
I would have to say your best option would be to build it using Bootstrap or Foundation, since they are set up to handle this kind of thing.They have classes that, assuming you use a 12 column grid to start, let you pick how many columns they can take up.
I would like to use D3 to build simple charts with literally hundreds of millions of data points.
Obviously, I won't be attempting to plot millions of points at a time. Only a very, very tiny fraction of those points (<1000) would be in view at any given time. I'll download pre-processed data "on-demand" from the server depending on the current view and zoom level, and would like to use D3's built-in zoom and pan behaviors.
Basically, imagine an infinitely wide bar chart that pans back and forth, and alters itself to show the appropriate level of detail depending on the current zoom level (e.g. semantic zoom).
What techniques are available in D3 to achieve this, yet still have it feel responsive and smooth? What should I avoid doing? Are there any examples of this out there?
Examples: Have a look at Fabian Fischer's BankSafe, an award-winning entry to this year's VAST Challenge. Not sure if the code is available, but the report summarising the techniques he used certainly is. The dataset was also in the order of "hundreds of millions" and - if I remember correctly - had a zoom technique similar to the one you describe.
I would highly recommend you look into using canvas over svg. From what I've seen, having thousands of SVG elements doesn't scale particularly well. Microsoft has a pretty good writeup for how to know which to choose: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/gg193983(v=vs.85).aspx#Using_Canvas_AndOr_SVG
I am developing my system using WPF with MVVM and I am having trouble to find out the best way to solve the following problem:
I have a screen in which many components (User Controls) are drawn at specific positions. All components in the screen are rotated, translated and scaled according to binded variables calculated by the screen's VM.
However, each of this components could have a different center for the rotation, a different origin for the translation and a different scale, dependent of internal variables and the screen scale.
How is it possible to make this transformations calculated internally in the User Control? I think the easier approach is using the Converter, however since I have many different User Controls with different behaviours, I would have to create multiple converters very similar to each other, which would not be the ideal solution.
Thank you very much for the help!
A UIElement has only one RenderTransformOrigin.
Some transformations allow you to set the origin for that transformation but in coordinates relative to the control bounds (e.g.: 125, 34) not in proportional coordinates like the RenderOrigin (e.g.: 0.5, 0.75)
So if you can use the coordinates you're good to go.
If not, you could compose the transformations by creating Transformation groups that first translate the control, then perform the transformation, and then translate the control back.
If you need more help, please post an example of what you are trying to achieve.
I've been working with bing maps in Silverlight recently and have things at a good working order. One quirk that I would like to resolve is that all of my shapes that are drawn on the page get rendered on top of the road layer and even worse, the city names. So if my shapes are opaque, you can't read them. I'm figuring that there must be some z-index type property involved but I'm having a hard time finding any information about it.
Does anyone know how to set the stack order of the layers provided? Is there a particular index of the existing layers (roads, street names, city names and so on)?
Don't think so. The base Bing map layers (map, aerial, aerial with labels) are just prebuilt tiled images. Shapes added will be on top of those images.