Better alternatives for switch statements - c

I know that this has been already discussed, and there are multiple answers to it. See Performance of array of functions over if and switch statements for instance, however I would like to get some other ideas.
I've got a function with a large switch statement. This is 26 case and each with a "left" or "right" option. This function returns a pointer based on two given parameters (plane and direction):
double* getPointer(int plane, int direction) {
switch (plane)
case 0:
if (direction == 0)
return p_YZ_L; // Left
else if (dir == 1)
return p_YZ_R; //Right
else {
return 0;
case 25:
planes -> [0-25]
direction -> [0,1]
I have been thinking on an array of functions, but this could also be tedious and I am not sure if it is the best option. Also it is not clear to me how to do it properly. Any ideas?

You can create a lookup table like this:
double *pointers[26][2] = {
{ p_YZ_L, p_YZ_R },
Then your function becomes much simpler:
double* getPointer(int plane, int direction) {
if ((plane >= 0) && (plane < 26) && (direction >= 0) && (direction < 2)) {
return pointers[plane][direction];
} else {
return NULL;

If you are just tired of typing, yu can use the preprocessor, e.g.:
#define PLZ(dir) if(!dir)return(p_YZ_L);else if(dir==1)return(p_YZ_R);else return 0;

Not quite sure, but maybe you want this:
double dir[2];
} directions[26] =
{ p_YZ_L, p_YZ_R},
{ ..., ... }, // 25 pairs of options here
double* getPointer(int plane, int direction) {
return &directions[plane].dir[direction];
More tests need to be added to be sure that plane and direction are within required bounds.

You can use while with an iterator as follows:
double* getPointer(int plane, int direction){
int i=0;
while (i<26){
if (plane == i){
if (direction == 0)
return p_YZ_L; //Left
else if(dir==1)
return p_YZ_R; //Right
return 0;
It is not optimized but it is less code with respect to your version.


Suggestions/improvements on my simple Blackjack program

I am trying to get a head start on my class next semester so I made this basic version of Blackjack to start understanding the basics of C and I would love any thoughts you have that could help me gain a better understanding of C and its normal coding practices.
A lot of the things in C are new to me as I am coming from a background in JAVA so if I made a mistake in function declaration, in my use of pointers, or if I was thinking about how to approach the problem incorrectly and should have done things a completely different way please let me know.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
const int handSize = 2;
int randCard(int *isAce);
int sumCards(int cards[], int *hasAce[2]);
int main() {
int playGame = 0;
int dealerIsAce[handSize];
int *dealerAcePointers[handSize];
int playerIsAce[handSize];
int *playerAcePointers[handSize];
for (int i = 0; i < handSize; i++) {
dealerIsAce[i] = 0;
playerIsAce[i] = 0;
dealerAcePointers[i] = &dealerIsAce[0];
playerAcePointers[i] = &playerIsAce[0];
int dealerCards[] = {randCard(dealerAcePointers[0]), randCard(dealerAcePointers[1])};
int playerCards[] = {randCard(playerAcePointers[0]), randCard(playerAcePointers[1])};
int dealerSum;
int playerSum;
do {
printf("The dealer:\n? + %d\n\n", dealerCards[1]);
dealerSum = sumCards(dealerCards, dealerAcePointers);
if (dealerSum > 17) {
dealerCards[0] = dealerSum;
dealerCards[1] = randCard(dealerAcePointers[1]);
playerSum = sumCards(playerCards, playerAcePointers);
printf("You:\n%d + %d = %d", playerCards[0], playerCards[1], playerSum);
if (playerSum > 21) {
printf(" BUSTED");
playGame = 1;
} else {
printf("\nWould you like to \"hit\" or \"stand\"?\n");
if (playGame == 0) {
char stream[10];
if (strcmp(gets(stream), "hit") == 0) {
playerCards[0] = playerSum;
playerCards[1] = randCard(playerAcePointers[1]);
} else {
playGame = 1;
} while (playGame == 0);
if (playerSum > 21) {
if (dealerSum > 21) {
} else {
printf("\nDealer Wins!");
} else {
if (playerSum > dealerSum) {
printf("\nPlayer Wins!");
} else if (playerSum == dealerSum) {
} else if (playerSum < dealerSum) {
printf("\nDealer Wins!");
return 0;
int randCard(int *isAce) {
int card = rand() % 13 + 2;
if (card > 11) {
card = 10;
} else if (card == 11) {
*isAce = 1;
return card;
int sumCards(int cards[], int *hasAce[2]) {
int sum = cards[0] + cards[1];
if (sum > 21 && *hasAce[0] == 1) {
sum -= 10;
*hasAce[0] = *hasAce[1];
if (*hasAce[1] == 1) {
*hasAce = 0;
return sum;
As mentioned by a commenter, this could be better asked elsewhere, however I'm going to offer some opinions anyway. These are all opinions, and everyone will probably disagree with something I've said.
Incidentally, I'm entirely ignoring the rules of BlackJack and assuming that all your logic is correct.
First and foremost, there aren't any comments in the code. You mention this being for a class, therefore commenting is even more important as some poor person has to decipher a load of these to work out what they do. (Commenting code is important anyway incidentally, I always use the "Will I work out what this does in a months time" approach)
Having that much stuff in main() is unusual. I would personally break it out into a different function. You could then also consider putting it in a separate file, with a header file for the function declarations.
handSize is being used as a constant, you could probably make this a preprocessor macro instead: #define HAND_SIZE 2
The do-while loop could be replaced with a while(true) loop, then using the 'break' keyword to escape when you're done (Where you are currently setting playGame = 1. This also has the advantage of not having the if(playGame == 0) conditional. Also, in C, a boolean variable is 1 for true and 0 for false, so it would be more normal to have int playGame = 1; and then do { } while(playGame) and playGame = 0; when you're done with the loop. This case is a special in that you actually want to break out, rather than run to the end of the loop.
gets() was removed in C11 for security reasons (Implicit declaration of 'gets')
On a more whole-program points. These are even more subjective, and are mostly just how I would have solved the problem:
I personally would make dealerCards and playerCards large enough to hold the maximum possible number of cards (which I think is 5 in blackjack?) and initialise them to 0. Currently you are assigning the sum of the current cards to the first element of the dealerCards array, meaning that the values are not actual cards.
Rather than use separate arrays to track whether or not cards are aces, I would have made an enum for {EMPTY_SLOT, ACE, TWO, ..., JACK, QUEEN, KING} and then stored that in my Cards arrays. randCard can then just return a member of the enum, and take no arguments, and sumCards just iterates across the array and sums it. This also means that you can display the user's actual hand to them, rather than just the total.
For reference purposes, I've modified your code to how I would do it. The logic may not be perfect (or the exact same version of blackjack) but this is the sort of thing I would submit for a "program blackjack in C" homework. N.B. This could also do with a few more comments, particularly a block one at the top explaining what the general structure is.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#define HAND_SIZE 5
typedef enum
// Technically I didn't need to set the values, as they are the defaults but
// it's good to be explicit when you're using the order for something.
EMPTY = 0,
ACE = 1,
TWO = 2,
} card_t; // Types you typedef generally end _t as a convention.
// These should be in a separate header, but I'm keeping this in 1 file for StackOverflow
card_t randCard();
int sumCards(card_t cards[]);
void play();
int main()
return 0;
card_t randCard()
int card = rand() % 13 + 1;
return (card_t)card;
int sumCards(card_t cards[])
int total = 0;
int num_aces = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE; i++) {
switch(cards[i]) {
case ACE:
total += 11;
case JACK:
case QUEEN:
case KING:
total += 10;
total += (int)cards[i]; // Relying here on the fact that the cards are in the correct order.
while (num_aces > 0 && total > 10) {
total -= 10;
return total;
void play()
card_t playerCards[HAND_SIZE];
card_t dealerCards[HAND_SIZE];
card_t dealerKnown[HAND_SIZE]; // Equivalent to dealer cards, but with first 2 elements blank
for (int i = 0; i < HAND_SIZE; i++) {
playerCards[i] = EMPTY;
dealerCards[i] = EMPTY;
dealerKnown[i] = EMPTY;
playerCards[0] = randCard();
playerCards[1] = randCard();
dealerCards[0] = randCard();
dealerCards[1] = randCard();
int num_cards = 2;
while(num_cards <= HAND_SIZE) {
printf("The dealer: ? + %d\n\n", sumCards(dealerKnown));
if (sumCards(dealerCards) > 17) {
dealerCards[num_cards] = randCard();
int playerSum = sumCards(playerCards);
printf("Your total: %d\n", playerSum);
if (playerSum > 21) {
} else {
printf("Would you like to \"hit\" or \"stand\"?\n");
char stream[10];
if (strcmp(fgets(stream, sizeof(stream), stdin), "hit\n") != 0) {
playerCards[num_cards] = randCard();
printf("\n"); // Printing the new line separately rather than at the beginning of all the strings below
int playerSum = sumCards(playerCards);
int dealerSum = sumCards(dealerCards);
if (playerSum > 21) {
if (dealerSum > 21) {
} else {
printf("Dealer Wins!");
} else {
if (playerSum > dealerSum) {
printf("Player Wins!");
} else if (playerSum == dealerSum) {
} else if (playerSum < dealerSum) {
printf("Dealer Wins!");

Converting "for" loop to "while" loop

I´m currently working on my semester work and this is a piece of my code. As you can see there is a for loop with some if statements where I am working with a structure. I was thinking of converting this for loop onto a while loop but I´m not quite sure how. Maybe someone may give me a hint?
for(X = 1; X <= 100; X++)
if(structure[X].number == -1)
structure[X].number = number;
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
if(structure[X].number == number)
if(structure[X].first_info == -1)
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
Converting the for loop to a while loop is easy, but the for loop is a much safer construct as it groups the initialization, test and increment of the index variable in one clear place.
Incidentally, your code is misindented, and the nested if statements may be inconsistent:
if(structure[X].number == number)
if(structure[X].first_info == -1)
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
When properly reformated, it becomes:
if (structure[X].number == number) {
if (structure[X].first_info == -1)
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
Is this what you intended? Be more careful with indentation, it helps avoid silly mistakes.
Here is the converted code, but be aware that contrary to a for statement, a continue statement would by-pass the X++ update expression. Also worth noting is the surprising use of a 1 based index value for X. Index values are 0 based in C and array size can be checked with a < comparison instead of <=.
X = 1;
while (X <= 100) {
if (structure[X].number == -1) {
structure[X].number = number;
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
if (structure[X].number == number) {
if (structure[X].first_info == -1)
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
If structure has 100 elements, the code must be changed to:
X = 0;
while (X < 100) {
if (structure[X].number == -1) {
structure[X].number = number;
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
if (structure[X].number == number) {
if (structure[X].first_info == -1)
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
All basic loops have three components:
an initializer (an initial value assigned to a variable)
a condition (the value we are checking for to stay in the loop)
a modifier (something that modifies our variable)
With a for loop you notice all three of those here:
for(X = 1; X <= 100; X++)
The first component in the parentheses is an initializer (X=1), the next component is the condition (X <= 100), and the last component is the modifier (X++).
We can use the exact same components with a while loop. We just place them differently:
int x = 1; //our intializer
while (x <= 100){ //our condition
if(structure[X].number == -1)
structure[X].number = number;
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
if(structure[X].number == number)
if(structure[X].first_info == -1){
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
x++; //our modifier
With that said, arrays in C always start at index 0. I kept your code the same as you had it, but generally whether you are using a for loop or while loop you will want to change your initializer and condition as follows:
your initializer should likely be x = 0 (not x = 1)
your condition should likely be either x < 100 or x <= 99 (not x <= 100)
This is because an array of 100 items will have indexes 0 to 99.
Two more points:
When counting through an indexed array like this the code is usually easier to read as a for loop rather than a while loop. Is there a reason that you were wanting to use a while loop instead?
Based on your indentation it was unclear what should be included in the last if clause. I have added braces to your last if clause to make it easier to read, but maybe other lines should have been included in the braces as well?
You can do this to convert to while loop. But I would suggest to search and understand the loop structures yourself.
X=0; /* for arrays indexing always starts at 0 */
if(structure[X].number == -1)
structure[X].number = number;
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
if(structure[X].number == number)
if(structure[X].first_info == -1) /* adding braces */
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
The for loop construct groups the index variable initialization, loop conditional, and index increment steps of the loop into one statement. So in order to convert a for loop into a while loop, you just need to unwrap this grouping into effectively three separate statements. In general, you can transform any for loop into a while loop using the following algorithm. Take a for loop like so:
for(A;B;C) { /* where A,B,C are valid C statements (e.g., X=0), not variables */
/* operational code */
To the following while loop using the same statements within the A, B, C placeholders:
while(B) {
/* operational code */
With this algorithm, you should be able to convert any for loop into a equivalent while loop.
I think this one is pretty simple. Maybe I misunderstood your situation, if then forgive me :)
My approach is like this:
var X = 1;
while (X<=100)
if(structure[X].number == -1)
structure[X].number = number;
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
if(structure[X].number == number)
if(structure[X].first_info == -1)
structure[X].first_info = position;
structure[X].second_info = position;
Existing code can be converted into while as below
int x =1;
//Your code here

Search of an element on a unsorted array recursively

This is an exercise that I took from an exam. It asks to write a function that receives an unsorted array v[] and a number X and the function will return 1 if X is present in v[] or 0 if X is not present in v[]. The function must be recursive and must work in this manner:
1. Compares X with the element in the middle of v[];
2. The function calls itself (recursion!!) on upper half and on the lower half of v[];
So I've written this function:
int occ(int *p,int dim,int X){
int pivot,a,b;
if(dim==0) //end of array
return 0;
if(*(p+pivot)==X) //verify if the element in the middle is X
return 1;
a=occ(p,pivot,X); //call on lower half
b=occ(p+pivot,dim-pivot,X); //call on upper half
if(a+b>=1) //if X is found return 1 else 0
return 1;
return 0;
I tried to simulated it on a sheet of paper and it seems to be correct (Even though I'm not sure) then I've written it on ideone and it can't run the program!
Here is the link:
Is my code actually wrong (probably!) or is it a problem related to ideone. Can someone help me? Thank you in advance!!!
The problem is with b=occ(p+pivot,dim-pivot,X); when pivot is 0. i.e. when dim is 1.
the next function call becomes occ(p,1,X); This again leads to the call occ(p,1,X); in a continuous loop.
It can be fixed by adding a condition to the call, as shown in the code below.
int occ(int *p,int dim,int X){
int pivot,a=0,b=0;
return 0;
return 1;
if (pivot != 0)
return 1;
return 0;
The implemetation is causing a stack overflow, as the recursion does not terminate if the input contains only one element. This can be fixed as follows.
int occ(int *p, int dim, int X)
int pivot, a, b;
pivot = (dim) / 2;
if (dim == 0)
return 0;
if (*(p + pivot) == X)
return 1;
if (dim == 1)
if (*(p + pivot) == X)
return 1;
return 0;
a = occ(p, pivot, X);
b = occ(p + pivot, dim - pivot, X);
if (a + b >= 1)
return 1;
return 0;
It's enought to change only this one line in the source code to avoid the endless loop with occ(p,1,X):
//if(dim==0) //end of array
if (pivot == 0)
return 0;

Is there a simple way to wrap a descending number sequence so after a zero the sequence would start again

This would be applicable to arrays in situations where the array holds something like banners in a banner carousel. A user clicks two navigation buttons like previous and next. My implementation is :
public void onClick(View v) {
if (mCurrentIndex > 0) {mCurrentIndex = (mCurrentIndex - 1) % mQuestionBank.length;}
else {mCurrentIndex = mQuestionBank.length - 1;}
Is there a simpler, more elegant way to do this?
I suggest the following technique. It only checks if pointer gets out of boundaries of array and points it either to the end of it or beginning:
public int nextPrev(int mCurrentIndex, int direction) {
mCurrentIndex = mCurrentIndex + direction;
if(mCurrentIndex == mQuestionBank.length) {
mCurrentIndex = 0;
} else if (mCurrentIndex < 0) {
mCurrentIndex = mQuestionBank.length - 1;
return mCurrentIndex;
This will work with direction = 1 or -1.

Simplify/Neatify this two-way loop?

I've got my wires crossed somewhere (or I had not enough sleep). I need a two-way loop, and my current code is just plain ugly.
Problem: I am running along a linear datastructre using an index. I have an starting index, lets say 120. I want to run alternating into both directions.
I have a stopping criterion which needs to be met for each direction separately. If it is met for one direction, I only want to run into the other direction, if both are met I need to exit the loop. In addition I need to stop if the next index is invalid (end of data structure, say smaller than 0 or bigger than 200).
Example: Stopping execution at 116 backwards and 130 forward:
Running into one direction first, then the other one is unfortunately not an option.
My current code is plain ugly. It is a lot of lines without containing any "productive" code. Only iteration logic:
int start_idx = 120;
int forward_idx = start_idx;
int backward_idx = start_idx;
bool next_step_forward = true; //should next step be forward or backward?
int cur_idx;
while(backward_idx >= 0 || forward_idx >= 0)
if(next_step_forward //if we should step forward
&& forward_idx >= 0) //and we still can step forward
cur_idx = ++forward_idx;
if(forward_idx >= 200) //200 is fictive "max index"
next_step_forward = false;
forward_idx = -1; //end of data reached, no more stepping forward
if(backward_idx >= 0)
next_step_forward = false;
else if(!next_step_forward
&& backward_idx >= 0)
cur_idx = --backward_idx;
if(backward_idx < 0) //beginning of data reached, no more stepping backward
next_step_forward = true;
if(forward_idx >= 0)
next_step_forward = true;
next_step_forward = !next_step_forward; //ever hit?, just security case
//loop body
//do something with cur_idx here
if(cur_idx > start_idx)
{ //this was a forward step, stop forward stepping
forward_idx = -1;
{ //this was backward step, stop backward stepping
backward_idx = -1;
Am I missing anything? Any hints appreciated. Thanks.
Edit 1: There are lots of very nice answers, which put "do something with cur_idx" into a separate function. While this is a perfect idea for the way my question was asked, I prefer putting the iterating code somewhere else and leave the productive code there. I have a long algorithm and want to split it up after it is finished to minimize rearangement work.
How about this?
void do_loop(SomeType *arr, int start, int low, int high, int arr_max)
int downwardIndex, upwardIndex;
downwardIndex = upwardIndex = start;
while (downwardIndex > 0 && upwardIndex < arr_max) {
if (downwardIndex < low && upwardIndex > high) {
if (downwardIndex > low) {
if (upwardIndex < high) {
It so happened that I coded almost this problem today. And I used a C# iterator function to do it. But I think you want a more generic solution.
If you use a language where you can build your own iterators (C++,Java,C#), it's easy. You just make a custom iterator that initially spits out numbers starting from the center. Then you give the iterator an extra function to tell it to stop running in the current direction.
If you're doing something like this in C (it looks C to me), you can mimic this with a struct containing the iterator state, and functions that you call to step it forward or stop it.
First pass at hacking this (assuming C - adaptations needed for other languages, but the concepts are basically language neutral):
void pass1(int start_x, int lo_limit, int hi_limit)
assert(start_x >= lo_limit && start_x <= hi_limit);
int lo_x = start_x - 1;
int hi_x = start_x + 1;
if (StopCriterion(start_x))
return; // Is that correct?
while (lo_x >= lo_limit && hi_x <= hi_limit)
if (StopCriterion(lo_x))
lo_x = lo_limit - 1;
if (StopCriterion(hi_x))
hi_x = hi_limit + 1;
while (lo_x >= lo_limit)
if (StopCriterion(lo_x))
lo_x = lo_limit - 1;
while (hi_x <= hi_limit)
if (StopCriterion(hi_x))
hi_x = hi_limit + 1;
It is not clear what should happen if the starting position matches the stop criterion. Should the search stop altogether, or should it continue upwards, or downwards, or both ways. I chose 'stop altogether', but a case could be made for any of the options listed. In the case of 'both', you would not even bother to run the stop criterion check.
I also chose to do the lower before the upper direction; it is clearly trivially reversed. The order of the final two loops doesn't matter because if both directions terminate in the same iteration, neither trailing loop is executed; if only one direction is terminated, the corresponding loop won't execute at all - only the other will.
Since there is still repeated code in there:
void pass2(int start_x, int lo_limit, int hi_limit)
assert(start_x >= lo_limit && start_x <= hi_limit);
int lo_x = start_x - 1;
int hi_x = start_x + 1;
if (StopCriterion(start_x))
return; // Is that correct?
while (lo_x >= lo_limit && hi_x <= hi_limit)
Process_lo(&lo_x, lo_limit);
Process_hi(&hi_x, hi_limit);
while (lo_x >= lo_limit)
Process_lo(&lo_x, lo_limit);
while (hi_x <= hi_limit)
Process_hi(&hi_x, hi_limit);
void Process_lo(int *lo_x, int lo_limit)
if (StopCriterion(*lo_x))
*lo_x = lo_limit - 1;
void Process_hi(int *hi_x, int hi_limit)
if (StopCriterion(*hi_x))
*hi_x = hi_limit + 1;
Visibility controls (static functions) etc left out as details of the implementation language.
This is how I'd approach it in C#:
const int UPPER_BOUND = 200;
const int LOWER_BOUND = 0;
const int START = 120;
bool foundlower = false, foundupper = false;
int upper, lower;
upper = lower = START;
while (!foundlower || !foundupper) {
if (!foundlower) {
if (--lower <= LOWER_BOUND) foundlower = true;
if (stoppingCriterionMet(lower)) foundlower = true;
if (!foundupper) {
if (++upper >= UPPER_BOUND) foundupper = true;
if (stoppingCriterionMet(upper)) foundupper = true;
