I know the steps but am stuck because i don't the meaning of the terms which is used in below instructions.
Views Tree with Taxonomy Terms
Creating Taxonomy Terms
Create some Taxonomy terms with parent/child (hierarchical) relationships.
Creating the View
First, create a new term view using the fields row style / unformatted list of fields (it is important that the tree style not be chosen now). Then:
Add relationship for taxonomy term: parent term
Add field term id (do not use relationship) and exclude it from display
Add field term id with relationship, exclude from display
Add any fields you want to display, like term name, term description, etc...
Change style / format plugin to Tree (Adjacency model)
Set Main field to Term ID
Set Parent field to Term ID with parent relationship
I want to follow above steps, i have created the taxonomy term with
parent child relationships and then i create the view here i got
confuse becuase they mentioned **fields row style / unformatted list
of fields (it is important that the tree style not be chosen now).
Add relationship for taxonomy term: parent term
Add field term id (do not use relationship) and exclude it from display
Add field term id with relationship, exclude from display
Add any fields you want to display, like term name, term description, etc...
Change style / format plugin to Tree (Adjacency model)
Set Main field to Term ID
Set Parent field to Term ID with parent relationship
i dont know where is taxonomy term when i clickk on advance there is
no taxonomy term : parent term please help me to out of this
When you click on "advance" in the page detail of your view, you have the "Relationship" part : click on "Add" button and check "Taxonomy term: Parent term".
For the fields, you have a "Fields" part, also with an "Add" button.
It's pretty easy, everything is explained, it's a step by step instructions.
So I understand that Neo4j 3.5 and above implements full-text search in cypher query via createNodeIndex(), e.g.:
CALL db.index.fulltext.createNodeIndex("myIndex", ["PersonNode"], ["name"])
where myIndex is an arbitrary variable I make up to store the index, PersonNode is the name of my Node label, and name is one of the attributes of PersonNode where I want the full-text search performed.
And to actually perform the search by name, I can do something like the following:
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryNodes("myIndex", "Charlie")
But now assume that PersonNode has a relationship of type PURCHASED_ITEM, which is connected to another node label ProductNode as follows:
And assume further that ProductNode has an attribute called productTitle indicating the display title name for each product.
My question is, I would like to set up an index for this relationship (using, presumably, createRelationshipIndex()), and perform a full-text search by productTitle and return a list of all PersonNode that purchased the given product. How can I do this?
Addendum: I understand that the above could be done by first getting a list of all ProductNode instances matching the given title, then performing a normal cypher query to extract all related PersonNode instances. I also understand that for the above example, a normal cypher query would be all that I need. But the reason I'm asking this question is that I eventually need to implement a single search bar that would allow the user to input any text, including possible misspellings and all, and have it perform a search through multiple attributes and/or relationships of PersonNode, and the results need to be sorted by some kind of relevance score. And in order to do this, I feel I need to first grasp exactly how the relationship queries work in neo4j.
Here is an example of how to create a full-text index for the productTitle property of PURCHASED_ITEM relationships:
CALL db.index.fulltext.createRelationshipIndex("myRelIndex", ["PURCHASED_ITEM"], ["productTitle"])
And here is a snippet showing the use of that index:
CALL db.index.fulltext.queryRelationships("myRelIndex", "Hula Hoop") YIELD relationship, score
product title is the property of product node not the purchased item
I'm putting together a query to index medicines. A user should be able to enter their search term into a single search box. Their search term might be either a brand name for a drug, a generic name (the underlying compound on which all brands are based) or an indication and they should be returned a list of medicines that correspond to their search. I'd like to have a category facet for the type - either indication, brand or generic.
To have a category facet, my understanding is that I'd have to send my data through as one row per search term where that search term might be a brand, indication or a generic, rather than one row per brand with columns for generic list and indication. Is this correct or is there another way to get at what I'm wanting to do?
I hope I understand your ask here. From the screenshot you provided, I would assume what you would want to do is make the field "MedicineInformationType" a Facetable field in your Azure Search index and make the field "SearchTerm", "Product", "GenericList", and "ActionList" all Searchable fields in your Azure Search index (although I am not sure why you would want the "SearchTerm" field if the term in this field is already in one of the other fields).
If you structure your index this way, you can do a search for say "phosphate" and facet over the "MedicineInformationType" field to get a count of the results that are generic or brands.
For example (as a REST call):
Solr returns each facet as a collection of name/count pairs (wrapped in a FacetField). In my faceted search app I would use these as follows.
Audi (2)
Honda (5)
Mitsubishi (6)
Mercedes Benz (8)
Now I would like to turn this into a list of links. I could create URLs like
That would work, but I would much rather have
That is, I would like to use the database ID of the categories/brands instead of their names.
Can I somehow link fields in Solr, so that I can link the category name to the category ID and have them both returned from my query? Or should I use a multivalued field and store the category name and id together?
Your advice is most welcome :)
I have an idea. You can define a new field which joins category id and category name together. Just like express below.
1_Audi, 2_Honda, 3_Mitsubishi ,4_Mercedes Benz
Faceting on the new field will get result like this,
4_Mercedes Benz(5)
You can split them laterly to get both category id and name. Name for disply while id for link.
You can check for Solr pivot as well which will return the Category Name and the Category Id as parent child facet hierarchy which in you case will always be one to one match.
Hi what should be the url to get nodes that belongs to a particular taxonomy term.
Like if i want a json parse for (say) node 5 of a content type Books then the url will be
for simply getting node it should be www.websitename/api/node/5
But how to get a node that belongs to a particular taxonomy(category)
Not sure exactly what you are asking for. Do you just want the archive for a particular taxonomy term? You get that at yoursite.com/taxonomy/term/1 (but instead of "1" use the id for the term you are looking for, ID's are listed along with terms at structure - taxonomy - list terms)
If you want to do more complicated things, which I gather you do, it's a better idea to use the Views module to sort by taxonomy term and add whatever other sorts and filters you want.
I have a category and products table. In view, I need to list the data in the following way
Category1 title
id product name price (in a table)
Pagination numbers (I will pass the category id here)
Category2 title
id product name price
Pagination numbers
How can I do the pagination for this ? On first pagination click, other paginations should not be changed. Categories are dynamic.
I don't think there is an easy direct cakephp way of doing this. But you can do it. You need is to customize the links so the pass on another variable identifying the parameter and then you have to parse it and do the pagination.
I google it and find the same solution but with a step by step tutorial :D
How to have multiple paginators
Here they use the model name to identify it but you will have to put something like model1, model2, etc so you identify which one is it, or simply numbers or words you need.