I want to filter filtered results.
I have the following JSON
$scope.JSON = [
"Animal": "Horse",
"Status": "awake",
"LastUpdate": {
"$date": 1473248184519
"Animal": "Rabbit",
"Status": "awake",
"LastUpdate": {
"$date": 1473248194240
"Animal": "Rabbit",
"Status": "eating",
"LastUpdate": {
"$date": 1473249639255
"Animal": "Horse",
"Status": "eating",
"LastUpdate": {
"$date": 1473249652549
"Animal": "Horse",
"Status": "sleeping",
"LastUpdate": {
"$date": 1473249656338
and the following filter function
$scope.filtering = filtering;
function filtering(animals){
var temp = [].concat(animals)
var animalsExisting = []; // To keep track of animals already added
return temp.reverse().filter(function(animal){
var notAdded = animalsExisting.indexOf(animal.Animal) === -1;
if(notAdded) {
return notAdded;
See also this plunkr:
How do I filter the returned Array notAdded with the Status, e.g. I want to show only the last & "eating" animals => result: Rabbit?
First option - Slow, but easy
Easiest way - using native Angular filter
<tr ng-repeat="roll in filtering(JSON) | filter : { Status: 'eating' }">
Second option - quick
Because either Angular will invoke filtering(JSON) on each $digest (which occures pretty often) it would be much better if you render a static list, not the return result of the function.
What I suggest is you rewrite your code to something along the lines
$scope.filters = {
status: null
$scope.filteredAnimals = [];
$scope.getLastStatusesForEachAnimal = function() {
var map = {};
return [].concat($scope.JSON)
.filter(function(animal) {
return !map[animal.Animal] ? (map[animal.Animal] = true) : false;
$scope.filterAnimals = function() {
$scope.filteredAnimals = $scope.getLastStatusesForEachAnimal()
.filter(function(animal) {
return $scope.filters.status ? animal.Status === $scope.filters.status : true;
Third option - a tad slower, but more elegant
Write your own filter with caching, example
.filter('animalStatusFilter', function() {
var cache = {
params: {},
result: null
return function(animals, status, onlyLast) {
var params = {
animals: animals,
status: status,
onlyLast: onlyLast
if (validateCache(params)) {
return cache.result;
animals = onlyLast ? getLastStatusesForEachAnimal(animals) : animals;
if (status) {
animals = animals.filter(function(animal) {
return status ? animal.Status === status : true;
cache.params = params;
cache.result = animals;
return animals;
function validateCache(params) {
return params.animals === cache.params.animals &&
params.status === cache.params.status &&
params.onlyLast === cache.params.onlyLast
function getLastStatusesForEachAnimal(animals) {
var map = {};
return [].concat(animals)
.filter(function(animal) {
return !map[animal.Animal] ? (map[animal.Animal] = true) : false;
i am trying to create a new multidimensional array from the data i am getting from 3rd part API.
i would like to create a new array and fill it with data from response.
but i would like to do some pre checks like
take only those whose, is_indb = false
take only those whose, name starts with a
so the final array will be, all those whosse is_indb = true and name starts with a
var newaray = [[adam,29],[adam,3],[axel,5],[andy,5],[aldo,5]];
so far i have tried using _pluck and getting some weird outputs. i am able to get sible elements using _pluck but cant get multiple items.
i can think of logic like this
var newaray = [];
if( (_pluck(msg.output,'is_indb') == false && ((_pluck(msg.output,'name').substring(0, 1) == "a")){
newaray.push( [ _.pluck(msg.output, 'name') , _.pluck(msg.output, 'token')] );
Use filter and map:
var filteredOutput = output
.filter(function(elem) {
// The return statement should return true,
// if you want the element to pass into the new array.
return elem.is_indb === false && typeof elem.name === "string" && elem.name.indexOf('a') === 0;
.map(function(elem) {
return [elem.name, elem.tokens];
or with ES6:
let filteredOutput = output
.filter(elem => elem.is_indb === false && typeof elem.name === "string" && elem.name.indexOf('a') === 0)
.map(elem => [elem.name, elem.tokens])
with ES6 and using regex (inspired by Peter Grainger's answer, but also case insensitive):
let filteredOutput = output
.filter(elem => elem.is_indb === false && /^a/i.test(elem.name))
.map(elem => [elem.name, elem.tokens])
and by the way, what you posted is an array of objects, not a multidimensional array, which is an array of arrays.
You could use a filter then a map?
const output = [
const transform = output.filter(value => /^a/.test(value.name) && !value.is_indb)
.map(value => [value.name, value.tokens])
You can use _.filter and get the output in this form
op = [{ obj1 } ,{obj2}];
but as you want to remove some keys also then you can use _.pick
var op = _.filter(ip , function(obj){
if(obj.is_indb == false && obj.name[0] == 'a'){
return true;
return false;
//so now you have all the entries filtered out
var opAltered = _.pick(op,['name','tokens']);
//you will get this result
opAltered = [
name : <something>,
tokens : <something>
or If you want array you can use this
opAltered = _.map(op,['name','tokens'];
I have used more code to make you understand properly you can reduce it once you understand Thanks.
So, I have a function which should be executed in case that a if condition is true. I simply do not know how to implement it in a method. I have the following code:
'popItems': function () {
var date = new Date().getTime();
if ( "check if this.userId && any item in the array 'itemIds' is $gt date" ) {
'_id': this.userId
}, {
$pop: {'itemIds': -1}
So, in case the if condition is true, the $pop function should be executed. In case false, it should not. I wrote this for the if clause, but it doesn't work:
if (this.userId && userManagement.find({
'itemIds': {$gt: date}})) {...$pop function...}
'popItems': function () {
var date = new Date().getTime();
if (this.userId && userManagement.find({'itemIds':{ $gt: date}}).count() > 0 ) {
'_id': this.userId
}, {
$pop: {'itemIds': -1}
Include the query in the update operation as
'popItems': function () {
var date = new Date();
'_id': this.userId,
'itemIds': { '$gt': date }
{ '$pop': { 'itemIds': -1 } }
I've made some assumptions in coming up with the above solution. The first one being itemIds is an array composed of just Date objects e.g.
itemIds: [
The above query in the update operation can also be specified with an $and operator as:
'popItems': function () {
var date = new Date();
'$and': [
{ '_id': this.userId },
{ 'itemIds': { '$gt': date } },
{ '$pop': { 'itemIds': -1 } }
How do I get a single object from the flights array? I am first calling the getFlights() function in one view, and then I want to use the getFlight(flightId) in a another view when going to the page for a specific flight.
When I call the getFlight(flightId) however, it contains no data.
angular.module('myApp.factories', []).
factory('flightFactory', function ($http) {
var flights = {};
return {
getFlights: function () {
return $http.get('app/data/flights.json').then(function (response) {
flights = response;
return flights;
getFlight: function (id) {
for (var i = 0; i < flights.length; i++) {
if (flights[i].flightId == id) {
return flights[i];
return null;
Here is how i get all the flights in the first controller
flightFactory.getFlights().then(function(response) {
$scope.flights = response.data;
Here is how I have been trying to get a single flight in the second controller
$scope.singleflight = flightFactory.getFlight($routeParams.flightID);
Here is the content of the JSON file
"date": "2016-02-18T00:19:11-08:00",
"numberOfSeats": 30,
"totalPrice": 610,
"flightId": "PR6674",
"travelTime": 422,
"destination": "South Sudan",
"origin": "Copenhagen"
"date": "2016-11-07T16:35:45-08:00",
"numberOfSeats": 87,
"totalPrice": 405,
"flightId": "ZN4890",
"travelTime": 196,
"destination": "Rwanda",
"origin": "Copenhagen"
"date": "2016-07-11T18:05:32-07:00",
"numberOfSeats": 36,
"totalPrice": 646,
"flightId": "AT1096",
"travelTime": 399,
"destination": "Equatorial Guinea",
"origin": "Copenhagen"
Help will be much appreciated!
#Jeffery Yu's works, but it exposes the flights array.
angular.module('myApp.factories', []).
factory('flightFactory', function ($http) {
var flights = {};
var _this = this;
return {
getFlights: function () {
return $http.get('app/data/flights.json').then(function (response) {
_this.flights = response;
return _this.flights;
getFlight: function (id) {
var flights = _this.flights;
for (var i = 0; i < flights.length; i++) {
if (flights[i].flightId == id) {
return flights[i];
return null;
this will hide the flights array from the user (no direct access). This is what #Anik Islam Abhi is talking about.
angular.module('myApp.factories', []).factory('flightFactory', function ($http) {
return {
getFlights: function () {
return $http.get('app/data/flights.json').then(function (response) {
this.flights = response;
return this.flights;
getFlight: function (id) {
for (var i = 0; i < flights.length; i++) {
if (this.flights[i].flightId == id) {
return this.flights[i];
return null;
I have a JSON response which contains an array of data.
$scope.Load = function () {
$http.post(elasticSearchURL, { "aggs": { "By_type": { "terms": { "field": "Name" }, "aggs": { "By_color": { "terms": { "field": "Color" } } } } } }).
then(function (response) {
$scope.modelList = response;
}, function (response) {
I would like to display the count of each element in the JSON.
MyHtml Code
<div ng-repeat="fruits in modelList.data.hits.hits | unique : '_source.fruitsName' | orderBy:'_source.fruitsName' ">
My Json data will be like this
{"_id":"e-AB2","_version":1,"found":true, "_source":{"name":"Apple", "color":"red"}}},
{"_id":"e-AB2","_version":1,"found":true, "_source":{"name":"Apple", "color":"red"}}},
{"_id":"e-AB2","_version":1,"found":true, "_source":{"name":"Apple", "color":"red"}}}
It displays only the length of the fruitname "Apple" length:5. I want to display the array length of _source.name
I have tried {{$index.length}} but it showing the count as 1 since I am using "unique:" in the <div>
How it can be achieved in angularjs.
Thanks in advance
I think the easiest approach is create hashmap that contains the counts:
$scope.counts = {};
$http.post(elasticSearchURL, postData).then(function (response) {
$scope.modelList = response.data;
response.data.forEach(function (item) {
var source = item._source.name;
if (!$scope.counts.hasOwnProperty(source)) {
$scope.counts[source] = 0;
Then in the view you can use:
Count = {{counts[fruits._source.name]}}
$scope.counts will look like:
{ 'Apple':3, 'Orange':5}
What you probably want to do is map all the data to a different array in this same fashion and get rid of the unique filter since there is no way to do what you are asking directly in the view
I am currently working on an app using firebase and angularJS (ionic). Basically this is a car management app, so you have people sharing their cars with others. I tried to structure the data as flat as possible to be efficient. My issue here is that if without problem I can display the list of the car_id of the different cars shared with the logged user, I can't find a way to display the list of cars shared with the user displaying the year and the model.
Thank you in advance for your help !
"rules": {
"users": {
".write": true,
"$uid": {
".read": "auth != null && auth.uid == $uid"
"cars": {
"role":true // Owner, borower...
"cars": {
carapp.controller("carsController", function($scope, $firebaseObject, $ionicPopup, $ionicHistory) {
$scope.list = function() {
frbAuth = frb.getAuth();
if(frbAuth) {
var userObject = $firebaseObject(frb.child("users/" + frbAuth.uid));
userObject.$bindTo($scope, "user");
$scope.cars = frb.child("cars");
$scope.createCar = function() {
model: 'Create a new car',
inputType: 'text'
.then(function(result) {
if(result !== "") {
var newCar = $scope.cars.push({
model: result
var newCarId = newCar.key();
$scope.user.cars.push({car_id: newCarId, role: "owner" });
} else {
console.log("Action not completed");
<div class="list">
<a ng-repeat="car in user.cars" >
<h2>{{car.car_id}}</h2> ----> works fine !
<h2>{{car.model}}</h2> ----> How to get this working ?
<h2>{{car.year}}</h2> ----> How to get this working ?
In the users/ path, begin by storing the list of cars by index, instead of in an array. So your structure would be:
"users": {
"kato": {
"cars": {
"DeLorean": true
"cars": {
"DeLorean": {
model: "DeLorean",
year: "1975"
To join this using AngularFire, you have several approaches available. An AngularFire-only solution might look like this, taking advantage of $extend:
app.factory('CarsByUser', function($firebaseArray) {
return $firebaseArray.$extend({
$$added: function(snap) {
return new Car(snap);
$$updated: function(snap) {
// nothing to do here; the value of the index is not used
$$removed: function(snap) {
// these could be implemented in a manner consistent with the
// use case and above code, for simplicity, they are disabled here
$add: readOnly,
$save: readOnly
var carsRef = new Firebase(...).child('cars');
function Car(snap) {
// create a reference to the data for a specific car
this.$id = snap.key();
this.ref = carsRef.child(this.$id);
// listen for changes to the data
this.ref.on('value', this.updated, this);
Car.prototype.updated = function(snap) {
this.model = data.model;
this.year = data.year;
Car.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.ref.off('value', this.meta, this);
function readOnly() { throw new Error('This is a read only list'); }
app.controller('...', function($scope, CarsByUser, authData) {
// authenticate first, preferably with resolve
var ref = new Firebase(...).child(authData.uid);
$scope.cars = CarsByUser($scope);
For a more sophisticated and elegant approach, one could utilize NormalizedCollection and pass that ref into the AngularFire array:
app.controller('...', function($scope, $firebaseArray) {
var ref = new Firebase(...);
var nc = new Firebase.util.NormalizedCollection(
ref.child('users/' + authData.uid),
.select('cars.model', 'cars.year')
$scope.cars = $firebaseArray(nc);