Getting nearby counties in openstreetmaps - maps

Is there any way to get nearby counties for a given GPS coordinates? for example:
The above query will return exact county for sure. but I want to have other counties which are nearby as well. Any help would be appreciated.


How to solve Google sheets formula issue

Hoping someone here can help with a small issue.
I'm writing an array formula, which uses a vlookup to pull prices. Identical items can be either on the sales floor, or in various overstock locations, and since they gradually increase in value, only the price attached to the version thats on the sales floor should be valid. Vlookup unfortunately pulls the price for the first match it finds.
I've cannibalized the following code from various sources online, and it does work at pulling the correct prices, however, it appends "Sales floor" to every price.
Is there something I'm missing, or a way to further refine it?
={"Variant Price";if(Checkbox!B1=TRUE,Arrayformula(IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2:A&"Sales Floor",Inventory!A2:K&Inventory!N2:N,Column(J2:J),false))),"")}
The variant price and checkbox portions are simply to add a title, and to be able to control whether the formula is activated, this sheet has a large number of formulas that don't need to run constantly.
={"Variant Price"; IF(Checkbox!B1=TRUE,
Inventory!A2:K&Inventory!N2:N,Column(J2:J), 0)), "Sales Floor", )))}

How to find the name of a place from latitude and longitude value

I am analysing app data which contains lat value and lon value of a user visited places. I was able to export the data to tableau and plot it on the map but I want to find the name of place for each pair of lat and lon.
One solution could be, if I get a table of three columns (Lat, Lon, Place) then I can join it with my user data table to find the name of a place at a given Lat and Lon.
My question is, do we have a ready made table with the above three columns which I can import in my SQL-Server? I am interested in places of UK or London. Is there any other approach to achieve it?
You can get this from the Ordinance Survey which should get you lat, long, postcode;
You'll then need another data source to map the postcode to location name (e.g. town, county etc). See the similar post below;
Where can I find a list of all UK _full_ postcodes including street name and their precise coordinates?
It might take a little fiddling about, and you're always going to have the issue with data being a little out of date but it should be good enough.
I wrote an API wrapper in R for, which is a free UK postcode database. Check the original documentation so that you could create an API wrapper in your language of choice. Wrappers in languages other than R are also available.
If you use R, then type you can get the place names in the following way:
if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")
rev_geo <- reverse_geocoding(0.127, 51.507)
It will return a list with extensive information about the latitude and longitude, e.g. wards, NUTS, administrative district, county, parish, consituency, CCG and many more.
There is also a bulk_reverse_geocoding() function which takes several lat and lon inputs.

USPS IntlRateV2 - country list

I'm using USPS IntlRateV2 API to retrieve shipping rates for international customers.
The problem I'm facing is that USPS requires to fill in a country name (not the 2 characters code for it, but the full name) that causes me troubles getting rates for countries that have no straightforward name, for example: south Korea and there are many of such countries.
Does anyone can come up with a list of all USPS supported countries?
I've tried contacting the USPS but no reply given.
I appreciate any help.
I found a nice snippet to get the list off USPS website:
Credit goes to: taj morton

Piwik: Get graph of unique visitors in custom date range using ImageGraph API

I only just started using piwik but am already stuck.
I want to get a graph showing the unique visitors of a custom date range (from February to April), so a count for each day. Just as it's displayed in Piwik under "Visitors => Overview". But somehow that doesn't seem possible with the ImageGraph API.
What I'm trying to do (using the ImageGraph API):
I want to display a graph showing the number of unique visitors per day in a certain date range.
Below I want to display a graph showing all goal conversions per day for the same date range.
It's supposed to show the relation between the two values since it's highly relevant if an increase in conversion is accompanied by an increase in unique visitors.
It would be great if both sparklines were in the same graph but I don't think that's possible.
Does anyone have an idea of how to achieve this? Any help would be appreciated.
For daily visits you can generate the graphic by calling the next URL :
'index.php?module=API&graphType=evolution&width=800&height=200&method=ImageGraph.get&idSite=' .
$this->siteId . '**&period=day**'. **'&date=' .
$this->startDate->format('Y-m-d') . ',' .
$this->endDate->format('Y-m-d')** .

Get Longitude and Latitude from Country Name

I have Gmaps embedded in my site which pulls out a list of dealers from my database around the world and plots their location with a marker based on the dealer postcode in Gmaps. This works great however I need to extend this functionality to support dealers who do not have a postcode but rather, they are assigned to Countries.
So for example, Test Dealer could be assigned to Germany and Belgium so I need to somehow get a generic longitude and latitude value for the country names "Germany" and "Belgium" and then show a marker for those long/lat values.
Is this possible?
If so, where do I start?!
Thanks for reading.
Try using google's geocoder. Just provide a generic address, in your case a country and it will return the center point of that country together with the coordinates(latitude and longitude)
Here's a link.
