I'm trying to split up an emails subject line with pairs and then store that in hash table then I will then use to send it out to a different program.
$tokens = "what","whatvar","whatval","where","when","severity","status","type","CI","mnemonic","who","message"
$tokenhash = #{}
ForEach($item in $tokens)
$match= $message -match "$item=([\S\s]*)\S*=?"
out-host -InputObject $Matches.1
I was not sure if there was a way to use the token list in the regex so that is checks each token word to make sure it stops collecting at any of the tokens
$match= $message -match "$item=([\S\s]*)where="
$match= $message -match "$item=([\S\s]*)when="
I hope I explained that ok. I'm a horrible communicator. Right now I"m trying to use \S*=? to try to get whatever the next starting of the pair would be. They may not be in the same order when coming in.
If the key is always just a single word, you could do with two simple statements and a for loop:
# Split into alternating groups of key/value
$tokens = $message -split '([\S]*)=' |Where-Object { $_ }
# Populate dictionary:
for($i = 0; $i -lt $tokens.Count; $i += 2){
$tokenhash[$tokens[$i]] = $tokens[$i+1]
My array has a lot of properties but I'm only looking to edit one. The goal is to remove domains from the hostname but I haven't been able to get it working. This data is being returned from a REST API and there are thousands of assets that contain the same type of data (JSON content). The end goal is to compare assets pulled from the API and compare it to assets in a CSV file. The issue is that the domain may appear on one list and not the other so I'm trying to strip the domains off for comparison. I didn't want to iterate through both files and the comparison has to go from the CSV file to the API data hence the need to get rid of the domain altogether.
There are other properties in the array that I will need to pull from later. This is just an example of one of the arrays with a few properties:
$array = #{"description"="data"; "name"="host1.domain1.com"; "model"="data"; "ip"=""; "make"="Microsoft"}
#{"description"="data"; "name"="host2.domain2.com"; "model"="data"; "ip"=""; "make"="Different"}
#{"description"="data"; "name"=""; "model"="data"; "ip"=""; "make"="Different"}
The plan was to match the domain and then strip using the period.
$domainList = #(".domain1.com", ".domain2.com")
$domains = $domainList.ForEach{[Regex]::Escape($_)} -join '|'
$array = $array | ForEach-Object {
if($_.name -match $domains) {
$_.name = $_.name -replace $domains }
You may do the following to output a new array of values without the domain names:
# starting array
$array = #("hosta.domain1.com", "hostb.domain2.com", "host3", "")
# domains to remove
$domains = #('.domain1.com','.domain2.com')
# create regex expression with alternations: item1|item2|item3 etc.
# regex must escape literal . since dot has special meaning in regex
$regex = $domains.foreach{[regex]::Escape($_)} -join '|'
# replace domain strings and output everything else
$newArray = $array -replace $regex
Arrays use pointers so I needed to load the array and pipe through ForEach-Object and then set the object when logic was complete. Thanks for all of the help.
$domainList = #(".domain1.com", ".domain2.com")
$domains = $domainList.ForEach{[Regex]::Escape($_)} -join '|'
$array = $array | ForEach-Object {
if($_.name -match $domains) {
$_.name = $_.name -replace $domains }
Noob here.
I'm trying to pare down a list of domains by eliminating all subdomains if the parent domain is present in the list. I've managed to cobble together a script that somewhat does this with PowerShell after some searching and reading. The output is not exactly what I want, but will work OK. The problem with my solution is that it takes so long to run because of the size of my initial list (tens of thousands of entries).
UPDATE: I've updated my example to clarify my question.
Example "parent.txt" list:
Example output "repeats.txt" file:
adk2.com (different top level domain than adk2.co but that's ok)
list-manage.com (not subdomain of manage.com but that's ok)
I would then take and eliminate the repeats from the parent, leaving a list of "unique" subdomains and domains. I have this in a separate script.
Example final list with my current script:
graph.facebook.com (it's not facebook.com because facebook.com wasn't in the original list.)
Ideal final list:
adk2.com (since adk2.co and adk2.com are actually distinct domains)
Below is my code:
I've taken my hosts list (parent.txt) and checked it against itself, and spit out any matches into a new file.
$parent = Get-Content("parent.txt")
$hosts = Get-Content("parent.txt")
$repeats =#()
$out_file = "$PSScriptRoot\repeats.txt"
$hosts | where {
$found = $FALSE
foreach($domains in $parent){
if($_.Contains($domains) -and $_ -ne $domains){
$found = $TRUE
$repeats += $_
if($found -eq $TRUE){
$repeats = $repeats -join "`n"
This seems like a really inefficient way to do it since I'm going through each element of the array. Any suggestions on how to best optimize this? I have some ideas like putting more conditions on what elements to check and check against, but I feel like there's a drastically different approach that would be far better.
First, a solution based strictly on shared domain names (e.g., helpx.adobe.com and adobe.com are considered to belong to the same domain, but list-manage.com and manage.com are not).
This is not what you asked for, but perhaps more useful to future readers:
Get-Content parent.txt | Sort-Object -Unique { ($_ -split '\.')[-2,-1] -join '.' }
Assuming list.manage.com rather than list-manage.com in your sample input, the above command yields:
{ ($_ -split '\.')[-2,-1] -join '.' } sorts the input lines by the last 2 domain components (e.g., adobe.com):
-Unique discards duplicates.
A shared-suffix solution, as requested:
# Helper function for (naively) reversing a string.
# Note: Does not work properly with Unicode combining characters
# and surrogate pairs.
function reverse($str) { $a = $str.ToCharArray(); [Array]::Reverse($a); -join $a }
# * Sort the reversed input lines, which effectively groups them by shared suffix
# with the shortest entry first (e.g., the reverse of 'manage.com' before the
# reverse of 'list-manage.com').
# * It is then sufficient to output only the first entry in each group, using
# wildcard matching with -notlike to determine group boundaries.
# * Finally, sort the re-reversed results.
Get-Content parent.txt | ForEach-Object { reverse $_ } | Sort-Object |
ForEach-Object { $prev = $null } {
if ($null -eq $prev -or $_ -notlike "$prev*" ) {
reverse $_
$prev = $_
} | Sort-Object
One approach is to use a hash table to store all your parent values, then for each repeat, remove it from the table. The value 1 when adding to the hash table does not matter since we only test for existence of the key.
$parent = #(
$repeats = (
$domains = #{}
$parent | % {$domains.Add($_, 1)}
$repeats | % {if ($domains.ContainsKey($_)) {$domains.Remove($_)}}
$domains.Keys | Sort
I am very new to scripting but I could not find an answer to this question anywhere. It may be because I do not know the right terms to use to phrase the question. Please forgive my inexperience and bear with me..
At the beginning of my script I create an array of computer names based on user input:
$computerarray = #()
do {
$ComputerName = (Read-Host "Please enter the computer name")
if ($Computername -ne '') {$computerarray += $Computername}
until ($Computername -eq '')
I use the array variables throughout the script in foreach loops using the $ComputerName variable to call each array element.
After I define the $computerarray, I then Test-Connection for each of them to determine which hosts are online, and my goal is to get rid of the hosts that are not able to connect. After some research I discovered that normal array elements cannot be deleted, but ArrayLists can be modified and allow elements to move to another array.
After learning this, I modify my initial code to set set $computerarray as an arraylist:
[System.Collections.ArrayList]$computerarray = #()
do {
$ComputerName = (Read-Host "Please enter the computer name")
if ($Computername -ne '') {$computerarray += $Computername}
until ($Computername -eq '')
Then Create another array list to move the hosts that are not connecting,
$ComputersToDelete = #()
Then run the Test-Connection block:
foreach ($Computername in $computerarray)
If (Test-Connection -computername $ComputerName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
Write-Host "`nConnected to $Computername"
Write-Host "`nCannot connect to $Computername" -forgroundcolor white -BackgroundColor red
In the else portion of that last block, I attempt to move the selected $ComputerName to the $ComputersToDelete array here:
$ComputersToDelete += $computerarray.$Computername
And lastly, I follow this block with:
foreach ($ComputersToDelete in $ComputersToDelete) {
I have read that to move an array element, it would go something like:
$ComputersToDelete += $computerarray[1]
However, since I'm only referencing the element with $ComputerNames, it does not seem to work. I want to remove the hosts that are not connection so the rest of the script does not waste time trying to connect to them each time.
Thanks for your future answers and I'm glad to finally be a part of the community!
You could use the Group-Object cmdlet to split the array into those that can and can't connect:
$Computers = $computerArray |Group-Object { Test-Connection -ComputerName $_ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } -AsHashtable
$ToKeep = $Computers[$true]
$ToDelete = $Computers[$false]
Or (in PowerShell 4.0 and newer), use the .Where() method in Split mode:
$ToKeep,$ToDelete = $computerArray.Where({Test-Connection $_ -Count 1 -Quiet},'Split')
So I'm trying to count the words of my text file however when I do get-content the array reads them letter by letter and so it doesn't let me compare them word by word. I hope you guys can help me out!
function Get-Articles (){
foreach($Word in $poem){
if($Articles -contains $Word){
write-host "The number of Articles in your sentence: $counter"
$Counter = 0
$poem = $line
$Articles = "a","an","the"
$fileExists = Test-Path "text.txt"
if($fileExists) {
$poem = Get-Content "text.txt"
Write-Output "The file SamMcGee does not exist"
$poem.Split(" ")
What your script does, edited down a bit:
$poem = $line # set poem to $null (because $line is undefined)
$Articles = "a","an","the" # $Articles is an array of strings, ok
# check file exists (I skipped, it's fine)
$poem = Get-Content "text.txt" # Load content into $poem,
# also an array of strings, ok
$poem.Split(" ") # Apply .Split(" ") to the array.
# Powershell does that once for each line.
# You don't save it with $xyz =
# so it outputs the words onto the
# pipeline.
# You see them, but they are thrown away.
Get-Articles # Call a function (with no parameters)
function Get-Articles (){
# Poem wasn't passed in as a parameter, so
foreach($Word in $poem){ # Pull poem out of the parent scope.
# Still the original array of lines. unchanged.
# $word will then be _a whole line_.
if($Articles -contains $Word){ # $articles will never contain a whole line
write-host "The number of Articles in your sentence: $counter" # 0 everytime
You probably wanted to do $poem = $poem.Split(" ") to make it an array of words instead of lines.
Or you could have passed $poem words into the function with
function Get-Articles ($poem) {
Get-Articles $poem.Split(" ")
And you could make use of the PowerShell pipeline with:
$Articles = "a","an","the"
$poemArticles = (Get-Content "text.txt").Split(" ") | Where {$_ -in $Articles}
$counter = $poemArticles | Measure | Select -Expand Count
write-host "The number of Articles in your sentence: $counter"
TessellatingHeckler's helpful answer explains the problem with your approach well.
Here's a radically simplified version of your command:
$counter = (-split (Get-Content -Raw text.txt) -match '^(a|an|the)$').count
write-host "The number of articles in your sentence: $counter"
The unary form of the -split operator is key here: it splits the input into words by any run of whitespace between words, resulting in an array of individual words.
-match then matches the resulting array of words against a regex that matches words a, an, or the: ^(a|an|the)$.
The result is the filtered subarray of the input array containing only the words of interest, and .count simply returns that subarray's count.
I have a text file domains.txt
$domains = ‘c:\domains.txt’
$list = Get-Content $domains
and an array
$array = #(".php",".zip",".html",".htm",".js",".png",".ico",".0",".jpg")
anything in $domain that ends in something in #arr should NOT be in my final list
So google.com would be in final list but google.js would not.
I found some other stackoverflow code that give me the exact opposite of what I'm looking for but, hah I can't get it reversed!!!!
This gives me the exact opposite of what I want, how do I reverse it?
$domains = ‘c:\domains.txt’
$list = Get-Content $domains
$array = #(".php",".zip",".html",".htm",".js",".png",".ico",".0",".jpg")
$found = #{}
$list | % {
$line = $_
foreach ($item in $array) {
if ($line -match $item) { $found[$line] = $true }
$found.Keys | write-host
this gives me google.js I need it to give me google.com.
I've tried -notmatch etc and can't get it to reverse.
Thanks in advance and the more explanation the better!
Take the .s off, mash the items together into a regex OR, tag on an end-of-string anchor, and filter the domains against it.
$array = #("php","zip","html","htm","js","png","ico","0","jpg")
# build a regex of
# .(php|zip|html|htm|...)$
# and filter the list with it
$list -notmatch "\.($($array -join '|'))`$"
Anyway, the simple way to invert your result is to walk through $found.keys | where { $_ -notin $list }. Or to change your test to $line -notmatch $item.
But beware that you are doing a regex match and something like top500.org would match .0 and throw your results out. If you need to match at the end specifically, you need to use something like $line.EndsWith($item).
other solution
$array = #(".php",".zip",".html",".htm",".js",".png",".ico",".0",".jpg")
get-content C:\domains.txt | where {[System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($_) -notin $array}