Joomla: place menu items in different positions on mobile device - mobile

I have developed a website based on Joomla 2.5 and I wish to make it mobile friendly, without changing (or changing as less as possible) the desktop version of my website.
So I have installed Joomla Mobile component. This component allows activating dynamically a different template (w.r.t the one that is used on desktop), when detecting a mobile device.
By default, the template that is activated when detecting a mobile is "Mobile_basic". This is a simple and really nice template, but the problem is that it doesn't support some menu positions, which are used by the desktop template. So the result is that some menu items are not displayed on mobile device.
I give an example for better clarification: my website uses a menu that is placed in "right" position. But the "Mobile_basic" template doesn't have this position. It has instead other positions called "mj_top", "mj_top2"...
The possible solutions could be:
1) Find a way to instruct Joomla to show a menu item in a different position, depending on the template which is used at that moment
2) Create new positions which are valid both desktop and mobile templates
Has anybody some better idea to solve my task?
Best regards

Maybe best solution will be use the same position in both templates [desktop and mobile] ?
at first i suggest to make a copy of mobile template - when you update your Joomla Mobile component it can overwrite your changes.
here you can find easy way to do that!_Template
then edit index.php file in your mobile template
and insert this code in place you want to display menu
<?php if ($this->countModules('right')) : ?>
<jdoc:include type="modules" name="right" style="none" />
<?php endif; ?>
Code above check is there are any modules with 'right' position, and display them
Also you need to change default template at Joomla Mobile configuration - so it will use your version

thank you for the smart hint.
I have tested it an it allowed me to achieve my goal, but I had to abandon it because I found a bit difficult to control the order and the visualization of the objects in the mobile version.
Finally I opted for a solution that I would recommend to others who have my same need. With the menu manager I have created "clones" of the menus that are visible only in the desktop template, using positions that are valid only for the mobile template. Then I have populated these cloned menus with a copy of the items that are in the desktop menus.
In this way I can control the order and the visualization of the menu items in the mobile version, easily and independently from the desktop version.


How to serve separate page (Orchard template) for phones

Using Orchard 1.8.1 I have written a simple image gallery that displays thumbnails and a lightbox. It is just a template that is driven by an Orchard Projection, using a Shape Layout. Works just fine. However, for phone users there is no point displaying thumbnails and it's better to just display the lightbox (with touch support). So I have also implemented that in a separate template. But how can I get Orchard to switch templates depending on the UserAgent string?
I have tried implementing Theme switching (, but it's a really ugly solution when I really want to just replace one view, and still enable implementers to switch themes. This is NOT an issue of styling; it's an issue of changing the content based on the device.
I tried implementing DisplayModeProvider as described here: But although the filter was called, it had no effect on view names.
Are Projections problematic here because the shape name is set? Is there a better way to go about this?
Create an alternate when you see a mobile browser, preferably from a shape table provider.

Dotnetnuke with responsive skin

Is there a way to mark containers by numbers so that they show one after another in a certain order when responsive skin is used (when mobile device loads the page)?
I am using "Tidy" responsive skin and my plan is to have a module that sits on every page and gets "Request.Browser.Browser" on load so if it's a mobile browser I just plan to add this "?SkinSrc=%5BG%5DSkins/Tidy/TidySocial&ContainerSrc=%5BG%5DContainers/Tidy/PanelGrey" to my url and reload the page with Tidy skin, while making a Session variable that the user is on mobile. The problem is that containers with modules (html module, gallery, my custom modules) are not ordered one after another in a way I would like them to be.
This isn't really possible within DNN. The way to handle responsiveness and order is to control the order of the panes and modules within those panes when they are placed on the page (or change the order after). You can't easily target modules once they are on the page to control their positioning without doing custom development within the skin that would need to know details about the modules and locations of those.
you need to Change mobie.css of tidy to get you desire result
it is not possible in DNN by default
Latest DNN Install has responsive feature which is also good.

SoundCloud widget custom edit

I'm using the following code to create a custom SoundCloud player:
What I have done is:
What I would like to do is have the track listing appear when the user clicks on the info button...I would like to save space and I don't really need to display what's being shown in that window anyway. What would I need to change in order to do that? I assume something in the JS file, but I'm not sure what to move around to make it work.
I know there is a widget that works similar here: - but it's flash based so Apple devices would not be able to use it and by creating a track listing that appears when the Info button is clicked, increases mobile compatibility by allowing the user to click because you can't hover with mobile devices.
You can use HTML5 widget, which is the default option for embeds from SoundCloud now –
These will work fine on iOS and Android.

Using responsive design within Google Sites

Is there a way to use responsive design principles with Google Sites. Has anyone tried that. Could you direct me to a sample site. I looked at this google help topic but then that is supposedly about exclusively mobile sites.
My main focus is a normal website which is optimized for web rather than primarily a mobile site.
Alternatively would Blogger be a better option in this case as that allows to change CSS.
I think your negative impression is right. It doesn't implement the features you'd expect in responsive design.
The key to your question is that Google Sites don't use a viewport declaration (meta viewport in the head element). If you don't have that, then device browsers treat you as a legacy desktop-only website. They assume you'll break completely below ~830px, and set a page min-width accordingly. That doesn't sound much like responsive design to me.
Google Sites don't let you write your own CSS or HTML HEAD, so you can't implement a more responsive design yourself.
To be fair, you can choose to not set a fixed page width. Also navigations buttons will reflow on relatively narrow windows, if you're using the "horizontal navigation" feature. The latter isn't great design but at least it's degrading gracefully.
There is an option "Automatically adjust site to mobile phones" under Manage site -> General. However many people suggest it's better not to use it :). I tried enabling it on an old site, previewing the page, and selecting "preview in mobile". At least on Firefox on my original netbook (800px width), it was not responsive. It didn't expand to use the 800px screen properly.
As an aside, the line-wrapping (or absence of it) is a pre-existing issue with my site. You could blame this on me for not testing it :). However it illustrates a limitation of the WYSIWYG editor in Google Sites. It doesn't show, check for, or filter out the formatting that causes this problem.
Mobile yes, responsive no.
I was messing with Google Sites today and you can make a site mobile friendly (I had to come here to get started!). I just used the "Blank Template" to mess around with.
You do need to activate (like others that have mentioned):
Options (gear icon) > Manage site > (scroll down to Mobile) Check.. Automatically adjust for mobile phones. Yeah, let's bury that option way down at the bottom!
Considering the whole mobile "push" Google implemented in the spring of 2015 this should be ON by default for any newly created Google Site.
Just selecting that option makes an OK (basic) mobile site. Not a responsive site. So on my iPhone it does scale photos correctly to fit the device and switches the main horizontal menu to the "hamburger" icon/menu. But collapsing the desktop browser window does not produce responsive results.
As a test, I uploaded a way too large photo (2.5mb) to see what would happen. Running the site through Google PageSpeed Insights it did not display any "optimize photos" warning, so seems to serves up an optimized photo for phones and desktops.
I guess the basic theme is actually called "Ski." I tried out the "Legal Pad" theme and it was totally borked on mobile. I think due to the header and content area background images.
To me Google Sites is ideal if you are already heavy into Google's other products... drive, docs, Google+, webmastertools, analytics, etc... As it has links to add those types of items when editing. Or need a quick site for collaborating as you can easily set the site access like YouTube,Drive items.
Also, you are very limited as to what html you can added. Trying to add a script tag gets stripped out when attempting to save. So again depending on the use there are definitely other options out there.
The answer applying to old "Classic" google sites is NO.
If you create your own custom HTML forms with apps script, you can add the #media viewports etc to the css for those pages/forms,so that helps...
but the google site frame around overrides custom css attempting
responsive design at the page level.
now a days its possible to make a responsive Google Site. since Google has enhanced this feature "Automatically adjust site to mobile phones" option in the Manage Site option button.
to find the option- go to> Manage Site> General> , in the general settings page's lower portion you can see a radio button named "Automatically adjust site to mobile phones". Just tick the radio button & u have enhanced the feature.
Refer an example site made with responsive Google site

CakePHP Mobile Website

Any idea, how can we create already running website to Mobile Website?
Are there, ready made plug-ins / components available ?
I've found some like however it is paid one, which is not feasible for client's budget.
I have found, XML creations is pretty easy in CakePHP, though your ideas would be appreciated.
Kindly share more details on the same !
i dont think that you'll find a plugin that will transform your website for mobile. because there are too many decisions to make when creating a mobile web, for me it's like creating a completly different website with only the necessary information that your website has..
But maybe there are components that might help you with the small taks (like detecting the user agent and stuff).. here you can read two good articles about creating a mobile website:
There's also a few JS frameworks that will help you with the interaction with the user, i've only used Sencha touch..
But my guess is that you'll have to adapt/create "manually" the css, html and js for mobile, and I don't think that there's a magical tool to do that, you'll have to do it yourself (or pay someone to do it =D)
Hope this helps, Good Luck!
You may be interested in my answer over here:
CakePHP v2.2.1 Solution (+ Cookies to persist mobile/desktop/other layout)
In a nutshell:
Lets you setup mobile layouts /Views/Layouts/mobile/default.ctp
Mobile views /Views/Pages/mobile/home.ctp
Sets a template variable $is_mobile
Lets you force a specific layout ?forcedLayout=desktop, and remembers this in a COOKIE
If no layout is forced it uses CakePHP's User-Agent detection to make the decision $this->request->is('mobile')
If no ../mobile/ layout or view file exists then it falls back to the default layout or view.
Typically with cakephp you want to create a separate view layout for mobile viewing. The app controller should change the default view layout to the mobile one when detecting a mobile browser.
Your mobile view layout should be made by you, only you know what data on your site is important and what is not (aka, what should be removed /kept for mobile viewing) Also your mobile layout can use alternate CSS and only load the elements you want.
To learn more about creating views in cakephp see the cookbook:
