SQLite - Return 0 if null - database

I have an assignment in Database Management Systems in which I have to write queries for given problems.
I have 4 problems, of which I solved 3 and stuck with the last one.
Using version 1.4 of the Chinook Database
SQLite DB Browser
Chinook Sqlite AutoIncrementPKs.sqlite file​ in the directory with Chinook files is the database I am working on
Problem Statement:
Write a query to generate a ranked list of employees based upon the amount of money brought in via customer invoices for which they were the support representative. The result set (see figure below) should have the following fields (in order) for all employees (even those that did not support any customers): ID (e_id), first name (e_first name), last name (e_last_name), title (e_title), and invoice total (total_invoices). The rows should be sorted by the invoice total (greatest first), then by last name (alphabetically), then first name (alphabetically). The invoice total should be preceded by a dollar sign ($) and have two digits after the decimal point (rounded, as appropriate); in the case of employees without any invoices, you should output a $0.00, not NULL. You may find it useful to look at the IFNULL, ROUND, and PRINTF functions of SQLite.
Desired Output:
My Query:
Select Employee.EmployeeId as e_id,
Employee.FirstName as e_first_name,
Employee.LastName as e_last_name,
Employee.Title as e_title,
'$' || printf("%.2f", Sum(Invoice.Total)) as total_invoices
From Invoice Inner Join Customer On Customer.CustomerId = Invoice.CustomerId
Inner Join Employee On Employee.EmployeeId = Customer.SupportRepId
Group by Employee.EmployeeId
Having Invoice.CustomerId in
(Select Customer.CustomerId From Customer
Where Customer.SupportRepId in
(Select Employee.EmployeeId From Employee Inner Join Customer On Employee.EmployeeId = Customer.SupportRepId)
order by sum(Invoice.Total) desc
My Output:
As you can see, the first three rows are correct but the later rows are not printed because employees don't have any invoices and hence EmployeeID is null.
How do I print the rows in this condition?
I tried with Coalesce and ifnull functions but I can't get them to work.
I'd really appreciate if someone can modify my query to get matching solutions.
P.S: This is the schema of Chinook Database

It often happens that it is simpler to use subqueries:
SELECT EmployeeId,
(SELECT printf("...", ifnull(sum(Total), 0))
FROM Invoice
JOIN Customer USING (CustomerId)
WHERE Customer.SupportRepId = Employee.EmployeeId
) AS total_invoices
FROM Employee
ORDER BY total_invoices DESC;
(The inner join could be replaced with a subquery, too.)
But it's possible that you are supposed to show that you have learned about outer joins, which generate a fake row containing NULL values if a matching row is not found:
FROM Employee
LEFT JOIN Customer ON Employee.EmployeeId = Customer.SupportRepId
LEFT JOIN Invoice USING (CustomerID)
And if you want to be a smartass, replace ifnull(sum(...), 0) with total(...).


SQL Project using a where clause

So this is what I am working with new to sql and still learning been stuck on this for a few days now. Any advice would be appreciated I attached the image of the goal I'm trying to achieve
OrderItem And Product Table
Order And OrderItem Table(https://i.stack.imgur.com/pdbMT.png)
Scenario: Our boss would like to see the OrderNumber, OrderDate, Product Name, UnitPrice and Quantity for products that have TotalAmounts larger than the average
Create a query with a subquery in the WHERE clause. OrderNumber, OrderDate and TotalAmount come from the Order table. ProductName comes from the Product table. UnitPrice and Quantity come from the OrderItem table.
This is the code I came up with but it causes product name to run endlessly and displays wrong info.
USE TestCorp;
FROM [Order], Product
JOIN OrderItem i ON Product.UnitPrice = i.UnitPrice
WHERE TotalAmount < ( SELECT AVG(TotalAmount)
FROM [Order]
ORDER BY TotalAmount DESC;
Best guess assuming joins and fields not provided.
SELECT O.OrderNumber, O.orderDate, P.ProductName, OI.UnitPrice, OI.Quantity, O.TotalAmount
FROM [Order] O
on O.ID = OI.orderID
on P.ID= OI.ProductID
CROSS JOIN (SELECT avg(TotalAmount) AvgTotalAmount FROM [Order]) z
WHERE O.TotalAmount > z.AvgTotalAmount
You're mixing join notations don't use , and inner join together that's mixing something called ANSI Standards.
I'm not sure why you have a cross join to product to begin with
You don't specify how to join Order to order item.
It seems very odd to be joining on Price.... join on order ID or productID maybe?
you could cross join to an "Average" result so it's available on every record. (I aliased this inline view "Z" in my attempt)
so what the above does is include all Orders. and for each order, an order item must be associated for it to be included. And then for each order item, a productid must be included and related to a record in product. If for some reason an order item record doens't have a related entry in product table, it gets excluded.
I use a cross join to get the average as it's executed 1 time and applied/joined to every record.
If we use the query in the where clause it's executed one time for EVERY record (unless the DB Engine optimizer figures it out and generates a better plan)
I Assume
Order.ID relates to OrderItem.OrderID
OrderItem.productID relates to Product.ID
Order.TotalAmount is what we are wanting to "Average" and compare against
Every Order has an Order Item entry
Every Order Item entry has a related product.

Summing a total from multiple sales into a single column

I'm having issues with what I believe should be a simple problem in SQL Server 2017. I need to show the total sales price for a given sale. This is what I have written (note I deleted the totalprice sum formulae because it returned an error) :
USE [Antiques]
#TotalPrice AS TotalPrice
Customers JOIN Sales ON Customers.CustomerID = Sales.CustomerID
JOIN SalesProducts ON Sales.SaleNo = SalesProducts.SaleNo
JOIN Products ON SalesProducts.ProductID = Products.ProductID
WHERE (Products.ProductID = SalesProducts.ProductID)
This is the result:
Even if I remove the item price (which I have just put in temporarily and won't be in final code) there are still multiple lines per sale (1 for each item in the sale). Have I used the wrong joins? How can I get it looking like this:
Can anyone please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I've tried so many ways of using the Sum function and Group By and failing. (Note: this has to be a basic query and not a stored procedure unfortunately)
Actually you're not too far away. I'd move the grouping in a derived table and join that, to get the totalprice.
SELECT sales.saleno,
FROM sales
INNER JOIN customers
ON customers.customerid = sales.customerid
INNER JOIN (SELECT salesproducts.saleno,
sum(products.price) totalprice
FROM salesproducts
INNER JOIN products
ON products.productid = salesproducts.productid
GROUP BY salesproducts.saleno) x
ON x.saleno = sales.salesno;

SQL query where person has as request for every product

I have a shortcut query where I just counted the total number of products and used count to display that the person has requested that many products. (Which is 8 products)
I want to know if there's an easier way where I wouldn't need to count the the products myself and have the query do it. Basically, replace the 8 with the total amount of products that the database has.
Tb_Consumer, Tb_Product, Tb_Requests
Tb_Consumer.Con_ID = Tb_Requests.Con_ID
AND Tb_Requests.Prod_ID = Tb_Product.Prod_ID
COUNT(Tb_Product.Name) = 8
Use a subquery to find the number of products in the Tb_Product table:
FROM Tb_Consumer tbc
INNER JOIN Tb_Request tbr
ON tbc.Con_ID = tbr.Con_ID
INNER JOIN Tb_Product tbp
ON tbr.Prod_ID = tbp.Prod_ID
COUNT(tbp.Name) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Tb_Product); -- count products here
This assumes that every record in Tb_Product corresponds to a single unique product. If there could be duplication for some reason, then you can count distinct products, e.g.
Other changes I made include removing DISTINCT from the select clause, since the GROUP BY should already make each name distinct. I also refactored your query to remove the commas in the FROM clause. Instead, I use explicit joins between the three tables.

SQL: Summing columns with a similar column in common

I'm extremely new to SQL Sever and so I apologize if the question is worded strange. I am doing a homework assignment, and this is the question:
"A manager wants to know the email address, number or orders, and the total amount of purchases made by each customer. Create a summary query that returns these three items for each customer that has orders."
I have all of the data queried, the problem is when I pull data from each customer, it will show the quantity of items per order, and I need the items to be pooled together into one column. This is my query thus far (again, total noob, please excuse any poor syntax, etc.)
SELECT EmailAddress,
ItemPrice - DiscountAmount * Quantity AS TotalPurchaseAmount,
COUNT(*) AS OrderQty
FROM Customers
JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
JOIN OrderItems ON Orders.OrderID = OrderItems.OrderID
GROUP BY Orders.CustomerID,
OrderItems.ItemPrice, OrderItems.DiscountAmount,
The following is a small bit of the result set that I get:
Email Address OrderTotal OrderQty
allan.sherwood#yahoo.com 253.15 2
allan.sherwood#yahoo.com 839.30 2
allan.sherwood#yahoo.com 1208.16 2
barryz#gmail.com 303.79 4
christineb#solarone.com 479.60 2
david.goldstein#hotmail.com 299.00 2
david.goldstein#hotmail.com 489.30 1
david.goldstein#hotmail.com 479.60 1
So as you can see, I have several orders I need to smoosh together into one single row per e-mail, I have looked and looked for an answer but the only thing I can find is how to find duplicates and ignore them, not combine their data. Any help is extremely appreciate, thanks so much for taking the time to read this :) If my question doesn't make sense please let me know so I can clear up any bad wording I may have used!
Just do GROUP BY CustomerID, EmailAddress:
SUM((i.ItemPrice - i.DiscountAmount) * Quantity) AS TotalPurchaseAmount,
COUNT(*) AS OrderQty
FROM Customers c
ON c.CustomerID = o.CustomerID
INNER JOIN OrderItems i
ON o.OrderID = i.OrderID
c.CustomerID, c.EmailAddress
Additional note: Use aliases for your tables
You need to change your formula and remove columns that you dont want to group by from select query..
for example your query should be something like this
SELECT EmailAddress,
--do your aggregation here
blah AS TotalPurchaseAmount,
COUNT(*) AS OrderQty
FROM Customers
JOIN Orders ON Customers.CustomerID = Orders.CustomerID
JOIN OrderItems ON Orders.OrderID = OrderItems.OrderID
GROUP BY Orders.CustomerID,

Unable to understand the SQL code

I am finding it difficult to understand the code below. Can you give me a logical flow of how the code works ?
The question -
suppose you want to display the total number of orders placed by every customer in your Customers table. Orders are stored in the Orders table along with the appropriate customer ID.
The steps -
retrieve the list of customers from the customers table.
for each customer retrieved, count the number of associated orders in the Orders table.
The solution -
SELECT cust_name, cust_state,
FROM Orders
WHERE Orders.cust_id = Customers.cust_id
AS order_nos
FROM Customers
ORDER BY cust_name
I am unable to understand the count(*) part inside the brackets. Please help me to figure it out.
It's just counting the number of rows. In this case, that's the number of orders per customer. The alternative COUNT(column_name) gives you the number of rows where column_name isn't null.
Equivalent without the sub-query (using a group instead):
SELECT cust_name, cust_state, COUNT(orders.cust_id) order_nos
FROM Customers
LEFT OUTER JOIN Orders on Customers.cust_id = Orders.cust_id
GROUP BY cust_name, cust_state
ORDER BY cust_name
It's called a correlated subquery. Essentially, for each customer, you're going to get a count of how many orders that customer has. The "magic" is in the WHERE Orders.cust_id = Customers.cust_id clause in the subquery. That's the part that correlates this result to your main query. It's saying "take the cust_id from the main query and now find the count of orders where the cust_id is that cust_id".
