AngularJS controller not called from html - angularjs

If anyone can help, I'd be very thankful. I am pretty new to AngularJS and trying to learn it. The problem I got is that one of controllers are not called when button Bought is pressed
<div class="col-md-6" ng-controller="AlreadyBoughtController as Items">
<h2>Already Bought:</h2>
<ul ng-repeat="bought in Items.ItemsBought track by $index">
<li>Bought {{bought.quantity}} {{}}</li>
<div class="emptyMessage" ng-if="Items.ItemsBought.length === 0">Nothing bought yet.</div>
Please look complete code with app.js file on plunker:

That's because you were never actually passing the index of the item you bought.
<li>Buy {{item.quantity}} {{}} <button class="btn btn-default" ng-click="itemsToBuy.boughtItems($index);"><span class="glyphicon glyphicon-ok"></span> Bought</button></li>
Pass $index to your function: ng-click="itemsToBuy.boughtItems($index);
Take a look at the fixed plunk.


How to add item to array in ng-repeat with lazy loading

I have an array of comments. For each of the comment, I have a hidden form where you can reply. That item in each object of the array is called: comment.showSubCommentForm. When I click on Reply, I want to be able to reply with a comment and the function called: commentOnSubPost.
I load my data in chunks of 10 (lazy loading) which I am doing by using the infinite-scroll-distance Angular module. Every time I reach the end of the page, I get the next 10 items and add them to the $scope.comments array, which you can see below is what I am running my ng-repeat on .
The problem is that, although the commentOnSubPost works really well as in it adds the reply to the comment, I have reload the data so I can get the updated $scope.comments with the new reply. BUT - as I have implemented lazy loading, how do I do that if say I am on the 20th page?
I looked at some similar posts but their approach from mine was very different so am very lost.
<div infinite-scroll='loadMore()' infinite-scroll-distance='1'>
<div class="row">
<div ng-repeat="comment in comments track by $index">
<ul class="comments">
<li class="clearfix">
<a ng-href="#">SomeLink</a>
<p >{{ }} <a ng-href="/wall#/profile/main/{{ comment.userID }}">{{ comment.fullname }}</a> says <i class="commentReply"><a href ng-click="comment.showSubCommentForm = !comment.showSubCommentForm"><small>Reply</small></a></i></p>
<p class="mainComment">
{{ comment.comment }}
<p class="meta"><i class="showReply"><a href ng-click="comment.showReplies = !comment.showReplies"><small>Show Replies</small></a></i></p>
<div ng-show="comment.showSubCommentForm">
<form ng-submit="commentOnSubPost( post._id, comment._id, subComment)">
<div class="form-group">
<div class="form-group">
<textarea ng-model="subComment" class="form-control" placeholder="Reply to the above comment"></textarea>
<input type="submit" value="Reply">
<div ng-show="comment.showReplies" ng-repeat="subComment in comment.subComments track by $index">
<ul class="comments">
<li class="clearfix">
<a ng-href="/wall#/profile/main/{{ comment.userID }}"><img ng-src="{{ subComment.profilePic }}" class="avatar" style="border-radius: 50%"></a>
<div class="post-subComments">
<p class="meta">{{ }}<a ng-href="SomeLink"> {{ subComment.fullname }}</a></p>
{{ subComment.comment }}
I won't add too much information here as I don't want to overload this post but if you need any particular information, please do let me know. I just need to know how do I reload the data (or not if there's another approach) so that I can get the latest data.
I hope this makes sense.
Thanks in advance!
Like you have $scope.comments = []; then on each call you just have to append upcoming data to this array.
Like $scope.comments = $scope.comments.concat(;
In this way lazy loading will work.
I fixed this with making a Node route which gives back the exact comment I have just added. Then, I found that commentID in my $scope.comments and made it's subCommenemts to the one I have locally.
It does the job and the data is real. One drawback is that if at that time, there's another comment, it won't show up until the page's refreshed but I'm not too fussed about that.

Materialize tooltip is not working within ng-repeat

My Code is given below . Please check and reply .
<div ng-repeat="(x, y) in items">
<a class="btn tooltipped" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data- tooltip="I am tooltip">Hover me!</a>
I tested your code and everything works fine when I removed the spaces in data-tooltip attribute.
<a class="btn tooltipped" data-position="bottom" data-delay="50" data- tooltip="I am tooltip">Hover me!</a>
Did you initialize the tooltip before your content has been loaded? If so, you should initialize it after the render of items data. Otherwise there will be no .tooltiped DOM to be initialized.

Dynamic load items in a list using thymeleaf + angular + bootstrap

Hi guys I continue with my code and I have a problem that someone can maybe help me to fix it.
I'm using UI Bootstrap with angular and thymeleaf and I have problems to comunicate each. I want this:
So this table is loading dynamic from Thymeleaf but the name provider need to change.
Here is the code:
<accordion-group heading="{{providerGroup}}" th:attr="ng-repeat=\''+ providerGroup in ${#provider.getProviders().keySet()}+'\')'">
everything is working fine except that I dont know why thymeleaf dont read it.
Any help?
<accordion close-others="oneAtATime">
<li th:each="provider : ${#provider.getProviders().keySet()}">
<accordion-group th:attr="heading=${provider}" ng-model="providerSelected">
<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm" ng-click="addItem()">Add Item</button>
<div ng-repeat="item in items">{{item}}</div>
Enjoy it!

Angular bootstrap returning setIsOpen is not a function

We've got the following HTML:
<div class="btn-group search-dropdown" dropdown is-open="gender.isopen">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle" dropdown-toggle>
{{sex_temp=='F'?'Female':'Male'}} <span class="caret"></span>
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<li ng-class="{'dropdown-selected':sex_temp=='F'}">
<a ng-click="sex_temp='F'">Female</a>
<li ng-class="{'dropdown-selected':sex_temp=='M'}">
<a ng-click="sex_temp='M'">Male</a>
In the console, we're getting the following error:
Error: setIsOpen is not a function #
createHttpBackend/</xhr.onreadystatechange# #debugger eval code:1:1
We're using ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.12.1.js
I have tried adding $scope.gender={isopen:false} but that didn't help.
Any idea on what might be the problem here? The dropdown is working perfectly. I just want to get rid of these errors in the console.
I had the same issue, I believe it has something to do with the overlap of bootstrap's drop-down. Try removing the "dropdown-toggle" class from your button.
In my case it helped to simply remove the is-open attribute.
This is 2 years later, but updating your ui-bootstrap would fix this problem if you're using an older version (example 0.13 instead of 2.5)

AngularJS - ng-repeat with a condition

I have a list of questions to display.
I would like to add a question mark icon next to the question whenever it has a description.
<ul class="list-group" data-toggle="items" ng-repeat="ques in questions">
<li class="list-group-item"><input type="checkbox" /> {{ques.question}}
<div ng-if="{{ques.description}}">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
So I add all the question and when it has a description I would like to add an icon.
The code above is not working so if you can help !
without the curly brackets, should do it, with a recent version of angular.js (>1.1)
For more information, please check the ng-if official documentation
However, if you are using an older version of angular.js, you cannot use the ng-if directive. It would explain why your glyphicon is always displayed, regardless of the ng-if condition.
If it is the case, here is a workaround:
<div ng-switch="ques.description==null">
<i ng-switch-when="false" class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
Try change line:
<div ng-if="{{ques.description}}">
<div ng-if="ques.description">
Replace this part :
<div ng-if="{{ques.description}}">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
with :
<span ng-if="ques.description">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
1st thing remeber ng-if="expression" never works with interpolation directive {{}} it will need an expression, It would be great if you check length.
And for better binding with title attribute use ng-attr-title, it will create title attribute when {{ques.description}} get parsed.
<div ng-if="ques.description.length > 0">
<i class="glyphicon glyphicon-question-sign" ng-attr-title="{{ques.description}}"></i>
The solution is in the comments below my post.
The probleme was that I was on a 1.0.x version of angularJS which did not have the ng-if directive.
I downloaded a new angular.js and now it works !
