Mutating object properties within an array with Polymer - arrays

I not sure how to solve this issue. I am sure someone will know this very quickly.
I have an array of objects and modifying a property. I have a firebase listener 'child_changed'. When firebase is updated need to update the array. Here is the code below.
dbRefList.on('child_changed', function(snap) {
var len = this.grocerylist.length;
for(var i=len; i--;) {
if(this.grocerylist[i].key === snap.key) {
this.set(['grocerylist', i, 'selected'], snap.val().selected);
this.notifyPath('grocerylist', this.grocerylist.slice());
When the array is modified I want the template repeat-dom to trigger. I know this.set will not trigger array mutation sub properties but again I am not sure how to solve this. I done research and tried so many solutions.
I can force a render on the template dom-repeat but I would prefer the data binding way.

So this code (just the this.set you have in there now) should cause the value of grocerylist.i.selected to update inside the dom-repeat (assuming it's bound in there so it's actually showing up).
What behavior are you seeing? Are you trying to filter or sort the list based on the selected value? In that case, you might need to add observe="selected" on the dom-repeat.
(Also—have you confirmed that the child-changed callback is being called with the this value you expect—the element—rather than window or something else?)
You should be able to force a refresh by doing this.grocerylist = this.grocerylist.slice() or this.set('grocerylist', this.grocerylist.slice()); ... notifyPath doesn't work here because notifyPath doesn't change the value, it notifies the element about a prior change (the second argument is effectively ignored).


Changing variable without influencing view

I am displaying a view (ui-router) on the Ionic platform with a message list. New messages should be shown as unread, but then corresponding variables should be changed to read. The problem is that when I set the controller to change the proper variable, the view automatically updates itself immediately with this change and the messages are immediately displayed as read.
How can I deal with this?
In other words: in a variable-dependent view, I want to display the view first and then modify the variable, so that the change of the variable does not affect the view.
The current code (MarkAsRead() is called from within the template):
$scope.messages = $rootScope.Messages.Inbox;
$scope.MarkAsRead = function(ID_NR)
angular.forEach($rootScope.Messages.Inbox, function (value, key) {
if ((value.IsRead == 2) && (value.From == ID_NR))
value.IsRead = 3;
It's odd you're battling the main thing angular is known for: two-way binding. That said, if you really want to make changes to the variable without updating the view, you can use angular.copy to make a deep copy of the object and manipulate the copy itself. Or display the copy but manipulate the original
Another option, if you're using Angular > 1.3, you can use one-time binding to only update the view first time:
Simply prefix your expression with :: e.g

triggering $onChanges for updated one way binding

I'm really happy with the "new" $onChanges method you can implement in a component's controller. However it only seems to be triggered when the bound variable is overwritten from outside my component, not (for instance) when an item is added to an existing array
It this intended behaviour or a bug? Is there another way of listening to updates to my input bindings, besides doing a $scope.$watch on it?
I'm using Angular 1.5.3
First TL;DR
For an array that is bounded via one-way binding, a watch expression is added that does not check for object equality but uses reference checking. This means that adding an element to the array will never fire the '$onChanges' method, since the watcher will never be 'dirty'.
I've created a plnkr that demonstrates this:
Click the 'add vegetable in outer' and 'change array reference in outer' and look at the 'Number of $onChanges invocation'. It will only change with the latter button.
Complete explanation
To fully grasp what is going on, we should check the angular code base. When a '<' binding is found, the following code is used to set up a watch expression.
case '<':
if (!, attrName)) {
if (optional) break;
attrs[attrName] = void 0;
if (optional && !attrs[attrName]) break;
parentGet = $parse(attrs[attrName]);
destination[scopeName] = parentGet(scope);
removeWatch = scope.$watch(parentGet, function parentValueWatchAction(newParentValue) {
var oldValue = destination[scopeName];
recordChanges(scopeName, newParentValue, oldValue);
destination[scopeName] = newParentValue;
}, parentGet.literal);
// ------------- //
The important part here is how the 'scope.$watch' expression is set up. The only parameters passed are the parsed expression and the listener function. The listener function is fired once the '$watch' is found dirty in the digest cycle. If it is fired, the listener will execute the 'recordChanges' method. This records an '$onChanges' callback task that will be executed in the '$postDigest' phase and notify all components that are listening for the '$onChanges' lifecycle hook to tell them if the value has changed.
What's important to keep in mind here, if the '$watcher' is never dirty, the '$onChanges' callback is not triggered. But even more importantly, by the way the '$watch' expression is created, it will NEVER be dirty, UNLESS the reference changes. If you wanted to check for equality between objects instead of reference, you should pass an extra third parameter that asks for this:
$watch: function(watchExp, listener, objectEquality, prettyPrintExpression)
As this is not the case here with the way the one way binding is set up, it will ALWAYS check for reference.
This means, if you add an element to an array, the reference is not changed. Meaning the '$watcher' will never be dirty, meaning the '$onChanges' method will not be called for changes to the array.
To demonstrate this, I've created a plnkr:
It contains two components, outer and inner.
Outer has primitive string value that can be changed through an input box and an array that can be extended by adding an element or have its reference changed.
Inner has two one-way bounded variables, the value and the array. It listens for all changes.
this.$onChanges = setType;
function setType() {
If you type into the input field, the '$onChanges' callback is fired every time. This is logical and expected, since a string is primitive so it cannot be compared by reference, meaning the '$watcher' will be dirty, and the '$onChanges' lifecycle hook fired.
If you click the 'Add vegetable in outer', it will execute the following code:
this.changeValueArray = function() {
Here we just add a value to the existing bounded array. We're working by reference here, so the '$watcher' is not fired and there is no callback. You will not see the counter increment or the 'called' statement in your console.
Note: If you click the 'Add something to the array' inside the inner component, the array in outer component also changes. This is logical, since we are updating the exact same array by reference. So even though it is a one-way binding, the array can be updated from inside the inner component.
If you change the reference in the outer component by clicking 'Change array reference in outer', the '$onChanges' callback is fired as expected.
As to answer your question: Is this intended behaviour or a bug? I guess this is intended behaviour. Otherwise they would have given you the option to define your '<' binding in a way that it would check for object equality. You can always create an issue on github and just ask the question if you'd like.

Set model value programmatically in Angular.js

I'm an author of angular-input-modified directive.
This directive is used to track model's value and allows to check whether the value was modified and also provides reset() function to change value back to the initial state.
Right now, model's initial value is stored in the ngModelController.masterValue property and ngModelController.reset() function is provided. Please see the implementation.
I'm using the following statement: eval('$scope.' + modelPath + ' = modelCtrl.masterValue;'); in order to revert value back to it's initial state. modelPath here is actually a value of ng-model attribute. This was developed a way back and I don't like this approach, cause ng-model value can be a complex one and also nested scopes will break this functionality.
What is the best way to refactor this statement? How do I update model's value directly through the ngModel controller's interface?
The best solution I've found so far is to use the $parse service in order to parse the Angular's expression in the ng-model attribute and retrieve the setter function for it. Then we can change the model's value by calling this setter function with a new value.
function reset () {
var modelValueSetter = $parse(attrs.ngModel).assign;
modelValueSetter($scope, 'Some new value');
This works much more reliably than eval().
If you have a better idea please provide another answer or just comment this one. Thank you!
[previous answer]
I had trouble with this issue today, and I solved it by triggering and sort of hijacking the $parsers pipeline using a closure.
const hijack = {trigger: false; model: null};
modelCtrl.$parsers.push( val => {
if (hijack.trigger){
hijack.trigger = false;
return hijack.model;
else {
// .. do something else ...
Then for resetting the model you need to trigger the pipeline by changing the $viewValue with modelCtrl.$setViewValue('newViewValue').
const $setModelValue = function(model){
// trigger the hijack and pass along your new model
hijack.trigger = true;
hijack.model = model;
// assuming you have some logic in getViewValue to output a viewValue string
modelCtrl.$setViewValue( getViewValue(model) );
By using $setViewValue(), you will trigger the $parsers pipeline. The function I wrote in the first code block will then be executed with val = getViewValue(model), at which point it would try to parse it into something to use for your $modelValue according the logic in there. But at this point, the variable in the closure hijacks the parser and uses it to completely overwrite the current $modelValue.
At this point, val is not used in the $parser, but it will still be the actual value that is displayed in the DOM, so pick a nice one.
Let me know if this approach works for you.
It seems that ngModel.$commitViewValue should trigger the $parsers pipeline as well, I tried quickly but couldn't get it to work.

Binding to property of model attribute in Backbone.js

Disclaimer: I'm new to Backbone.js (coming from AngularJS), so I may have an inaccurate mental model of how this is supposed to work.
I have an object, characterNodes, which I'm making an attribute on my model. characterNodes looks something like this:
var characterNodes = {
character_1: {
stories: [// list of Stories]
character_2: {
stories: [// list of Stories]
My Backbone Model looks something like this:
var StoryGraph = joint.dia.Graph.extend({
initialize: function() {
// Call parent constructor
StoryGraph.__super__.initialize.apply(this, []);
this.set('characterNodes', characterNodes);
this.on('change:characterNodes', function() {
Each Story has a property "isUnlocked" which is changed elsewhere in the application. I want to fire an event (ie. that is, the alert 'test' should pop up) whenever this property is changed. With the code as it is above, the event never seems to fire.
I can't get a clear understanding from the Backbone docs whether this is supposed to work - does on('change:characterNodes') fire whenever any property (or sub-property, or sub-sub-property, etc) of characterNodes changes? Or only when the pointer to the object changes, that is, when it's replaced with another object? Or am I doing something else wrong? Thanks!
Backbone doesn't do any magic, basically, the change event is fired only if you set the "characterNodes" to a new object. If you're changing a nested property of that object, Backbone doesn't know it happened. You have three options: a) Change the whole object (e.g. by creating a copy), b) fire the change event manually (m.trigger("change:characterNodes")) whenever you change a nested property, c) Do not use nested objects for this. Have "character1_Stories" as a top level property.
Options c) is preferable. Try to keep properties in your models flat. Option a) is also fine but it has the disadvantage of having to copy the object. Option b) is not recommended. This is because Backbone keeps track of the previous value of the model properties (m.previous("characterNodes")). If you change a nested property, the previous value will have the same reference to the same object as the new value, therefore, it won't reflect its previous state.
Try to call a function instead define the function, and pass the third argument to keep the context call.
Something like this:
this.on('change:characterNodes', this.AlertSomething, this);
Hope it helps.

knockout checkbox binding selected value

I am learning knockout and was trying to build a page that will build a list of selectable users.
JSFiddle: (I am unable to get the data assignment right).
The data assignment is working in my page as I make a call to Controller, like below and it binds to the controls as expected
var mappedUsers = $.map(allData.AllUsers, function(item){return new User(item)});
if(allData.SelectedUsers != null){
var mappedSelectedUsers = $.map(allData.SelectedUsers, function(item){return new User(item)});
a.) What's wrong with the JSFiddle I wrote? Got it working.
b.) In my code I am able to get the function for selected checkbox invoked but I am unable to get the value stored in the "User" parameter that I receive in the function. In Chrome JS console I can see the user object has the right value stored, I just am unable to retrieve it. Got this by doing ko.toJS().
Ok, I got my JSFiddle working, I had to select Knockout.js in the framework. The updated fiddle:
Also, for getting the selected checkboxe's value I did
But I think I'll take the approach of selecting values from a list and then on click move them to another "Selected" list and remove the values from the previous ones. Got this idea from this post: KnockoutJS: How to add one observableArray to another?
OK, I think I've got the solution you need...
I started by setting up an observable array of selectedUserNames, and I applied this to the <li> elements like this:
<input type="checkbox"
data-bind="value: userName, checked:$root.selectedUserNames" />
[Note: it's important to declare the value before declaring the checked binding, which threw me for a bit… ya learn something new every day!]
Why bind an array of userName values to the checked binding? Well, when an array is passed to the checked binding, KO will compare the value of each checkbox to the values in the checked array and check any checkbox where its value is in that array. (Probably explained better in the KO documentation)
Then, while I left the observableArray for SelectedUsers, I set up a manual subscription to populate it, like so:
self.selectedUserNames.subscribe(function(newValue) {
var newSelectedUserNames = newValue;
var newSelectedUsers = [];
ko.utils.arrayForEach(newSelectedUserNames, function(userName) {
var selectedUser = ko.utils.arrayFirst(self.AllUsers(), function(user) {
return (user.userName() === userName);
[I had originally tried to set up a dependent observable (ko.computed) for selectedUserNames with functions for both read and write, but the checkbox wasn't having it.]
This subscription function examines the new selectedUserNames array, looks up the user from AllUsers whose userName matches a value in that selectedUserNames array, and pushes matching User objects to the SelectedUsers array… well, actually it pushes each matching User to a temp array and then that temp array is assigned to SelectedUsers, but the goal is met. The SelectedUsers array will now always contain what we want it to contain.
Oh, I almost forgot… here's the fiddle I created, so you've got the full solution:
Hope this helps, but let me know if you have any questions
