If I have a file stream with content
123 1234
1223 124235
21432 325
In my program I read line by line of the file and store the first target of each line into my list. These line with same location and when I run the program it will keep pointing to the most recent data and place it in to list. Which means If I have a function called printL() in while loop. It will print
instead of
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct n{
char *value;
struct n *next;
} Node;
void printList(Node *head){
Node *cur = head;
printf("%s/", cur->value);
cur = cur->next;
void insertIntoList(Node **head, char *data){
Node *newNode = malloc(sizeof(Node));
if (newNode == NULL){
perror("Failed to allocate a new node for the linked list");
newNode->value = data;
newNode->next = NULL;
Node *currentList = *head;
if(*head == NULL){ //if the linked list head is null, then add the target into linked list
*head = newNode;
currentList = currentList->next;
currentList->next = newNode;
int main(int argc, char**argv){
FILE *fileStream;
size_t len = 0;
char *line = NULL;
Node *head = NULL;
int j;
for(j=1; j<argc-2;j++){
fileStream = fopen(argv[j], "r");
if(fileStream == NULL){
fprintf(stderr, "could not open");
insertIntoList(&head,"a"); /////////////Line 95
printf("here is a try\n");
while(getline(&line, &len, fileStream)!=EOF){ /////////////Line 101
char *targetNum = strtok(line, " \t\r\n");
printf("*****%s\n", targetNum);
insertIntoList(&head, targetNum);
printf("######print head here is##########\n");
printf("######print head here is##########->\n");
return 0;
In order to keep the content of each loaded field returned from strtok(), just add a strdup() before calling insertIntoList() after checking if not a null-pointer.
In your code, if you compare the value of both line and targetNum
are the same. If fact, the strtok() function returns a pointer to
the input string and keep the pointer for the next argument.
Replace the following code:
char *targetNum = strtok(line, " \t\r\n");
printf("*****%s\n", targetNum);
insertIntoList(&head, targetNum);
By that one:
char *targetNum = strtok(line, " \t\r\n");
if (targetNum != NULL) {
printf("*****%s\n", targetNum);
insertIntoList(&head, strdup(targetNum));
You don't store the contents of the string in your list nodes; you store a pointer to the buffer used for the contents of the string.
Consider changing your list node structure to
typedef struct node Node;
struct node {
Node *next;
char data[];
where the contents of the string are stored in the C99 flexible array member.
Your node constructor is then something like
Node *new_node(const char *data)
const size_t datalen = (data) ? strlen(data) : 0;
Node *result;
result = malloc(sizeof (Node) + datalen + 1);
if (!result) {
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
if (datalen > 0)
memcpy(result->data, data, datalen);
result->next = NULL;
result->data[datalen] = '\0';
return result;
See how the function allocates memory for the copy of the data?
Personally, I prefer something like
typedef struct node Node;
struct node {
Node *next;
size_t hash;
size_t size;
char data[];
where the size member is basically strlen(data) (except that you can also use the nodes to hold binary data that includes nul bytes \0), and hash is a simple hash computed from data. hash is useful if you intend to compare the entire contents of nodes; if two nodes' lengths or hashes differ, then it is certain their contents differ; if they are the same, then you compare them character by character (memcmp(node1->data, node2->data, node1->length) == 0 if they are the same).
The constructor for the above is something like (using DJB2 hash):
Node *new_node(Node *next, const void *data, const size_t size)
Node *result;
result = malloc(sizeof (Node) + size + 1);
if (!result) {
fprintf(stderr, "new_node(): Out of memory (%zu bytes)\n", size);
/* Copy and hash data using DJB2 hash (not that good, but fast) */
unsigned char *src = (unsigned char *)data;
unsigned char *const end = (unsigned char *)data + size;
unsigned char *dst = result->data;
size_t hash = 5381;
while (src < end) {
hash = hash * 33 + (size_t)(*src);
*(dst++) = *(src++);
/* Add terminator */
*dst = '\0';
result->next = next;
result->hash = hash;
result->size = size;
return result;
These Nodes can also be used in e.g. hash tables, which makes the type quite versatile.
I have a project about linked lists but I'm having a hard time doing it. The teacher wants me to read a .txt file and create singly linked list from it. After that, I need to reverse odd numbers of every line. Then print it. Here is the code which I used for printing the linked list. But I need help to reverse the odd numbers of each line.
This is the code which I used to print the list:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
struct list {
char *string;
struct list *next;
typedef struct list LIST;
int main(void) {
FILE *fp;
char line[10];
LIST *current, *head;
head = current = NULL;
fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp)){
LIST *node = malloc(sizeof(LIST));
node->string = strdup(line);
node->next =NULL;
if(head == NULL){
current = head = node;
} else {
current = current->next = node;
for(current = head; current ; current=current->next){
printf("%s", current->string);
return 0;
Here is the content of the .txt file:
"But I need help to reverse the odd numbers of each line."
There are several other parts that need to be considered before this step can be developed.
Following are suggestions for a functions approach implementation using your problem description. A few items are simply suggestions to simplify the existing code. And a few other steps, are not mentioned as necessary, but should be considered:
Since you are not mandated to use char *string; in your problem description, choose to use a reasonable string length variable that does not require an additional layer of dynamic allocation, such as char string[260]; (or even smaller to fit your input file.) This will greatly simplify the code.
Because the input file is sized with lines ~30 char long, declare the variable line to be at least large enough to contain one line, eg 80 would allow larger values, and still allow enough space, but since memory is cheap, go with the same size as is used in the string member of your linked list.
Move the work of populating each new node to a function. It also will greatly simplify the program, and provide greater readability. Eg: void insert(LIST **head_ref, char *str);
Always test the return of fopen() before attempting to use the file descriptor.
To manipulate the contents of each odd row (eg 1, 3, 5, 7, 9), as numbers, the contents of each line read in from a file as a string, needs to first be converted to a collection of numbers. This suggests an additional member be added to the struct. For example int num[10].
The previous observation implicitly suggests the need of an additional function to parse and convert each comma delimited string into discrete integer values. Perhaps with the prototype: void parseIntArray(LIST **list);
The next and final task also suggests an additional function to reverse the contents of selected array member integer arrays. This one might use a prototype such as: void reverse_odd(LIST **list, size_t size);
Finally, because each node of LIST created required dynamically allocated memory, once finished using LIST, the memory must be given back to the OS to prevent memory leaks. An additional function to do this could be prototyped: void freeList(LIST **head);
Following are the main() function and preceding support declarations etc. It is intended here to illustrate the above suggested steps, and the benefits of breaking down a bigger problem into smaller problems, then implementing each smaller solution to support the whole. Benefits include for example readability and maintainability and potential re-use of code-base, (Note the similarity of argument lists in each supporting function.):
#define MAX_STRLEN 260 //use mnemonic values to avoid magic numbers in code
struct list {
char string[MAX_STRLEN];
int arr[10];
struct list *next;
typedef struct list LIST;
//Prototypes of 'smaller' solutions
void insert(LIST **head_ref, char *str);
void parseIntArray(LIST **list);
void reverse_odd(LIST **list, size_t size);
void freeList(LIST **head);
int main(void)
FILE *fp;
char line[MAX_STRLEN];
LIST *current, *head;
char *convPtr = NULL;
head = current = NULL;
fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
//consume 1st line
if(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp));//10
sizeArray = strtol(line, &convPtr, 10);
if(errno != ERANGE)
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), fp))
//(see implementations of each below)
//create new node, insert num string
insert(¤t, line);
//convert new->string to integers, place in new->array
//reverse 'odd' contents of each array
reverse_odd(¤t, sizeArray);
}else{//handle error and leave}
}else{//handle error and leave}
//At this point in code, entire file is captured into nodes of list.
//use list as needed
//When finished using list, memory must be freed to prevent memory leaks
head = current;
return 0;
The remaining code segments are the function implementations used above:
void freeList(LIST **head)
LIST *tmp;
while (*head != NULL)
tmp = (*head);
(*head) = (*head)->next;
//create new node, insert num string
void insert(LIST **head_ref, char *str)
int *arr = malloc(numNodes * sizeof(*arr));
//allocate node
LIST* new = calloc(1, sizeof(*new));
//put in the data
strcpy(new->string, str);
//Make next of new node as head
new->next = (*head_ref);
//Move the head to point to the new node
(*head_ref) = new;
//convert new->string to integers, place in list->array
void parseIntArray(LIST **list)
char *tok = NULL;
int i = 0;
int tmp = 0;
char *sArray = strdup((*list)->string);
tok = strtok(sArray, ",\n ");
errno = 0;
tmp = atoi(tok);
if(errno == ERANGE)
printf("Error converting string to number\nExiting.");
(*list)->arr[i] = tmp;
tok = strtok(NULL, ",\n ");
//reverse 'odd' contents of list->array
void reverse_odd(LIST **list, size_t size)
int *ptr = &((*list)->arr[0]);
int *tmp = malloc(size * sizeof(*tmp));
memset(tmp, -1, size*sizeof(*tmp));
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
if(ptr[i]%2 != 0)
tmp[size-1-i] = ptr[i];
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)
if(tmp[i] < 0)
while((*ptr)%2 != 0 ) ptr++;
tmp[i] = *ptr;
memcpy((*list)->arr, tmp, size*sizeof(int));
This hope this code will do the job.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
typedef struct line {
struct num *first;
struct line *next;
} LineNode;
typedef struct num {
int num;
int order;
struct num *next;
} NumNode;
int main() {
FILE *fp;
char ch;
int counter = 0;
NumNode *curr_num, *even_ptr, *odd_ptr, *odd_head, *even_head;
LineNode *curr_line, *line_head;
curr_num = even_head = odd_head = even_ptr = odd_ptr = NULL;
line_head = curr_line = NULL;
fp = fopen("data.txt", "r");
if (fp == NULL)
return 1;
ch = fgetc(fp);
while(ch != EOF){
if (ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
int n = 0;
while (ch != EOF && ch != '\n' && ch >= 48 && ch <= 57)
int x = ch - 48;
n = n * 10 + x;
ch = fgetc(fp);
NumNode *node = malloc(sizeof(NumNode));
node->num = n;
node->order = counter;
node->next =NULL;
if (n % 2 == 0){
if(even_head == NULL){
even_head = even_ptr = node;
} else {
even_ptr = even_ptr->next = node;
if(odd_head == NULL){
odd_head = node;
} else {
node->next = odd_head;
odd_head = node;
if (ch == '\n' || ch == EOF)
NumNode *num_node, *head;
num_node = head = NULL;
even_ptr = even_head;
odd_ptr = odd_head;
counter = 0;
if (even_head != NULL && even_head->order == counter){
head = num_node = even_ptr;
even_ptr = even_ptr->next;
} else {
head = num_node = odd_ptr;
odd_ptr = odd_ptr->next;
while (even_ptr != NULL)
if (even_ptr->order == counter) {
num_node = num_node->next = even_ptr;
even_ptr = even_ptr->next;
else if (odd_ptr != NULL) {
num_node = num_node->next = odd_ptr;
odd_ptr = odd_ptr->next;
while (odd_ptr != NULL)
num_node = num_node->next = odd_ptr;
odd_ptr = odd_ptr->next;
LineNode *node = malloc(sizeof(LineNode));
node->next =NULL;
node->first = head;
if (line_head == NULL)
line_head = curr_line = node;
curr_line = curr_line->next = node;
odd_head = even_head = NULL;
counter = 0;
ch = fgetc(fp);
for(curr_line = line_head; curr_line != NULL ; curr_line=curr_line->next) {
for(curr_num = curr_line->first; curr_num != NULL ; curr_num=curr_num->next) {
printf("%d", curr_num->num);
if (curr_num->next != NULL)
return 0;
I'm supposed to create a program that can read any file into a linked list. This is what I came up with so far:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#define MAX_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
typedef struct list {
char *string;
struct list *next;
void print_list(LIST *head) {
LIST *current = head;
while (current != NULL) {
printf("%s", current->string);
current = current->next;
void push(LIST **head, FILE **fp) {
char line[MAX_BUFFER_SIZE];
LIST *node, *current = *head;
while(fgets(line, sizeof(line), *fp)) {
node = malloc(sizeof(LIST));
if (node == NULL) exit(1);
node->string = strdup(line);
node->next = NULL;
if(current == NULL) {
*head = node;
current = node;
} else {
current->next = node;
current = current->next;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
FILE *fp = fopen(argv[1], "r");
LIST *head = NULL;
push(&head, &fp);
return 0;
When comparing the contents of the linked list with the contents of the input file this comparison succeeds when using a .txt file but fails when using a file with binary data. This suggests that my program changes the contents of the binary file.
What am I doing wrong?
Random binary data can contain characters that are not printable. Or might contain zeroes, which is the string terminator and thus terminate your strings early. Just don't read and write raw binary data as strings or using string functions, it will simply not work as you expect.
If you want to read and write arbitrary data of any kind, use e.g. fread and fwrite instead, and open your files in binary mode.
Since you are using Linux, you can use POSIX.1 getline() to read lines, including lines with embedded NUL bytes; you do need to write those lines using fwrite().
For the linked list, you should include a length field for fwrite(). I'd also make the linked list data element a flexible array member:
struct node {
struct node *next;
size_t size;
char data[];
/* Note: data[size+1], data[size] == '\0'.
This is not necessary for correct operation,
but allows one to assume there is always at
least one char in data, and the data is followed
by a nul byte. It makes further use of this
structure easier. */
struct node *node_new(const char *data, size_t size)
struct node *n;
n = malloc(sizeof (struct node) + size + 1);
if (!n) {
fprintf(stderr, "node_new(): Out of memory.\n");
n->next = NULL;
n->size = size;
if (size > 0)
memcpy(n->data, data, size);
n->data[size] = '\0';
return n;
When reading lines, it is easiest to prepend the lines to the list:
struct node *list = NULL;
struct node *curr;
char *line = NULL;
size_t size = 0;
ssize_t len;
while (1) {
len = getline(&line, &size, stdin);
if (len < 0)
curr = node_new(line, (size_t)len);
curr->next = list;
list = curr;
list = list_reverse(list);
When done, you reverse the list, to get the first read line at the beginning of the list:
struct node *list_reverse(struct node *curr)
struct node *root = NULL;
struct node *next;
while (curr) {
next = curr->next;
curr->next = root;
root = curr;
curr = next;
return root;
To write each line to a stream, you use for example fwrite(node->data, node->size, 1, stdout).
If the output stream is not a local file, but a pipe or socket, fwrite() can return a short count. It is not an error; it only means that only part of the data could be written. To cater for those cases, you can use two helper functions: one to ensure all of the data is written, even when writing to a pipe, and another to scan through the list, using the first one to output each line:
static int fwriteall(const char *data, size_t size, FILE *out)
size_t n;
while (size > 0) {
n = fwrite(data, 1, size, out);
if (n > 0) {
data += n;
size -= n;
} else
return -1; /* Error */
return 0; /* Success */
int list_writeall(FILE *out, struct node *list)
for (; list != NULL; list = list->next)
if (list->size > 0)
if (fwriteall(list->data, list->size, out)
return -1; /* Error */
return 0; /* Success */
Instead of getline(), you can read chunks of some predefined size using fread():
struct node *read_all(FILE *in, const size_t size)
struct node *list = NULL;
struct node *curr;
size_t used;
while (1) {
curr = malloc(sizeof (struct node) + size + 1);
if (!curr) {
fprintf(stderr, "read_all(): Out of memory.\n");
size = fread(curr->data, 1, size, in);
if (used > 0) {
/* Optional: Optimize memory use. */
if (used != size) {
void *temp;
temp = realloc(curr, sizeof (struct node) + used + 1);
/* Reallocation failure is not fatal. */
if (temp) {
curr = temp;
curr->size = used;
curr->data[used] = '\0';
curr->next = list;
list = curr;
return list_reverse(list);
The function returns the reversed list (i.e., with first line first in list). After calling the function, you should check using ferror(in) whether the entire input stream was read, or if there was an error.
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers.
Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question.
Closed 5 years ago.
Improve this question
I am writing a custom shell for class. I have the shell working but now I need to keep track of which commands are called by the user in a linked list, and then be able to print out these commands in a similar fashion to the history() command. The program seems to build the linked list fine however upon printing out with history(list) I begin to see errors. After several commands are entered the command and string data values for the nodes begin to change. I have checked to make sure that the addresses the pointers are pointing to stay the same, but somehow the data values are being effected.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
struct Node{
char* command;
char* string;
struct Node *next;
struct List{
struct Node* front;
struct Node* rear;
void shell_loop(void);
char *read_input(void);
char **split_input(char *input);
struct Node* createNode(char* command, char* string);
struct List* createList();
struct List* add_to_end(struct List *Q, char* command, char* string);
void history(struct List* Q);
const int TOKEN_BUFSIZE = 64;
const char* DELIMITER = " \t\r\n\a";
//#define EXIT_FAILURE
int main(int argc, char **argv)
void shell_loop(void)
char *input;
char **arguments;
char* command;
char* string;
struct List* list = createList();
for(int i =0; i < 20; i++)
printf("User> ");
input = read_input();
arguments = split_input(input);
command = arguments[0];
string = arguments[1];
list = add_to_end(list, command, string);
char *read_input(void)
char* input;
size_t bufsize = 1000;
getline(&input, &bufsize, stdin);
return input;
char **split_input(char *input)
int size_of_buffer = TOKEN_BUFSIZE, position = 0;
char **tokens = malloc(size_of_buffer * sizeof(char*));
char *token;
fprintf(stderr, "shell: allocation error\n");
exit(1); // fix later
token = strtok(input, DELIMITER);
while (token != NULL)
tokens[position] = token;
position ++;
if(position >= size_of_buffer)
size_of_buffer += TOKEN_BUFSIZE;
tokens = realloc(tokens, size_of_buffer * sizeof(char*));
fprintf(stderr, "shell: allocation error \n");
exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // fix later
token = strtok(NULL, DELIMITER);
tokens[position] = NULL;
return tokens;
struct Node* createNode(char* c, char* s)
struct Node* temp = (struct Node*)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
temp->command = c;
temp->string = s;
temp->next = NULL;
return temp;
struct List* createList()
struct List* Q = (struct List*)malloc(sizeof(struct List));
Q->front = NULL;
Q->rear = NULL;
return Q;
struct List* add_to_end(struct List *Q, char* c, char* s)
struct Node* temp = createNode(c, s);
if(Q->front == NULL)
Q->front = temp;
Q->rear = temp;
temp = NULL;
return Q;
Q->rear->next = temp;
Q->rear = temp;
temp = NULL;
return Q;
void history(struct List* Q)
struct Node* current;
if (Q->front == NULL)
printf("Command List is empty!\n");
current = Q->front;
while(current !=NULL)
printf("Command: %s\nString: %s\n", current->command, current->string);
current = current->next;
I have attached an output file of the history command to highlight how the first entered command eventually changes:
you are just shuffling pointer to stack data around, you need to copy the actual strings
command = strdup(arguments[0]);
string = strdup(arguments[1]);
I think you want temp->string = strdup(s) in createNode(...) instead of temp->string = s
Your call to getline is wrong.
If *lineptr is set to NULL and *n is set 0 before the call, then
getline() will allocate a buffer for storing the line. This buffer
should be freed by the user program. ... Alternatively, before calling getline(), *lineptr can contain a
pointer to a malloc(3)-allocated buffer *n bytes in size
Since *n is 1000 and input is uninitialized (points nowhere), getline assumes there is a buffer of 1000 chars available...which isn't.
Your call should be:
char *read_input(void)
char* input= 0;
size_t bufsize = 0;
getline(&input, &bufsize, stdin);
return input;
See the comments and other solutions for the other problems of your program.
I have a function that reads a text file filled with a word on every line. Here is an example of a text file I'm using
typedef struct node node_t;
struct node {
char data[MAX_WORD];
int term;
node_t *next;
node_t *head;
int_struct(int lines){
FILE *fp;
char ch;
int n = 0, i, switch_num=1, test_first=0, test_first_2=0;
node_t *node, *curr_add;
fp = fopen("text.txt", "r");
node = (node_t*)malloc(sizeof(node_t));
for (i=1; i<=lines; i++){
switch_num = 1;
if (test_first != 0){
if (test_first_2){
node = (node_t*)malloc(1000000);
while ((ch = getc(fp)) != '\n'){
node -> term = i;
node -> data[n] = ch;
curr_add -> next = node;
curr_add = node;
test_first = 1;
head = curr_add = node;
curr_add -> next = NULL;
return num;
What I want to do is to read each word and add it to a linked list.
However I am having trouble with malloc (at the moment I just add in a lot of bytes) and need advice on how to properly use it inside the function I have. I've done a general search and tried my best to try and do what most examples do. But I still can't seem to get my function working. For example, every time I execute the program it will read and add all the words into the linked list. However, the program crashes on the last word, and returns NULL. If anyone is able to point me in the right direction, I'd be very grateful.
There are no checks for return values. Particularly, fopen and malloc
may return NULL. If they do, you'll catch a segmentation fault error on the
first attempt to access the returned value.
Overcomplicated logic. You don't need these switch_num, test_first and test_first_2
variables (see sample code below).
No need in getc when you're reading a text file line-by-line - use
fgets instead.
Too many memory allocations. You don't need more than sizeof(node_t) + length of the line bytes per line.
The allocated memory is not freed. The dynamic memory should be freed as
soon as it is not needed.
Example using linked list
The following reads a text file into a linked list. Memory is allocated for
each list item, and for each line in the file resulting in n * 2 memory
allocations, where n is the number of lines in the file.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* strerror, strdup */
#include <errno.h>
typedef struct _node {
unsigned line;
char *data;
struct _node *next;
} node_t;
static void
destroy_list(node_t *list)
node_t *node;
for (node = list; node; node = node->next) {
if (node->data != NULL)
static node_t *
create_list_item(const char *data, unsigned line)
node_t *node = calloc(1, sizeof(node_t));
if (node == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "calloc: %s\n", strerror(errno));
} else {
node->line = line;
node->data = strdup(data);
if (node->data == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "strdup: %s\n", strerror(errno));
node = NULL;
return node;
/* Returns pointer to new linked list */
static node_t *
read_file(FILE *fp, char *buf, size_t buf_len)
node_t *list = NULL;
node_t *prev = NULL;
node_t *node;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; fgets(buf, buf_len, fp); prev = node) {
if ((node = create_list_item(buf, ++i)) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "calloc: %s\n", strerror(errno));
if (list == NULL)
list = node;
if (prev != NULL)
prev->next = node;
return list;
static void
print_list(const node_t *list)
const node_t *node;
for (node = list; node; node = node->next)
printf("%d: %s", node->line, node->data);
int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
const char *filename = "text.txt";
char buf[1024] = {0};
FILE *fp = NULL;
node_t *list = NULL;
if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to open file %s: %s\n",
filename, strerror(errno));
return 1;
list = read_file(fp, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (list) {
return 0;
Example using dynamic array
It is inefficient to allocate memory for each line (twice) in the file,
not only because the system calls (malloc, realloc, etc.) are costly,
but also because the items are placed non-contiguously. Accessing contiguous
region of memory is usually faster.
In the following code, the linked list is replaced with dynamic array. We
initialize memory for 10 lines at once. The size is increased as necessary.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h> /* strerror, strdup */
#include <errno.h>
typedef struct _node {
size_t line;
char *data;
} node_t;
static void
destroy_array(node_t *array, size_t size)
size_t i;
node_t *item;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
item = &array[i];
if (item->data)
static void
print_array(node_t *array, size_t size)
size_t i;
node_t *item;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
item = &array[i];
if (item->data) {
printf("%ld: %s", item->line, item->data);
static node_t *
read_file(FILE *fp, char *buf, size_t buf_len,
const size_t array_step, size_t *array_size)
node_t *item;
node_t *array = calloc(array_step, sizeof(node_t));
size_t size = 0;
if (array == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "calloc:%s\n", strerror(errno));
return array;
while (fgets(buf, buf_len, fp)) {
if (size && size % array_step == 0) {
array = realloc(array, sizeof(node_t) * (array_step + size));
if (array == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "realloc:%s\n", strerror(errno));
item = &array[size++];
item->line = size;
item->data = strdup(buf);
if (item->data == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "strdup: %s\n", strerror(errno));
*array_size = size;
return array;
int main(int argc, char const* argv[])
node_t *array;
const size_t array_step = 10;
size_t array_size;
const char *filename = "text.txt";
char buf[1024] = {0};
FILE *fp = NULL;
if (NULL == (fp = fopen(filename, "r"))) {
fprintf(stderr, "failed to open file %s: %s\n",
filename, strerror(errno));
return 1;
array = read_file(fp, buf, sizeof(buf), array_step, &array_size);
if (array) {
print_array(array, array_size);
destroy_array(array, array_size);
return 0;
Note the changes in node_t structure.
The problem is somewhere in here....
char buffer[80];
char *name;
while (1) {
fgets(buffer, 80, inf); //reads in at most 80 char from a line
if (feof(inf)) //this checks to see if the special EOF was read
break; //if so, break out of while and continue with your main
name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
name = strtok(buffer, " ");//get first token up to space
stock = newStock(name,...)
I'm working in C with generic linked lists. I made a list implementation that I've tested and know works with chars. I'm trying to add stocks (I created a stock struct) to the linked list, with each node of the linked list holding a stock struct, but when I finish reading in the stocks all of the nodes point to the same struct and I can't figure out why. Here's some snippets of my code
list *list = malloc(sizeof(list));
newList(list, sizeof(stock_t));
while(1) {
(read from file)
stock_t *stock;
stock = newStock(name, closes, opens, numshares, getPriceF, getTotalDollarAmountF,getPercentChangeF,toStringF);
addToBack(list, stock);
Here's the newStock function:
stock_t *newStock(char *name, float closingSharePrice, float openingSharePrice, int numberOfShares, getPrice getP, getTotalDollarAmount getTotal, getPercentChange getPercent, toString toStr) {
stock_t *stock = malloc(sizeof(stock));
stock->stockSymbol = name;
stock->closingSharePrice = closingSharePrice;
stock->openingSharePrice = openingSharePrice;
stock->numberOfShares = numberOfShares;
stock->getP = getP;
stock->getTotal = getTotal;
stock->getPercent = getPercent;
stock->toStr = toStr;
return stock;
In a way I see what's wrong. newStock returns a new pointer every time, but it always gets stored in the variable 'stock' which is what every node points to, so it's going to be equal to whatever the last pointer newStock returned was...but I don't see the way around this. I tried having newStock return just a stock_t, and doing addToBack(list, &stock), but that didn't solve the problem either.
Any help would be appreciated!
Here is some code from the list:
typedef struct node {
void *data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct {
int length;
int elementSize;
node_t *head;
node_t *tail;
} list;
void newList(list *list, int elementSize) {
assert(elementSize > 0);
list->length = 0;
list->elementSize = elementSize;
list->head = list->tail = NULL;
void addToBack(list *list, void *element) {
node_t *node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
node->data = malloc(list->elementSize);
node->next = NULL; //back node
memcpy(node->data, element, list->elementSize);
if (list->length == 0) { //if first node added
list->head = list->tail = node;
else {
list->tail->next = node;
list->tail = node;
Here's code from the stock struct:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
typedef float (*getPrice)(void *S);
typedef float (*getTotalDollarAmount)(void *S);
typedef float (*getPercentChange)(void *S);
typedef char *(*toString)(void *S);
typedef struct stock{
char *stockSymbol;
float closingSharePrice;
float openingSharePrice;
int numberOfShares;
getPrice getP;
getTotalDollarAmount getTotal;
getPercentChange getPercent;
toString toStr;
The generic functions probably seem like overkill but this is for homework (if you couldn't tell already) so we were asked to specifically use them. I don't think that has anything to do with the problem though.
Here are the definitions for those functions anyway
float getPriceF(void *S) {
stock_t *stock = (stock_t*)S;
return stock->closingSharePrice;
float getTotalDollarAmountF(void *S) {
stock_t *stock = (stock_t*)S;
return ((stock->closingSharePrice) * (stock->numberOfShares));
float getPercentChangeF(void *S) {
stock_t *stock = (stock_t*)S;
return ((stock->closingSharePrice - stock->openingSharePrice)/(stock->openingSharePrice));
char *toStringF(void *S) {
stock_t* stock = (stock_t*)S;
char *name = malloc(20*sizeof(char));
//sprintf(name, "Symbol is: %s. ", (stock->stockSymbol));
return stock->stockSymbol;
void printStock(void *S) {
char *str = toStringF(S);
printf("%s \n", str);
And this is how I'm traversing the list:
typedef void (*iterate)(void *); //this is in the list.h file, just putting it here to avoid confusion
void traverse(list *list, iterate iterator) {
assert(iterator != NULL);
node_t *current = list->head;
while (current != NULL) {
current = current->next;
And then in my main I just called
traverse(list, printStock);
I can't find any problems with your code (that would cause your problem, anyway - there are places where you don't check the return from malloc() and stuff like that, but those are not relevant to this question). You don't supply the definition of stock_t, so I made a new data struct, and a new couple of functions, otherwise I just copied and pasted the code you provided:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
/* Your code starts here */
typedef struct node {
void *data;
struct node *next;
typedef struct {
int length;
int elementSize;
node_t *head;
node_t *tail;
} list;
void newList(list *list, int elementSize) {
assert(elementSize > 0);
list->length = 0;
list->elementSize = elementSize;
list->head = list->tail = NULL;
void addToBack(list *list, void *element) {
node_t *node = malloc(sizeof(node_t));
node->data = malloc(list->elementSize);
node->next = NULL; //back node
memcpy(node->data, element, list->elementSize);
if (list->length == 0) { //if first node added
list->head = list->tail = node;
else {
list->tail->next = node;
list->tail = node;
/* Your code ends here */
/* I made a new struct, rather than stock, since you didn't supply it */
struct mydata {
int num1;
int num2;
/* I use this instead of newStock(), but it works the same way */
struct mydata * newNode(const int a, const int b) {
struct mydata * newdata = malloc(sizeof *newdata);
if ( newdata == NULL ) {
fputs("Error allocating memory", stderr);
newdata->num1 = a;
newdata->num2 = b;
return newdata;
/* I added this function to check the list is good */
void printList(list * list) {
struct node * node = list->head;
int n = 1;
while ( node ) {
struct mydata * data = node->data;
printf("%d: %d %d\n", n++, data->num1, data->num2);
node = node->next;
/* Main function */
int main(void) {
list *list = malloc(sizeof(list));
newList(list, sizeof(struct mydata));
struct mydata * data;
data = newNode(1, 2);
addToBack(list, data);
data = newNode(3, 4);
addToBack(list, data);
data = newNode(5, 6);
addToBack(list, data);
return 0;
which outputs this:
paul#MacBook:~/Documents/src$ ./list
1: 1 2
2: 3 4
3: 5 6
demonstrating that you have a 3 node list, with all nodes different and where you'd expect them to be.
Either there is some other problem in code you're not showing, or for some reason you are thinking each node points to the same struct when it actually doesn't.
One possibility is that you have a char * data member in your stock struct. It's impossible to tell from the code you provided, but it's possible that you really are creating different nodes, but they all end up pointing to the same name, so they just look like they're the same. If you're assigning a pointer to name, you should make sure it's freshly allocated memory each time, and that you're not just, for instance, strcpy()ing into the same memory and assigning the same address to each stock struct.
EDIT: Looks like that was your problem. This:
name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
name = strtok(buffer, " ");
should be:
name = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char)*20);
strcpy(name, strtok(buffer, " "));
Right now, you malloc() new memory and store a reference to it in name, but then you lose that reference and your memory when you overwrite it with the address returned from strtok(). Instead, you need to copy that token into your newly allocated memory, as shown.