SSMA/SQL Server: Need to alter or backup from GoDaddy - sql-server

So I have a site hosted on GoDaddy (not my call...) that I'm working on an upgrade that required simply adding a column in a table. Did it locally, tested and worked like a charm. Connected to the remote DB and found I couldn't add a column. Called and after a lot of back and forth, I was told that they don't allow modifications to a db after it's created. Ummmmmmmm... okay, can I run an alter script? No...
OK, I'm not a dba so we're rapidly exceeding my comfort level but I thought I'd run a backup, restore it locally, make the modification, back that up and restore it on the host. Apparently I can't run backup from SSMS on their server. So I tried their backup tool from their control panel and it gives me a .txt file which doesn't appear to be a backup at all.
Just now I tried scripting the entire db and that isn't looking good either... throwing some kind of error as well.
What the heck else can I do to either make the changes I need or get my data the hell off there and tell my user that we simply MUST change hosts?

This is a little late..
One thing you could do from MSSMS...
Right click on your Database select Tasks->Generate Scripts.
Select a location on your PC.
Under Set Script Options click Advanced.
Change the option Types of data to script to Schema and Data. Then generate your script
Its not the best case scenario...but its better then nothing.
As for not being able to ALTER the Table...I would most definitely check the use rights of the user your logging in with. I am able to make changes to GoDaddy tables.

Instead of backup, you can try Extract data tier application from the database, which generates a bacpac file (containing schema and data) and Deploy this bacpac locally.
Make schema changes to this database and take backup of the same and restore in GoDaddy.
More information on extracting data tier application


Duplicate localDB under SQL Servers on my laptop

I've been running into an issue recently when I attempt any tutorials that involve using a SQL database, entity framework, dapper, etc.
When it comes time to publish a database, or utilize an ORM, I'm given duplicate options for the same localdb under SQL Servers. Furthermore, then I attempt to publish, the database doesn't show up under the localdb that I've chosen.
I'm wondering how I go about removing the other SQL Servers and just having the one available.
If you look at the image below, the Browse option gives me two of the same LocalDbs. Plus I also get a 3rd one under \ProjectModels. I'm wondering what's causing this and how it can be fixed since no matter which one I choose, the sql database I attempt to publish doesn't show up within any of them.
My advice is not to use this method to publish the database. (right click to delete)
Please refer to this official documentation.
File-based databases like SQLite or SQL Server Express are designed to store their data in easily transferable files that can be served with your application/site.
"Copy to Output Directory" Property of the database file to "Copy if newer". Just point the address to it.
If you are using a server-based database like SQL Server, MySQL, etc., you need to make sure that the target machine/environment has the same database server installed, and you need to write a deployment script to append the pre-populated data files to the server. This might be troublesome for you.
You can also refer to these links. 1,2,3

Creating database copy at home

I have a internal database for an application, but this database is not online and cant be accessed remotely. I want to create a copy of that database at home so that I can query or work at home whenever I want. How would I do this??
Also how would I update the database of my home when changes occurs in the original database??
One of the ways you can do this is to take a dump of the remote database and restore the database daily on your local. You will need a little help from DBA in case you are not aware on how to take a dump. Also, your local changes will be lost. If you are OK with these two, then you can go for this solution.

SSMS And Visual Basic Express .... cannot backup

Let us start with...yes I am new to SQL and really only a lightweight programmer. So I am assuming that I am doing something horribly wrong. I have spent days on the MS forums looking for an answer to no avail. So I am going to give as much info as possible.
Application language is VBExpress 2010 and using SQLExpress 2008. The Database contain basic tables, no stored procs, no views, no diagrams. The Application has configured diagrams where one of the tables has inner joins... Tables origninally built in SSMS, but have been altered in VBE.
Anytime I run the application, even after exiting the application, if I then go to SSMS I can see the database name but I cannot open it up (no + beside it). If I try I get an error that says:
One or more files do not match the primary file of the database. If you are attempting to attach a database retry the operation with the correct files. If this is an existing database the file may be corrupted and should be restored from a backup."
When I look at the files, I see two log files, one with _1 appended on to it. If I delete the logfiles before opening SSMS, everything opens fine. If I had already opened SSMS then I have to delete the files, reboot my computer and then I can access the database through SSMS...
I recently found that if I go into SSMS, take the database offline and then bring it back online I can get access back.
Anytime I open SSMS, I have to completely reboot my computer before VBE will reconnect the database.
The bottom line is that I cannot back up the database without either deleting the log files or doing an offline/online cycle in SSMS....
This is driving me nuts. I cannot possilby deploy the application if I cannot achieve a normal backup procedure. And I cannot seem to get any kind of answer about why this is happening.
What am I doing so WRONG?
If you are using SQL Server 2008 then, reattach the database files and it will must be stored in C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL 10.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA.
And recheck the database on that folder and it will take backup and restore point of Primary files of Database. Don't modify/delete the database files. If the location of log files are changed the it will shows the error. Please give your mail id I'll send a program to restore and backup of database files in winrar.
Thank you

LINQ to SQL and the DBML file - multiple database development

The way I develop may not be correct, any advice welcome.
At the moment I have a WPF application that uses a SQL2008 database. I have a copy of the database on a laptop and on my home machine. My application is versioned using SVN and I am obviously able go from the work laptop to the home machine and update/commit as required to ensure I am using the latest code for the application.
However the database is a different story in that any change I make I create a backup and then transfer the backup to the other machine etc. This way I get the data and the changes made on each system. In order to do this the database connection using a different connectionstring and I change a setting in my app to use a different connection based on my location.
I have now started to use LINQ to SQL and DBML files in my application, and finally getting to the question, I don't know how I can change the connectionstring it uses in code so it will use the correct database in the DBML.
Also, is there a better way to transfer the database so I don't need to do the backups and restores? The only reason why I have not versioned the Schema is because I am not sure how that would handle my data as this is key to my development, ie various environment settings etc are stored in the DB and brought through at runtime.
Your Statement:
I have now started to use LINQ to SQL and DBML files in my application, and finally getting to the question, I don't know how I can change the connectionstring it uses in code so it will use the correct database in the DBML.
Yes it's possible.
MYDataContext mycontext = new MYDataContext("Your Connection String");
There is a Constructor where you can chage the Connectionstring.
This is such a common problem, and I have never found a minimal and clean solution to it. How to keep all the values and variables and databases and source files in sync between machines?
Well SVN works great for the source files.
For the database, I TRY to just use one DB if we can get away with it. All the devs point to one machine that hosts the db, then we aren't wasting time with DB setup and merging. If that's not possible, then we usually just end up dumping the database when there is a change and distributing the .bak file around. You can try adding this file to SVN, and it works. you can even have the DB dump to a schedule so that SVN is always getting a new copy. But it's still too much work to keep restoring a db over and over. Perhaps you could hook in some scripting to SVN (we use Tortise for windows) and have a job that would do that automatically. That'd be nice.
For the config files - I do ASP.NET so I have web.config, connectionstrings.config, etc, I do one of two things - either just manually copy sections that need to be changed between machines and comment out the part that doesn't need to be used (clunky), or I've at times written ConfigurationSettings helper objects that diagnose a config key to decide what setting to use, based on the current machine name. eg:
Say my current machine is DEV1. The server is SERVER1. I'll have config keys with names like DEV1.connections.sqlserver and SERVER1.connections.sqlserver. In the code I'll use the helper method GetConfig("connections.sqlserver"). GetConfig figures out which key to use based on the current machine name.
Using this method, I don't have to keep remembering to monkey around with the dozen .configs every time I upload to the server or change things. But I DO have to make a duplicate key for every machine that will be running the application, which can get a bit much. For large teams, instead of using machine names, I use group names and have a config key that assigns machine names to a group - with the idea that every machine in the group will have that application set up in an identical fashion - same file paths etc.
Now onto your second question about LINQ - when you create a linq dbml, it will add a connection string to your config. you just have to make sure that you find this connectionstring and copy it into your active application. eg:
I have a solution that has 2 projects:
1 - website
2 - library
I put the dbml into the library project. If I go and look into the App.config of the library project, I'll see the connectionstring that LINQ wants to use. If I copy this connectionstring into the website's connectionstrings.confing file, when I reference the library and run the website, LINQ will be able to see the connectionstring it wants to use.
You can try Sql Server Merge Replication and use SQL Compact 3.5 as your laptop database and use master as your work/home machine database. However you may do this with only Sql Server Standard Edition.
Other option is , Microsoft Sync Framework.. here..
You could use red_gate's SQL COmpare and SQLDataCompare to script out changes to the database. You should be in the habit of scripting database changes anyway as that is what you will need to do when it is time to move changes to prod. I would also make sure all database changes are in SVN, we don't make any changes to the database ever without a script in source control.
I ended up just using multiple connection strings and then manually changing the connection on the dbml file whenever I moved locations. However I also have some code in place to programmatically change it based on the project setting for the location.
I haven't really got a good solution to the transferring of the databases and continue to use the backup and restore method.

Keeping development databases in multiple environments in sync

I'm early in development on a web application built in VS2008. I have both a desktop PC (where most of the work gets done) and a laptop (for occasional portability) on which I use AnkhSVN to keep the project code synced. What's the best way to keep my development database (SQL Server Express) synced up as well?
I have a VS database project in SVN containing create scripts which I re-generate when the schema changes. The original idea was to recreate the DB whenever something changed, but it's quickly becoming a pain. Also, I'd lose all the sample rows I entered to make sure data is being displayed properly.
I'm considering putting the .MDF and .LDF files under source control, but I doubt SQL Server Express will handle it gracefully if I do an SVN Update and the files get yanked out from under it, replaced with newer copies. Sticking a couple big binary files into source control doesn't seem like an elegant solution either, even if it is just a throwaway development database. Any suggestions?
There are obviously a number of ways to approach this, so I am going to list a number of links that should provide a better foundation to build on. These are the links that I've referenced in the past when trying to get others on the bandwagon.
Database Projects in Visual Studio .NET
Data Schema - How Changes are to be Implemented
Is Your Database Under Version Control?
Get Your Database Under Version Control
Also look for MSDN Webcast: Visual Studio 2005 Team Edition for Database Professionals (Part 4 of 4): Schema Source and Version Control
However, with all of that said, if you don't think that you are committed enough to implement some type of version control (either manual or semi-automated), then I HIGHLY recommend you check out the following:
Red Gate SQL Compare
Red Gate SQL Data Compare
Holy cow! Talk about making life easy! I had a project get away from me and had multiple people in making schema changes and had to keep multiple environments in sync. It was trivial to point the Red Gate products at two databases and see the differences and then sync them up.
In addition to your database CREATE script, why don't you maintain a default data or sample data script as well?
This is an approach that we've taken for incremental versions of an application we have been maintaining for more than 2 years now, and it works very well. Having a default data script also allows your QA testers to be able to recreate bugs using the data that you also have?
You might also want to take a look at a question I posted some time ago:
Best tool for auto-generating SQL change scripts
You can store backup (.bak file) of you database rather than .MDF & .LDF files.
You can restore your db easily using following script:
use master
if exists (select * from master.dbo.sysdatabases where name = 'your_db')
alter database your_db set SINGLE_USER with rollback IMMEDIATE
drop database your_db
restore database your_db
from disk = 'path\to\your\bak\file'
with move 'Name of dat file' to 'path\to\mdf\file',
move 'Name of log file' to 'path\to\ldf\file'
You can put above mentioned script in text file restore.sql and call it from batch file using following command:
osql -E -i restore.sql
That way you can create script file to automate whole process:
Get latest db backup from SVN
repository or any suitable storage
Restore current db using bak file
We use a combo of, taking backups from higher environments down.
As well as using ApexSql to handle initial setup of schema.
Recently been using Subsonic migrations, as a coded, source controlled, run through CI way to get change scripts in, there is also "tarantino" project developed by headspring out of texas.
Most of these approaches especially the latter, are safe to use on top of most test data. I particularly like the automated last 2 because I can make a change, and next time someone gets latest, they just run the "updater" and they are ushered to latest.
