Generating random URL in AngularJS - angularjs

I wish to see if it is possible to generate a random link each time an admin visits the admin page.
for example: instead of having: "".com/admin, there would be "".com/a93k, "".com/9dik. The page stays the same but just so the end-user can't access the page from the address bar.
Thanks as I am new and do not know how I can implement this.

In .config of your app put something like
window.adminHash = Math.random().toString(36).substring(2,6);
In your routing
url: '/' + window.adminHash
Then you can use "window.adminHash" if you want to redirect to your route, which will change every time you refresh the page

You can add{provide some ID}
And If there isn't ID provide discard that URL, if it is provided you can make discrimination.


Access url with params that is directly pasted in search bar in next js

So i know how dynamic routing and stuff works when you are navigating from inside the next.js app using or Router.push(). What I don't understand is say i have a URL:
Now i directly paste this URL into the browser. How will next know which page to render? Keep in mind that the Jhondoe part is not exactly a page but a path param that i need to access to display stuff related to Jhon doe.
In next you can do something like [id] that is create a folder like this in pages and put your actual page here.

Restrict access to a page in Gatsby.js to logged in users

On my gatsby.js static site, I want to restrict access to my pages/dashboard page using client-side authentication. The plug-in, gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect says that I can create a redirect with this...
createRedirect({ fromPath: '/old-url', toPath: '/new-url', isPermanent: true });
...but I'm not sure where to place that in my code. I'm assuming gatsby-node.js, but I'm not sure how.
I want to do something like this,
if (user.loggedIn) {
// redirect to '/dashboard'
} else {
// redirect to '/'
This is assuming that the state of user is available throughout the site. Is this possible?
Also, in the gatsby-plugin-meta-redirect docs, it states that this plugin should be put last in the array in gatsby-config.js. But I already have gatsby-plugin-netlify placed last. Would that be a problem?
What you can do is give a programmatic, non-direct access to the /dashboard page using navigateTo in Link.
See this issue.

page refresh not happening when I am changing the URL from the URL bar : AngularJS 1

my base URL :- http://localhost:8080/App/#/ , let us say I am at
http://localhost:8090/App/#/page1. Now when I change this URL from the URL bar directly by deleting the page1 and pressing the enter key, I observed that, in the network section all the controller/directive/service js files does not loads and because of that variables and objects does not gets reset and the application gives inconsistent result.
What I want is when ever user navigates to the base url not just by $location.path('/') but also by manipulating the URL from the URL bar page refresh should happen just in the same way when first time we run the application.
How can I achieve this??
Any help is appreciated.

AngularJS - How can I do a redirect with a full page load?

I want to do a redirect that does a full page reload so that the cookies from my web server are refreshed when the page loads. window.location = "/#/Next" and window.location.href = "/#/Next" don't work, they do an Angular route which does not hit the server.
What is the correct way to make a full server request within an Angular controller?
For <a> tags:
You need to stick target="_self" on your <a> tag
There are three cases where AngularJS will perform a full page reload:
Links that contain target element
Example: link
Absolute links that go to a different domain
Example: link
Links starting with '/' that lead to a different base path when base is defined
Example: link
Using javascript:
The $location service allows you to change only the URL; it does not allow you to reload the page. When you need to change the URL and reload the page or navigate to a different page, please use a lower level API: $window.location.href.
We had the same issue, working from JS code (i.e. not from HTML anchor). This is how we solved that:
If needed, virtually alter current URL through $location service. This might be useful if your destination is just a variation on the current URL, so that you can take advantage of $location helper methods. E.g. we ran $, ...) to just change value of a querystring paramater.
Build up the new destination URL, using current $location.url() if needed. In order to work, this new one had to include everything after schema, domain and port. So e.g. if you want to move to:
then you should set URL as in:
var destinationUrl = '/YourAppFolder/YourAngularApp/#/YourArea/YourAction?culture=en';
(with the leading '/' as well).
Assign new destination URL at low-level: $window.location.href = destinationUrl;
Force reload, still at low-level: $window.location.reload();
After searching and giving hit and trial session I am able to solove it by first specifying url like
$window.location.href = '/#/home/stats';
then reload
I had the same issue. When I use window.location, $window.location or even <a href="..." target="_self"> the route does not refresh the page. So the cached services are used which is not what I want in my app. I resolved it by adding window.location.reload() after window.location to force the page to reload after routing. This method seems to load the page twice though. Might be a dirty trick, but it does the work. This is how I have it now:
$scope.openPage = function (pageName) {
window.location = '#/html/pages/' + pageName;
Try this

Backbone.js: How to utilize router.navigate to manipulate browser history?

I am writing something like a registration process containing several steps, and I want to make it a single-page like system so after some studying Backbone.js is my choice.
Every time the user completes the current step they will click on a NEXT button I create and I use the router.navigate method to update the url, as well as loading the content of the next page and doing some fancy transition with javascript.
Result is, URL is updated which the page is not refreshed, giving a smooth user experience. However, when the user clicks on the back button of the browser, the URL gets updated to that of a previous step, but the content stays the same. My question is through what way I can capture such an event and currently load the content of the previous step and present that to the user? Or even better, can I rely on browser cache to load that previously loaded page?
EDIT: in particular, I'm trying something like mentioned in this article.
You should not use route.navigate but let the router decide which form to display based on the current route.
exemple :
a link in your current form of the registration process :
<a href="#form/2" ...
in the router definition :
"form/:formNumber" : "gotoForm"
// the code to display the correct form for the current url based on formNumber
and then use Backbone.history.start() to bootstrap routing
