How to disable 301 redirection in plesk for Domain-Alias via API - plesk

I using to call plesk Api using some Xml content, what I do is create and manage my domains and sites.
For some reason I need Create a Site-Alias(domain-alias) for my domain without 301 redirection.I can do it from plesk panel as I note in Image attached. But I don't know how to set it with xml.
This my xml that I post via API :
<packet version="">
Note that I have two domain name, and .I want add domain-alias which is an alias for
I need some setting like what you see in Image.But my xml also enabled 301 redirection.

There is a seo-redirect option :
<packet version="">


Logic App Function to remove file extension

I have a logic app in Azure. The trigger is to check when an email arrives into a specific folder in a mailbox. An email may contain 1 or more attachments.
Once triggered, I have an HTTP request that gets sent to a SOAP service. The idea is that I want to check if the filename exists at the SOAP Service.
Its all working perfectly, with the exception, when I reference the filename from the trigger, it includes the file extension. I need to somehow ignore the ".PDF" part of the filename
Below is the XML I post to the SOAP service. Lets say the filename is 12345.pdf, then I need /UniversalEvent/Event/ContextCollection/Context/Value to = "12345" and not "12345.pdf":
<UniversalEvent xmlns="" version="1.1">
<EventReference>Requesting Shipment ID</EventReference>
do you have any suggestions on what function to use to achieve this?
You can change the expression #{items('For_each')?['name']} in your xml to:
#{substring(items('For_each')?['name'], 0, indexOf(items('For_each')?['name'], '.'))}

SAML error "SignatureStatus: NOT_PRESENT"

I found that if I add a trusted cert to SPOptions.ServiceCertificates and set SPOptions.AuthenticateRequestSigningBehavior = Sustainsys.Saml2.Configuration.SigningBehavior.IfIdpWantAuthnRequestsSigned; and set IdentityProvider.WantAuthnRequestsSigned = true, the signature element is included.
Original Question:
Having troubles connecting to an IDP with the following AuthnRequest:
<saml2p:AuthnRequest xmlns:saml2p="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:protocol" xmlns:saml2="urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion" ID="idf299bf8aa08542d193e022cb047e5ecc" Version="2.0" IssueInstant="2019-07-23T00:10:13Z" Destination="" AssertionConsumerServiceURL="">
The IDP says: "SignatureStatus: NOT_PRESENT". I'm guessing that means that the authnrequest should have a <ds:Signature section? If so, how do I configure Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2 to include it?
The metadata xml I received from the idp contains a <ds:Signature section, but looking at the source code for Sustainsys.Saml2.AspNetCore2, it looks like that part of the metadata gets ignored when deserializing?
I'm not very familiar with the internals of SAML, so sorry if this is a silly question.
You'll want to generate a self-signed .pfx file that contains both your public cert and private key. We use azure key vault, but you could also use openssl. Lots of resources that explain how to generate one of those and load it into a c# X509Certificate2 instance.
Once you have an instance of X509Certificate2, set options.SPOptions.AuthenticateRequestSigningBehavior = Sustainsys.Saml2.Configuration.SigningBehavior.IfIdpWantAuthnRequestsSigned;
And set IdentityProvider.WantAuthnRequestsSigned = true.
And then add the X509Certificate2 instance like so: options.SPOptions.ServiceCertificates.Add(myX509Certificate2);
Then run your app and start the SAML SSO process. You can use hookbin or the like to see what it sends in the AuthnRequest for SAMLRequest. You can extract the xml from that by url decoding it and then base64 decoding it like so in javascript, for instance to confirm signature xml is set and correct: atob(decodeURIComponent(samlRequestValue))

Symfony3 and Sonata-adminBundle:dev-master Admin route is not automatically generated

I'm using symfony3 and sonata-project/admin-bundle:dev-master. my problem is that when I generate an Admin class by the command line: sonata:admin:generate, now when I try to access the admin dashboard in order to see my admin class...I get the following error: An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("Unable to generate a URL for the named route "admin_pa_pacomplaint_create" as such route does not exist.") in SonataAdminBundle:Block:block_admin_list.html.twig at line 39.
Edit: Event bin/console debug:router does not show the route of the newly created admin class
Sorry for my question where so easy: I just needed to update the app/config/routing.yml file with the following:
resource: .
type: sonata_admin
prefix: /admin

Solr: where to find the Luke request handler

I'm trying to get a list of all the fields, both static and dynamic, in my Solr index. Another SO answer suggested using the Luke Request Handler for this.
It suggests finding the handler at this url:
When I try this url on my server, however, I get a 404 error.
The admin page for my core is here http://solr:8983/solr/#/mycore, so I also tried http://solr:8983/solr/#/mycore/admin/luke. This also gave me another 404.
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Which url should I be using?
First of all you have to enable the Luke Request Handler. Note that if you started from the example solrconfig.xml you probably don't need to enable it explicitly because
<requestHandler name="/admin/" class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" />
does it for you.
Then if you need to access the data programmatically you have to make an HTTP GET request to http://solr:8983/solr/mycore/admin/luke (no hash mark!). The response is in XML but specifying wt parameter you can obtain different formats (e.g. http://solr:8983/solr/mycore/admin/luke?wt=json)
If you only want to see fields in SOLR web interface select your core from the drop down menu and then click on "Schema Browser"
In Solr 6, the solr.admin.AdminHandlers has been removed. If your solrconfig.xml has the line <requestHandler name="/admin/" class="solr.admin.AdminHandlers" />, it will fail to load. You will see errors in the log telling you it failed to load the class org.apache.solr.handler.admin.AdminHandlers.
You must include in your solrconfig.xml the line,
<requestHandler name="/admin/luke" class="org.apache.solr.handler.admin.LukeRequestHandler" />
but the URL is core-specific, i.e.
And you can specify the parameters fl,numTerms,id,docId as follows:
You can use this Luke tool which allows you to explore Lucene index.
You can also use the solr admin page :

Generate and download file with jboss seam

I need to add an 'export' function to an existing web app using seam. The purpose is to export search results to a csv file. I have no problem generating a csv, but I do not know how the send the csv back to the user.
I do not want to store the csv on the server because that would be waisted storage space. How could I achieve this in jboss seam?
Use the Document Store Servlet provided by Seam.
Almost copying and pasting from the reference doc, declare the servlet in web.xml like this:
<servlet-name>Document Store Servlet</servlet-name>
<servlet-name>Document Store Servlet</servlet-name>
Then create a export.xhtml file with only <s:resource> tag:
<s:resource xmlns=""
Generate link for downloading the file in your page with <s:download>:
<s:download src="/csv/export.xhtml">
<h:outputText value="Download CSV"/>
<f:param name="param1" value="somevalue"/>
<f:param name="param2" value="someOtherValue"/>
Finally, implement getCsvData() and getCsvFileName() methods in your component:
// could be byte[], File or InputStream
public InputStream getCsvData() {
// generate data to be downloaded
public String getCsvFileName() {
return "myfile.csv";
Note that <s:download> propagates conversation (unless you set propagation=none). If you propagate the conversation context probably you won't need to pass any parameter. For large data set it may be preferable to not propagate the conversation and pass parameter to select the data in a request scoped component.
There's a couple of ways:
1) Check the Seam docs for info on using Seam-Excel to programmatically generate your file and then write it out using a mime-type set for CSV - this is all detailed in the docs.
However, I could not get this to work in the latest version of Seam, as it requires a response object, which used to be available from the Seam context but now only returns null.
2) Code the CSV file you want as an Excel xhtml template (see the Seam docs and example projects) and simply render this as normal using an tag.
I do this regularly and it works well, bar the restriction that you cannot supply a filename.
