Using Protractor with proxypass-based AngularJS app - angularjs

I'm using Protractor to implement end-to-end tests on my AngularJS app using Grunt, and my app does use proxy pass to handle API calls. As a result, when running tests, API calls fail because http://localhost:9000/api is not handled.
I tried the grunt-connect-proxy plugin to handle /api proxy pass but it simply redirects (HTTP code 301) localhost:9000/api to, and doesn't mimic the behaviour of a proxy pass (and the app doesn't work either).
Here's the Gruntfile configuration:
connect: {
options: {
port: 9000,
hostname: 'localhost',
base: ['<%= globals.appFolder %>/'],
logger: 'dev',
protractor: {
options: {
configFile: 'tests/e2e/protractor.config.js',
keepAlive: true,
noColor: false,
args: {}
e2e: {
options: {
args: {}
And here's the Protractor configuration file:
exports.config = {
specs: ['./suites/*.js'],
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:9000',
maxSessions: 1,
multiCapabilities: [{
browserName: 'chrome'
How would you handle this case to let tests run on both a desktop machine, and a remote machine (such as Jenkins)?

According to this issue related on grunt-connect-proxy, this is a bug occurring when dealing with HTTPS endpoints. Use the master/ version instead.
"grunt-connect-proxy": "",
proxies: [{
context: '/api',
host: '',
port: 443,
https: true


NextJS build command hangs indefinitely on our server

I'm having a problem when running next build on my local machine (Windows 10) the command builds the app successfully
But when doing so on my server (running on linux 4.18.0-372.9.1.1.lve.el8.x86_64 the build hangs indefinitely, this was tested on my current project, I've also tried testing on a new project created on the linux server and got the same issue
I tried skipping linting and type checks from next.config.js but it still hangs
I noticed this process running while the app is "building", might be the source of the issue but I'm not sure
I might also be missing some dependencies that I am not aware of, any ideas?
Edit (1)
// next.config.js
/** #type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: true,
swcMinify: true,
distDir: "./build",
images: {
remotePatterns: [
protocol: "http",
hostname: "localhost",
port: "1337",
pathname: "/uploads/**",
protocol: "http",
hostname: "",
port: "1337",
pathname: "/uploads/**",
async redirects() {
return [
source: "/news",
destination: "/",
permanent: false,
const withBundleAnalyzer = require("#next/bundle-analyzer")({
enabled: process.env.ANALYZE === "true",
module.exports = withBundleAnalyzer(nextConfig);
Edit (2)
While the app is building, the cpu usage shoots between 92% and 100%, without building it rests at 14%
Is there a way to bypass running tests with jest while building?

Vite proxy is fetching clientside files

I'm trying to migrate my react project from webpack to vite and I'm facing this issue with proxies:
I've configured my proxy like so:
port: 8000,
proxy: {
'/api': {
target: 'http://localhost:8080',
changeOrigin: true,
'/graphql': {
target: 'http://localhost:8080',
changeOrigin: true,
But if I use it like that, then vite starts requesting localhost:8080/api for clientside files like localhost:8080/api/index.ts which throws a MIME type error.
What’s the cause for this behavior and how can I fix it? The http-proxy documentation offers no details(which is what Vite uses)

How remove port number ":80" when serving localhost using grunt-contrib-connect

When I serve my project using grunt-contrib-connect, I need it to run using https, and in the browser the root path needs to be:
I am not familiar with how to set this up using the proxy option in grunt-contrib-connect.
My grunt.initConfig setup is:
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 80,
base: 'dist',
protocol: 'https',
livereload: true,
keepalive: true,
debug: true,
hostname: 'localhost',
open: true
This serves the project to https://localhost:80/
I will finish setting up livereload once this is working correctly.
Thanks for your help.
For https without a port number in the address bar, port needs to be set to 443, and for livereload you must have simple, self-generated certificates created - they can reside in the project folder as they are in no way connected with security.
The connect/watch setup in my gruntfile is:
// Project configuration.
//live server
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: 443,
base: 'dist', //the folder my compiled web files are generated in
protocol: 'https',
livereload: true,
debug: true, //show me what is being served, helpful for debugging
hostname: 'localhost',
open: true //auto-open browser tab - remove if annoying
//watch for changes and recompile / reload
watch: {
dev: {
options: {
livereload: {
port: 35729,
// you can pass in any other options you'd like to the https server, as listed here:
files: [ // Files to livereload on
tasks: [
'dev' //the task to run after a change is detected
This guide helped me create the certificates:
The :9000 detail did not work for me, I left the livereload port at 35729, and once the server was up and running hit this in a new tab to authorise access to the script using self-generated certificates:
I hope this helps someone ;)

grunt connect proxy : proxy created but i get a 404

I have currently a simple angular application configured with yeoman, and the only customisation I'm trying is with grunt-connect-proxy. So I followed the instructions and modified my Gruntfile :
var proxySnippet = require('grunt-connect-proxy/lib/utils').proxyRequest;
module.exports = function (grunt) {
connect: {
server: {
proxies: [
context: '/api',
host: 'somevirtualhost',
port: 8080,
https: false,
changeOrigin: true
livereload: {
options: {
open: true,
middleware: function (connect) {
return [
grunt.registerTask('serve', 'Compile then start a connect web server', function (target) {
And in a controller I tried the following :
var Versions = $resource('/api/version/:versId', { versId: '#id' });
var version = Versions.get({ versId: 'Ultra' }, function () {
console.log('here I am');
When I run grunt serve I can see the proxy is created :
Running "configureProxies:server" (configureProxies) task
Proxy created for: /api to somevirtualhost:8080
But in the console of the web page I get :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
Any idea ?
I found some clues here :
I don't understand everything but for now I add the headers option in my proxies :
proxies: [
context: '/api',
host: 'somevirtualhost',
port: 8080,
https: false,
changeOrigin: true,
headers: {
'host': 'somevirtualhost'
And it seems to work

Grunt connect with base html tag

I am developing an angularjs site for someone and the site they are going to put it on is something like this
So to get my links to work I added the following in the head tags to get the links to work in production
<base href="/newsite/" />
But now when I use grunt connect, nothing works because of that base element. I guess, when I am locally working I could comment it out but I would be concerned I would forget to put it back. Thanks for any tips.
Here is part of my grunt file
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: '9001',
base: 'build/',
protocol: 'http',
hostname: 'localhost',
livereload: true,
open: {
target: 'http://localhost:9001',
callback: function() {}
watch: {
files: [
'<%= app.root %>**/*',
tasks: [ 'copy', 'less:dev' ],
options: {
reload: false,
livereload: true,
spawn: true
Posts I checked that did not give me any answers:
grunt-connect: serve files with base url added
I would change the livereload part of your server options to something like the following:
connect: {
server: {
options: {
port: '9001',
base: 'build/',
protocol: 'http',
hostname: 'localhost',
livereload: true,
open: 'http://localhost:9001/newsite/'
