prevent selectors of child components being triggerred in redux - reactjs

How can i prevent my child selectors from being updated each time the parent component bring data?
selectors behaviour make sense i am just looking for alternative approaches more like simpler approach then using reselect( not allowed use beyond redux).

Reselect selectors are memoized, which means that if the selector's params are the same, the resulting props are the same object. Even if you can use reselect, you can memoized your selectors easily by implementing a memoization method, like the one from Addy Osmani's article:
function memoize( fn ) {
return function () {
var args =,
hash = "",
i = args.length;
currentArg = null;
while (i--) {
currentArg = args[i];
hash += (currentArg === Object(currentArg)) ?
JSON.stringify(currentArg) : currentArg;
fn.memoize || (fn.memoize = {});
return (hash in fn.memoize) ? fn.memoize[hash] :
fn.memoize[hash] = fn.apply(this, args);
And then use it for creating the selectors:
const selector = memoize((state) =>({
alerts: selectors.alerts(state)


Why am I mutating the original array with filter method? [React]

After executing the newData[0].id = newValue I am actually updating the react initialData state. How is that possible?
Is my understanding that filter should return a new array different than the original one, also I am not ussing the setState feature so I don't understand why the state is changing.
Because arrays are mutable. it will keep the reference to the original array even after filtering.
use the spread operator to avoid mutating the original array
const data = [...newData]
data[0].id = newValue
As per the new beta docs on updating items in array
setInitialData(prev => {
// create a new array
const withReplaced = => {
if ( === id) {
const newVal = //set new value
// create a new updated element
return {
id: newVal
} else {
// The rest haven't changed
return elem;
return withReplaced;
Hope it helps
you can't update the initialData,but the you can update the son of the array.And if you don't use "setData".The views won't change.

React - how to get array from store before first render and use it as dataset for ChartJS

I've implemented my own method to handle click event at chart label (React ChartJS 2 library) and it's for filtering data. I have a little problem becouse I'm storing state of filters for specific user so at first, when I'm initializing view with that chart I have to get array with actual filters. The problem is that even when I'm getting this array, I can't use it in my method becouse it's always undefined. What is important - every time I'm adding new filter, i'm also sending array of filters to store. I'm pretty new in React so Your advices will be really welcome.
This is part of my code (mayby componentDidMount is not good choice?):
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
itemsArray: []
componentDidMount(): void {
// Overview doughnut chart filtering$)).subscribe((quickQueryParam: QueryParamListState) => {
this.setState({itemsArray: quickQueryParam.entities['Connection:NOT IN:connectionType:QuickFiltersComponent'] ? quickQueryParam.entities['Connection:NOT IN:connectionType:QuickFiltersComponent'].value : []})
const originalDoughnutLegendBehavior = Chart.defaults.doughnut.legend.onClick;
Chart.defaults.doughnut.legend.onClick = function (e, legendItem) {
if (!legendItem.hidden) {
if (!this.state.itemsArray.includes(legendItem.text)) {
const query = new QueryParam(EQueryEntity.Connection, 'connectionType', this.itemsArray, EQueryOperator.NotIn, 'QuickFiltersComponent');
AppStore.instance.dispatch(new AddQuickQueryParamsAction([query]));
AppStore.instance.dispatch(new GetUpdateQuickFilters(true));
} else {
if (this.state.itemsArray.length > 1) {
for (let i = this.state.itemsArray.length; i >= 0; i--) {
if (this.state.itemsArray[i] === legendItem.text) {
this.state.itemsArray.splice(i, 1);
const query = new QueryParam(EQueryEntity.Connection, 'connectionType', this.itemsArray, EQueryOperator.NotIn, 'QuickFiltersComponent');
AppStore.instance.dispatch(new AddQuickQueryParamsAction([query]));
AppStore.instance.dispatch(new GetUpdateQuickFilters(true));
} else {
AppStore.instance.dispatch(new ClearQuickQueryParamsAction());
}, e, legendItem);
you can use componentDidMount method only to fetch the list and then in componentDidUpdate method you can update that list with the filter and it will re-render your component with the latest data.

elegant way to downgrade all angular components for angular js

My app is supposed to migrate from angularjs to angular.
I'm creating new angular components. Is there an elegant way to automatically import and downgrade component?
Current code:
import { ColorPickerComponent } from './angular-comp/color-picker/color-picker.component';
import {FileSelectComponent } from './angular-comp/file-select/file-select.component';
export default angular
.module('kn-components', myModuleNames)
.directive('colorPicker', downgradeComponent({component: ColorPickerComponent}))
.directive('fileSelect', downgradeComponent({component: FileSelectComponent}))
Each time I create a component I need to do it, it's quite verbose....
For my angularjs component, for example, I did the following:
const myModuleNames = [];
const loadModules = require.context(".", true, /\.module.js$/);
loadModules.keys().forEach(function (key) {
export default angular
.module('kn-components', myModuleNames)
and all my modules/components are imported
If the goal is to get rid of boilerplate code, you can get list of components to upgrade, get the selector name for each component and register corresponding directive
Get list of your components. This depends on your code structure. The simplest option is to just explicitly return components you need to downgrade. Or you can use require.context as you did in your example.
function getComponents() {
// depends on how your components are organized
// for example, iterate over require.context(".", true, /\.component.ts$/);
// or return fixed array
return [ColorPickerComponent, FileSelectComponent];
For each component get the selector name. If you don't use AOT compilation, you can get selector value from the #Component decorator. But if you do use it, that won't work and you can make a selector from a component name
function getComponentSelector(component) {
// if you don't need AOT
return toCamelCase(component.__annotations__[0].selector);
// if you do need it
let name: string =;
const suffix = 'Component';
if (name.endsWith(suffix)) {
name = name.substr(0, name.length - suffix.length);
return uncapitalize(name);
function toCamelCase(selector: string) {
const splitted = selector.split('-');
for (let i = 1; i < splitted.length; i++) {
splitted[i] = capitalize(splitted[i]);
return splitted.join('');
function capitalize(name: string) {
return name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.slice(1);
function uncapitalize(name: string) {
return name.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + name.slice(1);
Iterate over your components and register downgraded components
function downgradeComponents(module: ng.IModule) {
const components = getComponents();
for (const component of components) {
const selector = getComponentSelector(component);
module.directive(selector, downgradeComponent({ component }));

Detect handle change inside componentDidUpdate method - Reactjs

I have a form that contains several questions. Some of the questions contains a group of subquestions.
The logic to render sub questions is written inside componentDidUpdate method.
componentDidUpdate = (prevProps, prevState, snapshot) => {
if (prevProps !== this.props) {
let questions = this.props.moduleDetails.questions,
sgq = {};
Object.keys(questions).map((qId) => {
sgq[qId] = (this.state.groupedQuestions[qId]) ? this.state.groupedQuestions[qId] : [];
let answerId = this.props.formValues[qId],
questionObj = questions[qId],
groupedQuestions = [];
if(questionObj.has_grouped_questions == 1 && answerId != null && (this.state.groupedQuestions != null)) {
groupedQuestions = questions[qId].question_group[answerId];
let loopCount = this.getLoopCount(groupedQuestions);
for(let i=0; i<loopCount; i++) {
this.setState({groupedQuestions: sgq});
The problem is that on every key stroke of text field, handleChange method is invoked which will ultimately invoke componentDidUpdate method. So the same question groups gets rendered on every key stroke.
I need a way to detect if the method componentDidUpdate was invoked due to the key press(handleChange) event so that i can write logic as follows.
if(!handleChangeEvent) {
Logic to render question group
Any idea on how to integrate this will be appreciated.
I assume your textfield is a controlled component, meaning that its value exists in the state. If this is the case, you could compare the previous value of your textfield to the new one. If the value is different, you know the user entered something. If they are equal however, the user did something else at which point you want your snippet to actually execute.
componentDidUpdate = (prevProps) => {
// if value of textfield didn't change:
if (prevProps.textfieldValue === this.props.textfieldValue) {
// your code here
Another approach is to use componentDidReceiveProps(). There you can compare the props to the previous ones, similarly to the above, and execute your code accordingly. Which method is most suitable depends on how your app works.

Can you chain properties?

I have an automation test that I have switched out most variables for properties which has been working fantastic for me unless i need to chain something. Here is an example of what I'd like it to look like:
var test = module.exports = {
outerElement: element(by.cssContainingText('some.div' 'A name'),
innerElement: $('something.else'),
clickOnaName: function () {;
However I have to use this code because chaining doesn't work the way I am using it:
var outerElement = element(by.cssContainingText('some.div'
'A name');
var innerElement = $('something.else');
var test = module.exports = {
clickOnaName: function() {;
Is there a way for me to do chain or should i just leave those elements as variables
please let me know if this helps!
You can use .element(el.locator()) to extend the elements. You can use multiple selectors at once. You can also hit arrays of elements.
Keep in mind that this kind of chaining of protractor selectors is the same as a css space child selector, and not as a > selector.
I.e. $('.parent').$('.child') will select the same elements as in a css file .parent .child, getting ALL children and not just direct children.
module.exports = function(){
this.parent = $('.parent');
this.child = $('.child');
this.childOfParent = parent.element(child.locator());
this.directParentChild = $('.parent').$('.child');
this.parentArray = $$('.parents');
this.child = $('.child');
this.children = parentArray.get(2).element(child.locator());
Adding in clicks and such should be pretty straightforward from there, for example.
