How can I pass props to children of React Router? - reactjs

I have checked this link
So far, I'm not able to understand the handler part. So I was hoping for a more simple example perhaps?
Here is my main parent component:
class appTemplate extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Header lang={this.props.route.path}/>
<Footer lang={this.props.route.path}/>
What I want to do is pass down the prop this.props.route.path to my child components which is this.props.children.
I'm not really fully familiar with all the terms even though I've been touching React already for the last few months.
An example with a proper explanation would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

The proper way to achieve that is using
class appTemplate extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<Header lang={this.props.route.path}/>
child => React.cloneElement(child,
customProp: "Here is your prop",
path: this.props.route.path
<Footer lang={this.props.route.path}/>

React has a cloneElement function. The idea is to clone the children object, passing on path as a part of the props:
class appTemplate extends React.Component {
render() {
let children = null;
if (this.props.children) {
children = React.cloneElement(this.props.children, {
path: this.props.route.path
return (
<Header lang={this.props.route.path}/>
<Footer lang={this.props.route.path}/>
You should then be able to access the path using this.props.path within a child element, but (from what I remember) not from within elements nested within the child.
You can read more about cloning and passing values here:


Creating a parent 'workspace' component in ReactJS

Using ReactJS, I am trying to create a common workspace component that will have toolbar buttons and a navigation menu. The idea I have is to re-use this component to wrap all other dynamic components that I render in the app.
Currently, I've created a Toolbar and MenuBar components that I then add to each component in the app as such:
This does not feel right, since my aim is to have just one component which would be something like:
However, I am not sure of how to achieve this and whether this is the right approach.
As to whether or not it is the right approach is subjective, but I can provide insight into one way to make a "wrapper" type component:
// Your workspace wrapper component
class Workspace {
render() {
return (
<div className="workspace">
<div className="workspace__toolbar">
Toolbar goes here
<div className="workspace__nav">
Navgoes here
<div className="workspace__content">
// Using the component to define another one
class MyComponent {
render() {
return (
This is my workspace content.
You can also look at HOC's or Higher Order Components to wrap things.
React offer two traditional ways to make your component re useable
1- High-order Components
you can separate the logic in withWorkspace and then give it a component to apply that logic into it.
function withWorkSpace(WrappedComponent, selectData) {
// ...and returns another component...
return class extends React.Component {
render() {
// ... and renders the wrapped component with the fresh data!
// Notice that we pass through any additional props
return <WrappedComponent data={} {...this.props} />;
const Component = () => {
const Content = withWorkSpace(<SomeOtherComponent />)
return <Content />
2- Render Props
or you can use function props then give the parent state as arguments, just in case you need the parent state in child component.
const Workspace = () => {
state = {}
render() {
return (
<div className="workspace">
<div className="workspace__toolbar">
<div className="workspace__nav">
<div className="workspace__content">
const Toolbar = (props) => {
return <div>Toolbar</div>
const Navigation = (props) => {
return <div>Toolbar</div>
class Component = () => {
return (
renderNavigation={(WorkspaceState) => <Navigation WorkspaceState={WorkspaceState} />}
renderTollbar={(WorkspaceState) => <Toolbar {...WorkspaceState} />}
{(WorkspaceState) => <SomeComponentForContent />}

ReactJS, React-Router: Calling parent function

I am working on a React App, trying to call a parent method from a child component, some code of the parent component below:
class NavigationBar extends Component {
this.state={isLoggedIn: false};
alert("Login from NavigationBar");
GetBar() {
//const isLoggedIn = this.props.isLoggedIn;
if (false){ //isLoggedIn
return this.UserNavBar();
return this.StrangerNavBar();
return (
{/* ... */}
<div className="content">
<Route exact path="/LoginCC" loginUpdate={this.updateLoginState} component={LoginCC} />
render() {
return (
export default NavigationBar;
This component is supposed to redirect the user to different content pages based on whether or not he is logged in, using a Router. If a button is clicked in LoginCC.js the method updateLoginState should be invoked which just displays a message for now. The child content page LoginCC.js looks as follows:
class LoginCC extends Component {
this.state = {isLoggedIn: false};
render() {
return (
{/* ... */}
<Button variant="primary" size="lg" block onClick={this.props.loginUpdate}>
Log in
{/* ... */}
export default LoginCC;
I passed the method reference as a prop to LoginCC when rendering this component using the Router, so a message should pop up if I press the button, but nothing happens.
Am I passing the prop incorrectly or something else I've missed? I'm new to React so any help is appreciated.
Route doesn't pass any custom props to components. You should use other method to pass functions.
One of solutions is:
<Route exact path="/LoginCC" render={
props => <LoginCC {...props} loginUpdate={this.updateLoginState}/>
} />
Note that updateLoginState will not get this when called. You should either bind it or declare it as an arrow function to get the correct this.
Also check the Context documentation.

Reactjs: can I safely access a sibling component using state?

I'm using ReactJS since just a week or two and I'm now trying to build an App using it.
I think I understood how I should make a Child Component communicates with its Parent Component passing a function as a prop.
But now I'd like to do something different and make 2 sibling Components communicate with each other.
I know I could achieve this using their common Parent Component, but I'd really love to declare some methods on one of those sibling Components and reuse them all over the App.
So here is my idea and my question: can I safely set the state of a Parent Component putting there the "this" from Child Component and then use this variable on other Components?
I already wrote this code and it's working, but I don't understand if this is a good approach or a bad one.
Here some parts of my code to let you see what I'm doing.
Parent Component:
class App extends Component{
state = {}
return <Router>
<div id="page">
<Header app={this} />
<div id="main" class="row">
<Sidebar app={this} />
<Content app={this} />
<Footer app={this} />
class Sidebar extends Component{
state = {menu: []}
componentDidMount() {{sidebar: this})
populateSidebar = (sidebar) => {
this.setState({menu: sidebar})
if ( == 0){
return null;
return (
<sidebar class="col-3">
{ => <li><Link to={item.url}>{item.text}</Link></li>)}
User Component (it's a Child of the Content Component. The Content Component just does some routing based on the url):
class User extends React.Component {
async componentDidMount() {
url: "/user/add",
text: "Add new user"
url: "/user/list",
text: "Users list"
async componentWillUnmount() {
render() {
return (
<UserAdd />
<UserList />
I know that what I'm accomplishing here is so basic that I could totally do it in a different way, for example putting the sidebar menu as an array on the Parent Component's state. But let's say that I want a bunch of methods on Sidebar and let all my other components using them without rewriting too much code. Is this a bad idea?
I'd really love to declare some methods on one of those sibling
Components and reuse them all over the App.
A better approach is to create a helper class with some static methods and use it everywhere across your components, this class even doesn't have to be a react component just a regular ES6 class, for example:
class MyHelper {
static doSummation(num1, num2) {
return num1 + num2;
static doMultiplication(num1, num2) {
return num1 * num2
// ... other helper methods as you want
export default MyHelper;
Then in your React components you can import it and use its helper methods:
import React, {Component} from 'react';
import MyHelper from './MyHelper';
class MyComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
{MyHelper.doSummation(1, 2)};
You can even, for better organization, have as many helper classes as you want, for example MathHelper, StringFormattingHelper, etc...

React. How to pass props inside a component defined on a prop?

If we have the following structure on a React application:
class BasePage extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div>
{/*<Header title={this.props.title} />*/}
BasePage.defaultProps = {
header: <header>Base Page</header>
class Header extends React.Component {
render() {
return <header>
class TestPage extends BasePage {
TestPage.defaultProps = {
header: <Header />
class Root extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div>
title="Test Page Title"
<Root />,
If we have a common component like <Header /> we can pass a title property easily like <Header title={this.props.title} />.
But how can we pass props inside a component if this component is defined as a prop itself?
For example, how can we do something like:
{this.props.header title={this.props.title}}
So it will render the Test Page Title correctly?
Important note: we could overwrite the render method inside the Test component. But the purpose of this question is to solve this problem without doing this.
Firstly, props are read-only and a component should never be update it's own props, so lines like
componentWillMount() {
this.props.header = <header>Base Page</header>
should not be used. defaultProps can do what I think you are trying to do:
class BasePage extends React.Component {
render() {
return <div>
{/*<Header title={this.props.title} />*/}
BasePage.defaultProps = {
header: <header>Base Page</header>
Secondly, inheritance is not often done in React. I'm not saying don't do what your'e doing, but take a read of the docs and see if there is perhaps a simpler way to achieve the same goals.
Finally, setting props on components passed as props. There are a couple different ways to do this.
If you pass the Component rather than the <Component /> you can add props like normal:
ChildComponent = (props) => {
const HeaderComponent = props.header
return <HeaderComponent title="..." />
ParentComponent = () => <ChildComponent header={Header} />
You can clone the element to override props:
ChildComponent = (props) => {
const HeaderComponent = React.cloneElement(props.header. { title: "..." })
return <HeaderComponent />
ParentComponent = () => <ChildComponent header={<Header />} />
NOTE: I have used functional components instead of class components for brevity, but the concepts are the same.
This seems like a great use case for React.cloneElement.
React.cloneElement(this.props.header, { title: this.props.title });
It returns a clone of the component with the new props included.

reactjs - Is it possible to pass a property to a component as following?

wonder if it is possible to pass a component a property as following
<ContainerBox anotherComponent={<AnotherComponent />} />, document.body);
And then insider the ContainerBox I want to pass AnotherComponent a property in following way.
class ContainerBox extends React.Component {
clickHandler() {
//does something fun
render () {
return (
this.props.anotherComponent(this.clickHandler) //<----- is it possible to pass properties from here?
Is it possible to pass things from ContainerBox to AnotherComponent from that position?
ContainerBox has a clickHandler function which I want to pass to AnotherComponent. It is possible to do so if I move <AnotherComponent /> to inside of render() instead. But then I cannot reuse ContainerBox for other components without first copying the whole ContainerBox.
Does it make sense? Hope you can understand.
UPDATED code example
Yes, that is possible. However, it's more common to do it like this
<ContainerBox><AnotherComponent /></ContainerBox>, document.body);
And in ContainerBox
class ContainerBox extends React.Component {
render () {
return (
Read more about reacts this.props.children here:
I just want to point out that in this example, we are not passing a component, but an element (the result of rendering the component).
It's also possible to pass components, like this:
<Foo buttonComponent={FancyButtonComponent} />
and in Foo:
render() {
Button = this.props.buttonComponent;
return (
<Button />
