I am trying to print characters of a given string at even and odd positions of using c program. My program is working fine if there is only one string but it not working for a sentence containing more than one string.The following code only prints the second string entered, but it does not printing the characters at even and odd positions as it was doing for the very first string.
int main()
char string[10], even[10], odd[10], i, j, k,count;
i = j = k = count = 0;
printf("Enter your input string:");
fgets(string, 10, stdin);
string[strlen(string) - 1] = '\0';
/* printing the input string */
printf("Given Input string:%s\n", string);
while (string[i] != '\0')
if (i % 2 == 0) {
odd[j++] = string[i];
else {
even[k++] = string[i];
/* terminating even and odd string with NULL */
odd[j] = even[k] = '\0';
/* print the characters at odd position and even positions */
printf(" %s %s", odd,even);
return 0;
At execution when I entered the first string as "united", it printed out "uie" for the odd position and "ntd" for the even position. Then I am prompted to enter the second string which I entered as "states" but nothing printed out except the string entered and the program exits. It did not output as it did for the first string.
Please help me to point out my mistake so that my code should work correctly for any number of strings rather than only for first string i.e it should output the characters at even and odd positions for all of the strings entered by the user.
You are restricting yourself to an archaic version of C syntax that required all local variables to be declared at the top of a block, ahead of any executable statements.
Since your code is not using variables other than count outside the do/while loop, you should move their declarations inside the loop. This will ensure that the variables have appropriate initial values at the beginning of each iteration.
Here are a few additional points to keep in mind:
Your code will result in undefined behavior if an end-user terminates the input stream (Ctrl+Z on Windows, Ctrl+D on UNIX) without entering any characters
Your code will drop the last character when end-user terminates input stream after entering less than ten characters
odd[0]=even[0]='\0' is unnecessary
using namespace std;
struct str
char s[10000];
int main() {
int T;
cin >> T;
str s1[10];
while (T--) {
cin >> s1[T].s;
int j = 0;
while (j < strlen(s1[T].s)) {
if (j % 2 == 0)
cout << s1[T].s[j];
cout << " ";
int k = 0;
while (k < strlen(s1[T].s)) {
if (k % 2 == 1)
cout << s1[T].s[k];
cout << endl;
return 0;
I'm having trouble with trying to manipulate 2d dynamic arrays in C. What I want to do is to store a char string in every row of the the 2d array then perform a check to see if the string contains a certain character, if so remove all occurrences then shift over the empty positions. What's actually happening is I get an exit status 1.
More about the problem, for example if I have
Enter string 1: testing
Enter string 2: apple
Enter string 3: banana
I would want the output to become
What letter? a // ask what character to search for and remove all occurences
Here is my full code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void removeOccurences2(char** letters, int strs, int size, char letter){
// Get size of array
// Shift amount says how many of the letter that we have removed so far.
int shiftAmt = 0;
// Shift array says how much we should shift each element at the end
int shiftArray[strs][size];
// The first loop to remove letters and put things the shift amount in the array
int i,j;
for(i=0;i < strs; i++){
for(j = 0; j < size - 1; j++) {
if (letters[i][j] == '\0'){
else {
// If the letter matches
if(letter == letters[i][j]){
// Set to null terminator
letters[i][j] = '\0';
// Increase Shift amount
// Set shift amount for this position to be 0
shiftArray[i][j] = 0;
// Set the shift amount for this letter to be equal to the current shift amount
shiftArray[i][j] = shiftAmt;
// Loop back through and shift each index the required amount
for(i = 0; i < strs; i++){
for(j = 0; j < size - 1; j++) {
// If the shift amount for this index is 0 don't do anything
if(shiftArray[i][j] == 0) continue;
// Otherwise swap
letters[i][j - shiftArray[i][j]] = letters[i][j];
letters[i][j] = '\0';
//now print the new string
printf("%s", letters[i]);
int main() {
int strs;
char** array2;
int size;
int cnt;
int c;
char letter;
printf("How many strings do you want to enter?\n");
scanf("%d", &strs);
printf("What is the max size of the strings?\n");
scanf("%d", &size);
array2 = malloc(sizeof(char*)*strs);
cnt = 0;
while (cnt < strs) {
c = 0;
printf("Enter string %d:\n", cnt + 1);
array2[cnt] = malloc(sizeof(char)*size);
scanf("%s", array2[cnt]);
cnt += 1;
printf("What letter?\n");
scanf(" %c", &letter);
Thanks in advance!
You can remove letters from a string in place, because you can only shorten the string.
The code could simply be:
void removeOccurences2(char** letters, int strs, int size, char letter){
int i,j,k;
// loop over the array of strings
for(i=0;i < strs; i++){
// loop per string
for(j = 0, k=0; j < size; j++) {
// stop on the first null character
if (letters[i][j] == '\0'){
letters[i][k] = 0;
// If the letter does not match, keep the letter
if(letter != letters[i][j]){
letters[i][k++] = letters[i][j];
//now print the new string
printf("%s\n", letters[i]);
But you should free all the allocated arrays before returning to environment, and explicitely return 0 at the end of main.
Well, there are several issues on your program, basically you are getting segmentation fault error because you are accessing invalid memory which isn't allocated by your program. Here are some issues I found:
shiftAmt isn't reset after processing/checking each string which lead to incorrect value of shiftArray.
Values of shiftArray only set as expected for length of string but after that (values from from length of each string to size) are random numbers.
The logic to delete occurrence character is incorrect - you need to shift the whole string after the occurrence character to the left not just manipulating a single character like what you are doing.
1 & 2 cause the segmentation fault error (crash the program) because it causes this line letters[i][j - shiftArray[i][j]] = letters[i][j]; access to unexpected memory. You can take a look at my edited version of your removeOccurences2 method for reference:
int removeOccurences2(char* string, char letter) {
if(!string) return -1;
int i = 0;
while (*(string+i) != '\0') {
if (*(string+i) == letter) {
memmove(string + i, string + i + 1, strlen(string + i + 1));
string[strlen(string) - 1] = '\0'; // delete last character
return 0;
It's just an example and there is still some flaw in its logics waiting for you to complete. Hint: try the case: "bananaaaa123"
Happy coding!
"...if the string contains a certain character, if so remove all occurrences then shift over the empty positions."
The original string can be edited in place by incrementing two pointers initially containing the same content. The following illustrates.:
void remove_all_chars(char* str, char c)
char *pr = str://pointer read
char *pw = str;//pointer write
*pw = *pr++;
pw += (*pw != c);//increment pw only if current position == c
*pw = '\0';//terminate to mark last position of modified string
This is the cleanest, simplest form I have seen for doing this task. Credit goes to this answer.
I'm relatively new to coding array functions in C. After numerous tries, I've decided to surrender and ask for help.
I wish to the user to input the words and store them into the 2d array words. The problem is that it prints the words but also prints out random characters.
#include "mp1_lib.h"
void get_words(int n, char words[][16])
char c = ' ';
char check;
for(int x=0; x <= n; x++)
for(int y=0; y < 16; y++)
c = getchar();
check = c;
if (check == '\n')
words[x][y] = c;
void print_words(int n, char words[][16])
for(int x=1; x <= n; x++)
for(int y=0; y < 16; y++)
if (words[x][y] == '\n')
In C, a string is an array of characters with the nul-terminating character '\0' as the character that marks the end of the contents of the string within the array. That is how all string functions like strlen or printf using the '%s' format specifier to print a string -- know where the string stops.
If you do not nul-terminate the array of characters -- then it is not a string, it is simply an array and you cannot pass an un-terminate array to any function expecting a string - or it won't know where the string ends (and in the case of printf will just print whatever unspecified character happens to be in memory until it comes upon a '\0' to stop the output (or SegFaults).
If you don't nul-terminate the words in your array, then you will have to have some way to store the number of characters in each word, so your print function will know where to stop printing. (if you have a two-letter word like "Hi" in a 16-char array, you can only print 2 characters from the array. Especially if it is an uninitialized array, then you will simply get gibberish printed for characters 3-16.
Your second problem is -- "How do you know how many words you have stored in your array?" -- you don't return a value from getwords, so unless you change the function type to int and return the number of words that you stored in your array, your only other option is to pass a pointer to an integer and update the value at that address so the value is available back in the calling function. Either way is fine, you generally only worry about making a value available through a pointer if you are already returning another value and need a second method to make another updated value visible back in the calling function (main() here).
Putting those pieces together, and passing a pointer to the number of words to getwords to make the number of words entered available back in main() (so you know how many words print_words has to print), you could do something similar to the following:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#define MAXC 16 /* if you need constants, define them */
#define MAXW 32
void getwords (char (*words)[MAXC], int *n)
int col = 0; /* column count */
while (*n < MAXW) { /* while words < MAXW */
int c = getchar(); /* read char */
/* column reaches MAXC-1 or if whitespace or EOF */
if (col == MAXC - 1 || isspace(c) || c == EOF) {
if (col) { /* if col > 0 */
words[(*n)++][col] = 0; /* nul-terminate, increment n */
col = 0; /* set col to zero */
if (c == EOF) /* if char EOF - all done */
else /* otherwise - just add char to word */
words[*n][col++] = c;
void prnwords (char (*words)[MAXC], int n)
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) /* loop over each of n-words & print */
printf ("words[%2d]: %s\n", i, words[i]);
int main (void) {
char words[MAXW][MAXC] = {""}; /* intiliaze words all zero */
int nwords = 0; /* number of words zero */
getwords (words, &nwords);
prnwords (words, nwords);
return 0;
(note: when reading characters into the words array, you must check the number of character read again the maximum characters per-word (MAXC) and the number of words against the maximum number of words/rows in your array (MAXW) to prevent writing outside of your array bounds -- which will invoke Undefined Behavior in your program)
(note: the ctype.h header was included to simplify checking whether the character read was whitespace (e.g. a space, tab, or newline). If you can't use it, then simply use an if (c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\n') instead.)
Example Use/Output
$ echo "my dog has fleas and my cat has none" | ./bin/getwords
words[ 0]: my
words[ 1]: dog
words[ 2]: has
words[ 3]: fleas
words[ 4]: and
words[ 5]: my
words[ 6]: cat
words[ 7]: has
words[ 8]: none
Not too familiar with c. But it appears like you are not addding the new line character to the words array in get_words.
check = c;
if (check == '\n')
words[x][y] = c;
So when printing in print_words this will never be true.
if (words[x][y] == '\n')
That means that whatever happens to be in the memory location is what will get printed.
Your words have neither the newline character (which makes your code print garbage) nor the terminating NULLs (which makes them illegal as C strings). At least add words[x][y]="\n" before breaking the inner loop. Or, rather, move the if check after the assignment words[x][y]=c;. And yes, the loop should go from 0 to n-1.
As a side note, you do not need the variable check: just use c.
I tried to assign space as a placeholder for the 15 characters and it worked. Thanks, everyone! :)
#include "mp1_lib.h"
void get_words(int n, char words[][16])
char c = ' ';
char check;
for(int x=0; x < n; x++)
for(int y=0; y < 16; y++)
words[x][y] = ' ';
for(int x=0; x < n; x++)
for(int y=0; y < 16; y++)
c = getchar();
check = c;
if (check == '\n')
words[x][y] = c;
void print_words(int n, char words[][16])
for(int x=0; x < n; x++)
for(int y=0; y < 16; y++)
I got this exercise that I haven't been able to solve, the point is to create a program where you type in a text, then the program analyzes each word of the text and counts the vowels of each word, then the program returns in screen the number of words that have 3 or more different vowels, and by different I mean, it doesn't matter if the word has 3 "a", it only count as one (the word has the vowels "a", it doesn't matter how many times), so for example, the word "above" has 3 vowels, the word "been" has 1 vowels, the word "example" has 2 vowels. The vowels can be upper case or lower case, it doesn't matter, and here is the tricky part: It cannot contain any pointers or functions made by us.
what i did was asking the user to enter word by word so the program analyze each word, and then at the end returns the number of words that contain 3 or more vowels, but I feel like there must be an easier way where the user can type a complete paragraph or text, then the program analyzes each word and return the number of words that have 3 or more different vowels.
Anyway, my code is as follows, any suggestions would be appreciated:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
main() {
int vowels, text, words, c, total=0,a=0,e=0,i=0,o=0,u=0;
printf ("How many words does your text has? ");
printf("Type your word %d, after that press enter, then press 'control' and 'z' at the same time, and then press enter again: \n", c);
while (EOF != (text=getchar())){
if (text == 'a' || text == 'A'){
if (a >=2){
a = 1;
if (text == 'e' || text == 'E'){
if (e >=2){
e = 1;
if (text == 'i' || text == 'I'){
if (i >=2){
i = 1;
if (text == 'o' || text == 'O'){
if (o >=2){
o = 1;
if (text == 'u' || text == 'U'){
if (u >=2){
u = 1;
vowels = a+e+i+o+u;
if(vowels >=3){
total = total +1;
vowels = 0;
printf("\n\nThe total of words with 3 or more vowels is: %d", total);
return 0;
In order to read and analyze a single word, or a paragraph words to determine the number of words that contain at least three different vowels (of any case), this is one of the rare times when reading input with scanf (using the '%s' format specifier) actually is a reasonable choice.
Recall the '%s' format specifier will read characters up to the first whitespace. That gives you a simple way to read a word at a time from stdin. To end input, the user simply need to generate an EOF by entering ctrl+d (or ctrl+z on windows). This satisfies your paragraph requirement.
For parsing, you can take advantage of converting each character to lower case to simplify checking for vowels. Using a frequency array of 5 elements provides a simple way to track the number of different vowels found in each word. Then a final test to see if the number of vowels found equals the required number is all you need before incrementing your total word count for words with three different vowels.
A simple implementation would be something similar to:
#include <stdio.h>
enum { NREQD = 3, NVOWEL = 5, MAXC = 128 }; /* declare constants */
int main (void) {
char word[MAXC] = ""; /* word buffer */
size_t wordcnt = 0; /* words with 3 different vowels */
printf ("enter a word(s) below, [ctrl+d on blank line to end]\n");
for (;;) {
int vowels[NVOWEL] = {0}, /* frequency array */
vowelcnt = 0, /* vowels per-word */
rtn; /* scanf return */
if ((rtn = scanf ("%127s", word)) == EOF) /* chk EOF */
for (int i = 0; word[i]; i++) { /* loop over each char */
if ('A' <= word[i] && word[i] <= 'Z') /* check upper */
word[i] ^= 'a' - 'A'; /* convert to lower */
switch (word[i]) { /* check if vowel */
case 'a': vowels[0] = 1; break;
case 'e': vowels[1] = 1; break;
case 'i': vowels[2] = 1; break;
case 'o': vowels[3] = 1; break;
case 'u': vowels[4] = 1; break;
for (int i = 0; i < NVOWEL; i++) /* loop over array */
if (vowels[i]) /* check index */
vowelcnt++; /* increment vowelcnt */
if (vowelcnt >= NREQD) /* do we have at least 3 vowels? */
wordcnt++; /* increment wordcnt */
printf ("\nThere are %zu words with %d different vowels.\n",
wordcnt, NREQD);
Example Use/Output
$ ./bin/vowelcnt
enter a word(s) below, [ctrl+d on blank line to end]
Everyone Understands That The Dictionary Doesn't Track
Words That Contain Vowels Like It Does Etimology.
There are 4 words with 3 different vowels.
Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.
You can use fgets to read a whole line. I don't know how you define a
paragraph though, do you mean just a long text or a collection of lines? You can
copy & paste multiple lines in the console and if you loop using fgets, then
you get all the lines. But allowing the user to enter multiple lines at once,
it's more tricky, because you should know how many lines the user will input.
That's why I'd say focus on reading the text line by line.
Your solution reads characters by characters and you are ignoring non-vowels.
That's OK, but you are not detecting words like you should do. The for loop
makes no sense, because in the first iteration you enter in a while loop that
is only going to leave when there are no more characters to read from stdin.
So the next iteration of the for loop will not enter the while loop and you
won't be reading anything any more.
You are also repeating too much code, I know you assignment says not to use your
own functions, but this can be improved with a simple look up table by creating
an array of chars using the characters as an index for the array. I'll explain
that in the code.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <limits.h>
int main(void)
char line[1024];
// initializing look ups with 0
int lookup_vowels[1 << CHAR_BIT] = { 0 };
// using 'a', 'e' as index for the lookup table
// if you want to know if a character is a vowel,
// lookup_vowels[character] will be 1 if character is
// a vowel, 0 otherwise
lookup_vowels['a'] = lookup_vowels['e'] = lookup_vowels['i'] =
lookup_vowels['o'] = lookup_vowels['u'] = 1;
// for parsing word with strtok
const char *delim = " \t\r\n";
int num_of_words = 0;
printf("Enter some text, to end input press ENTER and then CTRL+D\n");
if(fgets(line, sizeof line, stdin) == NULL)
// parsing words
char *word = strtok(line, delim);
if(word == NULL)
continue; // the line has only delimiters, ignore it
do {
// will be access with the same principle as the lookup
// table, the character is the index
int present[1 << CHAR_BIT] = { 0 };
size_t len = strlen(word);
for(size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
// I'll explain later the meaning
int c = tolower(word[i]);
present[c] = 1; // set the present for a vowel to 1
int count = present['a'] + present['e'] + present['i'] + present['o']
+ present['u'];
if(count > 2)
printf("'%s' has more than three distinct vowels\n", word);
} while((word = strtok(NULL, delim)));
printf("The number of word with three or more distinct vowels: %d\n", num_of_words);
return 0;
So let me quickly explain some of the technique I use here:
The lookup table is an array of size 256 because a char is 8-bit1
value and can have 256 different values (range [0,255]). The idea is that this
array is initialized with 0 overall (int lookup_vowels[1<<CHAR_BIT] = { 0 };) and then
I set to 1 only in 5 places: at the position of the vowels using their
ASCII value as index.
So instead of doing the repeating task if checking
// where c is a char
if(c == 'a' || c == 'A')
for all vowels, I just can do
int idx = tolower(c);
// c is a vowel
The present variable function similar to the lookup table, here I use the
ASCII code of a vowel as index and set it to 1 if a vowel is present in word.
After scanning all characters in word, I sum all values stored in present.
If the value is greater than 2, then the word has at least 3 or more distinct
vowels and the counter variable is increased.
The function strtok is used to split the line using a defined set of
delimiters, in this case the empty character, tab, carriage return and line
feed. To start parsing the line, strtok must be called with the source string
as the first argument and the delimiters as the second argument. All other
subsequent calls must pass NULL as the first argument. The function returns a
pointer to the next word and returns NULL when no more words have been found.
When a word is found, it calculates the number of distinct vowels and checks if
this number is greater than 2.
1CHAR_BIT defined in limits.h returns the number of bits of byte.
Usually a byte is 8-bit wide, so I could have written 256 instead. But there are
"exotic" architectures where a byte is not 8-bit long, so by doing 1<<CHAR_BIT
I'm getting the correct dimension.
This is for Homework
I have to write a program that asks the user to enter a string, then my program would separate the even and odd values from the entered string. Here is my program.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char *str[41];
char odd[21];
char even[21];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
printf("Enter a string (40 characters maximum): ");
scanf("%s", &str);
while (&str[i] < 41) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
odd[j++] = *str[i];
} else {
even[k++] = *str[i];
printf("The even string is:%s\n ", even);
printf("The odd string is:%s\n ", odd);
return 0;
When I try and compile my program I get two warnings:
For my scanf I get "format '%s' expects arguments of type char but argument has 'char * (*)[41]". I'm not sure what this means but I assume it's because of the array initialization.
On the while loop it gives me the warning that says comparison between pointer and integer. I'm not sure what that means either and I thought it was legal in C to make that comparison.
When I compile the program, I get random characters for both the even and odd string.
Any help would be appreciated!
this declaration is wrong:
char *str[41];
you're declaring 41 uninitialized strings. You want:
char str[41];
then, scanf("%40s" , str);, no & and limit the input size (safety)
then the loop (where your while (str[i]<41) is wrong, it probably ends at once since letters start at 65 (ascii code for "A"). You wanted to test i against 41 but test str[i] against \0 instead, else you get all the garbage after nul-termination char in one of odd or even strings if the string is not exactly 40 bytes long)
while (str[i]) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
odd[j++] = str[i];
} else {
even[k++] = str[i];
if you want to use a pointer (assignement requirement), just define str as before:
char str[41];
scan the input value on it as indicated above, then point on it:
char *p = str;
And now that you defined a pointer on a buffer, if you're required to use deference instead of index access you can do:
while (*p) { // test end of string termination
if (i % 2 == 0) { // if ((p-str) % 2 == 0) { would allow to get rid of i
odd[j++] = *p;
} else {
even[k++] = *p;
(we have to increase i for the even/odd test, or we would have to test p-str evenness)
aaaand last classical mistake (thanks to last-minute comments), even & odd aren't null terminated so the risk of getting garbage at the end when printing them, you need:
even[k] = odd[j] = '\0';
(as another answer states, check the concept of even & odd, the expected result may be the other way round)
There are multiple problems in your code:
You define an array of pointers char *str[41], not an array of char.
You should pass the array to scanf instead of its address: When passed to a function, an array decays into a pointer to its first element.
You should limit the number of characters read by scanf.
You should iterate until the end of the string, not on all elements of the array, especially with (&str[i] < 41) that compares the address of the ith element with the value 41, which is meaningless. The end of the string is the null terminator which can be tested with (str[i] != '\0').
You should read the characters from str with str[i].
You should null terminate the even and odd arrays.
Here is a modified version:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
char str[41];
char odd[21];
char even[21];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
printf("Enter a string (40 characters maximum): ");
if (scanf("%40s", str) != 1)
return 1;
while (str[i] != '\0') {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
odd[j++] = str[i];
} else {
even[k++] = str[i];
odd[j] = even[k] = '\0';
printf("The even string is: %s\n", even);
printf("The odd string is: %s\n", odd);
return 0;
Note that your interpretation of even and odd characters assumes 1-based offsets, ie: the first character is an odd character. This is not consistent with the C approach where an even characters would be interpreted as having en even offset from the beginning of the string, starting at 0.
Many answers all ready point out the original code`s problems.
Below are some ideas to reduce memory usage as the 2 arrays odd[], even[] are not needed.
As the "even" characters are seen, print them out.
As the "odd" characters are seen, move them to the first part of the array.
Alternative print: If code used "%.*s", the array does not need a null character termination.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void) {
char str[41];
printf("Enter a string (40 characters maximum): ");
if (scanf("%40s", str) == 1) {
int i;
printf("The even string is:");
for (i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
str[i / 2] = str[i]; // copy character to an earlier part of `str[]`
} else {
printf("The odd string is:%.*s\n ", (i + 1) / 2, str);
return 0;
or simply
printf("The even string is:");
for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
if (i % 2 != 0) {
printf("The odd string is:");
for (int i = 0; str[i]; i++) {
if (i % 2 == 0) {
here is your solution :)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char str[41];
char odd[21];
char even[21];
int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;
printf("Enter a string (40 characters maximum): ");
scanf("%s" , str);
while (i < strlen(str))
if (i % 2 == 0) {
odd[j++] = str[i];
} else {
even[k++] = str[i];
odd[j] = '\0';
even[k] = '\0';
printf("The even string is:%s\n " , even);
printf("The odd string is:%s\n " , odd);
return 0;
solved the mistake in the declaration, the scanning string value, condition of the while loop and assignment of element of array. :)
My task is read two strings of digits and save them in different arrays.
I decided to use scanf function, but program can read only first string.
This is my bad-code.
int main()
int firstArray[50], secondArray[50], i, j;
/* fill an array with 0 */
for(i=0; i<50; ++i)
while((scanf("%d", &firstArray[i]))== 1) { ++i; }
while((scanf("%d", &secondArray[j]))== 1) { ++j; }
/* Print this. */
for(i = 0; i < 20; ++i)
printf("%d ", firstArray[i]);
for(j = 0; j < 20; ++j)
printf("%d ", secondArray[j]);
return 0;
I just don't understand how scanf function works. Can someone please explain?
scanf ignores blank characters (including new line). Thus your scan will read entire input into firstArray if you have no "non blank" separator.
If file/data has ; at end of first line it will stop the read into firstArray there, and never read anything into secondArray - as you never consume the ;.
/* This will never be 1 as ; is blocking */
while((scanf("%d", &secondArray[i])) == 1) {
So: if you separate with i.e. ; you will have to read / check for this before you read into secondArray.
You could also add something like:
char c;
/* this can be done more tidy, but only as concept */
while((scanf("%d", &firstArray[i])) == 1 && i < max) {
if ((c = getchar()) == '\n' || c == ';')
Also instead of initializing array to 0 by loop you can say:
int firstArray[50] = {0}; /* This set every item to 0 */
Also take notice to ensure you do not go over your 50 limit.
You say strings of digits and you read %d. The format scans the input for the longest sequence representing an integer (signed) value. Two "digit strings" are consumed by the first while loop.
EDIT Instead of "strings of digits" you should say "strings of integers". In this case it is a little bit more subtle since the first while can consume all the integers, unless they are separated by something that is not a possible integer (e.g. a ;).
So, to make the following to work, you must separate the two "lines" with something that can't be parsed as integer and which is not considered "white character". Not the better solution, but one the possible.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
int main()
int firstArray[50] = {0};
int secondArray[50] = {0};
int i, j, l1, l2;
int tmp;
i = j = 0;
// read integers, but not more than size of array
while( scanf("%d", &firstArray[i]) == 1 && i < sizeof(firstArray) ) {
// consume non digits
for(tmp = getchar(); tmp != EOF && !isdigit(tmp); tmp = getchar());
// on EOF you should exit and stop processing;
// we read one more char, push it back if it was a digit
if (isdigit(tmp)) ungetc(tmp, stdin);
while( scanf("%d", &secondArray[j]) == 1 && j < sizeof(secondArray) ) {
l1 = i; // preserve how many ints were read
l2 = j;
/* Print this. */
for(i = 0; i < l1; ++i)
printf("%d ", firstArray[i]);
for(j=0; j < l2; ++j)
printf("%d ", secondArray[j]);
return 0;
EDIT A solution that maybe fits your need better is to read the lines (one per time) into a buffer and sscanf the buffer.
You cannot use scanf to do that.
Read the documentation.
with scanf if you enter a digit your loop runs forever
there is no check on size 50 limit of your arrays
if you press return then it ignores that line because does not match your pattern
if you enter a letter the pattern does not match and loop breaks
So use some other function, maybe gets, atoi or strtol. And remember to check the size 50 limit of your arrays.
Actually, there is one special point in C's arrays.
Though you declare an array's size. say int arr[5]; You can store values beyond the size of 5. It doesn't show any error but leads to undefined behavior (Might overwrite other variables).
Please Refer this question: Array size less than the no. of elements stored in it
In you case, that was your problem. The compiler had never passed beyond the first while statements. Thus, you didn't get any output. In fact, it didn't even compile the whole code yet!
while((scanf("%d", &firstArray[i]))== 1) { ++i; }
So, you could write this while statement like this:
while( scanf("%d", &firstArray[i]) ==1 && i<50 )
or else:
while(i<50 )
scanf("%d", &firstArray[i]);
or else:
for (i=0; i<50; i++)
scanf("%d", &firstArray[i]);