Detect when mobx observable has changed - reactjs

Is it possible to detect when an observable changes in any way?
For instance, say you have this:
#observable myObject = [{id: 1, name: 'apples'}, {id: 2, name: 'banana' }]
And later on, with some user input, the values change. How can I detect this easily?
I want to add a global "save" button, but only make it clickable if that observable has changed since the initial load.
My current solution is to add another observable myObjectChanged that returns true/false, and wherever a component changes the data in the myObject, I also add a line that changes the myObjectChanged to true. And if the save button is clicked, it saves and changes that observable back to false.
This results in lots of extra lines of code sprinkled throughout. Is there a better/cleaner way to do it?

You could use autorun to achieve this:
#observable myObject = [{id: 1, name: 'apples'}, {id: 2, name: 'banana' }]
#observable state = { dirty: false }
let firstAutorun = true;
autorun(() => {
// `JSON.stringify` will touch all properties of `myObject` so
// they are automatically observed.
const json = JSON.stringify(myObject);
if (!firstAutorun) {
state.dirty = true;
firstAutorun = false;

Create an action that will push to myObject and set myObjectChanged
#action add(item) {
this.myObjectChanged = true;

As capvidel mentioned, you can use autorun to track if variable changes, but to avoid adding additional variable firstAutorun you can replace autorun with reaction:
#observable myObject = [{id: 1, name: 'apples'}, {id: 2, name: 'banana' }]
#observable state = { dirty: false }
() => JSON.stringify(myObject),
() => state.dirty = true


Adding observable object inside an array

I am having such a difficulty inserting observable into an array. What am I doing wrong here..
const secondNavList = [];
this.appService.issuerList$.subscribe(iss => {
iss.forEach(value => {
console.log(value) //prints {name: 'A', id:'1'} {name: 'B', id:'2'}
config: {
type: 'button'
console.log(secondNavList) // prints []
//But I want
get issuerList$(): Observable<Issuer[]>{
return this._issuerList.asObservable();
const url = DBUrl
this.httpService.getData(url).subscribe((data:any[]) => {
let issuerList = [];
issuerList.push(<Issuer>{name: x.issuerName, id: x.issuerId.toString()});
Although inside my secondNavList, it contains data but I can't access it.
The fundamental issue you have is that you're trying to display the value of secondNavList before it is actually set in the subscriber. The rxjs streams are asynchronous, which implies that the the callback inside the subscribe method that appends to the list will get executed at some unknown point after subscribe is executed.
More importantly, I'd recommend that you try to take advantage of the map operator and method, as well as the asyncronous pipes.
readonly issueUpdateSubject = new Subject<string>();
readonly issuerList$ = this.issueUpdateSubject.pipe(
switchMap(url => this.httpService.getData(url)),
map((data: any[]) => => ({ name: x.issuerName, id: x.issuerId.toString() }))),
getIssuerList() {;
readonly secondNavList$ = this.appService.issuerList$.pipe(
map(iss => => ({
config: { label:, id: },
type: 'button'
In the appService, instead of having an observable update a subject, I just had a subject emit update requests. Then instead of having to convert the subject to an observable, it just is an observable.
The shareReplay operator will share the most recently emitted list to any new subscribers.
Instead of appending to new arrays, I just use the method to map each array element to the new desired object.
Instead of creating new array outside of the observable, and setting them in subscribe, I use the map operator to stream the latest instances of the arrays.
I find the more comfortable I got with rxjs the less I actually set the values of streams to instances of variables and rarely call subscribe - I just connect more and more streams and there values are used in components via async pipes. It's hard to get your head around it at first (or after a year) of using rxjs, but it's worth it in the end.
The error is because the observable value is an object array, and you want to add this into a simple object.
Try this.
const secondNavList = [];
this.appService.issuerList$.subscribe(iss => {
iss.forEach(value => {
console.log(value) //prints {name: 'A', id:'1'} {name: 'B', id:'2'}
value.forEach(v => {
config: {
type: 'button'
console.log(secondNavList) // prints []

Apollo cache.modify update slower than setState while using in React Beautiful Drag and Drop

I'm fetching a query, and modifying the order of the list in it, using cache.modify on the drag end.
This does modify cache, as it should but, it takes milliseconds to do that.
How to reproduce the issue:
I'm using react beautiful dnd, to make drag-n-drop card.
It provides onDragEnd handler, where we can specify what happens when the user stops dragging.
In this case, I want to reorder the list on the drag end.
Cache modify:
id: cache.identify(data.pod),
fields: {
stories(existingStoriesRefs, { readField }) {
return reorder(existingStoriesRefs, sourceIndex, destinationIndex);
Reorder logic:
const reorder = (list: any[], startIndex: number, endIndex: number) => {
const result = Array.from(list);
const [removed] = result.splice(startIndex, 1);
result.splice(endIndex, 0, removed);
return result;
This is correctly working and rendering using stories in setState.
But, instead of copying Apollo data, to a new state, I think it's better to directly modify the cache.
But, using cache.modify, it works but, rendering is kind of glitchy. It seems, it first renders the existing list and then, modify cache in the next render. The glitch is around less than a second, but visible to the user.
I fixed it using cache.modify inside, mutation, and using optimistic update.
variables: {
id: stories[sourceIndex].id,
optimisticResponse: {
__typename: "Mutation",
moveStory: true,
update: (proxy) => {
id: proxy.identify(pod),
fields: {
stories(existingStoryRefs) {
return reorder(

What is recommended way to determine if a Redux state empty array is the initial state or the result of an API call that returns an empty array?

Let say I have an initial state tree that looks like this:
users: [],
items: []
In some cases, the result of calling the items API endpoint may result in a state tree like this:
users: [],
items: [
{itemId: 100, itemName: "Something100"},
{itemId: 101, itemName: "Something101"}
In other cases where there are not items to display, the state tree after an API call will be identical to the initial state tree.
Now in my component I'm using useEffect, something like this:
useEffect(() => {
if (items.length === 0) {
actions.loadItems().catch((error) => {
alert("Loading items failed! " + error);
}, [items , actions]);
In this particular case, the length of items will be 0 in two cases: initial state or in case there are no results. If the API returns zero items and items.length === 0, then the action to call the API is executed repeatedly.
We really need a way of knowing that the empty array is the initial state or not. Of course I could change the state tree to something like:
users: {isLoaded: false, records: []},
items: {isLoaded: false, records: []},
That is going to add a bunch of overhead and refactoring and may not be most efficient/effective, so can someone give me a recommendation?
Unfortunately you will need some way of tracking the initialisation. If the issue is having to refactor then you can pull out this initialisation state into a higher order in the object from what you suggested. This will avoid refactoring so much:
isUsersLoaded: false,
isItemsLoaded: false,
users: [],
items: []
Another alternative is to init like this and check if users !== null etc.:
users: null,
items: null

Understanding state in React

I am creating an app which displays and hides UI elements on the page based on checkbox value of a 'toggler' and checkbox values of the list elements which are created from this.state.items.
The app has an initial state set as:
state = {
items: [
id: 1,
name: 'Water',
isComplete: false
}, {
id: 2,
name: 'Salt',
isComplete: false
}, {
id: 3,
name: 'Bread',
isComplete: false
isChecked: false,
currentItem: '',
inputMessage: 'Add Items to Shopping Basket'
I created the following method which filters through items and returns all of the isComplete: false, and then I set the new state with these returned items.
toggleChange = (e) => {
this.setState({isChecked: !this.state.isChecked});
if (!this.state.isChecked) {
const filtered = this.state.items.filter(isComplete);
this.setState({items: filtered})
} else {
// display previous state of this.state.items
How do I come back to the 'Previous' state when I set 'toggler' to false?
If you only need to keep the default list then keep it out of state entirely
and just keep the filtered list in the state.
This way you could always filter the original list.
You can even consider filtering in the render method itself and not keeping the filtered list in state at all.
If you need to go back before a change was made (keeping history)
you could maintain another filtered list in your state.
I am not sure what you want to do but, if you implement componentWillUpdate() ( you get access to the next state and the current state.
-nextState will be what your state is going to be, and this.state is what it is now.
You could save this.state into another variable called this.oldState before it is updated, and then refer back to it.
Nonetheless, since state doesn't keep history of itself, you might consider approaching the problem differently.

React: Is 'previousState' considered mutable?

I've been looking around for an answer to this questions for quite a while now, so I am just going to ask:
When passing a function as the first parameter to this.setState, is previousState mutable?
In the documentation it is stated that the function(state,props) can be used to update the state from the previous, but is it also ok to use the function like this:
Example: Assume state.profiles with user profiles and we want to change one user profile. So the question is about nested objects in state.
// Profiles has this structure:
// {1:{name: 'Old Name', age: 21}, 2: {name: 'Profile 2', age: 12}};
var changedProfile = {id: 1, name: 'New Name', age: 21};
this.setState(function (previousState) {
previousState.profiles[] = changedProfile;
return previousState;
Is this ok? Can previousState.profiles be considered mutable?
Of course, the alternative would be to do something like this:
var changedProfile = {id: 1, name: 'New Name', age: 21},
newProfiles = _.extend({}, this.state.profiles);
newProfiles[] = changedProfile;
this.setState({profiles: newProfiles});
But if mutating previousState is OK, then it seems redundant to me to copy the object and then set state to the copied and changed object.
EDIT: Provided a bad example at first. Replaced with better example.
In your example your new state does not depend at all on the previous state, so you could just do:
a: 123;
b: {x: 'X', y: 'Y'};
However if that was just a bad example, and somehow you do need to check the previous state to determine the new state, then it would be something like this:
this.setState(function (previousState) {
return {
a: previousState.a + 123;
b: Object.assign(previousState.b, {x: 'X', y: 'Y'});
Essentially the result is that we return an object that is the new state, and we can use the previous state as we see fit - so yes, you can mutate the previous state as you did in your example
