Redux saga, axios and progress event - reactjs

Is there clean/short/right way to using together axios promise and uploading progress event?
Suppose I have next upload function:
function upload(payload, onProgress) {
const url = '/sources/upload';
const data = new FormData();
data.append('source', payload.file,;
const config = {
onUploadProgress: onProgress,
withCredentials: true
return, data, config);
This function returned the promise.
Also I have a saga:
function* uploadSaga(action) {
try {
const response = yield call(upload, payload, [?? anyProgressFunction ??]);
yield put({ type: UPLOADING_SUCCESS, payload: response });
} catch (err) {
yield put({ type: UPLOADING_FAIL, payload: err });
I want to receive progress events and put it by saga. Also I want to catch success (or failed) result of the axios request. Is it possible?

So I found the answer, thanks Mateusz BurzyƄski for the clarification.
We need use eventChannel, but a bit canningly.
Suppose we have api function for uploading file:
function upload(payload, onProgress) {
const url = '/sources/upload';
const data = new FormData();
data.append('source', payload.file,;
const config = {
onUploadProgress: onProgress,
withCredentials: true
return, data, config);
In saga we need to create eventChannel but put emit outside.
function createUploader(payload) {
let emit;
const chan = eventEmitter(emitter => {
emit = emitter;
return () => {}; // it's necessarily. event channel should
// return unsubscribe function. In our case
// it's empty function
const uploadPromise = upload(payload, (event) => {
if ( === 1) {
return [ uploadPromise, chan ];
function* watchOnProgress(chan) {
while (true) {
const data = yield take(chan);
yield put({ type: 'PROGRESS', payload: data });
function* uploadSource(action) {
const [ uploadPromise, chan ] = createUploader(action.payload);
yield fork(watchOnProgress, chan);
try {
const result = yield call(() => uploadPromise);
put({ type: 'SUCCESS', payload: result });
} catch (err) {
put({ type: 'ERROR', payload: err });

I personally found the accepted answer to be very convoluted, and I was having a hard time implementing it. Other google / SO searches all led to similar type answers. If it worked for you, great, but I found another way using an EventEmitter that I personally find much simpler.
Create an event emitter somewhere in your code:
// emitter.js
import { EventEmitter } from "eventemitter3";
export default new EventEmitter();
In your saga to make the api call, use this emitter to emit an event within the onUploadProgress callback:
// mysagas.js
import eventEmitter from '../wherever/emitter';
function upload(payload) {
// ...
const config = {
onUploadProgress: (progressEvent) = {
Math.floor(100 * (progressEvent.loaded /
return, data, config);
Then in your component that needs this upload progress number, you can listen for this event on mount:
// ProgressComponent.jsx
import eventEmitter from '../wherever/emitter';
const ProgressComponent = () => {
const. [uploadProgress, setUploadProgress] = useState(0);
useEffect(() => {
percent => {
// latest percent available here, and will fire every time its updated
// do with it what you need, i.e. update local state, store state, etc
// stop listening on unmount
return function cleanup() {"UPLOAD_PROGRESS")
}, [])
return <SomeLoadingBar value={percent} />
This worked for me as my application was already making use of a global eventEmitter for other reasons. I found this easier to implement, maybe someone else will too.


Axios calls with React : best practises

i want to know if there is some clean code or update to make it on my code, because i think i repeat the same code on every actions on my redux, my question is how can I avoid calling axios on my actions files ?
Please take a look on my code here :
export const SignInType = (host, lang) => async (dispatch) => {
try {
const { data } = await axios.get(
console.log({ data });
payload: data,
} catch (err) {
payload: err,
I Really want to delete the Axios name from my actions file and make it on a separate file, but how can i do this ?
Thank you
We can suggest but there's no correct answer to this, initially any redundant lines of code can be abstracted, so in order to make things a little bit easier, we need to abstract the obvious and add the meaningful, e.g:
abstract the way you write action creators:
const actionComposer = (options) => (...args) => async dispatch => {
const modifiedDispatch = (type, payload) => dispatch({ type, payload });
const { action, onSuccess, onFailed } = options(modifiedDispatch);
try {
if (action) {
const res = await action(...args)
} catch (err) {
then your code can look like this:
export const SignInType = actionComposer((dispatch)=> {
return {
action: async (host, lang) => {
const { data } = await axios.get(`/${lang}/data?host=${host}`);
return data;
onSuccess: (res) => {
onFailed: (err) => {
dispatch(USER_LOGIN_CLEAR_ERROR, err.message)
Redux Toolkit already has a createAsyncThunk API that does all the work of defining the action types and dispatching them for you. You should use that.
Alternately, you can use our RTK Query data fetching and caching library, which will eliminate the need to write any data fetching logic yourself.

Redux saga dispatching actions from inside map inside saga-action

I have API calls in the following manner:
Call main api which gives me an array of objects.
For each object inside array I have to call another API asynchronously.
As soon as the sub API call for the object is finished, update its data in redux store which is an array (ofc) and show it.
So the scenario is a list showing items which grow in dynamic fashion.
Since I am using redux-saga, I have to dispatch the second part from inside an redux-action. I have tried the follow way:
const response = yield call(get, 'endpoint')
const configHome =* (ele) {
const data = yield call(get, ele.SomeURI + '?someParameter=' +
This doesn't work since map doesn't know anything about generator functions. So I tried this:
const response = yield call(get, 'endpoint')
const configHome = yield all( => {
return call(get, paramsBuilder(undefined, ele.CategoryID))
But this will block my UI from showing available data untill all sub API calls are finished.
I have also tried making a separate generator function which I call from inside map and call its .next() function but the problem here again is that saga doesn't control that generator function so the call effect doesn't return any value properly.
Completely stuck on this part. Would appreciate any help.
Have you tried this, I have created a sample this might help
import { put, takeLatest, all, call } from 'redux-saga/effects';
function* _fetchNews(id) {
const data = yield fetch(
).then(function(response) {
const data = response.json();
return data;
yield put({ type: 'NEWS_RECEIVED', data });
return data;
function* _getData() {
const json = yield fetch('').then(
response => response.json()
return json;
function* fetchNews() {
const json = yield _getData();
const configHome = => _fetchNews(;
for (var item of configHome) {
yield item;
function* actionWatcher() {
yield takeLatest('GET_NEWS', fetchNews);
export default function* rootSaga() {
yield all([actionWatcher()]);
yield all - the generator is blocked until all the effects are resolved or as soon as one is rejected
So you will need to dispatch events separately for each sub API
Let's assume you have 2 actions:
export const getMainApi =() => ({
type: types.GET_MAIN_API,
export const getSubApi = endpoint => ({
type: types.GET_SUB_API,
Then your operations will be:
const get = endpoint => fetch(endpoint).then(response => response);
function* fetchMainApi(action) {
try {
const response = yield call(get, 'endpoint');
for (let i = 0; i < response.length; i += 1) {
// dispatch here all sub APIs
yield put(
response[i].SomeURI + '?someParameter=' + response[i],
} catch (e) {
function* fetchSubApi(action) {
try {
const response = yield call(get, action.endpoint);
yield put({
type: types.RECEIVE_SUB_API,
} catch (e) {
takeLatest(type.GET_MAIN_API, fetchMainApi)
takeEvery(types.GET_SUB_API, fetchSubApi)
So on success of receiving sub APIs you need to insert data into your state inside reducers.
This is just pseudo code.

Writing integration test for asynchronous code in React application with Context and useEffect

So, in useEffect I am fetching an object from the API then I am dispatching response data to the Context reducer and then updating the state. It looks something like this:
export const fetchItem = (id) => request({url: `/items/${id}`, method: 'get'});
const {dispatch, singleItem} = useProvider();
useEffect(() => {
const id = getItemIdFromUrl(props);
fetchItem(id).then((response) => {
}, [props, dispatch]);
I would like to write a good integration test for this. I am using react-testing-library with Jest. I am trying to mock the return value of the fetchItem function and then to check if everything is rendered correctly but constantly getting this warning:
act(() => {
/* fire events that update state */
/* assert on the output */
Any chance to do this correctly?
This is how the request method looks like:
import axios from 'axios';
import humps from 'humps';
import {getItem} from './localStorage';
const api = axios.create({
baseURL: process.env.REACT_APP_API_URL,
(response) => humps.camelizeKeys(response),
(error) => Promise.reject(error.response),
(request) => { = humps.decamelizeKeys(;
return request;
(error) => Promise.reject(error.request),
export default function request({url, method, headers = {}, data}) {
try {
const token = getItem('token');
headers.Authorization = token;
return api({method, url, headers, data});
} catch (error) {
if (error.status === 500) {
console.log('HANDLE ERROR: ', error);
throw error;

Call redux action within redux-saga inside websocket callback (stomp + sockjs)

I am using redux and redux-saga in my project. Right now using WebSocket I have a problem calling a FETCH_SUCCESS redux action inside a callback of socket response. I tried making the callback a generator as well but didn't work as well.
function* websocketSaga() {
const socket = new SockJS(`${CONFIG.API_URL}/ws`);
const stomp = Stomp.over(socket);
const token = yield select(selectToken);
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
frame => {
stomp.subscribe('/queue/data', message => {
const response = JSON.parse(message.body);
console.log(response); // here is the proper response, it works
type: FETCH_SUCCESS, // here the FETCH_SUCCESS action is not called
payload: response.dataResponse,
Or maybe this WebSocket should be implemented in a completely different way in redux-saga?
You won't be able to use yield put inside a callback function. Stompjs knows nothing about sagas, so it doesn't know what it's supposed to do when given a generator function.
The simplest approach, though not necessarily the best, is to go directly to the redux store in the callback, and dispatch the action without involving redux-saga. For example:
import store from 'wherever you setup your store'
// ...
stomp.subscribe('/queue/data', message => {
const response = JSON.parse(message.body);
payload: response.dataResponse,
If you'd like to use a more redux-saga-y approach, I would recommend wrapping the subscription in an event channel. Event channels take a callback-based API and turn it into something that you can interact with using redux-saga's effects such as take
Here's how you might create the event channel:
import { eventChannel } from 'redux-saga';
function createChannel(token) {
return eventChannel(emitter => {
const socket = new SockJS(`${CONFIG.API_URL}/ws`);
const stomp = Stomp.over(socket);
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
frame => {
stomp.subscribe('/queue/data', message => {
const response = JSON.parse(message.body);
emitter(response); // This is the value which will be made available to your saga
// Returning a cleanup function, to be called if the saga completes or is cancelled
return () => stomp.disconnect();
And then you'd use it like this:
function* websocketSaga() {
const token = yield select(selectToken);
const channel = createChannel(token);
while (true) {
const response = yield take(channel);
yield put({
payload: response.dataResponse,
Promise should be the perfect fit. Just wrap the callback related code in a promise and resolve it in the callback function. After that use the yield to get the data from the promise. I have modified your code with the Promise below.
function* websocketSaga() {
const socket = new SockJS(`${CONFIG.API_URL}/ws`);
const stomp = Stomp.over(socket);
const token = yield select(selectToken);
const p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`,
frame => {
stomp.subscribe('/queue/data', message => {
const response = JSON.parse(message.body);
console.log(response); // here is the proper response, it works
resolve(response); // here resolve the promise, or reject if any error
try {
const response = yield p; // here you will get the resolved data
yield put({
type: FETCH_SUCCESS, // here the FETCH_SUCCESS action is not called
payload: response.dataResponse,
} catch (ex) {
// handle error here, with rejected value
I will give you another way of managing this: create a component connected to redux where you will handle the WS subscription. This component will not render anything to the UI but will be useful for handling redux store interactions.
The main idea is, don't put everything into redux-saga, try and split it into multiple parts to make it easier to maintain.
const socket = new SockJS(`${CONFIG.API_URL}/ws`);
function WSConnection(props) {
const {token, fetchDone} = props;
const [stomp, setStomp] = React.useState();
const onMessage = React.useCallback(message => {
const response = JSON.parse(message.body);
}, [fetchDone]);
const onConnect = React.useCallback(frame => {
const subscription = stomp.subscribe('/queue/data', onMessage);
// cleanup subscription
return () => subscription.unsubscribe();
}, [stomp, onMessage]);
const onError = React.useCallback(error => {
// some error happened, handle it here
}, []);
React.useEffect(() => {
const header = {Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`};
stomp.connect(header, onConnect, onError);
// cleanup function
return () => stomp.disconnect();
}, [stomp])
React.useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return null;
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
... // whatever you need from redux store
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
... // whatever actions you need to dispatch
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(WSConnection);
You can also take it a step further and extract the stomp logic into another file and reuse it wherever you will need it.
It's not wrong to put everything into redux-saga but it's a nice alternative to handle WS connections inside components connected to redux (and easier to understand to people who are not completely familiar with redux-saga and channels etc).
I have the same stack over the years and only recently I faced websockets over Stomp client.
None of the above solutions doesn't work for me both technically and mentally
I don't like channels with Stomp because the only way to manipulate connections in more surgical way you have to use global state object (for me - it's redux). It doesn't seems right even if you storing only random generated IDS (with unsubscribe function it will be... read more here about store serialization
the way with container another pain in the ... (you know where). Again redux and a lot of under-the-hood functionality used without any reason
another way with promises: again without storing helpful connection info and some DI by using promises inside generators. This narrows down the implementation choice
I need to have connection info (I decided to use state but not in: redux, component state. Singleton state). Stomp doesn't force you to place ID but I do because I want to manage connections by myself
I need one entry point without: promises, iterators and a lot of things that will be pain for future-me. One place to "rule them all" (as I want)
- activate: login
- deactivate: logout
- subscribe: componentDidMount
- unsubscribe: componentWillUnmount
DI by request in one place (passing store.dispatch to constructor only if need it) // main topic of the question
And I wrote this implementation that perfectly works for me:
import SockJS from 'sockjs-client';
import {
} from '#stomp/stompjs';
import { Action, Dispatch } from 'redux';
type ConnectionId = string;
interface IServiceConfig {
url: string;
dispatch?: Dispatch;
export default class Stomp {
serviceConfig: IServiceConfig = {
dispatch: null,
url: null,
ids: ConnectionId[] = [];
stomp: Client;
constructor(config: IServiceConfig) {
this.serviceConfig = { ...config };
this.stomp = new Client();
this.stomp.webSocketFactory = () => {
return (new SockJS(config.url));
alreadyInQueue = (id: ConnectionId): boolean => {
return Boolean(this.ids.find(_id => id === _id));
subscribeByDispatchAction = (
destination: string,
callback: (message: IMessage) => Action,
headers: StompHeaders & {
id: ConnectionId;
): void => {
const alreadyInQueue = this.alreadyInQueue(;
if (!alreadyInQueue) {
(message) => {
console.warn(`Already in queue #${}`);
subscribe = (
destination: string,
callback: messageCallbackType,
headers: StompHeaders & {
id: ConnectionId;
): void => {
const alreadyInQueue = this.alreadyInQueue(;
if (!alreadyInQueue) {
(message) => callback(message),
console.warn(`Failed to subscribe over Socks by #${}`);
unsubscribe = (id: ConnectionId, headers?: StompHeaders): void => {
this.stomp.unsubscribe(id, headers);
this.ids.splice(this.ids.indexOf(id), 1);
activate = (): void => {
deactivate = (): void => {
if (this.ids.length === 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < this.ids.length; i++) {
* it seems like it's overkil but
* for me it works only if i do all
* the things as you see below
* - stomp deactivation
* - closing webSockets manually by using native constant // sockjs-client
* - closing webSockets instance by using returned value fron factory
getAllIds = (): readonly ConnectionId[] => {
return this.ids;
// debug method
logState = (method: string): void => {
/* eslint-disable */`Stomp.${method}`);
console.log('this', this);
console.log('this.ids', this.getAllIds());
console.log('this.stomp', this.stomp);
/* eslint-enable */
My configuration file
import { store } from '~/index';
import Stomp from '~/modules/_Core/services/Stomp';
import appConfig from '~/modules/Common/services/appConfig';
export const StompService = new Stomp({
dispatch: store?.dispatch,
url: `${appConfig.apiV1}/websocket`,
I hope that it will help someone

React Redux: How to call multiple dependent actions in sequence

I'm trying to chain two calls in a single action using a thunk, but it doesn't seem to work as expected. I need the ID value from the first action to call the second one.
Actions look like this:
export const getParentRecords = filterId => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
let headers = {
filter_id: filterId
const request = axios({
method: "GET",
url: ``,
headers: headers
payload: request
export const getChildRecords = (parentId = null) => {
let url = ``;
if (parentId) {
url = `${parentId}`;
return (dispatch, getState) => {
let headers = {
const request = axios({
method: "GET",
url: url,
headers: headers
payload: request
export const getAllRecords = filterId => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
let { parentRecords } = getState();
let defaultParent = parentRecords.filter(p => p.is_default === true)[0];
In calling component:
const mapStateToProps = state => {
return {
parentRecords: state.parentRecords,
childRecords: state.childRecords
export default connect(mapStateToProps, { getAllRecords })(MyComponent);
Problem is; dispatching the first action doesn't seem to be doing anything. When I call getState() afterwards, the data isn't there. The parentRecords variable in getAllRecords is always empty.
I'm really not sure what to do with this. Pretty common scenario but haven't found a way through it.
I suggest you to use another library for side-effects handling, like redux-saga or redux-observable, since redux-thunk is very primitive.
Redux-saga is generator-based and imperative.
Redux-observable is RxJS-based and declarative.
So choose whatever you like more.
Each asynchronous action should have three action types, eg: GET_CHILD_RECORDS, GET_CHILD_RECORDS_SUCCESS and GET_CHILD_RECORDS_FAILURE.
Using redux-saga it will look like this:
Action creators:
const getChildRecords = (parentId = null) => ({
payload: parentId
Then you can handle this action in saga generator:
function rootSaga*() {
yield takeLatest(GET_PARENT_RECORDS, onGetParentRecords);
yield takeLatest(GET_PARENT_RECORDS_SUCCESS, onGetChildRecords);
function onGetParentRecords*({ payload: parentId }) {
try {
const parentRecords = yield call(apiCallFunctionHere, parentId);
yield put({
payload: parentRecords
} catch(error) {
yield put({
function onGetChildRecords*({ payload: parentRecords }) {
const defaultParent = parentRecords.filter(p => p.is_default === true)[0];
try {
const childRecords = call(apiFunctionToFetchChildRecords, defaultParent);
yield put({
payload: parentRecords
} catch(error) {
yield put({
I'm not interested in introducing yet another framework for something so simple. After the commute home, an idea struck me. Please let me know the pros/cons.
A new getAllRecords function:
export const getAllRecords = filterId => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
let headers = {
// etc...
const request = axios({
method: "GET",
url: ``,
headers: headers
request.then(result => {
if (result.status === 200) {
let parentRecords =;
let defaultParent = parentRecords.filter(p => p.is_default === true)[0];
payload: parentRecords
This seems to get me everything I need. Gets parent record(s) by executing the promise, dispatches parent and child results.
