Reference node_module after running browserify - angularjs

I found a nodejs module that I would love to be able to include in my Angular app. I read around and saw that I can do this by running browserify on it. After doing this, I have referenced the new file in my html, but I don't know what to do after that. Where do I need to reference it to get it in angular scope? Here is the github repo I want to be able to access
After I browserify the files in the node_modules folder, I have one big js file. The usage for this in Node is
var YahooFantasy = require('yahoo-fantasy');
// you can get an application key/secret by creating a new application on Yahoo!
var yf = new YahooFantasy(
It seems it needs a require here, but isn't that the whole reason I ran browserify in the first place? What am I missing here?

From the Browserify website:
Browsers don't have the require method defined, but Node.js does. With
Browserify you can write code that uses require in the same way that
you would use it in Node.
The point of Browserify is to give you a module system in the browser and to allow you to require files. It's incredibly useful and allows you to easily include Node modules and modularize your own app.
To use the Node module you're referencing in an Angular app, you would do basically exactly what the demo shows in either a controller or service. Personally, I'd probably recommend creating a service that wraps the Node module and exposes methods to interact with the Yahoo Fantasy servers; I probably wouldn't put it on $scope unless you absolutely had to for some reason.
Here's some pseudo-ish code:
var yf = require('yahoo-fantasy');
function YFantasyService (<dependencies>) {
this.someMethod = function () {
return yf.doStuff();
YFantasyService.$inject = [<dependencies>];
module.exports = YFantasyService;
Register your service (this is how my app is structured...there are plenty of other ways to write and register services but you get the idea):
angular.module('YFantasyApp', [<dependencies>])
.service('YFantasyService', require('./YFantasyService'));
Then inject it into other services and controllers and do whatever you want with it.

If you want to build a bundle that contains yahoo-fantasy - so that you can use it with minimal changes to your existing code - you can use the Browserify API:
var browserify = require("browserify");
.require("yahoo-fantasy", { expose: "yahoo-fantasy" })
That will generate a bundle that contains yahoo-fantasy module and all of its dependencies and will expose a global require function that you can call to access said module:
<!doctype html>
<script src="./bundle.js"></script>
If you want to use a different name for the global require function, you can use Browserify's externalRequireName option.


Webpack with angular 1.x and ES5

After reading hundreds of lines about browserify vs webpack and several how to of both I decided to go for webpack. The main reason it's because I liked the idea of bundling everything into a js file.
I have an angular project already working and I want to refactor it for webpack. The problem? My project is using angular 1.4.7, ng-animate and plain javascript (ES5) and all the tutorials and manuals are for ES6. I don't want to refactor my project so much. What's the way to go? I would like an example of each angular module : factory, directive, controller and so on. Many thanks
I typically have a feature.module.js file which has my module definition and requires all of the directives / services contained within the module. Also has the external dependancies.
/* module.js */
angular.module('my.module',['dependancy1', 'dependancy2']);
//External libraries
//Internal components
/* service.js */
.directive('yourDir', function myDir(){...});
I'm dealing with the same problem now. And I found something that works (work in progress, but at least I can see progress). My steps:
Install yeoman
Run this angular-webpack generator. Select 'ES5' when asked (the other option is 'ES2015', which I guess is the same that 'ES6')
Start modifying the automatically generated boilerplate with your Angular code
Yes, you still need to learn about gulp and sass, but at least you can run a simple AngularJS app using the old ES5 syntax, and start modifying it.
I'm probably blogging about this. So, I'll update this answer then.
I tend to do this:
var subModule = require('/some/sub/module');
var app = angular.module('myApp', []);
// pass the app module in sub modules to allow them to define their own config
var someSubDirective = require('./subDir/directive');
export function configure(app) {
export function configure(app) {
app.directive('myDir', myDir);
function myDir() {
My idea is to let all sub modules handle their own configuration, so declaring config or constant, factories or providers. Letting this then bubble up to the app.js. This means its really easy to delete a folder from your structure, because it is one line removal from it's parent module.
This also makes relevant file paths a lot shorter and easier to handle.

Angular Dynamically Inject Module Dependency

I've developed a commenting plugin for Umbraco that uses angular. As such the main angular app for the site has to inject the comment systems module for it to work.
var theirSite = angular.module('someApp', []);
var theirSite = angular.module('someApp', ['theCommentSystemModule'];
In my comment system,
Is there any way my module can automatically detect the angular app and inject itself without the code for the site having to be updated? I want it to just work with nothing but the script link.
For Example: say these are the scripts
<script src="...angular.js">
<script src="">
<script src="...directives.js">
<script src="...commentsPlugin.js">
<script src="...theirApp.Js">
So what I basically need, is some kind of callback from angular when the app is being bootstrapped, so I can inject the comment systems module into the app as a depedency module so that it will initialize in their bootstrap layer.
Or maybe, alternatively, I bootstrap the page myself in the plugin for itself? Can there be two apps running at once, e.g. if I bootstrap and their app also bootstrap's .
It can be done by using undocumented requires module property. This way new dependencies can be added to the module after it was defined but before it was bootstapped.
Since 'ng' is the only known and defined module ATM (it also has already defined requires array), tamper it:
Though it is more appropriate to let the users load the module by themselves.

Mismatched anonymous define() in requirejs/angular

Yes, I know this has been asked ad infinitum here, and I already know the general rule that when using requirejs, everything that calls define() must be loaded through a single script tag as in:
<script src="js/lib/require.js" data-main="js/main"></script>
but I find myself in a position where the general advice offered with respect to this common error is not sufficient for solving my particular problem, which on the surface seems pretty simple.
I am working on an angular, requirejs, and WinJS (just to keep things interesting) app, and have run into a problem with this error. My main html file does indeed load several other JavaScript source files using separate script tags but none of them call define(). I checked. Twice. Okay, three times. All other JS source files in the app are loaded through a single script tag similar to the above. Yet I still get this error.
I tried giving each of my app modules a requirejs identifier:
define('myModule', ['dep1', 'dep2', etc.], function(dep1, dep2) {
return angular.module('app.mymod', ['winjs', etc.]);
but with this approach angular modules that depend on the angular module defined as above cannot resolve that dependency (although requirejs is now perfectly happy).
The three JS files being loaded outside requirejs are:
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/base.js"></script>
<script src="//Microsoft.WinJS.2.0/js/ui.js"></script>
<script src="js/lib/dynamic-content-shim.js"></script>
Where the latter patches the WinJS runtime to allow dynamic content creation. The WinJS runtime does actually expose a define function in its own namespace, but it is completely unrelated to requirejs.
So what gives?

Angular Basic Load Order

In a very basic Angular app we have
<script src="app.js"></script>
<script src="maincontroller.js"></script>
App defines the app module, and controller then hangs off app as app.controller("MainController..") If the order of the two scripts is reversed, the app will throw an error "app is not defined".
Is there a way around this load order dependency? My fear is that as it becomes more complex, I will get script order dependencies. And perhaps I might want to load my scripts async as well.
Thank you.
See, for example, this plunker:
I've defined SomeService in an own file, svc.js. I've defined the module and the main controller in app.js. And even though the MainController depends on that service that "loads later", the dependency is figured out, and injected. All you should worry about is: put the module definition first.
Also: Don't store the application inside a global variable called app, instead, use angular.module with the name of the module to retrieve a reference to it:
Any kind of global variables are generally not a good practice.
Look at using Angular and Browserify or Angular and RequireJS. Browserify and RequireJS are module loaders that let you keep 1 script reference in your index.html.
Browserify is based on a build step that will bundle all your JS into 1 file.
RequireJS is an Asynchronous Module Definition (AMD) loader, that can load your files asynchronously.

How to dynamically include all template partials when using a module in AngularJS

I have several modules that require some template partials to be loaded whenever the module is used. I am storing these files in a folder called partials inside each module subfolder. My starting point for my app is meanjs, and I am storing partials file are in public/modules//partials/*.html.
I have seen several ng-include and directive examples, but being new to AngularJS each sample I read confuses me further as to what is best practice / most AngularJS appropriate way to do this.
Store your partials whenever you wants.
To load them all use angular template cache.
Use Grunt or gulp to generate automatically. Personally I use gulp.
Here is my working example of one of my project.
install nodejs and npm
npm intall gulp -g
npm install gulp-angular-templatecache
create gulpfile.js
var templateCache = require('gulp-angular-templatecache'),
watch = require('gulp-watch');
gulp.task('generate', function () {
.pipe(templateCache('templates.js', {module: 'YOURMODULENAME', standalone: false}))
gulp.task('watch-partials', function () {'public/*/partials/*.html', ['generate']);
then use it like this:
gulp generate - to regenerate partials
gulp watch-partials - watch file changes, if partials are changed it automatically run generate task for you. :)
One more thing, dont forget to include template.js in your html file
<script src="public/js/template.js"></script>
Every time you change your partial dont forget to regenerate your template cache.
You should take advantage of $templateCache. In your partials folder define the templates like this:
angular.module('yourTemplateModule', []).run('$templateCache', function ($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('yourTemplate', '<div>...some HTML here...</div>');
Then create a module, named for example 'app.tpls', which has as dependencies all your template modules. Inject it as dependency to your main app module, probably located in meanjs and now you have your templates ready whenever you need them in your application. You retrieve them by calling:
