How to implement the Bootstrap pills active class with Angular - angularjs

I want to create a set of pills with all the states with their number of electors and I want the pill that is clicked becomes active. So, my unsuccesful attempt for this matter is as follows:
<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<li ng-class="{ active:tab.isSet( }" ng-repeat="x in states">
<a href ng-click="tab.setTab(">{{}} <span class="badge">{{x.elector}}</span></a>
And, inside my controller I have this piece of code for that matter:
$ = "Alabama";
$scope.isSet = function(checkTab) {
return $ === checkTab;
$scope.setTab = function(activeTab) {
$ = activeTab;
By the way, at first I tried to make the pills active by comparing their indices but that didn't help. It would be even better if you can help me with a way to do this using the indices. I apologize if there is already a posted solution to this but I couldn't find it.
Thanks in advance!

<ul class="nav nav-pills">
<li ng-class="{ 'active':tab.isSet( }" ng-repeat="x in states">
<a href ng-click="tab.setTab(">{{}} <span class="badge">{{x.elector}}</span></a>
Note the quotes around active

I found it, I should've deleted the "tab"s in "tab.isset(...)".


AngularJS - Change scope with one of the iterations of a ng-repeat

I have a project with Angular where I don't want to use a select element with ng-options, so I made up a list with different options in order to select one of them.
<div class="countrylist">
<li ng-repeat="c in shippingCountry"><p>{{}}</p></li>
So the option selected would modify another element where the chosen option would be displayed.
In order to do that, I would need to pass the data from the chosen option of the first element into the 2nd one. I have tried doing something like this
<li ng-repeat="c in shippingCountry" ng-click="selectedCountry = {{c}}"><p>{{}}</p></li>
with no success.
You can check the plunker here Thanks in advance
I suggest you to use a function over there like this in the DEMO
<li ng-repeat="c in shippingCountry" ng-click="Click(c)"><p>{{}}</p></li>
Having this method in your controller
$scope.Click=function (c)
It creates child scope for each iteration, so explicitly refer parent scope:
Change like this,
<li ng-repeat="c in shippingCountry" ng-click="$parent.selectedCountry = c"><p>{{}}</p></li>
I've fixed your plunker here. It would be better to use methods in scope for this operations because they work in current scope, not in child
<li ng-repeat="c in shippingCountry" ng-click="selectCountry(c)">
// .html
<div class="countrylist">
<li ng-repeat="c in shippingCountry" ng-click="selectedCountry.item = c"><p>{{}}</p></li>
// controller
$scope.selectedCountry = {
item: $scope.shippingCountry[0]

ng-repeat - content to show if array is empty or null

I've a deep nested ng-repeat lists, and only in the last loop I've to display alternate content if list was empty. I'm new to angular, saw some posts online please help me where can I use content if list is empty. The ng-repeat=sessions in day could be empty.
<ul class="day">
<li ng-repeat="sessions in day">
<ul class="table-view">
<li class="table-view-cell" ng-repeat="(heading, session) in sessions">
<span class="group">{{heading}}</span>
<ul class="cell">
<li class="cell-content" ng-repeat="val in session" ng-click="getSession(">
<div class="time" style="background-color:#{{val.color}}">
<span>{{val.start | date:"h:mma"}}</span>
<span>{{val.end | date:"h:mma"}}</span>
<div class="session" ng-class-odd="'odd'" ng-class-even="'even'">
<span class="name">{{}}</span>
<span class="room">Room: {{}}</span>
1). CSS approach. I usually use pure CSS approach in such cases. With this markup (stripped extra-html):
<ul class="day">
<li ng-repeat="sessions in day">
<li class="no-sessions">
No sessions on this day.
and CSS rules to hide .no-sessions li by default and make it visible only if there are no previous li tags: {
display: block;
li + {
display: none;
So when sessions array is empty, there will be no li rendered and only no-sessions one will be visible. And if will hide as soon as there is at least one session on this day.
2). ngIf approach. Of course you can use ngIf/ngShow directives for show no-records element when sessions array is empty:
<li ng-if="!day.length">
No sessions on this day.
I think this would work for your case:
<li ng-hide="day.length > 0">
No sessions on this day.
No extra CSS needed. Assumes day is an array.
I would recommend handling that in your controller. Keeping your logic in the controller and javasript makes debugging easier and more manageable. I can think of 2 approaches: using ng-show/ng-hide or a condition for your day variable when its empty.
Option 1
ng-show/ng-hide approach:
$scope.isDayEmpty = function(){
return $ > 0 ? false : true;
<ul class="day">
<li ng-repeat="sessions in day" ng-hide="isDayEmpty">
<li ng-show="isDayEmpty">
No Sessions this Day
Option 2:
ng-repeat approach
if($ == 0){
$"No Sessions this Day");
This should get you essentially the same result. The first approach would make your CSS styling easier assuming you want to do something different in that case.
The second approach can vary in style depending on your code but thats an example of how you can do it. I don't know your javascript so I can't be more specific to your scenario.

Left hand menu link color chnage in angular

For my angular application , i have created left nav menu. On click of link ,corresponding page is opening. My problem is I want to change active link color to blue whereas other links are in white color. When I click another link from menu ,that link should be in blue and remaining are in white.
I do not know how to do this in angular. With Jquery , its easy for me. But angular makes me nervous.
My left nav is
<div class="leftNavList">
<div class="leftNavManageHeading"><span "mSans300 font14">Manage</span></div>
<ul class="nav manageNav">
<li ng-click="isCollapsed2 = !isCollapsed2">
<div class="listOuterWrapper">
<div class="listInnerWraper">
<span class="mSans300">Usage</span>
<li ng-click="isCollapsed3 = !isCollapsed3">
<div class="listOuterWrapper">
<span class="mSans300">Payment</span>
<div class="listInnerWraper">
<div collapse="!isCollapsed3">
<ul class="paymentNav mSans30 font14">
<li ng-click="isCollapsed4 = !isCollapsed4">
<div class="listOuterWrapper">
<div class="listInnerWraper">
<span class="mSans300">Account</span>
Step 1: In ng-init declare a variable.
Step 2: Now in ng-cick of link change the value of activelink.
<li><a href="" ng-click="activelink=1"</a></li>
<li><a href="" ng-click="activelink=2"</a></li>
Step 3: Declare a class linkcolor that defines the color of the active link.
Step 4: Now use ng-class="{ 'linkcolor' : activelink==1 }" expression for both the link.
Step 5: The links will change to
<li><a href="" ng-click="activelink=1" ng-class="{ 'linkcolor' : activelink==1 }" </a></li>
<li><a href="" ng-click="activelink=2" ng-class="{ 'linkcolor' : activelink==2 }"</a></li>
The expression activelink==1 will return true or false depending on the value of activelink.
I would recommend looking into ui-router , it has active states (these are the pages of your app) which do all these css and state changing from the view rather than having the logic in your controller and there are many powerful tools to make your app function better in less code..
In your nav:
<li ui-sref-active="active" class="item">
<a href ui-sref="route1">route1</a>
And thats it! Your currently active state/ view will apply the ui-sref-active="active" class to that li element. where "active" is the class name which is applied.

Automatically load a view from the controller after a timer in AngularJS

Basically, what I am attempting to do is create a Slideshow. The reason why I am using Angular for this is to get the benifits from templating and hopefully load only one template to the page at a time.
I have my data in a JSON file which the controller gets:
"prop_title" : "Hyde Lane, Hyde",
"prop_postcode" : "SP2 7AP",
"prop_price" : "",
"prop_image" : "",
"prop_desc" : "",
"template" : "views/prop-thumbs.html",
"info_image" : "",
"duration" : "4000"
function AppCtrl($scope, $http) {
$http.get('json/pages.json').success(function (data) {
$scope.pages = data;
for (var i = $scope.pages.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
As you can see from my JSON file, each element contains the view file to use, and the duration that it needs to stay on screen for. Also, as you can see in my controller, I have begun creating a for loop that will hopefully contain my code that will assign view on a timer. Is this possible? Whats the easiest and best way to do this?
Any help seriously appreciated, I have pretty tried everything now!
as Mark Rajcok pointed in the comments, you will probably need to use a $timeout
Here is what I would have done :
The html part is quite simple, I just tell angular to include what is in the whatToInclude variable :
<div ng-include='whatToInclude'></div>
On the controller side, I initialize the data with a template and a counter, then I define a nextSlide function, which will call the next template with the timeout passed in parameter. I call this function to start the loop with the initials parameter (0s timeout, first element of the data)
I think this can be a good start for a slideshow ;)
Have fun
I made a tutorial with a similar goal in mind:
Basically store the views in an array of some sort and then based on a variable display that template. Angular will not load the template until ng-show='true' so they won't load all at once but as their clicked or cycled through.
Code example from my tutorial.
Replace ng-switch with whatever works for you.
The common premise is "show this template when that is equal to true".
<div class="tabbable tabs-left">
<ul class="nav nav-tabs">
<li ng-class="{active: == 'info'}">
<a ng-click=' = "info"'>Settings</a>
<li ng-class="{active: == 'categories'}">
<a ng-click=' = "categories"'>Categories</a>
<li ng-class="{active: == 'pages'}">
<a ng-click=' = "pages"'>Pages</a>
<li ng-class="{active: == 'locations'}">
<a ng-click=' = "locations"; main.locationgroup = {}'>Locations</a>
<li ng-class="{active: == 'experts'}">
<a ng-click=' = "experts";'>Experts</a>
<li ng-class="{active: == 'resources'}">
<a ng-click=' = "resources"'>Resources</a>
<div class="tab-content">
<div ng-switch=''>

How to really prevent an element from being put into the DOM with angularjs

Let's say you have the following code to display some products images:
<li ng-repeat="p in products">
<img ng-src="/images/{{p.img}}"/>
Now let's say some products unfortunately don't have images, you may fix that with:
<li ng-repeat="p in products">
<img ng-hide="p.img==undefined" ng-src="/images/{{p.img}}"/>
Now go to the "network" tab of firebug or chrome developer tools and check for the images download -- you will see errors, because the browser still tried to download the non-existent image. It's hidden and the users won't notice, but of course it's bad: bad practice, bad for server performance, bad bad bad...
What is the correct "angular" solution for this?
An alternative to #Arun's solution is to use ng-switch or ng-if (available in v1.1.5), which add/remove DOM elements, unlike ng-hide/ng-show:
<li ng-repeat="p in products">
<span ng-switch="p.img==undefined">
<img ng-switch-when="false" ng-src="/images/{{p.img}}"/>
See #Rob's answer for an example using ng-if.
With version 1.1.5 you can use ng-if as #Abilash suggests:
<img ng-if="p.img" ng-src="/images/{{p.img}}"/>
You can do something like
<li ng-repeat="p in products | imgsrc">
<img ng-src="/images/{{p.img}}"/>
app.filter('imgsrc', function(){
return function(data){
var a = [];
angular.forEach(data, function(v, i){
return a;
Demo: Fiddle
