How to get selected value of boostrap dropdown in angular? - angularjs

How can I get the selected value from below dropdown.?
<ul class="nav-drop-menu" id="ddlHotelSort">
<li class="liselect" value="{{ssort.Sort}}" ng-repeat="ssort in vm.searchsort">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="SortClass" name="Sortclass" style="left:0px" value="{{ssort.Sort}}">{{ssort.Name}}
Below is image of dropdown opening..
How can I handle event and model value in angular application..?

<ul class="nav-drop-menu" id="ddlHotelSort">
<li class="liselect" ng-click="getSelectedItem(ssort);" value="{{ssort.Sort}}" ng-repeat="ssort in vm.searchsort">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="SortClass" name="Sortclass" style="left:0px" value="{{ssort.Sort}}">{{ssort.Name}}
controller function
$scope.getSelectedItem = function(item){
console.log(item);//selected item

Just call a function in the li click, here is an example with your options.
Just click on each li,
var app=angular.module('myApp',[])
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.opts = ["Recommended","FirstClass","SecondClass","ThirdClass" ];
$scope.my_method = function(opt)
<script src=""></script>
<div ng-app ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<li ng-repeat=" opt in opts" ng-click="my_method(opt)">
{{ opt }}
Run the code snippet and click on each li
HEre is an example fiddle with your options


Angular 1.5 get variable from menu and set it to true

angular 1.5
I'm creating a menu that on ng-click= i am getting the variable and than on ng-class setting that variable to true for the menu and the content.
Goal is on click to add/remove an active class to the parent and to the content div.
can't get my head around this one
<div ng-controller="myCtrl">
<li class="animate" ng-class="{activelist: fonts ==!hidden }">
<a ng-click="activeMenu('fonts')" class="nav-icon">
menu font
<li class="animate" ng-class="{activelist: edit ==!hidden }">
<a ng-click="activeMenu('edit')" class="nav-icon">
menu edit
<div class="">
<div class="fonttext" ng-class="{activelist: fonts ==!hidden }"></div>
<div class="edittext" ng-class="{activelist: edit ==!hidden }" ></div>
var myapp = angular.module('app', []);
myapp.controller('myCtrl', function($scope){
$scope.activeMenu = function (menuvar){
//getting the variable that gets passed via func
$scope.variable = menuvar;
// set the variable to be true no working
$scope.menuvar = true;
You can set a variable directly in ng-click to true. This variable can then be used in ng-class to dynamically add or remove classes. Here is an example:
<li class="animate" ng-class="{'activelist': fonts }">
<a ng-click="fonts = !fonts" class="nav-icon"></a>
<li class="animate" ng-class="{'activelist': edit }">
<a ng-click="edit = !edit" class="nav-icon"></a>
You can also set the variable in the controller:
<li class="animate" ng-class="{'activelist': menu.fonts }">
<a ng-click="switchMenu('fonts')" class="nav-icon"></a>
<li class="animate" ng-class="{'activelist': menu.edit }">
<a ng-click="switchMenu('edit')" class="nav-icon"></a>
$ = {};
$scope.switchMenu = function(selectedMenu) {
$[selectedMenu] = !$[selectedMenu];

Get Title of clicked menu-li

how can I get the title of the clicked list element? Unfortunately, the following snippet returns an 'undefined'
<ul class="nav nav-second-level collapse">
$scope.menuClick = function(linkTitle) {
var linkText = angular.element(linkTitle).data('title');
Here is a simple solution. First you should angularise your code by storing your menu items in a scope variable. You can then use ng-repeat to iterate through your items. You can store the corresponding title as well and then reference that title through your ng-click.
<div ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<ul class="nav nav-second-level collapse">
<li ng-repeat="item in listItems">
<a href="#" ng-attr-title="item.title" ng-click="getTitle(item.title)">
<span>{{ }}</span>
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.listItems = [{
"name": "Echocardiogram",
"title": "Cardiology: Test 1"
}, {
"name": "Echocardiogram",
"title": "Cardiology: Test 2"
$scope.getTitle = function (title) {
You could use the click event. And reference the target element (<a>) and read it's title propery.
<a href="#" class="menuLink" ng-click="menuClick($event)" title="Cardiology: Test 1">
Controller :
$scope.menuLink =function (event){
var title = angular.element ( ('title');

How close all other menu when click specific menu in angular js?

I have use toggle menu from simple toggle .but my problem that when we click on specific menu then all other menu should be close like as accordion menu.
Directive :
element.bind('click', function() {
var content = target.querySelector('.slideable_content');
if(!attrs.expanded) { = '1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0)';
var y = content.clientHeight; = 0; = y + 'px';
} else { = '0px';
attrs.expanded = !attrs.expanded;
when click on slide above code will execute.i need some logic like close all toggle which class name slidable_content
My Code is here : Plunker
#Michael is right, you can use the two way data binding to do that easily
<span ng-click="isExpanded = ! isExpanded">Show 1</span>
<li ng-show="isExpanded" slider id="test2">
<p>Are to hide and show adf</p>
So, you can control the state of the other menus if you want
Try this:
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 1">Slider 1</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 1" slider id="test1">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 2">Slider 2</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 2" slider id="test2">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 3">Slider 3</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 3" slider id="test3">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="expandItem = 4">Slider 4</li>
<li ng-if="expandItem == 4" slider id="test4">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
In this way you can create an accordion menu, just getting the value of the element that you want to show and validating it with the ng-if directive (you can use ng-show if you want, you can find the difference here:
You shouldn't get elements of the DOM with jquery or javascript selectors, if you want to control an element of the DOM you can use a directive, as an example:
link: function(scope, element, attrs){
console.log(element) //This will be your element
<li some-directive ng-click="expandItem = 4">Slider 4</li>
If you want to close the current open item, you can control the open/close state with a function.
Try this:
<body ng-app="myApp">
<section ng-controller="myCtrl">
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(1)">Slider 1</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 1" slider id="test1">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(2)">Slider 2</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 2" slider id="test2">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(3)">Slider 3</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 3" slider id="test3">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
<li slider-toggle ng-click="setCurrentItem(4)">Slider 4</li>
<li ng-show="currentItem == 4" slider id="test4">
<p>Are to hide and show</p>
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.controller("myCtrl", ["$scope", function ($scope) {
$scope.currentItem = null;
$scope.setCurrentItem = function (itemId) {
if(itemId == $scope.currentItem){
$scope.currentItem = null;
$scope.currentItem = itemId;

angularjs ng-show="true" but still has class="ng-hide"

I wanna see a div when I put the mouse over an image and remove it if I leave the mouse, with the ng-mouseenter and ng-mouseleave. But when I load my page, in the div appear class="ng-hide".
My code:
<nav class="navbar-default navbar-side" role="navigation" ng-app="panel" ng-controller="panelController">
<div class="sidebar-collapse">
<ul class="nav" id="main-menu">
<li class="text-center">
<img ng-mouseenter="inProfile()" ng-mouseleave="outProfile()" src="{{ asset('image/id1.jpg') }}" class="user-image img-responsive"/>
<div ng-show="panelController.evento">
<i class="fa fa-dashboard fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Dashboard</span></a>
<i class="fa fa-users fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Usuarios</span>
<i class="fa fa-lightbulb-o fa-3x padding-left-10"></i><span class="text-20 padding-left-10">Emprendedores</span></a>
<i class="fa fa-money fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Inversores</span></a>
<i class="fa fa-newspaper-o fa-3x"></i><span class="text-20">Noticias</span></a>
var tfc = angular.module('panel', []);
tfc.controller ( 'panelController' , [ '$scope' , function($scope){
$scope.inProfile = function(){
$scope.evento = "true";
$scope.outProfile = function(){
$scope.evento = "false";
You problem is on page load eventto value is undefined that's why ng-show expression is hiding value on page load. you should define evento value to true to show it. You could this do from controller or also you could use ng-init="panelController.evento=true" on view
And make sure, you should use boolean rather than string which is used for expression evaluation in ng-show.
var tfc = angular.module('panel', []);
tfc.controller('panelController', ['$scope', function($scope) {
$scope.inProfile = function() {
$scope.evento = true;
$scope.outProfile = function() {
$scope.evento = false;
//init values
$scope.evento = true;
You should directly access value of scope variable on view as you are not using controllerAs in you application, it should be evento instead of panelController.evento
<div ng-show="evento">

Detect user selection for li

I have a list of items ("locals" array) which I show in a list
<ul class="list-group">
<li ng-repeat="loc in locals" class="list-group-item"><a href="" data-id={{loc.ID}}>{{loc.location}}</a>
I want the user to be able to select an item, and then to use this item in code.
What is the preferred way to do it.
Also I am creating the application for mobile, so I should be able to know that the user chose this item in mobile( and not just use mouseclick for example).
You can make use of angular js ng-click event (on the li item where ng-repeat is and do something like this: fiddle
code snippet of controller:
function MyCtrl($scope) {
$scope.templateList = [{id:1, name: 'Template1'}, {id:2, name: 'Another Template'}]
$scope.template = {};
$scope.setValue = function(list) {
$scope.template.template_id =;
$scope.template.template_name =;
<div ng-app>
<form ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<input type="hidden" name="template_id" ng-model="template.template_id" />
<input type="text" name="template_name" ng-model="template.template_name" />
<li ng-repeat="list in templateList" ng-click="setValue(list)">{{}}</li>
Try this:
In html,
<ul class="list-group">
<li ng-repeat="loc in locals" class="list-group-item">
<a href="" data-id={{loc.ID}} ng-click="selectLoc(loc.location)">
In JS,
$scope.selectLoc = function(location){
//Here you will get the selected location.
var SomeVar = location;
Hope this helps....
