Matlab mex without xcode, but with standalone command line tools - c

I want to compile mex files without installing xcode, using only Command Line Tools (from apple developer center).
Apple Command Line Tools install the compiler and adds standard libraries and headers to the system in a package much smaller than xcode (which is several GBs).
Running mex on linux is possible - I see no reason why matlab mex should require the huge SDKs required for macos. A long evening of trial and error and hacking configuration files hasn't helped. Does anyone have a minimal working example of how to compile a mex file outside matlab, or a simple way to use mex without having xcode installed?
Best Regards, Magnus

Well, I have another option here:
Edit the files under /Applications/ (probably there should be 3.xml file, all needs the same modification).
Locate the <XCODE_AGREED_VERSION> portion, comment the whole xml tag, e.g. wrap them with <!-- and --> like this:
<and diagnostic="Xcode is installed, but its license has not been accepted. Run Xcode and accept its license agreement." >
<cmdReturns name="defaults read IDEXcodeVersionForAgreedToGMLicense"/>
<cmdReturns name="defaults read /Library/Preferences/ IDEXcodeVersionForAgreedToGMLicense"/>
<cmdReturns name="
if echo $agreed | grep -E '[\.\"]' >/dev/null; then
lhs=`expr "$agreed" : '\([0-9]*\)[\.].*'`
rhs=`expr "$agreed" : '[0-9]*[\.]\(.*\)$'`
if echo $rhs | grep -E '[\."]' >/dev/null; then
rhs=`expr "$rhs" : '\([0-9]*\)[\.].*'`
if [ $lhs -gt 4 ] || ( [ $lhs -eq 4 ] && [ $rhs -ge 3 ] ); then
echo $agreed
exit 1
fi" />
Some notes:
These files are read only by default, you need to issue sudo chmod
644 * in that directory
after comment out all necessary files, issue this command in matlab:
mex -setup C++
Then you are done

After spending more time, I wound up learning more stuff and answering my own question. I'll post my solution here if anyone else needs it in the future.
Make sure the cord is connected to your computer and that MATLAB is installed, and also install the command line tools from apple. Then call the following makefile to compile arrayProduct.c (comes with matlab) from the terminal as follows:
make mex=arrayProduct
Put this makefile code in the same folder in a file called makefile(edit to your own needs if you have to):
clang -c\
-I"/Applications/" \
-I"/Applications/" \
-fno-common \
-arch x86_64 \
-fexceptions \
-O2 \
-fwrapv \
"/Applications/" \
clang \
-Wl,-twolevel_namespace \
-undefined error \
-arch x86_64 \
-bundle \
-Wl,-exported_symbols_list,"/Applications/" \
$(mex).o \
c_mexapi_version.o \
-O \
-Wl,-exported_symbols_list,"/Applications/" \
-L"/Applications/" \
-lmx \
-lmex \
-lmat \
-lc++ \
-o $(mex).mexmaci64
The above makefile is a bare minimum working example, you should edit it to comply with your requirements.
Option 2
You can make MATLAB understand how to use the Command Line Tools by editing the xml file containing the compiler options instead. Open the file located at
/User/username/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/R2016b/mex_C_maci64.xml
Remove all compiler and linker options related to ISYSROOT. This will make the compiler search for header files in /usr/include etc instead of in the SDK-folder in XCode.

I fully understand you and I'm a big advocate of non-using the enormous Xcode. From my saver here, run the following to trick mex into seeing an accepted license (no sudo needed).
Here I use the current version 13.0 at the time of writing, to be adapted.
defaults write IDEXcodeVersionForAgreedToGMLicense 13.0


TensorFlow static C API library - how to link with 10 sub-dependencies?

I am trying to link with static C API version of the TensorFlow library.
I built the static library using the following commands:
// get the sources
git clone tensorflow_src
// create a build directory
mkdir builddir
cd builddir
// build the lib using CMake
cmake -S ../tensorflow_src/tensorflow/lite/c -DTFLITE_C_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF
cmake --build . -j
This builds the libtensorflow-lite.a. However, the libtensorflow-lite.a is not self-contained and has its own set of 10 dependencies, stated here in the CMake file:
# TensorFlow Lite dependencies.
find_package(absl REQUIRED)
find_package(eigen REQUIRED)
find_package(farmhash REQUIRED)
find_package(fft2d REQUIRED)
find_package(flatbuffers REQUIRED)
find_package(gemmlowp REQUIRED)
find_package(neon2sse REQUIRED)
find_package(clog REQUIRED)
find_package(cpuinfo REQUIRED) #CPUINFO is used by XNNPACK and RUY library
find_package(ruy REQUIRED)
The question is, how do I find out the .a names of the required sub-libraries?
I used find ./builddir -type f -name "*.a" to list the libraries built by CMake, and expected roughly 10 libs, but the actual list is too long:
The state of the libs seems to be the following:
absl: 30 libraries found
eigen: OK, template library defined in the headers
farmhash: OK, 1 library found
fft2d: OK, 2 libraries found
flatbuffers: OK, 1 library found
gemmlowp: OK, headers only
neon2sse: OK, headers only
clog: OK, 1 library found
cpuinfo: OK, 1 library found
ruy: 30 libraries found
All in all, most libs are OK, either there is 1 lib to link with, or the libs are header-only. What remains to be the problem are:
because they contain about 30 .a libs.
Not sure if I have to link with all of those? It would be very cumbersome, as my build system is Meson and I am using custom_target() to link with TensorFlow.
A year later, but I just went through this myself, so here goes my answer.
Based on my experience (using a makefile and without your -DTFLITE_C_BUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=OFF) a program that performs inference does not need to link to Abseil.
You need to link to all other libs you mentioned, except ruy_kernel_arm and ruy_pack_arm, assuming you're running your program on the x64 platform. (Annoyingly -DTFLITE_ENABLE_RUY=OFF is not respected when building TfLite, so you're stuck with Ruy)
Detailed steps:
Build TfLite:
mkdir ~/my_tflite_project
cd ~/my_tflite_project/
git clone tensorflow_src
mkdir tflite_build_x64
cd tflite_build_x64/
cmake ../tensorflow_src/tensorflow/lite/
/* You may encounter two CMake messages:
-- The Fortran compiler identification is unknown
I believe a Fortran compiler is only necessary to build Fortran bindings for TfLite.
-- Could NOT find CLANG_FORMAT: Found unsuitable version "0.0", but required is exact version "9" (found CLANG_FORMAT_EXECUTABLE-NOTFOUND)
sudo apt install clang-format-9
Annoyingly you need clang-format-9, plain clang-format (version 13, the newest) won't do. */
cmake --build . -j 4
Relevant libs:
$ cd ~/my_tflite_project/tflite_build_x64
$ ls *.a
$ ls pthreadpool/*.a
$ ls _deps/*/*.a
_deps/clog-build/libclog.a _deps/farmhash-build/libfarmhash.a _deps/fft2d-build/libfft2d_fftsg2d.a _deps/xnnpack-build/libXNNPACK.a
_deps/cpuinfo-build/libcpuinfo.a _deps/fft2d-build/libfft2d_fftsg.a _deps/flatbuffers-build/libflatbuffers.a
$ ls _deps/ruy-build/ruy/*.a
_deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_allocator.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_ctx.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_kernel_avx.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_prepacked_cache.a
_deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_apply_multiplier.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_denormal.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_kernel_avx2_fma.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_prepare_packed_matrices.a
_deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_block_map.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_frontend.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_kernel_avx512.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_system_aligned_alloc.a
_deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_blocking_counter.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_have_built_path_for_avx.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_pack_arm.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_thread_pool.a
_deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_context.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_have_built_path_for_avx2_fma.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_pack_avx.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_trmul.a
_deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_context_get_ctx.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_have_built_path_for_avx512.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_pack_avx2_fma.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_tune.a
_deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_cpuinfo.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_kernel_arm.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_pack_avx512.a _deps/ruy-build/ruy/libruy_wait.a
Construct MWE using TfLite:
$ cd ~/my_tflite_project
$ mkdir my_dev_x64
$ cd my_dev_x64/
/* Construct minimal.cpp and makefile below */
$ cat minimal.cpp
#include "tensorflow/lite/model.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/interpreter.h"
#include "tensorflow/lite/kernels/register.h"
#include <iostream>
int main() {
std::unique_ptr<tflite::FlatBufferModel> model = tflite::FlatBufferModel::BuildFromFile("your_network_here.tflite");
tflite::ops::builtin::BuiltinOpResolver resolver;
std::cout "Done\n";
$ cat makefile
LINKER := g++
CXX_FILES := minimal.cpp
OBJ_FILES := $(CXX_FILES:.cpp=.o)
EXE_FILE := app
INCLUDE_DIRS := -I../tensorflow_src -I../tflite_build_x64/flatbuffers/include
-L../tflite_build_x64 \
-L../tflite_build_x64/_deps/fft2d-build \
-L../tflite_build_x64/_deps/flatbuffers-build \
-L../tflite_build_x64/_deps/ruy-build/ruy \
-L../tflite_build_x64/_deps/farmhash-build \
-L../tflite_build_x64/_deps/xnnpack-build \
-L../tflite_build_x64/_deps/cpuinfo-build \
-L../tflite_build_x64/_deps/clog-build \
LIBS := \
-ltensorflow-lite \
-lfft2d_fftsg \
-lfft2d_fftsg2d \
-lflatbuffers \
-lruy_ctx \
-lruy_allocator \
-lruy_frontend \
-lruy_context_get_ctx \
-lruy_context \
-lruy_apply_multiplier \
-lruy_prepacked_cache \
-lruy_tune \
-lruy_cpuinfo \
-lruy_system_aligned_alloc \
-lruy_prepare_packed_matrices \
-lruy_trmul \
-lruy_block_map \
-lruy_denormal \
-lruy_thread_pool \
-lruy_blocking_counter \
-lruy_wait \
-lruy_kernel_avx \
-lruy_kernel_avx2_fma \
-lruy_kernel_avx512 \
-lruy_pack_avx \
-lruy_pack_avx2_fma \
-lruy_pack_avx512 \
-lruy_have_built_path_for_avx \
-lruy_have_built_path_for_avx2_fma \
-lruy_have_built_path_for_avx512 \
-lfarmhash \
-lpthreadpool \
-lcpuinfo \
CXX_FLAGS := -Wall #-pedantic
#Do not print the output of the commands
#Phony targets do not represent actual files, so files with the following names are ignored
.PHONY: clean depend
#Link object files to form an executable file
#Compile cpp files to object files
%.o: %.cpp
#Remove object files, executable, and possible linkinfo files
-rm -f $(OBJ_FILES) $(EXE_FILE)
#Generate dependency file
#Include dependency file
-include make.dep
Build and run MWE:
$ cd ~/my_tflite_project/my_dev_x64
$ make
$ ./app
Hopefully that helps you or some other poor fellow to get TfLite C++ working.

Cygwin shell not detected on Windows system

I am trying to compile a file using an ARM (RVCT 3.1) compiler.
The makefile looks something like this (pasting extract)
AS = armasm
LD = armlink
CC = armcc
TCC = armcc
#TCC = tcc
CPP = armcpp
TCPP = tcpp
AR = armar
NM = nm
ifeq ($(TERM),cygwin)
RM = rm
RM_OPT = -rf
RM = del
# Standard CFLAGS
ENDIAN := --li
CFLAGS := -g -O2 -Otime --forceinline --cpu ARM7EJ-S $(ENDIAN) \
--apcs /interwork --fpu softvfp --fpmode ieee_fixed \
--bss_threshold=0 --split_sections \
--md --no_depend_system_headers --depend_format=unix
ASFLAGS := --keep -g --cpu ARM7EJ-S $(ENDIAN) \
--apcs /interwork \
LINKFLAGS := --debug --remove --scatter $(BUILD).mem \
--map --symdefs $(BUILD).sym --keep SDK_Callback.o\(*\) \
--list linker.txt --info sizes,totals,veneers,unused \
--errors output.txt --entry SDK_Main \
--elf --output
ARFLAGS := -ru
when I run the make command I get an error like this
Assembling SDK_Callback.s......
armasm --keep -g --cpu ARM7EJ-S --li --apcs /interwork --md -o SDK_Callback.o SDK_Callback.s
make: *** No rule to make target `C:/Program', needed by `xxx_SDK.o'. Stop.
Generating scatter loading file.
make: del: Command not found
make: [makefile:140: clean] Error 127 (ignored)
my compiler is located at "C:\Program Files\ARM"
and I can even see that it is installed properly.
$ armcc --vsn
ARM/Thumb C/C++ Compiler, RVCT3.1 [Build 1055]
For support see
Software supplied by: ARM Limited
based on ifeq ($(TERM),cygwin) condition, it should detect the shell to be cygwin (which I am using) and use rm- rf for delete operation and also follow the unix path and line endings. But looking at the errors looks like the makefile is still running under a windows shell (del is used instead of rm -rf)
Is there some configuration under cygwin that has changed or needs to be enabled for it to work as a unix shell?
I have already downloaded the whole 'devel' section of cygwin, just to be sure including 'make' and 'g++' options.
I have also included the cygwin path in the environment variables.
One more clue I have is, it used to work fine on my older system, I started seeing the problem after I switched to a new system and installed everything (cygwin, compiler) again.
Is this a cygwin problem? or the makefile?
Any help is appreciated thanks !
Update: I changed ifeq ($(TERM),cygwin) to ifeq ($(TERM),xterm) and it worked, looks like the terminal name was changed at some point of cygwin updates.

What does this makefile do?

I have the following makefile (Makefile.certify) and when I execute:
make -f Makefile.certify
It gives me a:
/bin/sh: line 23: -o: command not found
all: ${PROG}
${PROG}: ${ARCH}
#for mode in $? ; do \
case $${mode} in \
i386) \
CC="${_CC} -g -D__x86"; \
;; \
i386-f64) \
CC="${_CC} -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -g -D__x86";\
;; \
amd64) \
CC="${_CC} -m64 -g -D__x86 -D__ia64 -D__GNUC";\
;; \
*) \
;; \
esac; \
$${CC} -o ${TMP}/$${mode}/$# ${TMP}/$#.c; \
I don't really use makefiles or c, but I have to deal with this one.
My questions are:
Why does for loop need a # prefix?
What is the $? in the for loop?
What would be a possible execution of this makefile? Obviously it tries to compile my certify.c file based on the architecture of the system executing or something like this, but I fail to see how it will choose either i386 or amd64 etc.
I am using an x86 system running RHEL.
# prefix is used for suppressing command print by make. If it is not present, make will print command before execution to output.
You can remove it and see the difference.
$? is the dependency list. In your particular case ARCH is defined as a single entry "x86_64". So $? will be expanded into that value. But you can try to modify ARCH value in the following way:
ARCH=x86_64 i386
It tries to build certify binary for a given architecture from cerfify.c source file. Each binary will be located in own sub-directory:
# is used to suppress the normal 'echo' of the command that is executed. Using it in the for loop is also new to me (does removing it change anything in the output?)
$? is one of the makefile automatic variables, this one means "The names of all the prerequisites that are newer than the target, with spaces between them"
It will iterate through $?, read above
Example of $?
targetfile : firstfile secondfile thirdfile
cat $? > $#
if targetfile is older than all the other 3 files, the makefile will concatenate the contents of firstfile, secondfile and thirdfile together in targetfile.

Cross compiling OpenSSL - openssl binary cannot be executed

I'm trying to cross compile OpenSSL for PowerPC with the FIPS module. My build host's architecture is not PowerPC. I was able to cross compile the FIPS module just fine. However, when I run make on openssl, during the linking phase, it tries to execute certain binaries to run tests. The issue is that those binaries are produced for the target architecture and, as a result, I get the error "cannot execute binary file". Is there a way to produce executables of these tests on the host architecture rather than the target architecture? Should I be handling this process differently? Here are the following commands I used to build openssl. I replaced certain directories with DIR_HIDDEN.
export FIPS_DIRECTORY="$PWD/../../openssl-fips/tgt/linux-ppc603e/"
export cross="DIR_HIDDEN/powerpc-linux-gnu-"
make clean || exit 1
make dclean || exit 1
./Configure --prefix=$PWD/../tgt/linux-ppc603e linux-ppc fips --with-fipsdir=${FIPS_DIRECTORY}
make depend || exit 1
make CC="$FIPS_DIRECTORY/bin/fipsld" RANLIB="${cross}ranlib" AR="${cross}ar r" LD="$FIPS_DIRECTORY/bin/fipsld" FIPSLD_CC="${cross}gcc" HOSTCC="/usr/bin/gcc" || exit 1
make install || exit 1
I get the following error during the make command:
shlib_target=; if [ -n "" ]; then \
shlib_target="linux-shared"; \
elif [ -n "libcrypto" ]; then \
FIPSLD_CC="/DIR_HIDDEN/openssl/openssl-1.0.1i/../../openssl-fips/tgt/linux-ppc603e//bin/fipsld"; CC=/DIR_HIDDEN/openssl/openssl-1.0.1i/../../openssl-fips/tgt/linux-ppc603e//bin/fipsld; export CC FIPSLD_CC; \
fi; \
LIBRARIES="-L.. -lssl -L.. -lcrypto" ; \
make -f ../Makefile.shared -e \
APPNAME=openssl OBJECTS="openssl.o verify.o asn1pars.o req.o dgst.o dh.o dhparam.o enc.o passwd.o gendh.o errstr.o ca.o pkcs7.o crl2p7.o crl.o rsa.o rsautl.o dsa.o dsaparam.o ec.o ecparam.o x509.o genrsa.o gendsa.o genpkey.o s_server.o s_client.o speed.o s_time.o apps.o s_cb.o s_socket.o app_rand.o version.o sess_id.o ciphers.o nseq.o pkcs12.o pkcs8.o pkey.o pkeyparam.o pkeyutl.o spkac.o smime.o cms.o rand.o engine.o ocsp.o prime.o ts.o srp.o" \
make[2]: Entering directory `/DIR_HIDDEN/openssl/openssl-1.0.1i/apps'
( :; LIBDEPS="${LIBDEPS:--L.. -lssl -L.. -lcrypto -ldl}"; LDCMD="${LDCMD:-/DIR_HIDDEN/openssl/openssl-1.0.1i/../../openssl-fips/tgt/linux-ppc603e//bin/fipsld}"; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--DOPENSSL_THREADS -D_REENTRANT -DDSO_DLFCN -DHAVE_DLFCN_H -DB_ENDIAN -DTERMIO -O3 -Wall -DOPENSSL_BN_ASM_MONT -I/DIR_HIDDEN/openssl/openssl-1.0.1i/../../openssl-fips/tgt/linux-ppc603e//include -DSHA1_ASM -DSHA256_ASM -DAES_ASM}"; LIBPATH=`for x in $LIBDEPS; do echo $x; done | sed -e 's/^ *-L//;t' -e d | uniq`; LIBPATH=`echo $LIBPATH | sed -e 's/ /:/g'`; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBPATH:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${LDCMD} ${LDFLAGS} -o ${APPNAME:=openssl} openssl.o verify.o asn1pars.o req.o dgst.o dh.o dhparam.o enc.o passwd.o gendh.o errstr.o ca.o pkcs7.o crl2p7.o crl.o rsa.o rsautl.o dsa.o dsaparam.o ec.o ecparam.o x509.o genrsa.o gendsa.o genpkey.o s_server.o s_client.o speed.o s_time.o apps.o s_cb.o s_socket.o app_rand.o version.o sess_id.o ciphers.o nseq.o pkcs12.o pkcs8.o pkey.o pkeyparam.o pkeyutl.o spkac.o smime.o cms.o rand.o engine.o ocsp.o prime.o ts.o srp.o ${LIBDEPS} )
/DIR_HIDDEN/openssl/openssl-1.0.1i/../../openssl-fips/tgt/linux-ppc603e//bin/fipsld: line 185: ./openssl: cannot execute binary file
make[2]: *** [link_app.] Error 126
When invoking the make command again and again, I get the same error but for all the applications located in the /test directory of the openssl tarball. Examples include bntest, ectest, and ecdhtest.
I received a similar error when I was cross compiling the FIPS module, but I was able to resolve that by including the host compiler in the HOSTCC variable. A similar trick did not work for the openssl compilation.
Any guidance would be appreciated. Thanks!
I was able to modify the make command to get the process to complete. I was missing the FIPS_SIG environment variable, which points to the incore script. The make command is now:
make FIPS_SIG=$PWD/`find ../../openssl-fips/ -iname incore` CC="$FIPS_DIRECTORY/bin/fipsld" RANLIB="${cross}ranlib" AR="${cross}ar r" LD="$FIPS_DIRECTORY/bin/fipsld" FIPSLD_CC="${cross}gcc"
I still see prints to console that indicate that openssl cannot be executed, but these are warnings and don't halt the makefile. Not really sure why or how this fixed the problem, but I'll take it.

Dovecot plugin deleted_to_trash misses lib.h, make fails

I'm trying to install the Dovecot plugin deleted_to_trash. However, I need to update the configuration file, according to the readme, but I don't know what to fill in for DOVECOT_INC_PATH.
The directory that the author put, /usr/include/dovecot, doesn't exist.
If I try to make without changing anything, I get:
me#cs:/my-path/dtt# make
cc \
-fPIC -shared -Wall \
-I/usr/include/dovecot \
-I/usr/include/dovecot/src \
-I/usr/include/dovecot/src/lib \
-I/usr/include/dovecot/src/lib-storage \
-I/usr/include/dovecot/src/lib-mail \
-I/usr/include/dovecot/src/lib-imap \
-I/usr/include/dovecot/src/lib-index \
src/deleted-to-trash-plugin.c -o
In file included from src/deleted-to-trash-plugin.c:4:0:
src/deleted-to-trash-plugin.h:4:17: fatal error: lib.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make: *** [] Error 1
I tried to find the missing lib.h, but nothing useful:
me#cs:/my-path/dtt# find / -name "lib.h"
How can I find out the value I need for DOVECOT_INC_PATH?
I think you want to compile dovecot from source.
And I can find lib.h in dovecot-2.2.13.tar.gz from below url.
If you installed dovecot as package, how about to install more dovecot related packages as like dovecot-dev or dovecot-source? I think you can find it.
If you can't resolve the problem, please copy lib.h file from sources tarball file to /usr/include/dovecot/src/lib.
