When subtracting two pointers in C - c

I was playing with pointers in order to fully get the concept and then wanted to subtract two pointers expecting the distance between these two addresses or something, but apparently I was wrong, so here is my code.
int x = 5, y = 7;
int *p = &y;
int *q = &x;
printf("p is %d\nq is %d\np - q is %d", p, q, (p - q));
Why does the program output p - q is 1? Thank you.

It is undefined behavior. According to the standard (N1570):
6.5.6 Additive operators
9 When two pointers are subtracted, both shall point to elements of the same array object,
or one past the last element of the array object; the result is the difference of the
subscripts of the two array elements.
Note that when allowed, the result is the subscripts difference. So if pointers point to two sequential elements of the same type, the subtraction gives 1, regardless of the size of the type. (This is perhaps the reason why you get 1 in your concrete case.)

Your particular case is cause for undefined behavior since p and q point to unrelated objects.
You can make sense of p-q only if p and q point to the same array/one past the last element of the same array.
int array[10];
int* p = &array[0];
int* q = &array[5];
ptrdiff_t diff1 = q - p; // Valid. diff1 is 5
ptrdiff_t diff2 = p - q; // Valid. diff2 is -5
q - p is 5 in this case since they point to elements of the array that are 5 elements apart.
Put another way, p+5 is equal to q. If you start from p and step over 5 elements of the array, you will point to the same element of the array that q points to.
As an aside, don't use the format specifier %d for printing pointers. Use %p. Use %td for ptrdiff_t.
printf(" p is %p\n q is %p\n p-q is :%td", p, q, p-q);`
// ^^ ^^
See http://en.cppreference.com/w/c/io/fprintf for the valid format specifiers for the different types.

Pointer arithmetic works like that. It doesn't give you differences between two addresses. Instead it will show difference between two variables as if they are stored in an array. so, no matter if your variables (of same type ) are 4 bytes, 8 bytes or 1 byte, if stored in adjacent memory location their pointer subtraction will always result in 1 or -1.

The subtraction of 2 pointers give the distance in between the 2 variables.
For eg.
//let the address of a is 1000 then of a+1 will be 1004
int a[]={1,2,3};
int *p1=a;
int *p2=a+1;
The result of this will be 1 not 4.
Same here in your case the the location of x and y are consecutive that is why the ans. is 1.

The formula used by pointer substraction is:
( p2 - p1 ) == ( addr( p2 ) - addr( p1 ) ) / sizeof( T )
with T being the type of both p1 and p2.
int array[10];
int* p1 = array + 2;
int* p2 = array + 5;
int* a = p2 - p1; // == 3
int* b = p1 - p2; // == -3

int a=5,b=6;
int *ptr=&a,*diff;
(diff-ptr) will provide the distance between two variables, but will not provide the memory gap between two pointers.
Important: only the same type of pointer can be subtracted.

The subtraction of two pointers in array will give the distance between the two elements.
Let the address of first element i.e., is 1000 then address of second element a+1 will be 1004. Hence p1 = 1000 and p2 =1004.
p2-p1 = (1004- 1000) /size of int = (1004-1000)/4 =4/4 =1


Related to pointers in C language [duplicate]

When we subtract a pointer from another pointer the difference is not equal to how many bytes they are apart but equal to how many integers (if pointing to integers) they are apart. Why so?
The idea is that you're pointing to blocks of memory
| 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | mem
| 18 | 24 | 17 | 53 | -7 | 14 | data
If you have int* p = &(array[5]) then *p will be 14. Going p=p-3 would make *p be 17.
So if you have int* p = &(array[5]) and int *q = &(array[3]), then p-q should be 2, because the pointers are point to memory that are 2 blocks apart.
When dealing with raw memory (arrays, lists, maps, etc) draw lots of boxes! It really helps!
Because everything in pointer-land is about offsets. When you say:
int array[10];
array[7] = 42;
What you're actually saying in the second line is:
*( &array[0] + 7 ) = 42;
Literally translated as:
* = "what's at"
& = "the address of"
array[0] = "the first slot in array"
plus 7
set that thing to 42
And if we can add 7 to make the offset point to the right place, we need to be able to have the opposite in place, otherwise we don't have symmetry in our math. If:
&array[0] + 7 == &array[7]
Then, for sanity and symmetry:
&array[7] - &array[0] == 7
So that the answer is the same even on platforms where integers are different lengths.
Say you have an array of 10 integers:
int intArray[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
Then you take a pointer to intArray:
int *p = intArray;
Then you increment p:
What you would expect, because p starts at intArray[0], is for the incremented value of p to be intArray[1]. That's why pointer arithmetic works like that. See the code here.
"When you subtract two pointers, as long as they point into the same array, the result is the number of elements separating them"
Check for more here.
This way pointer subtraction behaves is consistent with the behaviour of pointer addition. It means that p1 + (p2 - p1) == p2 (where p1 and p2 are pointers into the same array).
Pointer addition (adding an integer to a pointer) behaves in a similar way: p1 + 1 gives you the address of the next item in the array, rather than the next byte in the array - which would be a fairly useless and unsafe thing to do.
The language could have been designed so that pointers are added and subtracted the same way as integers, but it would have meant writing pointer arithmetic differently, and having to take into account the size of the type pointed to:
p2 = p1 + n * sizeof(*p1) instead of p2 = p1 + n
n = (p2 - p1) / sizeof(*p1) instead of n = p2 - p1
So the result would be code that is longer, and harder to read, and easier to make mistakes in.
When applying arithmetic operations on pointers of a specific type, you always want the resulting pointer to point to a "valid" (meaning the right step size) memory-address relative to the original starting-point. That is a very comfortable way of accessing data in memory independently from the underlying architecture.
If you want to use a different "step-size" you can always cast the pointer to the desired type:
int a = 5;
int* pointer_int = &a;
double* pointer_double = (double*)pointer_int; /* totally useless in that case, but it works */
#fahad Pointer arithmetic goes by the size of the datatype it points.So when ur pointer is of type int you should expect pointer arithmetic in the size of int(4 bytes).Likewise for a char pointer all operations on the pointer will be in terms of 1 byte.

Why does the last line print 2 instead of 8? [duplicate]

When we subtract a pointer from another pointer the difference is not equal to how many bytes they are apart but equal to how many integers (if pointing to integers) they are apart. Why so?
The idea is that you're pointing to blocks of memory
| 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | mem
| 18 | 24 | 17 | 53 | -7 | 14 | data
If you have int* p = &(array[5]) then *p will be 14. Going p=p-3 would make *p be 17.
So if you have int* p = &(array[5]) and int *q = &(array[3]), then p-q should be 2, because the pointers are point to memory that are 2 blocks apart.
When dealing with raw memory (arrays, lists, maps, etc) draw lots of boxes! It really helps!
Because everything in pointer-land is about offsets. When you say:
int array[10];
array[7] = 42;
What you're actually saying in the second line is:
*( &array[0] + 7 ) = 42;
Literally translated as:
* = "what's at"
& = "the address of"
array[0] = "the first slot in array"
plus 7
set that thing to 42
And if we can add 7 to make the offset point to the right place, we need to be able to have the opposite in place, otherwise we don't have symmetry in our math. If:
&array[0] + 7 == &array[7]
Then, for sanity and symmetry:
&array[7] - &array[0] == 7
So that the answer is the same even on platforms where integers are different lengths.
Say you have an array of 10 integers:
int intArray[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
Then you take a pointer to intArray:
int *p = intArray;
Then you increment p:
What you would expect, because p starts at intArray[0], is for the incremented value of p to be intArray[1]. That's why pointer arithmetic works like that. See the code here.
"When you subtract two pointers, as long as they point into the same array, the result is the number of elements separating them"
Check for more here.
This way pointer subtraction behaves is consistent with the behaviour of pointer addition. It means that p1 + (p2 - p1) == p2 (where p1 and p2 are pointers into the same array).
Pointer addition (adding an integer to a pointer) behaves in a similar way: p1 + 1 gives you the address of the next item in the array, rather than the next byte in the array - which would be a fairly useless and unsafe thing to do.
The language could have been designed so that pointers are added and subtracted the same way as integers, but it would have meant writing pointer arithmetic differently, and having to take into account the size of the type pointed to:
p2 = p1 + n * sizeof(*p1) instead of p2 = p1 + n
n = (p2 - p1) / sizeof(*p1) instead of n = p2 - p1
So the result would be code that is longer, and harder to read, and easier to make mistakes in.
When applying arithmetic operations on pointers of a specific type, you always want the resulting pointer to point to a "valid" (meaning the right step size) memory-address relative to the original starting-point. That is a very comfortable way of accessing data in memory independently from the underlying architecture.
If you want to use a different "step-size" you can always cast the pointer to the desired type:
int a = 5;
int* pointer_int = &a;
double* pointer_double = (double*)pointer_int; /* totally useless in that case, but it works */
#fahad Pointer arithmetic goes by the size of the datatype it points.So when ur pointer is of type int you should expect pointer arithmetic in the size of int(4 bytes).Likewise for a char pointer all operations on the pointer will be in terms of 1 byte.

%u format Specifier in C

I compiled this code and it gave the the value of '&x' 3 times. That is if &x = 2000 it printed 2036 three times. I want to know the reason for this behaviour assuming an integer requires 4 bytes of memory.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void) {
// your code goes here
int x[4][3] = {0};
printf("%u %u %u", x+3, *(x+3), *(x+2)+3);
return 0;
What will be the output of this code
Anything can happen as the code provokes undefined behaviour by printing a pointer value using the conversion specifier for an unsigned.
To print pointer values use the conversion specifier p.
The address of an array and the address of its 1st element are the same. Pointers to them both however are of different type.
x as well as x + 3 are of type int (*)[3], that is pointing to an array of three ints. Assuming int to be of size 4, an array of three ints is of size 12.
Increasing x (a pointer to int (*)[3]) by three elements one ends up with an address 3 * 12 bytes beyond where x points to. This is called pointer arithmetic.
You're misusing a format specifier and invoking undefined behavior because of that. At that point, what happens is arbitrary and uninteresting.
If you want to print a pointer, use the %p specifier.
x is a pointer to an array of pointers. The array of pointers has 4 elements. Each of these four elements points to 3 integers.
Hence if x = 2000 then,
x[0] = 2000, x[1] = 2012, x[2] = 2024, x[3] = 2036.
x + 3 = 2036 (because x is an array pointer and it increases by 12 each time.)
*(x+3) = x[3] = 2036 again.
*(x+2)+3 = x[2] + 3 = 2024 + 3*4 = 2036 again.
Hence the output will be three same numbers.

Finding the size of the variable without using sizeof() [duplicate]

When we subtract a pointer from another pointer the difference is not equal to how many bytes they are apart but equal to how many integers (if pointing to integers) they are apart. Why so?
The idea is that you're pointing to blocks of memory
| 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | mem
| 18 | 24 | 17 | 53 | -7 | 14 | data
If you have int* p = &(array[5]) then *p will be 14. Going p=p-3 would make *p be 17.
So if you have int* p = &(array[5]) and int *q = &(array[3]), then p-q should be 2, because the pointers are point to memory that are 2 blocks apart.
When dealing with raw memory (arrays, lists, maps, etc) draw lots of boxes! It really helps!
Because everything in pointer-land is about offsets. When you say:
int array[10];
array[7] = 42;
What you're actually saying in the second line is:
*( &array[0] + 7 ) = 42;
Literally translated as:
* = "what's at"
& = "the address of"
array[0] = "the first slot in array"
plus 7
set that thing to 42
And if we can add 7 to make the offset point to the right place, we need to be able to have the opposite in place, otherwise we don't have symmetry in our math. If:
&array[0] + 7 == &array[7]
Then, for sanity and symmetry:
&array[7] - &array[0] == 7
So that the answer is the same even on platforms where integers are different lengths.
Say you have an array of 10 integers:
int intArray[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
Then you take a pointer to intArray:
int *p = intArray;
Then you increment p:
What you would expect, because p starts at intArray[0], is for the incremented value of p to be intArray[1]. That's why pointer arithmetic works like that. See the code here.
"When you subtract two pointers, as long as they point into the same array, the result is the number of elements separating them"
Check for more here.
This way pointer subtraction behaves is consistent with the behaviour of pointer addition. It means that p1 + (p2 - p1) == p2 (where p1 and p2 are pointers into the same array).
Pointer addition (adding an integer to a pointer) behaves in a similar way: p1 + 1 gives you the address of the next item in the array, rather than the next byte in the array - which would be a fairly useless and unsafe thing to do.
The language could have been designed so that pointers are added and subtracted the same way as integers, but it would have meant writing pointer arithmetic differently, and having to take into account the size of the type pointed to:
p2 = p1 + n * sizeof(*p1) instead of p2 = p1 + n
n = (p2 - p1) / sizeof(*p1) instead of n = p2 - p1
So the result would be code that is longer, and harder to read, and easier to make mistakes in.
When applying arithmetic operations on pointers of a specific type, you always want the resulting pointer to point to a "valid" (meaning the right step size) memory-address relative to the original starting-point. That is a very comfortable way of accessing data in memory independently from the underlying architecture.
If you want to use a different "step-size" you can always cast the pointer to the desired type:
int a = 5;
int* pointer_int = &a;
double* pointer_double = (double*)pointer_int; /* totally useless in that case, but it works */
#fahad Pointer arithmetic goes by the size of the datatype it points.So when ur pointer is of type int you should expect pointer arithmetic in the size of int(4 bytes).Likewise for a char pointer all operations on the pointer will be in terms of 1 byte.

Pointer subtraction confusion

When we subtract a pointer from another pointer the difference is not equal to how many bytes they are apart but equal to how many integers (if pointing to integers) they are apart. Why so?
The idea is that you're pointing to blocks of memory
| 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | mem
| 18 | 24 | 17 | 53 | -7 | 14 | data
If you have int* p = &(array[5]) then *p will be 14. Going p=p-3 would make *p be 17.
So if you have int* p = &(array[5]) and int *q = &(array[3]), then p-q should be 2, because the pointers are point to memory that are 2 blocks apart.
When dealing with raw memory (arrays, lists, maps, etc) draw lots of boxes! It really helps!
Because everything in pointer-land is about offsets. When you say:
int array[10];
array[7] = 42;
What you're actually saying in the second line is:
*( &array[0] + 7 ) = 42;
Literally translated as:
* = "what's at"
& = "the address of"
array[0] = "the first slot in array"
plus 7
set that thing to 42
And if we can add 7 to make the offset point to the right place, we need to be able to have the opposite in place, otherwise we don't have symmetry in our math. If:
&array[0] + 7 == &array[7]
Then, for sanity and symmetry:
&array[7] - &array[0] == 7
So that the answer is the same even on platforms where integers are different lengths.
Say you have an array of 10 integers:
int intArray[10] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
Then you take a pointer to intArray:
int *p = intArray;
Then you increment p:
What you would expect, because p starts at intArray[0], is for the incremented value of p to be intArray[1]. That's why pointer arithmetic works like that. See the code here.
"When you subtract two pointers, as long as they point into the same array, the result is the number of elements separating them"
Check for more here.
This way pointer subtraction behaves is consistent with the behaviour of pointer addition. It means that p1 + (p2 - p1) == p2 (where p1 and p2 are pointers into the same array).
Pointer addition (adding an integer to a pointer) behaves in a similar way: p1 + 1 gives you the address of the next item in the array, rather than the next byte in the array - which would be a fairly useless and unsafe thing to do.
The language could have been designed so that pointers are added and subtracted the same way as integers, but it would have meant writing pointer arithmetic differently, and having to take into account the size of the type pointed to:
p2 = p1 + n * sizeof(*p1) instead of p2 = p1 + n
n = (p2 - p1) / sizeof(*p1) instead of n = p2 - p1
So the result would be code that is longer, and harder to read, and easier to make mistakes in.
When applying arithmetic operations on pointers of a specific type, you always want the resulting pointer to point to a "valid" (meaning the right step size) memory-address relative to the original starting-point. That is a very comfortable way of accessing data in memory independently from the underlying architecture.
If you want to use a different "step-size" you can always cast the pointer to the desired type:
int a = 5;
int* pointer_int = &a;
double* pointer_double = (double*)pointer_int; /* totally useless in that case, but it works */
#fahad Pointer arithmetic goes by the size of the datatype it points.So when ur pointer is of type int you should expect pointer arithmetic in the size of int(4 bytes).Likewise for a char pointer all operations on the pointer will be in terms of 1 byte.
