Enable multi tenant in skype for business - azure-active-directory

I have some issues need support.
I using Skype For Business for Web SDK, if using my account or any account in organization, it's OK. But when i using another organization, it not run.
I had enable multi tenant in Application in Azure Active Directory but it still not run.
maybe, i need permissions some function. But i don't known or don't understand it.
How to setting it?


Is it possible for us to create an app on our azure and can be shared with others to use?

We are trying to integrate Onedrive with a WebApplication. Intent is to get the content from Onedrive into WebApplication on any event.
We are able to integrate and using the "APP Register" in Azure Active Directory and configuring with Graph API for delegation and then using the client id, client secret and tenant id from WebApplication.
Here, I would like to understand, Is it possible for us to create an app on our azure subscription and have a way for others (other companies/clients) to install it on their azure system using OAuth process in order to avoid any creation of app and sharing other details.
Please let me know if the query is clear or not. If not, I will explain more in detail.
Yes, you can share your application with other organizations, you only need to change your application to a multi-tenant application, because changing the application to multi-tenant application allows any tenant to log in.
Next, you need to request the consent of the administrators of other organization tenants. You can send the login request URL: https://login.microsoftonline.com/{Other company tenant_id}/adminconsent?client_id={client-id}. After the administrator consent, it will be added to other organization tenants as an enterprise application in.
However, you need to note that after sharing your application, the permissions granted to it in the original tenant will not exist. If you need the application to access the resources of other company tenants, you must request the other company's IT to grant similar access permissions.

How can i sync users calendars using MS Graph api and Azure

I'm building a service where each user has a calendar, I want to sync users 365 calendar events into their calendar, the tricky part seems to be, that this should be done repeatable by background job on the server, to keep them in sync.
I feel like I've read a bible of documentation from Microsoft, but still gotten nowhere. I eventually stumbled upon this article https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/active-directory-v2-protocols-oauth-client-creds which allows a server to query the graph api, on behalf of users. This is exactly what I want.
Having created a Azure account, and Active Directory service, I found that only users within the tenant can use this, which makes it rather useless, requiring to add users manually from azure panel.
AADSTS50020: User account 'm#****.com' from identity provider 'live.com' does not exist in tenant 'Default Directory' and cannot access the application 'c0193dea-5145-430a-9c90-325f1229a1fc' in that tenant. The account needs to be added as an external user in the tenant first. Sign out and sign in again with a different Azure Active Directory user account.
So I'm back at square one, how can I achieve what I described?
I'm not looking for a code implementation, merely a description of how to navigate the monstrosity of Microsoft.
Thank you
Update: Accordingly to Marc link. I tried to flick the multi tenant option, and change the endpoint to use common instead of tenant id. Sadly i'm still getting the same error.
You cannot sign-in to AAD with a non-AAD account using the v1 Endpoint. If you want to use a consumer Microsoft Account (#outlook.com, #hotmail.com, #live.com) then you need to use the Converged Auth model provided by the v2 Endpoint.
I have a walkthrough for the v2 Endpoint that you might find helpful: Microsoft v2 Endpoint Primer. It is similar to the v1 Endpoint but you'll need to register via https://apps.dev.microsoft.com rather than the Azure Portal. Also, v2 apps use Scopes instead of Resources and are multi-tenant out of the box.
This is a broad a question for Stack Overflow. That said, you're incorrect about Azure AD. It is absolutely not limited to a single-tenant. You do however need to register it as a multi-tenant application:
How to sign in any Azure Active Directory (AD) user using the multi-tenant application pattern

How can I transfer or share apps, created in Microsoft app registration portal. I'm using Azure Active Directory and v2.0 endpoint

I'm using passport-azure-ad library to authenticate people into our app. We are using v2.0 endpoint. I have created multiple applications in Microsoft app registration portal. And have a lot of redirect url's because we have a lot of different environment apps. It was registered under my Microsoft employee account. Now I need to transfer ownership to another developer. How can I do it? Do I need to recreate all this apps in another account? I assume that this will create a new app id's and thus will ask for permissions for all users again. Is there a way to transfer ownership and not recreate all apps again?
Assuming you created your applications using your Azure Active Directory account (like your Microsoft Employee Account) you will have access to an "Owners" field where you can add new owners to the application which are in the same tenant as you.
If you are trying to transfer an application to a user from a different Tenant or using an MSA account, that is not currently supported, but something that is being considered for the future.
If you need to create a new application id, you will not be able to transfer the consent that you had from the first app over to this second one. That is just not really possible nor something we would look to support due to the security implications.

Use Office 365 API to create a public read-only calendar Web page on a blog

I am using Office 365 to manage my calendars. I would just like to publish one of my calendars to my blog. Also, I would like to fully control the style of the calendar. I can enter API URLs into the browser and basic authentication to access my own calendars. So, I could do that from the server to build my calendar page using a server side http client. In this case, I don't really need the full power of OAuth2, which is mainly for letting multiple visitors manage their own content on a third-party site.
It would be nice if Microsoft's Office365 libraries would handle this scenario. It could also include a step where I register for a keys similar to the way Google Maps does. Or do they offer this already?
Does anyone know what steps to take so my scenario would work? Also, would I run up against any usage limits for a popular blog?
While the API is supporting Basic at the moment, that will eventually go away. You can definitely make your scenario work using the authorization code grant flow that's in place today, but it sounds like you may be more interested in the client credential flow which we are going to be releasing support for soon. That would allow you as the administrator of your Office 365 organization to authorize an app to access calendars in your organization without requiring user sign-in.
You register for client IDs and client secrets via Azure AD.
Azure AD is included with Office 365, and registering apps doesn't include any additional paid Azure services.
The client IDs and secrets obtained with the Visual Studio tool are permanent, and not just for debugging. Can you point me at the documentation that said otherwise so I can get it corrected? :)

How to secure my multi tenant webapp that is running on Azure

I'm struggling with my MVC5 webapp that is hosted on Azure. I need to secure it (of course) but I don't want to let the users create yet another account, with another password they can forget.
So I've looked into Azure Access Control (ACS). It looks nice, but the Identity Providers provided are very limited. I'm missing LinkedIn as an IP for example. Therefore a lot of users will have to create a new account with a company emailaddress. Facebook user typically use their private emailaddress.
So Azure Active Directory looks fine. You can federate with a local Active Directory. But after diving into it, it seems that you cannot create a tenant from you code. So the user must first do thing in the Azure portal, and that is confusing and I want to make things as easy as possible.
What do I need:
authentications of users without storing their password myself
creation of new users by code
be able to federate to a customer's Active Directory (on premise or Azure Active Directory)
user must be able to use whatever emailaddress they're using
Do you have good suggestions to accomplish this?
You can manage users in AAD using the Graph API.
Using DirSync or AADSync, you can propagate your on-premise users to AAD.
User will have to logon on-premise and again in the cloud but using the same credentials. (Same Sign On).
Adding ADFS to the mix gives you SSO. (Single Sign On).
Typically, only the corporate domain can be used for email address.
For other applications, look at: Azure Active Directory applications.
