Function pointer in struct not working? - c

I have a driver and code that works on IAR but does not work for Atmel Studio 7. I get an error ld returned 1 exit status and undefined reference to '_read' (or _write) when I try to assign a function to a pointer inside a struct.
In the driver that I need to use there are two pointers defined as follows:
#define BMM050_WR_FUNC_PTR \
s8 (*bus_write)(u8, u8, \
u8 *, u8)
#define BMM050_RD_FUNC_PTR \
s8 (*bus_read)(u8, u8, \
u8 *, u8)re
In the file they have a struct defined as follows:
struct bmm050_t {
u8 company_id;/**<mag chip id*/
u8 dev_addr;/**<mag device address*/
BMM050_WR_FUNC_PTR;/**< bus write function pointer*/
BMM050_RD_FUNC_PTR;/**< bus read function pointer*/
void (*delay_msec)(BMM050_MDELAY_DATA_TYPE);/**< delay function pointer*/
s8 dig_x1;/**< trim x1 data */
s8 dig_y1;/**< trim y1 data */
s8 dig_x2;/**< trim x2 data */
s8 dig_y2;/**< trim y2 data */
u16 dig_z1;/**< trim z1 data */
s16 dig_z2;/**< trim z2 data */
s16 dig_z3;/**< trim z3 data */
s16 dig_z4;/**< trim z4 data */
u8 dig_xy1;/**< trim xy1 data */
s8 dig_xy2;/**< trim xy2 data */
u16 dig_xyz1;/**< trim xyz1 data */
In my application I try to do:
bmm050.bus_write = i2c_write;
bmm050.bus_read = i2c_read;
My functions are defined as:
int8_t i2c_write(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t count);
int8_t i2c_read(uint8_t dev_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *reg_data, uint8_t count);
EDIT: I am attaching the error code as asked:
c:/program files (x86)/atmel/studio/7.0/toolchain/arm/arm-gnu-toolchain/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv6-m\libc.a(lib_a-writer.o): In function `_write_r':
C:\Users\aba\Documents\Atmel Studio\7.0\Project1\Project1\Debug\writer.c(1,1): error: undefined reference to `_write'
c:/program files (x86)/atmel/studio/7.0/toolchain/arm/arm-gnu-toolchain/bin/../lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.3.1/../../../../arm-none-eabi/lib/armv6-m\libc.a(lib_a-readr.o): In function `_read_r':
C:\Users\aba\Documents\Atmel Studio\7.0\Project1\Project1\Debug\readr.c(1,1): error: undefined reference to `_read'
collect2.exe(0,0): error: ld returned 1 exit status

I am guessing that your i2c_write and i2c_read functions call printf, write, putc, puts, or a similar function. Yes?
The errors you are seeing are the wrappers _write_r and _read_r trying to invoke the underlying write and read functions, and not being able to find them. See, e.g., this discussion (sec. 6.4) of implementation of these functions in the newlib C library.
The errors disappear when you comment out the bmm050.bus_write = i2c_write and bmm050.bus_read = i2c_read lines because nothing else in your code calls read or write. If you don't reference i2c_read in your code, such as when those lines are commented out, the linker can remove i2c_read from the compiled object file. Without i2c_read, there is no need for _read_r or read, so you don't get the linker errors.
So what to do?
A few options, in the order I would try them.
Call your board-support-package (BSP) vendor if you have a support contract.
Search through the Atmel Studio source/libraries to see if they provide a _read or _write implementation for your particular hardware. If Atmel Studio includes a BSP for your board, that may include the functions. (I don't have Atmel Studio myself, and probably wouldn't have the same BSP even if I did, so I can't tell you more specifically than that where to look.)
Note that those functions may be called read() and write() (without the leading underscore) if they are written in C. C compilers generally add a leading underscore to exported names.
Modify your i2c_read and i2c_write so they access the device's I2C registers directly. If you can eliminate calls the C library's I/O routines from those functions, you will no longer need _read or _write.
If you can't find an existing implementation or eliminate the need for one, look online for implementations. For example, this blog post (in German) includes a sample implementation of _write. That, plus the links below it in the thread, may help you (even if you don't speak German).
Finally, if necessary, roll your own _read and _write that will do some meaningful input and output on your particular target. I gather that's I2C, but you might at some point want that to be UART, LCD, seven-segment display, Nixie, or something else — write whatever I/O routines you wish! Note that this basically involves the same type of work as #3, but in a different context.
See also:
this answer, which relates to a similar situation on a different platform
this discussion of implementing your own OS (effectively) in order for _write_r to have something to talk to!


Usage of Xilinx built-in UART function #define XUartPs_IsReceiveData (BaseAddress )

So I am trying to use this built-in UART function (from the Vitis SDK from Xilinix) to determine if there is a valid byte to read over UART. I created this function to return 1 if there was a byte to read or 0 if there wasn't
u32 UartHasMessage(void){
return 1;
return 0;
However, even when there is a byte to read over UART, this function always returns false.
The weird behavior I am experiencing is when I step through the code using the debugger, I call UartHasMessage() to check if there is a byte to read, and it returns false, but in the next line I call a function to read a byte over UART and that contains the correct byte I sent over the host.
u32 test - UartHasMessage();
How come this UartHasMessage always returns false, but then in the next line I am able to read the byte correctly?
Caveat: Without some more information, this is a bit speculative and might be a comment, but it is too large for that.
The information below comes from the Xilinx documentation on various pages ...
XUartPs_RecvByte will block until a byte is ready. So, no need to call XUartPs_IsReceiveData directly (I think that XUartPS_RecvByte calls it internally).
A web search on XUartPs_Main came up with nothing, so we'd need to see the definition you have.
Most Xilinx documentation uses UART_BASEADDRESS:
I found a definition:
#define XPAR_XUARTPS_0_BASEADDR 0xE0001000
You might be better off using a more standard method, such as calling the XUartPs_LookupConfig function to get the configuration table entry which has all relevant values.
I'm guessing that you created the XUartPS_Main definition.
But, based on what you posted, (needing &XUartPS_Main instead of XUartPS_Main), it is linked/loaded at the exact address of the UART register bank. Let's assume that address is (e.g.) 0x10000. So, we might have:
u32 XUartPS_Main __attribute__(at(0x10000));
The at is an extension that some build systems support (e.g. arm) that forces the variable to be loaded at a given address. So, let's assume we have that (even if the mechanism is slightly different (e.g.):
The definition of XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET is:
Offsets are [typically] byte offsets.
#define XUartPs_IsReceiveData(BaseAddress) \
!((Xil_In32((BaseAddress) + XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET) & \
Now if the definition of XUartPS_Main uses u32 [as above], we may have a problem because XUARTPS_SR_OFFSET will be treated as a u32 index and not a byte offset. So, it will access the wrong address.
So, try:
XUartPs_IsReceiveData((unsigned char *) &XUartPs_Main)
But, if it were me, I'd rework things to use Xilinx's standard definitions.
Hi so XUartPs_main is defined as static XUartPs XUartPs_Main; I use it in a variety of functions such as a function to send bytes over uart and I call it by its address like I did with this function, all my other functions work as expected except this one. Is it possible it is something to do with the way the fifo works? –
No, not all the API functions are the same.
The struct definition is [I synthesized this from the API doc]:
typedef struct {
u16 DeviceId; // Unique ID of device.
u32 BaseAddress; // Base address of device (IPIF)
u32 InputClockHz;
} XUartPs;
Somewhere in your code you had to initialize this with:
XUartPs_Main = XUartPs_ConfigTable[my_device_id];
Or, with:
XUartPs_Main = *XUartPs_LookupConfig(my_device_id);
If an API function is defined as (e.g.):
void api_dosomething(XUartPs_Config *cfg,...)
Then, you call it with:
So, most functions probably take such a pointer.
But, XUartPs_IsReceiveData does not want a pointer to a XUartPs_Config struct. It wants a base address. This is:
So, you want:

Const pointer to volatile struct member

I'm using microcontroller to make some ADC measurements. I have an issue when I try to compile following code using -O2 optimization, MCU freezes when PrintVal() function is present in code. I did some debugging and it turns out that when I add -fno-inline compiler flag, the code will run fine even with PrintVal() function.
Here is some background:
AdcIsr.c contains interrupt that is executed when ADC finishes it's job. This file also contains ISRInit() function that initializes variable that will hold value after conversion. In main loop will wait for interrupt and only then access AdcMeas.value.
static volatile uin16_t* isrVarPtr = NULL;
uint8_t tmp = readAdc();
*isrVarPtr = tmp;
void ISRInit(volatile uint16_t *var)
isrVarPtr = var;
typedef struct{
uint8_t id;
volatile uint16_t value;
static AdcMeas_t AdcMeas = {0};
const AdcMeas_t* AdcMeasGetStructPtr()
return &AdcMeas;
void PrintVal(const AdcMeas_t* data)
printf("AdcMeas %d value: %d\r\n", data->id, data->value);
void StartMeasurement()
int main()
Is there something wrong with usage of const AdcMeas_t* data as argument of the PrintVal() function? I understand that AdcMeas.value may change inside interrupt and PrintVal() may be outdated.
AdcMeas contains a 'generic getter'. Is this a good practice to use this sort of function to allow read-only access to static structure? or should I implement AdcMeasGetId() and AdcMeasGetValue functions (note that this struct has only 2 members, what if it has 8 members)?
I know this code is a bit dumb (waiting for interrupt in while loop), this is just an example.
Some bugs:
You have no header files, neither library include or your own ones. This means that everything is hopelessly broken until you fix that. You cannot do multiple file projects in C without header files.
*isrVarPtr = tmp; Here you write to a variable without protection from race conditions. If the main program reads this variable in several steps, you risk getting incorrect data. You need to protect against race conditions or guarantee atomic access.
const AdcMeasGetStructPtr() is gibberish and there is no way that the return &AdcMeas; inside it would compile with a conforming C compiler.
If you have an old but conforming C90 compiler, the return type will get treated as int. Otherwise, if you have a modern C compiler, not even the function definition will compiler. So it would seem that something is very wrong with your compiler, which is a greater concern than this bug.
Declaring the typedef struct in the C file and then returning a pointer to it doesn't make any sense. You need to re-design this module. You could have a getter function returning an instance to a private struct, if there is only ever going to be 1 instance of it (singleton). However, as mentioned, it needs to handle race conditions.
Stylistic concerns:
Empty parenthesis () in a function declaration is almost always wrong in C. This is obsolete style and means "accept any parameter". C++ is different here.
int main() doesn't make any sense at all in a microcontroller system. You should use some implementation-defined form suitable for freestanding programs. The most commonly supported form is void main (void).
DelayMs(1000); is highly questionable code in any embedded system. There should never be a reason why you'd want to hang up your MCU being useless, with max current consumption, for a whole second.
Overall it seems you would benefit from a "continuous conversion" ADC. ADCs that support continuous conversion just dump their latest read in the data register and you can pick it up with polling whenever you need it. Catching all ADC interrupts is really just for hard realtime systems, signal processing and similar.

How to determine the size of a PIM within an AUTOSAR Runnable?

How can I determine the size of a PIM (Per Instance Memory) in c from inside a Runnable (without looking it up in the generated RTE and adding a fix value)?
Runnable Foo has access to two PIMs Pim1 and Pim2. In the example the data from Pim1 shall be copied to Pim2.
Not only because of security and safety I need to check the size of both PIMs in order NOT to overwrite illegal data areas.
I know that the size of the PIM is configured in the SW-C description (SWCD). But as the SWCD may be changed after code implementation and in order to keep the code of the Runnable more generic, the size checking should not be based on fix values.
I also considered the problem of the sizeof for an array:
How to find the 'sizeof'(a pointer pointing to an array)?
For the PIMs the following code is generated by the RTE-Generator:
In Rte_Type.h
typedef uint8 Rte_DT_DtImplRec1_0;
typedef uint16 Rte_DT_DtImplRec1_1;
typedef struct
Rte_DT_DtImplRec1_0 var1;
Rte_DT_DtImplRec1_1 var2;
Rte_DT_DtImplRec1_2 var3;
} DtImplRec1;
typedef uint8 Rte_DT_DtImplAry1_0;
typedef Rte_DT_DtImplAry1_0 DtImplAry1[5];
In Rte.c
In Rte_FOO.h
#define Rte_Pim_Pim1() (&Rte_FOO_Pim1)
# define Rte_Pim_Pim2() (&((*RtePim_Pim2())[0]))
# define Rte_Pim_Pim2() RtePim_Pim2()
#define RtePim_Pim2() (&Rte_FOO_Pim2)
Note that the define for array PIMs might also be changing, depending on the RTE_PTR2ARRAYBASETYPE_PASSING “switch”.
The following “access” is generated for the FOO template:
DtImplRec1 *Rte_Pim_Pim1(void);
Rte_DT_DtImplAry1_0 *Rte_Pim_Pim2(void)
The code for the Foo-Runnable may look like this:
FUNC(void, FOO_CODE) Foo(void)
DtImplRec1 *pim1 = Rte_Pim_Pim1();
Rte_DT_DtImplAry1_0 *pim2 = Rte_Pim_Pim2();
uint8 sizeOfPim1a = sizeof(Rte_Pim_Pim1()); /* always returns 4 as the size of the pointer */
uint8 sizeOfPim1b = sizeof(*Rte_Pim_Pim1()); /* evaluates to 6 */
uint8 sizeOfPim1c = sizeof(DtImplRec1); /* evaluates to 6 */
uint8 sizeOfPim1d = sizeof(Rte_FOO_Pim1); /* evaluates to 6 */
uint8 sizeOfPim2a = sizeof(Rte_Pim_Pim2()); /* always returns 4 as the size of the pointer */
uint8 sizeOfPim2b = sizeof(*Rte_Pim_Pim2()); /* evaluates to 1 */
uint8 sizeOfPim2c = sizeof(Rte_DT_DtImplAry1_0); /* evaluates to 1: sizeof(uint8) */
uint8 finalSize = MIN(sizeOfPim1b, sizeOfPim2b);
memcpy( pim2, pim1, finalSize ); /* (use of) memcpy is not the topic here */
To make my problem more "visible", here is a Callback-Runnable example for writing a DID via diagnostics:
FUNC(Std_ReturnType, FOO_CODE)
DataServices_Data_FFFF_WriteData(P2CONST(uint8, AUTOMATIC, RTE_APPL_DATA) Data, Dcm_OpStatusType OpStatus, P2VAR(Dcm_NegativeResponseCodeType, AUTOMATIC, RTE_APPL_DATA) ErrorCode)
Std_ReturnType ret = E_NOT_OK;
#define sizeOfPim1 (5) /* how to determine the PIM size here if we do not know anything about it here? (PIM structure can change without modifying the code here) */
#define sizeOfDidFFFF (5) /* This is even another problem: How to determine the size of a DID. I will create another discussion thread for this question. */
/* Instead of this if-condition, an assert during compile-time would also be appropriate */
if( sizeOfPim1 == sizeOfDidFFFF )
/* We have to make sure that we do not copy more bytes as of the size of Pim1 */
memcpy( Rte_Pim_Pim1(), Data, sizeOfPim1 ); /* (use of) memcpy is not the topic here */
ret = E_OK;
return ret;
I don't have here any AUTOSAR environment to test this, so, please, if you try any of this, just let me know if it works. Besides, I am not an expert and it is quite a long time I don't write AUTOSAR code, so I will probably be missing something. I also don't want to publicize any RTE generator from any vendor, so I will cite only the standard.
Use sizeof(DtImplAry1)
You define that type and give it as input to the RTE generator, so you know the name. If your SWC doesn't make explicit use of that type the RTE generator could not include it in your .h, but you could add it manually to you SWC arxml. I think all tools out there allow to do this without having to edit the arxml by hand, just look for the option to include additional SWC types in your tool.
Use Instance API to access SWC data
The standard specifies a variable of type Rte_CDS_FOO to hold all pointers to PIMs of the SWC (among other things) if you enable the API (look for it in your tool).
Besides, a variable Rte_Inst_FOO should be available to you, declared as extern in your header. You could do sizeof(*Rte_Inst_FOO->Pim_Pim2).
EDIT: reply to some of your comments
I guess the reason you don't find the CDS is because of this (from Specification of RTE, 4.2.2, 5.4 RTE Data Structures):
The [CDS and Instance handler] definitions only apply to RTE generators operating in compatibility mode – in this mode the instance handle and the component data structure have to be defined even for those (object-code) software components for which multiple instantiation is forbidden to ensure compatibility.
[SWS_Rte_03793] If a software component does not support multiple instantiation,the name of the component data instance shall be Rte_Inst_cts, where cts is the component type symbol of the AtomicSwComponentType. (SRS_Rte_00011)
So, when the RTE-generator adheres to this compatibility mode, those variables must be there. If you are using a vendor specific solution, well, try to tag the question with that vendor name also, hopefully somebody can answer.
Assert at compile time
I am not going to ask why you are doing this, but IMHO I think it does not sound right, does it makes sense for the receiving buffer to be smaller that the data to copy?. Maybe it is better to assert at compile time if the buffer is smaller than your struct. Or you could define your array instead to be a struct and cast it if needed (if your are following MISRA rules, maybe you will have problems with it, just check). Just for reference, compile time assertions can use sizeof.
You have several problems here:
a) your sizeof(*pim1) returns 6 because of padding, because you start with an uint8, the second is uint16, and I guess the 3rd ist also uint16.
That's, why you should rather sort them by type size/alignment .. biggest to smallest
Even though, the elements might not be ordered anymore, but it also decreases finally the gaps in memory created by the linker.
b) the pim2 is an array, you can not get the array len/size from the pointer.
But, you should have the Rte definition of DtImplAry1.
typedef uint8 Rte_DT_DtImplAry1_0;
typedef Rte_DT_DtImplAry1_0 DtImplAry1[5]; // <-- taken in through Rte_Foo_Type.h (includes Rte_Type.h
uint32 ary_len = sizeof(DtImplAry1) / sizeof(DtImplAry1[0]);

In u-boot, kernel_entry points to which function?

This is the function from u-boot:
static void boot_jump_linux(bootm_headers_t *images, int flag)
#ifdef CONFIG_ARM64
void (*kernel_entry)(void *fdt_addr);
int fake = (flag & BOOTM_STATE_OS_FAKE_GO);
kernel_entry = (void (*)(void *fdt_addr))images->ep;
debug("## Transferring control to Linux (at address %lx)...\n",
(ulong) kernel_entry);
if (!fake)
unsigned long machid = gd->bd->bi_arch_number;
char *s;
void (*kernel_entry)(int zero, int arch, uint params);
unsigned long r2;
int fake = (flag & BOOTM_STATE_OS_FAKE_GO);
kernel_entry = (void (*)(int, int, uint))images->ep;
s = getenv("machid");
if (s) {
strict_strtoul(s, 16, &machid);
printf("Using machid 0x%lx from environment\n", machid);
debug("## Transferring control to Linux (at address %08lx)" \
"...\n", (ulong) kernel_entry);
if (IMAGE_ENABLE_OF_LIBFDT && images->ft_len)
r2 = (unsigned long)images->ft_addr;
r2 = gd->bd->bi_boot_params;
if (!fake)
kernel_entry(0, machid, r2);
I understood from the related question: Trying to understand the usage of function pointer that kernel_entryis a pointer to a function. Can someone help me understand where that function is defined? I don't even know the name of this function so I failed to grepit.
NOTE: The entire u-boot source code is here.
Indeed kernel_entry is a function pointer. It is initialized from the ep field of the piece of data passed in called images, of type bootm_header_t. The definition of that struct is in include/image.h. This is the definition of a bootable image header, ie the header of a kernel image which contain the basic info to boot that image from the boot loader. Obviously, to start it, you need a program entry point, similarly to the main function in regular C programs.
In that structure, the entry point is simply defined as a memory address (unsigned long), which the code you listed cast into that function pointer.
That structure as been obtained from loading the first blocks of the image file on disk, whose location is known already by the boot loader.
Hence the actual code pointed by that function pointer belongs to a different binary, and the definition of the function must be located in a different source code. For a linux kernel, this entry point is an assembly hand coded function, whose source is in head.S. This function being highly arch dependent, you will find many files of that name implementing it accross the kernel tree.

alternative to container_of()

I am a newbie trying to code a serial driver(PCI based ) and I don't want to use the container_of() for lack of downward compatibility.The kernel version I may compile the module
would be < 2.6.x so I want to make it compatible with most of the old and new versions.
i want to access the structure member(s) of a serial card driver.the structure is a custom one containing the atomic variable for example - use_count and the related operation on it-- atomic_inc(&serial_card->use_count).I dont want to access them by using the container_of() function which will give me the containing structure
Is there any alternate to container_of() function.If I am not wrong the text LINux device drivers by Allesandro Roubini describes a way on page no 174 | Chapter 6: Advanced Char Driver Operations.
But I am still fixed about how to assign something like struct scull_dev *dev = &scull_s_device.
if the structure itself contains a variable of type struct pc_device *dev,the above statement populates a similar variable and that is assigned to dev,
in my case i have declared a structure and related function as below
struct serial_card
unsigned int id; // to identify the each card
//atomic_t use_count; // variable used to check whether the device is already opened or not
wait_queue_head_t rx_queue[64]; // queue in which the process are stored
unsigned int data_ready[64]; // queue in which the process is ready
unsigned int rx_chan; // used by interrupt handler
unsigned int base, len; // holds physical base address , holds the total area ( for each card )
unsigned int *base; // holds virtual address
/*struct cdev cdev; // kernel uses this structure to represent the EACH char device
not using the new method to represent char devices in kernel instead using the old method of register_chrdev();*/
struct pci_dev *device; // pci_dev structure for EACH device.
//struct semaphore sem; //Semaphore needed to handle the co-ordination of processes,use incase need arises
static struct serial_card *serial_cards; // pointer to array of structures [ depending on number of cards ],NO_OF_CARDS #defined in header file
static int serialcard_open(struct inode *inode,struct file *filep)
//getting the structure details of type struct serialcard,using the pointer inode->i_cdev and field type cdev
//struct serial_card *serial_cards = container_of(inode->i_cdev, struct serial_card, cdev);
// read the current value of use_count
static int Device_Open = 0;
if ( Device_Open ) //Device_Open is static varibale used here for checking the no of times a device is opened
printk("cPCIserial: Open attempt rejected\n");
return -EBUSY;
// using the card so increment use_count
//filep->private_data = serial_cards;
return 0;
the complete description on page 174 - 175 is as follows
Single-Open Devices
The brute-force way to provide access control is to permit a device to be opened by
only one process at a time (single openness). This technique is best avoided because it
inhibits user ingenuity. A user might want to run different processes on the same
device, one reading status information while the other is writing data. In some cases,
users can get a lot done by running a few simple programs through a shell script, as
long as they can access the device concurrently. In other words, implementing a singleopen
behavior amounts to creating policy, which may get in the way of what your
users want to do. Allowing only a single process to open a device has undesirable properties, but it is also the easiest access control to implement for a device driver, so it’s shown here.
The source code is extracted from a device called scullsingle.
The scullsingle device maintains an atomic_t variable called scull_s_available; that
variable is initialized to a value of one, indicating that the device is indeed available.
The open call decrements and tests scull_s_available and refuses access if somebody
else already has the device open:
static atomic_t scull_s_available = ATOMIC_INIT(1);
static int scull_s_open(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
struct scull_dev *dev = &scull_s_device; /* device information */
if (! atomic_dec_and_test (&scull_s_available)) {
return -EBUSY; /* already open */
/* then, everything else is copied from the bare scull device */
if ( (filp->f_flags & O_ACCMODE) = = O_WRONLY) {
filp->private_data = dev;
return 0; /* success */
The release call, on the other hand, marks the device as no longer busy:
static int scull_s_release(struct inode *inode, struct file *filp)
atomic_inc(&scull_s_available); /* release the device */
return 0;
Normally, we recommend that you put the open flag scull_s_available within the
device structure (Scull_Dev here) because, conceptually, it belongs to the device. The
scull driver, however, uses standalone variables to hold the flag so it can use the same
device structure and methods as the bare scull device and minimize code duplication.
Please let me know any alternative for this
thanks and regards
perhaps I am missing the point, but "cotainer_of" is not a function, but a macro. If you have porting concerns, you can safely define it by yourserlf if the system headers don't implement it. Here a basic implementation:
#ifndef container_of
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) \
((type *) \
( ((char *)(ptr)) \
- ((char *)(&((type*)0)->member)) ))
Or here's the implementation - more accurate - from recent linux headers:
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) ({ \
const typeof( ((type *)0)->member ) *__mptr = (ptr);
(type *)( (char *)__mptr - offsetof(type,member) );})
In that code the containerof is used to store and retrieve the correct dev structure easily. The correct structure can be retrieved inside the read and write functions also without accessing to the private_data.
I do not know why you do not want to use private->data and containerof, but you can always retrieve your minor number from the struct file pointer.
int minor=MINOR(filp->f_dentry_d_inode->i__rdev);
then accessing to your multiple devices vector using something like
struct scull_dev* dev = &scull_devices[minor]:
and using it.
You will need to use filp->privatedata to store "per-open" information that you also use in read/write. You will need to decide what to store to ensure that the right information is available.
Probably you want two structures. One "device structure" and one "open structure". The open structure can get dynamically allocated in "open" and stored at private_data. In release, it gets freed. It should have the members such that you can use them in read/write to get access to the data you need.
The device structure is going to be per "card". In your driver init, you probably want to loop on the number of cards and create a new device structure (serial_card) for each. You can make them a static array, or dynamically allocate, it doesn't matter. I would store the minor number in the structure as well. The minor number is chosen by you, so start with 1 and go through #cards. You can reserve "0" for a system level interface, if you want, or just start at 0 for the cards.
In open, you will get the minor number that the user opened. Go through your serial_card list looking for a match. If you don't find it, error out of open. Otherwise, you have your info and can use it to allocate a "open structure", populate it, and store it in filp->private_data.
#Giuseppe Guerrini Some compiler just cannot recognize the linux implementation of container_of.
The basic define is fine, but I wonder if there is any safety or compatibility risk at this implementation:
#ifndef container_of
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) \
((type *) \
( ((char *)(ptr)) \
- ((char *)(&((type*)0)->member)) ))
