How to create drop down with form in AngularJS - angularjs

I am trying build drop down with form like this. I used ng-repeat inside li to build a simple dropdown and then placed them inside next to another. the number of columns can also can be dynamic so my approach wont work. How do I proceed to build such a dropdown. Is there any library out there that does this I could not find one.Thanks in advance.

If you want to do this with Angular, you will need to toggle a dropdown. The following example should be able to get you started:
You will need to compose the columns and associate them with the ng-model.
On Operator field you can do the following:
<input ng-model="operator"/>
<li ng-repeat="result in results | filter:operator</li>


PrimeNG Dropdown with filterMatchMode

I have a PrimeNG dropdown with 1000s of values. So I put in a filter.
Now the issue is I want to have a filter with something like "filterMatchMode = startwith" which we have for table filter columns.
The default implementation is "contains" which cannot be overridden by the "filterMatchMode" property like we have in tables.
Issue with this is that I have multiple values ending in "xyz" and I have a value which is "xyz". So I have to scroll all the way down to select the value.
What could be possible solutions?
Current Code which does not solve the problem:
<p-dropdown [options]="myOptions" [(ngModel)]="selectedModel" filter="true" placeholder="Select a Model"
Only thing I can think of is to make a full copy of the primeNG dropdown component to change it.
They use a filter method in an objectutils class to filter. This method is using indexOf to do the filtering, you could replace it with contains.

Using the same directive more than once in the same form

I'm having trouble with a task that seems trivial to me, but I just haven't got it right yet. I have a form and in that form I use a home-cooked directive called time-range. This directive has two input fields for start-date and end-date. Later on, in the view where the form is defined I want to validate each field using code similar to this:
<li ng-show="form.createAssignment.fromDateField.$error.dateinput">{{::$parent.lang.from_date | capitalize}} {{::$parent.lang.has_to_be_on_format}} {{::$parent.lang.yyyy_mm_dd}}</li>
Well, this works just fine, BUT only for validating the input field in the last directive in the form. If I enter something wrong in the first directive, the form is invalid (and thus the error list is shown) but the text that specifies what is wrong does not show up, presumably because the input in the last directive is correct.
So, somehow I would like to be able to qualify which directive I refer to, maybe something like:
<li ng-show="form.createAssignment.directive1.fromDateField.$error.dateinput">{{::$parent.lang.from_date | capitalize}} {{::$parent.lang.has_to_be_on_format}} {{::$parent.lang.yyyy_mm_dd}}</li>
However, I haven't yet succeeded with this. Does anyone have a suggestion how this can be done?
ng-form uses input name for validation, so it's hard to target specific input if you are using ng-repeat or repeated directives.
One option would be using ng-form directive, which means creating an inner form inside the form. There are plenty of guides on how to do this.
Another option would be passing a unique name (prefix/suffix) via your directive parameter. But unfortunately the variable name won't work automatically, you'll have to compile the template again after the name is passed in.

Don't show dropdown choices with angular-ui-select before entering data?

I am using the angular-ui-select directive to create an auto-complete input field. I want to be able to click and focus the field without the dropdown options appearing. The Plunker example in the documentation works this way, but I cannot get mine to behave correctly. Please help.
Here is my code:
<ui-select ng-model="customer.selected" theme="bootstrap">
<ui-select-match placeholder="Start typing..">{{ $select.selected.family_name }}</ui-select-match>
<ui-select-choices repeat="customer in customers | filter: $">
<div ng-bind-html="trustAsHtml((customer.family_name | highlight: $"></div>
Here is their Plunker example that is working the way I would like it to.
I have a same issue. I want to be able to click and focus the field without the dropdown options appearing.
Here I am sharing my solution. May be it will help someone. I made changes in Selectize theme example in plunker shared by #Corey Quillen. I had cleaned up other things so it will help.
1) Here first I had add reset-search-input="false" in ui-select directive. So it will not reset search input.
2) Then I had replaced filter with custom filter propsFilter. Which is already useing in Select2 theme. And put
return out;
in filter above If condition. In demo.js file.
So data return empty if no search text entered.
Here is the plunker example of that.
ui-select by default shows a dropdown, I dont think we can change that. But you can change its binding data. In the plunker example the ui-select is bind to model 'address.selected', which initially is empty, thus nothing pops up. But once you start typing the refresh will call the function refreshAddress() to populate the results into address. Once the results are populated, ui-select finds that its model(address) has data and start showing a dropdown. After you have searched for something, try to click on the textbox, it will still show you the result, beacuse they are still present in the model.
Since, you are trying it with a local variable I suppose, it is pre-populated with data for ui-select and hence it shows it. I think you should try to make a request in you code to get that data and use refresh and refresh-delay. If you dont have a web service and want to use local data, I would suggest bind the select to an empty model and put data into that using a custom function for refresh, you might have to write a custom search functionality into the refresh function, but you can use javascript's search() or indexOf() for that.

Why is my angular grid so slow?

So, I have made some custom directive which draws kind of a data-grid, based on floated divs (because nested flex implementation in FF sucks - but it's not the point).
How it works :
I pass some data collection to the directive via something like <the-grid data-list="parentController.displayedRows">
Inside this first directive, I have columns via something like <a-grid-column data-value="row.value"></a-grid-column> with many attributes I won't precise here.
The data-value value can be a direct expression, bound to the row on which the the-grid directive controller is ng-repeating in order to display each columns, or a function which have to be $eval-uated in order to display the intended value from the parentController.
In my <the-grid> directive controller, I have the rendering template of my grid which make a nested ng-repeat div (first one on the rows of the data-collection, second one on the columns, created in the directive), it looks like :
<div data-ng-repeat="row in list">
<div data-ng-repeat="cell in theGridColumns"
data-ng-bind-html="renderCell(row, cell)">
I have some keyboard nav in order to quickly select a row or navigate within pagination or many tabs, which does nothing more than applying some class on the selected row, in addition to update some "selectedRowIndex".
I'm using angular-vs-repeat in order to have the minimum of row divs in my DOM (because the app is running on slow computers). This works well.
The problem is that every time I'm hitting some "up" or "down" key on my keyboard, Angular is "redrawing" EVERY cells of the list.
So, let's suppose I've 200 rows in my data list, and 7 columns for each rows. First load of the page, it passes ~3000 times in the renderCell() function. Ok , let's accept that (don't really understand why, but ok).
I hit the down key in order to go to the second line of my list. It passes ~1100 times in the renderCell() function.
So yes, the result is very slow (imagine if I let the down arrow key pressed in order to quick navigate within my rows)... I can't accept that. If someone could explain that to me... Any help would be greatly accepted :)
If I make the same thing without a directive (direct DOM manipulation, with columns made by hand and not in a ng-repeat within a ng-repeat), every thing is smooth and clean.
Yes, I've look into every angular grid on the market. No one is satisfying me for my purpose, that's why I've decided to create my own one.
And no, I really can't give you some JSFiddle or anything for the moment. The whole app is really tentacular, isolating this is some kind of complicated).
Try to use bind once (angular 1.3+)
<div data-ng-repeat="row in ::list">
<div data-ng-repeat="cell in ::theGridColumns"
data-ng-bind-html="::(renderCell(row, cell))">

Angular UI bootstrap: Type ahead select multiple

I am using angular UI bootstrap type-ahead directive for type-ahead in a form
I am fetching the records from remote server via $http service. It is working fine.
However I can select only one element from list at a time.
I want to select multiple values from the list and show all currently selected element in input field with a remove button just like tags for SO. The selected tags are stored in angular array model.
How to achieve this ?
I have read documentation for Angular UI bootstrap but I am not able to find anything.
This guy made a directive for this. Should do exactly what you want and it's even using the ui-bootstraps typeahead.
The best solution I have found so far is
it does exactly what you require, multi-select typeahead.
and the markup is neat and clean too e.g:
oi-options=" as list.description for list in lists"
This component is also compatible with bootstrap and the new bootstrap 4.
In js file :
To list all selected items, use $item with typeahead-on-select and push to an array for ex.evtMem. delete fn to delete selected item.
Use table to list all array values using ng-repeat. Addition to that add remove glyphicon image and function to delete corresponding item.
