Autohotkey time between clicks - timer

Iv been recently interested in developing a way to measure the times between my mouse clicks for research however im unsure what functions autohotkey has available to help with this. I firstly tried to get a measure of the exact time using :
FormatTime, ssnow, %A_Now%, ss
The problem with this was that subtracting one time from another is apparently impossible in autohotkey according to some forums i have searched and the result when testing also produced an empty value.
Is there a way to initiate a counter when the left button is down and then stop the timer when the button is released?
Here is the code I have been working on:
clickTime := 0
lastClick := 0
FormatTime, ssnow, %A_THEN%, ss
~LButton Up::
FormatTime, ssnow, %A_Now%, ss
MsgBox (%clickTime% - %lastClick% )

StartTime := A_TickCount
While(GetKeyState("LButton", "P"))
ToolTip % A_TickCount - StartTime
StartTime := A_TickCount
keywait, LButton, L
ToolTip % A_TickCount - StartTime


AHK, how to capture Rbutton in loop

Could someone help me understand how to capture Rbutton in Loop?
The idea is when I click GUI button its activate loop and waiting for some time for example 15 sec until RButton will be clicked, if loop detects that RBUtton been doubleclicked, should show me msg box
w::SetTimer Test, 5000
Loop { ; waiting when RButton will be clicked
A := GetKeyState("Rbutton","P")
if (!%A%) {
MsgBox, this part should continue and wait for RButton do nothing and continue to wait
} else if (%A%) {
MsgBox, you clicked double RButton
Send, this is text
Msgbox end of script
SetTimer Test, Off
My idea:
Use While loop as timer, ie, while within duration (eg 15 secs), keep checking status of double right button. If criteria met within duration, break the loop and show message box.
Use SetTimer and GetKeyState to constantly check and update number of right button clicked.
Note to below script. It is assumed that when GUI is clicked, DetectDoubleClick() will be fired.
Counter_RButton := 0
SecondsToWait := 15
Global Counter_RButton
Now := A_TickCount
End := A_TickCount + (SecondsToWait * 1000)
SetTimer, CaptureRButton, 150
While (End >= Now)
if (Counter_RButton = 2)
Counter_RButton := 0
MsgBox,,,Double RButton Detected!
Now := A_TickCount
SetTimer, CaptureRButton, Off
ButtonIsDown := GetKeyState("RButton")
If ButtonIsDown
Counter_RButton := Counter_RButton + 1

Reading from mouse inputs in Ada

I have a procedure in Ada which reads from a touch screen input. The code is very old and I do not have the touch screen anymore. I would like to replace the touch screen code with reading from a mouse input. Would it be simpler to write the function in C and Import it into the Ada code? The code below is the touch screen code.
HIL_NAME : STRING (1.. 10) := "/dev/touch";
procedure READ (X, Y : out INTEGER) is
type BYTE is new INTEGER range 0 .. 255;
for BYTE'SIZE use 8;
package IN_IO is new SEQUENTIAL_IO (BYTE);
use IN_IO;
type DATA_TYPE is array (2 .. 9) of BYTE;
IN_IO.OPEN (HIL_FILE, IN_FILE, HIL_NAME); -- open the touchscreen
IN_IO.READ (HIL_FILE, COUNT); -- read the incoming record size
-- read the incoming record
for I in INTEGER range 2 .. BYTE'POS (COUNT) loop
end loop;
-- is this a fingerdown? overkill test.
if ((COUNT = 9) and (DATA (6) = 2#01000010#) and (DATA (9) = 142)) then
X := BYTE'POS (DATA (7)); -- pick out coordinates
Y := BYTE'POS (DATA (8));
IN_IO.CLOSE (HIL_FILE); -- close touchscreen to flush buffer
return; -- return to caller
end if;
end loop;
end READ;
It would be useful to know OS, version, compiler, window manager toolkit and version. For example I'm running Debian 10, and with Gnome 3 as my WM I can most easily access the mouse using the GTKAda toolkit. Last time I wrote code directly accessing a mouse was on DOS, in Modula-2.
However, GTKAda is not particularly easy to learn...
If you're willing to use a web browser as the GUI to your app (which also helps portability across systems ... you might even run the app on a PC but access it via a tablet or phone, giving you a touchscreen!) I recommend looking at Gnoga available from Take a look at some of its tutorials, they should be easy to build and get you started accessing mouse and simple drawing.
Having found the magic words (Centos, ncurses) in various comments (which you could usefully add to the question, in case there are better answers) what you are looking for is an Ada binding to ncurses such as this one. This binding is part of the official ncurses source since version 5.8 so should already be available on Centos.
It should then be a simple matter of writing a Read procedure which calls the ncurses mouse handling package, returning mouse position (scaled to an 8-bit Integer or Natural, and probably offset from the console window origin) whenever the LH button is pressed, otherwise presumably returning ... whatever an OUT parameter is initialised to, (presumably BYTE'FIRST)
Job done.
Now we can see the touch screen filename si part of the /dev/ hierarchy it may be even simpler to see if there is any mileage in finding documentation on /dev/mouse as #zerte suggests (or /dev/input/mouse[0|1] on my laptop) ... but I think ncurses will be less machine-dependent.
I have solved the problem using Ncurses. I downloaded the terminal-interface-curses and used the files to create the following procedure.
with Terminal_Interface.Curses;
use Terminal_Interface.Curses;
tmp2 : Event_Mask;
c : Key_Code;
firsttime : Bollean;
procedure READ (X1 : out Column_Position;
Y1 : Line_Position) is
tmp2 := Start_Mouse (All_Events);
c:= Character'Pos ('?');
Set_Raw_Mode (SwitchOn => True);
Set_KeyPad_Mode (SwitchOn => True);
firsttime := true;
if not firsttime then
if c = KeyMouse then
event : Mouse_Event;
Y : Line_Position;
X : Column_Position;
Button : Mouse_Button;
State : Mouse_State;
event := Get_Mouse;
Get_Event (event, Y, X, Button, State);
X1 := X;
Y1 := Y;
end if;
end if;
firsttime := False;
c := Get_Keystroke;
exit when c /= Key_None;
end loop;
end loop;
End_Mouse (tmp2);
end READ;
You can read the mouse by using the Linux input subsystem (as was suggested by #Zerte). See also this question on SO and some kernel documentation here and here. Reading the mouse' input doesn't seem hard (at least not on a Raspberry Pi 3 running Raspbian GNU/Linux 10). Of course, you still need to apply proper scaling and you need to figure out the device that exposes the mouse events (in my case: /dev/input/event0)
NOTE: You can find the number by inspecting the output of sudo dmesg | grep "input:". If a mouse (or other pointing device) is connected to inputX, then the events of this device will be exposed on eventX.
with Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Sequential_IO;
with Interfaces.C;
procedure Main is
package C renames Interfaces.C;
use type C.unsigned_short;
use type;
-- Input event codes (linux/input-event-codes.h)
EV_SYN : constant := 16#00#;
EV_KEY : constant := 16#01#;
EV_REL : constant := 16#02#;
EV_ABS : constant := 16#03#;
EV_MSC : constant := 16#04#;
BTN_MOUSE : constant := 16#110#;
BTN_LEFT : constant := 16#110#;
BTN_RIGHT : constant := 16#111#;
BTN_MIDDLE : constant := 16#112#;
REL_X : constant := 16#00#;
REL_Y : constant := 16#01#;
REL_WHEEL : constant := 16#08#;
-- Time value (sys/time.h)
subtype suseconds_t is C.long;
subtype time_t is C.long;
type timeval is record
tv_sec : time_t;
tv_usec : suseconds_t;
end record;
pragma Convention (C, timeval);
-- Input event struct (linux/input.h)
type input_event is record
time : timeval;
typ : C.unsigned_short;
code : C.unsigned_short;
value :;
end record;
pragma Convention (C, input_event);
-- ... and a package instantiation for sequential IO.
package Input_Event_IO is new Ada.Sequential_IO (input_event);
use Input_Event_IO;
File : File_Type;
Event : input_event;
-- Position of the mouse and wheel.
X, Y, W : := 0;
Open (File, In_File, "/dev/input/event0");
-- Infinite loop, use Ctrl-C to exit.
-- Wait for a new event.
Read (File, Event);
-- Process the event.
case Event.typ is
when EV_SYN =>
(X'Image & "," & Y'Image & " [" & W'Image & "]");
when EV_KEY =>
case Event.code is
when BTN_LEFT =>
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Left button.");
when BTN_MIDDLE =>
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Middle button.");
when BTN_RIGHT =>
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line ("Right button.");
when others =>
end case;
when EV_REL =>
case Event.code is
when REL_X =>
X := X + Event.value;
when REL_Y =>
Y := Y + Event.value;
when REL_WHEEL =>
W := W + Event.value;
when others =>
end case;
when EV_ABS =>
case Event.code is
when REL_X =>
X := Event.value;
when REL_Y =>
Y := Event.value;
when REL_WHEEL =>
W := Event.value;
when others =>
end case;
when others =>
end case;
end loop;
end Main;
output (running on a headless RPi 3)
pi#raspberrypi:~/mouse $ sudo obj/main
-85, 9 [-5]
-84, 9 [-5]
-83, 9 [-5]
Left button.
-83, 9 [-5]
Left button.
-83, 9 [-5]
Left button.
-83, 9 [-5]
Left button.
-83, 9 [-5]
Right button.
-83, 9 [-5]
Right button.
-83, 9 [-5]
Middle button.
-83, 9 [-5]
Middle button.
-83, 9 [-5]
-84, 9 [-5]
pi#raspberrypi:~/mouse $

How to wait 1 second using Structured Text?

I am currently writing a program that, when a variable reaches a certain point, a connected light will flash on and off every second. I know the light is properly hooked up, and I know that the program to alternate between on and off works, because it did it multiple times a second. I tried adding a wait timer to slow the flashing down.
Here is the chunk of code I am trying to add:
delay : TON;
Count : INT := 0;
delay(IN := TRUE, PT:= T#5S);
IF NOT (delay.Q) THEN
delay(IN := FALSE);
When I add it to my code, I get the error invalid time constant.
I'm not sure if it matters too much, but I am using Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Machine Expert to write and execute my code.
For those that wish to see the entire program, if it would help, here it is:
IF (change < 70) THEN
Light13 := FALSE;
IF (change >= 70) AND (change <= 90) THEN
Light13 := TRUE;
IF (change > 90) THEN
WHILE change > 90 DO
IF (index MOD 2 = 0) THEN
Light13 := TRUE;
IF (index MOD 2 <> 0) THEN
Light13 := FALSE;
delay(IN := TRUE, PT:= T#5s);
IF NOT (delay.Q) THEN
delay(IN := FALSE);
index := index + 1;
To avoid getting a repeat question to this question, Timers in PLC - Structured Text, I will again reiterate that I am getting an error using this method. Just wanted to clarify beforehand.
I am not at all set on using this way if there is a better option. Thanks for the help!
Schneider Electric's EcoStruxure Machine Expert is CoDeSys based. So you have a few options.
Use BLINK in Util library
Open library manager, search for BLINK and double click it. Now you have blink block available. Use it like this.
fbBlink: BLINK;
fbBlink(ENABLE := TRUE, TIMELOW := T#1s, TIMEHIGH := T#300ms, OUT => bSignal);
The advantage of this method that you can set a different times for LOW and HIGH states of your lite and use different signals. For instance, short blink once a 2 seconds error 1 and short blink every half second error 2.
Create your own BLINK function as it is suggested by #Filippo.
If you want to flash your light on and off each second you can use this code:
Declaration part:
tFlashTime : TIME;
bSignal : BOOL;
fbTonDelay : TON;
Implementation part:
fbTonDelay(IN := NOT fbTonDelay.q, PT:= tFlashTime);
IF fbTonDelay.Q
bSignal := NOT bSignal;
You can call it like this:
fbFlash(tFlashTime := T#1S, bSignal => bFlashLight);
Where bFlashLight is your hardware output.
Now if you want the light to flash when a special condition is fullfilled, you can do like this:
IF bSpecialCondition
fbFlash(tFlashTime := T#1S, bSignal => bFlashLight);
bFlashLight := FALSE;
Try to reach your goals with maximum simplicity and clarity.

AutoHotkey - Running Loop for a Limited Amount of Time

I'm trying to run my loop for two seconds. Within those two seconds, if I click left a message box gets activated, telling me that I've clicked left. If the 2 seconds are up another message box is supposed to appear, telling me that I've been waiting enough. However, after 2 seconds nothing happens ;(
start := A_TickCount
totalTime := stop - start
Loop {
stop := A_TickCount
if (totalTime > 2000)
MsgBox, enough waiting!
else if GetKeyState("LButton")
MsgBox, you clicked left
The variable "totalTime" has to be created within the loop, every time the loop stops:
start := A_TickCount
Loop {
stop := A_TickCount
totalTime := stop - start
if (totalTime > 2000)
MsgBox, enough waiting!
else if GetKeyState("LButton")
MsgBox, you clicked left

AHK script for a timed autofire function

Goal of the script: to continually press Numpad0 for 10 seconds each time hotkey is pressed.
Current code:
toggle = 0
#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2
Toggle := !Toggle
sleep 10000
Toggle := !Toggle
SetTimer, timerToggle, -1
While Toggle{
send {NumPad0}
sleep 100
At present, the script will run as intended, but only once. Attempting to run it again after the first time does nothing. What am I missing?
I would rather use SetTimers instead of a 10 sec. long while like so
Send {Numpad0}
SetTimer, start, 100
SetTimer, stop, -10000
Send {Numpad0}
SetTimer, start, off
Your script likely doesn't toggle your variable correctly. Here is a cleaner version of what you are trying to do which uses A_TickCount:
F12::SetTimer, HoldNumPad, -1
kDown := A_TickCount
While ((A_TickCount - kDown) < 10000)
Send {Numpad0}
Sleep 100
Note that pressing F12 while the label is running will not have any affect.
EDIT: Made SetTimer use -1 period to run only once, thanks to MCL.
