Angular Material md-datepicker open in full screen with white background - angularjs

IĀ“m working with md-datepicker. In some screen resolutions (or if I do a zoom out in the browser), the calendar open in Full Screen Size and all the background is White. Also, the bar that shows the days, is hidden.
I attach an Image for reference. How can i debug for find the reason of that behavior? I have been modifying some styles, and using diferent containersĀ“ options, but without success. Thanks in advance for your help and ideas!

This was a bug in 1.1.0. Version 1.1.1 fixes it.
Workaround is setting overflow:hidden; on the md-datepicker-input-mask class


Angular Material input style and animation issue

Please checkout the images below.
This is showing the right animations and styles of input with red underlined border.
But most of the times this stying is not being rendered and also the placeholder does not hide when entering an input. To see the behavior check this image.
you can see this live here at
The site is being developed in Angular material
I am unable to figure out the possible cause of this behavior.
It's not an angular issue. I get a 500 server error for, so the side stops rendering and produces the second image.

Gravity Forms Google Nocaptcha Recaptcha image picker wider than mobile screen

I'm having an issue with Gravity forms' Google noCaptcha reCaptcha (Wordpress Plugin). The pop-up image picker (after you check the box it pops up) is going off of the screen in a mobile size window. It's the only element that does that, so I'm lead to believe that it's not an issue with my styling. Has this ever happened to anyone before? I've tried researching it but the only thing I can find is talking about the "I'm Not a Robot" box not being responsive, which is NOT my issue here.
Here's an image of the site before the box is checked:
And here is an image of after it's checked:
Thanks in advance!
You can fix that issue with css. Kindly read this

Changing images for angular UI DatePicker control

I am using UI Bootstrap for just datepicker control.
By default when we mouse hover inside textbox, it shows up 3 images (close button, up down spinner, button)
I want to remove the first 2 images and change the last one to some other image.
I went through jS code but could not find any code for that.
Anyone who has similar requirement or knows about the code, please help.
Thanks in advance.

My page content is not centered in IE7. Why?

I coded and integrated a website into Wordpress, but for some reason it looks awful in Internet Explorer 7.
The content is not centered. Is there any hack for this?
All the other browsers seem to be working fine...
This is my website:
If you are using the auto margin method to center the content, try to set the text alingment of the parent element to centered. This should fix the problem.

How to remove outer border from Silverlight AccentColor theme?

I'm playing with the Silverlight AccentColor theme.
Downloadable here:
Demo page here:
When I use the theme in a new project, there is a small grey border around the edge of the entire page. It is not there on the demo site.
Can anyone tell me what is causing the border so I can remove it and have my app look like the demo site?
I have no idea why there is a grey border there... I also tried Chrome n FireFox they don't have the border as in IE9.
However, if you deploy the website project you will notice the grey border is gone. So probably you don't really need to worry about it. :)
