Qicli not starting on Naoqi SDK - nao-robot

I tried to use qicli provided in the Naoqi SDK on MacOS (10.12) but it doesn't start:
dyld: Library not loaded: libboost_date_time.dylib
Referenced from: ..../naoqi-sdk-
Reason: image not found
Abort trap: 6
Anyone knows how to solve this issue?

There are apparently some broken dependencies in the SDK's binaries.
Would you mind having a go at the script here on pastebin? It should fix the dependencies issue for the 2.4.3 SDK. You need to be either on El Capitan or Sierra, with either Xcode7 or Xcode8 installed.
The steps:
run the fix_naoqi.sh script, giving it the full path to naoqi-bin
(e.g. /bin/naoqi-bin)
install opencv using: brew install homebrew/science/opencv
try now
if any problem (you may have if you already installed another NAOqi SDK): export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=""

On Mac OS X, the rlink of NAOqi binaries is not performed properly, so you need to specify manually the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH and DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH accordingly to your installation directory when running a binary:
DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=<installation_directory>/lib DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH=<installation_directory> <installation_directory>/bin/qicli


ESP-IDF: idf.py build fails with cmake error (unknown cmake command idf_component_register)

idf.py build consistently fails on my windows install of esp-idf, I installed it using the tools provided in espressif's documentation, here are the logs:
I tried reinstalling to no avail. Other than that I don't know what to do exactly since it always just worked when I used it on linux
As you are use old SDK version please re-clone new sdk and compile it will work fine.
I suggest you to use V4.4 as this sdk is more stable then V5

Homebrew Mac M1 can't find installs

I just switched to a M1 MacBook Air and I'm having trouble with Homebrew. The installation went fine I think, and then I added it to my path with the given commands:
Run these two commands in your terminal to add Homebrew to your PATH:
echo 'eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"' >> /Users/xxx/.zprofile
eval "$(/opt/homebrew/bin/brew shellenv)"
I also did brew install cunit and then when I typed brew list CUnit was listed there so I'm assuming the brew install of cunit worked.
But when I run my C test code this is what I get:
test/test.c:3:10: fatal error: 'CUnit/Basic.h' file not found
#include <CUnit/Basic.h>
1 error generated.
make: *** [test_compile] Error 1
I have been sitting with this for three days, called Apple support, searched every page related to this and still can't find a solution that works.
Has anyone had the same problem? PLEASE help
Homebrew installs into /opt/homebrew by default on M1 Macs, and no longer links into /usr/local by default (to prevent clashes with Rosetta library installs). This means that include files and libraries can't be found without explicitly telling the compiler/linker where your Homebrew packages are installed.
The easiest way of doing this is by setting the CPATH environmental variable before compiling:
export CPATH=/opt/homebrew/include
Add the above line to your shell profile (.zprofile for zsh, or .bash_profile for bash) and it will be used in all future compilations.
For dependencies which also require shared libraries, you will need to also signpost the location of Homebrew's new lib path:
export LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/homebrew/lib

Installing Kaldi on MacOS Catalina -- error with zlib

I am trying to work with the DiscVoice Library which requires the Kaldi Library. In order to install Kaldi, I needed to run extras/check_dependencies.sh to check the dependencies of the program, and I am currently getting:
extras/check_dependencies.sh: zlib is not installed.
extras/check_dependencies.sh: The following prerequisites are missing; install them first:
I have been trying to install the zlib library, and have been unsuccessful. I have tried brew install zlib, which runs successfully but when I run the extras/check_dependencies.sh the output is not changed to reflect that.
I am working on macOS Catalina.
zlib is already there in macOS. You don't need to install it.
You might want to examine extras/check_dependencies.sh to see how it is looking for zlib. macOS does not store its headers files or library files in the usual locations.

using 'brew install avr-libc' command on Mac produces error 'no formulae found in taps'

I am running MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.1. I am attempting to install the avr embedded development environment.
The command 'brew tap osx-cross/avr' works correctly however when the command 'brew install avr-libc' is used the following error is produced error
This produces a problem as files in c cannot be compiled due to avr-gcc being unavailable.
Any help and advice would be appreciated.
as #nos said, you need to run brew install avr-gcc.
More info here: https://github.com/osx-cross/homebrew-avr#installing-homebrew-avr-formulae
This worked for me: brew tap osx-cross/avr && brew install avr-gcc
Needed to expand brew's options of available software, as well as reference the updated avr-gcc instead of avr-libc.

libavdevice.dylib is the wrong version, how do I update it?

I am running osx 10.9 mavericks and unfortunately DaVinci Resolve no longer works. I think it has a possibility of working as the error message I get is this:
Dyld Error Message:
Library not loaded: #executable_path/../Libraries/libavdevice.dylib
Referenced from: /Applications/DaVinci Resolve.app/Contents/MacOS/Resolve
Reason: Incompatible library version: Resolve requires version 54.0.0 or later, but libavdevice.dylib provides version 52.0.0
I tried downloading ffmpeg and replacing the dylib but that didn't work. Anybody know how to update it?
I suggest using a package management tool Homebrew or MacPorts. My preference is Homebrew.
Alternatively you could install ffmpeg from source and get all the associated libav libraries
