OpenCV using cvImageCreate() with grayscale image fails, and resizing usually fails - c

I have such code that is loading grayscale image from buffer 1byte, 8bits bitmap. Then it resizes this image.
int resizeBitmap(const unsigned char *inData, const size_t inDataLength, const size_t inWidth, const size_t inHeight,
const int bitDepth, const int noOfChannels, unsigned char **outData, size_t *outDataLength, const size_t outWidth, const size_t outHeight) {
// create input image
IplImage *inImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(inWidth, inHeight), bitDepth, noOfChannels);
cvSetData(inImage, inData, inImage->widthStep);
// show input image
cvNamedWindow("OpenCV Input Image", CV_WINDOW_FREERATIO);
cvShowImage("OpenCV Input Image", inImage);
cvDestroyWindow("OpenCV Input Image");
/* */
// create output image
IplImage *outImage = cvCreateImage(cvSize(outWidth, outHeight), inImage->depth, inImage->nChannels);
// select interpolation type
double scaleFactor = (((double) outWidth)/inWidth + ((double) outHeight)/inHeight)/2;
int interpolation = (scaleFactor > 1.0) ? CV_INTER_LINEAR : CV_INTER_AREA;
// resize from input image to output image
cvResize(inImage, outImage, interpolation);
/* // show output image
cvNamedWindow("OpenCV Output Image", CV_WINDOW_FREERATIO);
cvShowImage("OpenCV Output Image", outImage);
cvDestroyWindow("OpenCV Output Image");
// get raw data from output image
int step = 0;
CvSize size;
cvGetRawData(outImage, outData, &step, &size);
*outDataLength = step*size.height;
return 0;
I am using here bitDepth = 8 and noOfChannels = 1.
Loaded image is:
and the output is:
this output is not always written as program usually fails with error:
OpenCV Error: Bad number of channels (Source image must have 1, 3 or 4 channels) in cvConvertImage, file /tmp/opencv-20160915-26910-go28a5/opencv-2.4.13/modules/highgui/src/utils.cpp, line 611
libc++abi.dylib: terminating with uncaught exception of type cv::Exception: /tmp/opencv-20160915-26910-go28a5/opencv-2.4.13/modules/highgui/src/utils.cpp:611: error: (-15) Source image must have 1, 3 or 4 channels in function cvConvertImage
I am attaching debugger output as there is interesting situation as I am passing grayscale buffer of size 528480 which equals 1 byte * 1101 *480, but after cvCreateImage there is inside imageSize 529920 and widthStep is 1104! Maybe here is the problem with this image, but why it is ?

This issue is related to widthstep and width of IplImage. Opencv pads the image to have a widthstep of multiple of 4 bytes. Here opencv is using width of 1101 and widthstep of 1104. But data when written from bitmap to IplImage, few extra pixels get written per row(note the diagonal line from top-left to bottom-right).
Note, that the image is not tilted. It's just that every next row is shifted a little to left(by 3 pixels), thus giving the idea of shearing transformation.
It could also be possible that you are giving a smaller width than what Bitmap holds.
See docs here and search for padding. You can try copying all column data row-wise.
Why crash: Sometimes opencv will end up reading beyond Bitmap buffer and may hit untouchable memory addresses, causing exception.
Note: Bitmap probably also has padding from which you received the black diagonal line.

Based on answer saurabheights I have wrote procedure to make padding of each bitmap row to any given multiplicity of bytes in the row.
int padBitmap(const unsigned char *data, const size_t dataLength, const size_t width, const size_t height,
const int bitDepth, const int noOfChannels, unsigned char **paddedData, size_t *paddedDataLength, const size_t row_multiple) {
size_t row_length = (width*noOfChannels*bitDepth)/CHAR_BIT;
size_t row_padding_size = row_multiple - row_length % row_multiple;
if(row_padding_size == 0) return 0;
size_t new_row_length = row_length + row_padding_size;
size_t newDataLength = height * new_row_length;
unsigned char *newData = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char) *newDataLength);
unsigned char padding[3] = {0, 0, 0};
for(int i=0; i<height; i++) {
memcpy(newData + i*new_row_length, data + i*row_length, row_length);
memcpy(newData + i*new_row_length + row_length, padding, row_padding_size);
*paddedData = newData;
*paddedDataLength = newDataLength;
return row_padding_size;
Now before passing bitmap to resizeBitmap(), I am doing this padding:
unsigned char *paddedData = 0;
size_t paddedDataLength = 0;
int padding = padBitmap(gData, gDataLength, width, height, PNG_BIT_DEPTH_8, GRAYSCALE_COMPONENTS_PER_PIXEL, &paddedData, &paddedDataLength, 4);
width += padding;
And I am using as bitmap paddedData. It seems to work correctly


How to merge/feed two uint8_t buffers?

Hey sorry for this novice question but I think im just missing something obvious... Would be very happy with the some guidance on this:
Inline docu of esp_camera.h:
* #brief Data structure of camera frame buffer
typedef struct {
uint8_t * buf; /*!< Pointer to the pixel data */
size_t len; /*!< Length of the buffer in bytes */
size_t width; /*!< Width of the buffer in pixels */
size_t height; /*!< Height of the buffer in pixels */
pixformat_t format; /*!< Format of the pixel data */
} camera_fb_t;
plus extract of demo code:
from esp32 code:
//replace this with your own function
display_image(fb->width, fb->height, fb->pixformat, fb->buf, fb->len);
code getting framebuffer
camera_fb_t * fb = NULL;
esp_err_t res = ESP_OK;
fb = esp_camera_fb_get(); // framebuffer in grayscale
and feed fb buffer into imagebuffer
int w, h;
int i, count;
uint8_t *imagebuffer = quirc_begin(qr, &w, &h);
//Feed 'fb' into 'imagebuffer' somehow?
// ----- DUMMY CODE?! not the proper way? ----
imagebuffer = fb->buf; //fb's own buf field, holding the pixel data
//Comment from quirc below:
/* Fill out the image buffer here.
* 'imagebuffer' is a pointer to a w*h bytes.
* One byte per pixel, w pixels per line, h lines in the buffer.
Inline comment docu of quirc below:
/* These functions are used to process images for QR-code recognition.
* quirc_begin() must first be called to obtain access to a buffer into
* which the input image should be placed. Optionally, the current
* width and height may be returned.
* After filling the buffer, quirc_end() should be called to process
* the image for QR-code recognition. The locations and content of each
* code may be obtained using accessor functions described below.
uint8_t *quirc_begin(struct quirc *q, int *w, int *h);
void quirc_end(struct quirc *q);
I've looked through the code, source files etc, but as i'm a novice ive no clue how to merge or feed the one into the other.
Could anyone point me into the right direction here? Am not dirty of looking through heaps of code but my inexperience with C is the issue here :S Thanks!
Author of the library was kind enough to explain it,
posting the code answer here as it may help others:
int w, h;
int i, count;
uint8_t *buff = quirc_begin(qr, &w, &h);
int total_pixels = w * h;
for (int i = 0; i < total_pixels; i++) {
// grab a pixel from your source image at element i
// convert it somehow, then store it
buff[i] = fb->buf[i]; //?
count = quirc_count(qr);
Serial.println("count found codes:");
github issue with lib author's explaination

Determine if a message is too long to embed in an image

I created a program that embeds a message in a PPM file by messing with the last bit in each byte in the file. The problem I have right now is that I don't know if I am checking if a message is too long or not correctly. Here's what I've got so far:
int hide_message(const char *input_file_name, const char *message, const char *output_file_name)
unsigned char * data;
int n;
int width;
int height;
int max_color;
//n = 3 * width * height;
int code = load_ppm_image(input_file_name, &data, &n, &width, &height, &max_color);
if (code)
// return the appropriate error message if the image doesn't load correctly
return code;
int len_message;
int count = 0;
unsigned char letter;
// get the length of the message to be hidden
len_message = (int)strlen(message);
if (len_message > n/3)
fprintf(stderr, "The message is longer than the image can support\n");
return 4;
for(int j = 0; j < len_message; j++)
letter = message[j];
int mask = 0x80;
// loop through each byte
for(int k = 0; k < 8; k++)
if((letter & mask) == 0)
//set right most bit to 0
data[count] = 0xfe & data[count];
//set right most bit to 1
data[count] = 0x01 | data[count];
// shift the mask
mask = mask>>1 ;
// create the null character at the end of the message (00000000)
for(int b = 0; b < 8; b++){
data[count] = 0xfe & data[count];
// write a new image file with the message hidden in it
int code2 = write_ppm_image(output_file_name, data, n, width, height, max_color);
if (code2)
// return the appropriate error message if the image doesn't load correctly
return code2;
return 0;
So I'm checking to see if the length of the message (len_message) is longer that n/3, which is the same thing as width*height. Does that seem correct?
The check you're currently doing is checking whether the message has more bytes than the image has pixels. Because you're only using 1 bit per pixel to encode the message, you need to check if the message has more bits than the message has pixels.
So you need to do this:
if (len_message*8 > n/3)
In addition to #dbush's remarks about checking the number of bits in your message, you appear not to be accounting for all the bytes available to you in the image. Normal ("raw", P6-format) PPM images use three color samples per pixel, at either 8 or 16 bits per sample. Thus, the image contains at least 3 * width * height bytes of color data, and maybe as many as 6 * width * height.
On the other hand, the point of steganophraphy is to make the presence of a hidden message difficult to detect. In service to that objective, if you have a PPM with 16 bits per sample then you probably want to avoid modifying the more-significant bytes of the samples. Or if you don't care about that, then you might as well use the whole low-order byte of each sample in that case.
Additionally, PPM files record the maximum possible value of any sample, which does not need to be the same as the maximum value of the underlying type. It is possible for your technique to change the actual maximum value to be greater than the recorded maximum, and if you do not then change the maximum-value field as well then the inconsistency could be a tip-off that the file has been tampered with.
Furthermore, raw PPM format affords the possibility of multiple images of the same size in one file. The file header does not express how many there are, so you have to look at the file size to tell. You can use the bytes of every image in the file to hide your message.

Finding xy position of a bitmap

I wrote a function in order to get the position of the requested pixel position (x250 y230 - central of the entire picture - x500 y460). The problem is that the function returns the position with 17 pixels difference more on up and 12 pixels difference more on right. What am i missing.. the padd? How can i use this function properly?
size_t find (FILE* fp, dword xp, dword yp)
int i;
int pointer = (sizeof(DIB)+sizeof(BMP)+2)+(250*3);
for(i=0; i<460; i++)
fseek(fp, pointer+(i*pointer), SEEK_SET);
return ftell(fp);
As I said in my comments, you are indeed missing the padding, but not only that.
A bitmap file is composed of multi parts: Headers, a color map, and a Pixel map (mainly).
From what I understand of your question, you need your function to return the offset address in the file fp (considered to be a bitmap file) of the pixel that would be at position xp ; yp. To do that you need at least three things:
The offset of the pixel map's begginning : you will find it by reading the last 4 bytes (a dword) of the Bitmap file header, you can get it by reading at offset 10 in your file.
The pixel-per-row (or image width) number : you will find it in the BITMAPINFOHEADER
The bit-per-pixel number : you will find it in the BITMAPINFOHEADER
When you have this, the address of your pixel in the file is :
rowSizeInBytes = (((bitPerPixel * imageWidth + 31) * 4) / 32);
pixAddress = pixelMapStartAddress + rowSizeInBytes * yp + ((xp * bitPerPixel) / 8);

How to apply line segment detector (LSD) on a video , frame by frame?

int main()
image_double image;
ntuple_list out;
unsigned int xsize,ysize,depth;
int x,y,i,j,width,height,step;
uchar *p;
IplImage* img = 0;
IplImage* dst = 0;
img = cvLoadImage("D:\\Ahram.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
width = img->width;
height = img->height;
/* call LSD */
out = lsd(dst);
/* print output */
printf("%u line segments found:\n",out->size);
printf("%f ",out->values[ i * out->dim + j ]);
/* free memory */
return 0;
N.B:it has no errors but when i run it gives out an LSD internal error:invalid image input
Start by researching how PGM is structured:
Each PGM image consists of the following:
1. A "magic number" for identifying the file type.
A pgm image's magic number is the two characters "P5".
2. Whitespace (blanks, TABs, CRs, LFs).
3. A width, formatted as ASCII characters in decimal.
4. Whitespace.
5. A height, again in ASCII decimal.
6. Whitespace.
7. The maximum gray value (Maxval), again in ASCII decimal.
Must be less than 65536, and more than zero.
8. A single whitespace character (usually a newline).
9. A raster of Height rows, in order from top to bottom.
Each row consists of Width gray values, in order from left to right.
Each gray value is a number from 0 through Maxval, with 0 being black
and Maxval being white. Each gray value is represented in pure binary
by either 1 or 2 bytes. If the Maxval is less than 256, it is 1 byte.
Otherwise, it is 2 bytes. The most significant byte is first.
For PGM type P2, pixels are readable (ASCII) on the file, but for P5 they won't be because they will be stored in binary format.
One important thing you should know, is that this format takes only 1 channel per pixel. This means PGM can only store GREY scaled images. Remember this!
Now, if you're using OpenCV to load images from a file, you should load them using CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE:
IplImage* cv_img = cvLoadImage("chairs.png", CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
std::cout << "ERROR: cvLoadImage failed" << std::endl;
return -1;
But if you use any other flag on this function or if you create an image with cvCreateImage(), or if you're capturing frames from a camera or something like that, you'll need to convert each frame to its grayscale representation using cvCvtColor().
I downloaded lsd-1.5 and noticed that there is an example there that shows how to use the library. One of the source code files, named lsd_cmd.c, manually reads a PGM file and assembles an image_double with it. The function that does this trick is read_pgm_image_double(), and it reads the pixels from a PGM file and stores them inside image->data. This is important because if the following does not work, you'll have to iterate on the pixels of IplImage and do this yourself.
After successfully loading a gray scaled image into IplImage* cv_img, you can try to create the structure you need with:
image_double image = new_image_double(cv_img->width, cv_img->height);
image->data = (double) cv_img->imageData;
In case this doesn't work, you'll need to check the file I suggested above and iterate through the pixels of cv_img->imageData and copy them one by one (doing the proper type conversion) to image->data.
At the end, don't forget to free this resource when you're done using it:
This question helped me some time ago. You probably solved it already so sorry for the delay but i'm sharing now the answer.
I'm using lsd 1.6 and the lsd interface is a little different from the one you are using (they changed the lsd function interface from 1.5 to 1.6).
CvCapture* capture;
capture = cvCreateCameraCapture (0);
assert( capture != NULL );
//get capture properties
int width = cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH);
int height = cvGetCaptureProperty(capture, CV_CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT);
//create OpenCV image structs
IplImage *frame;
IplImage *frameBW = cvCreateImage( cvSize( width, height ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
//create LSD image type
double *image;
image = (double *) malloc( width * height * sizeof(double) );
while (1) {
frame = cvQueryFrame( capture );
if( !frame ) break;
//convert to grayscale
cvCvtColor( frame , frameBW, CV_RGB2GRAY);
//cast into LSD image type
uchar *data = (uchar *)frameBW->imageData;
for (i=0;i<width;i++){
image[ i + j * width ] = data[ i + j * width];
//run LSD
double *list;
int n;
list = lsd( &n, image, width, height );
//draw segments on frame
for (int j=0; j<n ; j++){
//define segment end-points
CvPoint pt1 = cvPoint(list[ 0 + j * 7 ],list[ 1 + j * 7 ]);
CvPoint pt2 = cvPoint(list[ 2 + j * 7 ],list[ 3 + j * 7 ]);
// draw line segment on frame
cvShowImage("FRAME WITH LSD",frame);
//free memory
free( (void *) list );
char c = cvWaitKey(1);
if( c == 27 ) break; // ESC QUITS
//free memory
free( (void *) image );
cvReleaseImage( &frame );
cvReleaseImage( &frameBW );
cvDestroyWindow( "FRAME WITH LSD");
Hope this helps you or someone in the future! LSD works really great.

How to get the uncompressed size of an LZMA2 file (.xz / liblzma)

I'm looking for a way to get the uncompressed stream size of an LZMA2 / .xz file compressed with the xz utility.
I'm using liblzma from Windows/Linux for this task, so I guess I'm looking for some C/C++ API in liblzma that will do the trick.
I think I've found a solution.
This is a very crude code sample, but seems to work fine.
I'm assuming I have a do_mmap() function that maps the entire file as read-only into memory, and returns the total size mapped.
This can naturally be adapted to use read/fread/ReadFile or any other File API.
extern size_t get_uncompressed_size(const char *filename)
lzma_stream_flags stream_flags;
int file_size;
const uint8_t *data = (uint8_t *) do_mmap(filename, &file_size);
// 12 is the size of the footer per the file-spec...
const uint8_t *footer_ptr = data + file_size - 12;
// Something is terribly wrong
if (footer_ptr < data) {
do_unmap((void *)data, file_size);
return -1;
// Decode the footer, so we have the backward_size pointing to the index
lzma_stream_footer_decode(&stream_flags, (const uint8_t *)footer_ptr);
// This is the index pointer, where the size is ultimately stored...
const uint8_t *index_ptr = footer_ptr - stream_flags.backward_size;
// Allocate an index
lzma_index *index = lzma_index_init(NULL);
uint64_t memlimit;
size_t in_pos = 0;
// decode the index we calculated
lzma_index_buffer_decode(&index, &memlimit, NULL, index_ptr, &in_pos, footer_ptr - index_ptr);
// Just make sure the whole index was decoded, otherwise, we might be
// dealing with something utterly corrupt
if (in_pos != stream_flags.backward_size) {
do_unmap((void *)data, file_size);
lzma_index_end(index, NULL);
return -1;
// Finally get the size
lzma_vli uSize = lzma_index_uncompressed_size(index);
lzma_index_end(index, NULL);
return (size_t) uSize;
Having downloaded the source from sourceforge and had a look here, I quoted this from the main header file LzmaLib.h
dest - output data
destLen - output data size
src - input data
srcLen - input data size
destLen - processed output size
srcLen - processed input size
SZ_ERROR_DATA - Data error
SZ_ERROR_MEM - Memory allocation arror
SZ_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED - Unsupported properties
SZ_ERROR_INPUT_EOF - it needs more bytes in input buffer (src)
MY_STDAPI LzmaUncompress(unsigned char *dest, size_t *destLen, const unsigned char *src, SizeT *srcLen,
const unsigned char *props, size_t propsSize);
It looks that destLen is the size of the data that is uncompressed.
