Can I Automate a Task in Sketch? - sketchapp

I'm trying to create an agenda on Sketch (don't ask me why I chose Sketch) and I really don't want to enter each in date for each page of the agenda. Is there an automated way to do this so that the date is updated for each new artboard (page)?

Short answer, no.
The easiest way, and still a little complicated, is to use symbols for the dates of the agenda. Then you can go by hand and add/remove dates as needed in the symbol inspector view of the base art board you're using it in.
This is advanced nesting of symbols as such, so you may want to brush up on this if you're not too familiar.


Drawing app - the easiest design

Well, I'm a newbie. I'd like to write an app in WPF. The main purpouse will be in drawing predefined elements/objects. Input from user is mostly realized by text boxes - numbers. But I'd like to add some kind of user input into drawing itself too + zooming and moving. Next functionality will be in saving the draw for later loading and another editing (printing maybe, but it's far far away).
I can imagine something like this:
due to some user interaction I'd prefere to use of InkCanvas
i want to define my own elements/objects with some properties. But where it will be define? Some external file maybe?
the save file will be composed of XAML code only
I will study this more lately, but I want to know if my thoughts are in the right way.
Are these points correct, or completely bullshit? :)
Thanks, and sorry for English...
I don't know if this is exactly what are you looking for, but here a little list of advice to help you on reaching your goal:
First of all, if you are crating an application, you should see this before. It explain the Model-View-ViewModel pattern, which is essential when you are creating something on WPF. This can help you abount your 2nd point.
Regarding your save file, i don't know exactly what you have in mind, but it depends on what do you want to save exactly. If you want, InkCanvas have the option to export directly the work in a bitmap . If you need to store some setting, depending on your need you can work with Settings or Resources
InkCanvas seems the appropriate tool for your need. Of course you will have to build your app around this control

OpenSeadragon change images in a collection on the fly

I have a serie of DZI images (a scanned book) that I want to display in OpenSeadragon. If I use the collectionMode, I can set up OpenSeadragon to display two images on one page. But can I dynamically changes those images into other images?
My goal is to display page even and page odd, two at a time, but use their sequence mode to so to speak turn the pages in the book.
If anyone knows about other projects with a comparable aim, I would also appreciate a nudge in here (It seems to me to be quite an obvious need, but I haven't found any projects working on it yet)?
This is exactly the sort of scenario that is meant to address. It's a big project, though, so it may not be usable for a couple months yet. If you're interested in helping to make it happen, we'd love to have the help! Otherwise, you can subscribe to that issue to keep abreast of the progress.
Since I wrote my previous answer, another possibility has shown up. Seajax, a sibling to OpenSeadragon in the Seadragon family tree, has just been released:
It already supports custom arrangements of multiple images (though it doesn't yet have much touch support).

how to create a customized drilldown report

I currently have this awesome drill down::
what i would like to do is this:::
another words, instead of having a separate field (per se), i would like the section of text all the way on the right to be embedded together with the stuff all the way on the left.
i would like it to also be expandable.
is this possible?
if not, what is a workout around, or at least a solution that is similar?
it might be helpful to show you the report in design mode:
I don't believe merging will work for you in the detail but this would be ideal. However as a workaround and forgive me as I haven't got report builder with me but if you follow a few steps:
Expand the row for clarity and drop a tablix into it.
Be sure to set the correct filters in the sub tablix.
Add a group that has the name as the main and the comments as the detail.
Have the name be the toggle for the detail.
And for visuals be sure to remove all borders and create the background the same colour.
Sorry if the detail is a little off, I can't test this out, but I hope I get you going.

Experiences with Xaml Styler?

I just found Xaml Styler and I'd like to give it a try. Can anyone share some experiences with this tool? Is it worth the try? Are there any drawbacks when using it in large teams?
I'm using it daily, and it's quite awesome. It's more than definitively worth a try, and I don't see any drawbacks.
Just make sure that everybody have the same settings, if you choose to divert from the default ones.
I absolutely love the XAML Styler. Though source control issues do happen. If you beautify a XAML document that can mean 1800 lines change if it was really ugly when you did it. If members of your team also have it checked out then they have to resolve 1800 lines of changes. So I recommend you be careful about when and which files you do this with in a team environment.
Trick: It beautifies the XAML page when that is the current tab and you hit [SAVE].
If you don't want the page beautified, then switch to a different tab and choose [SAVE ALL].
This is what I do when other team members have the same document checked out. If I'm the only one, then I do a normal save to make it nice, then check it in ASAP.
After using this tool for some time, I have to say that I don't recommend it because:
Attribute Definition Order Matters, and therefore the behavior might be altered when a XAML page is "beautified". The tool does not offer a setting to exclude attribute sorting. Here's more information on this problem: Silverlight XAML Attribute Definition Order Matters
Source control conflicts are actually a pain and there's no way to "force" the team members to use the tool. It would be nice for example, that the XAML files where styled when saving the file.
Hope it helps someone!
I started using this tool recently-- and I'm a big fan-- but one thing was really annoying me: it automatically formats everything whenever you hit save. I like using the green edit markup next to the line numbers in VS to keep track of where I am in big files. Whenever I hit save, it turns the whole file green.
So protip, if you turn off "Format XAML on save" in Tools>Options>XAML Styler, you can just right click on a file and hit format when you don't need your edit markup anymore.

Creating a Silverlight, drag & drag enabled query builder

what would be the best components to create a query builder? I imagine I'll need some sort of grid control. 30x30 cells perhaps. I would also love to have a snap-to-grid functionality as well. I'll be parsing the contents of the grid to create the queries so if I can iterate through the cells it would be a great help to. I'd be more than happy to post a sample project for anyone else to use if you all could help me with the base requirements. Thanks!
If you are already using the Telerik components for Silverlight, what about the RadExpressionEditor or RadDataFilter don't fit the requirements for what you're looking to do? Just curious as they are meant to handle this type of scenario.
ExpressionEditor allows for typing, which may not be the ideal if you're looking for a less error-prone scenario (aka, you don't trust users to write queries):
Otherwise DataFilter lets users select options based on the items and their respective types found in your collection, so it is much harder for a difficult user to break ;D :
Is neither of those fit the bill, can you post more info in regards to your scenario/what you're looking to accomplish (and why you're looking at a 30x30 grid setup for the basis) and we might be able to brainstorm something good up. :)
