Equivalence between Subscript Notation and Pointer Dereferencing - c

It is more than one questions. I need to deal with an NxN matrix A of integers in C. How can I allocate the memory in the heap? Is this correct?
int **A=malloc(N*sizeof(int*));
for(int i=0;i<N;i++) *(A+i)= malloc(N*sizeof(int));
I am not absolutely sure if the second line of the above code should be there to initiate the memory.
Next, suppose I want to access the element A[i, j] where i and j are the row and column indices starting from zero. It it possible to do it via dereferencing the pointer **A somehow? For example, something like (A+ni+j)? I know I have some conceptual gap here and some help will be appreciated.

not absolutely sure if the second line of the above code should be there to initiate the memory.
It needs to be there, as it actually allocates the space for the N rows carrying the N ints each you needs.
The 1st allocation only allocates the row-indexing pointers.
to access the element A[i, j] where i and j are the row and column indices starting from zero. It it possible to do it via dereferencing the pointer **
Sure, just do
to access the element the 2nd element of the 2nd row.
This is identical to
*(*(A + 1) + 1)
Unrelated to you question:
Although the code you show is correct, a more robust way to code this would be:
int ** A = malloc(N * sizeof *A);
for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
A[i] = malloc(N * sizeof *A[i]);
size_t is the type of choice for indexing, as it guaranteed to be large enough to hold any index value possible for the system the code is compiled for.
Also you want to add error checking to the two calls of malloc(), as it might return NULL in case of failure to allocate the amount of memory requested.

The declaration is correct, but the matrix won't occupy continuous memory space. It is array of pointers, where each pointer can point to whatever location, that was returned by malloc. For that reason addressing like (A+ni+j) does not make sense.
Assuming that compiler has support for VLA (which became optional in C11), the idiomatic way to define continuous matrix would be:
int (*matrixA)[N] = malloc(N * sizeof *matrixA);
In general, the syntax of matrix with N rows and M columns is as follows:
int (*matrix)[M] = malloc(N * sizeof *matrixA);
Notice that both M and N does not have to be given as constant expressions (thanks to VLA pointers). That is, they can be ordinary (e.g. automatic) variables.
Then, to access elements, you can use ordinary indice syntax like:
matrixA[0][0] = 100;
Finally, to relase memory for such matrices use single free, e.g.:

You need to understand that 2D and higher arrays do not work well in C 89. Beginner books usually introduce 2D arrays in a very early chapter, just after 1D arrays, which leads people to assume that the natural way to represent 2-dimensional data is via a 2D array. In fact they have many tricky characteristics and should be considered an advanced feature.
If you don't know array dimensions at compile time, or if the array is large, it's almost always easier to allocate a 1D array and access via the logic
so in your case, just call
int *A;
A = malloc(N * N * sizeof(int))
A[3*N+2] = 123; // set element A[3][2] to 123, but you can't use this syntax
It's important to note that the suggestion to use a flat array is just a suggestion, not everyone will agree with it, and 2D array handling is better in later versions of C. However I think you'll find that this method works best.


Allocating 2D array of dimensions read from file

I would like to read 2 numbers n,m from text file and then allocate a 2D array with n rows and m columns.
Also, I would like to initialise the array in my main function in order to use it later in other functions, and do the reading and allocating in a different function, which I will call from the main function.
I know how to handle the reading, but I'm struggling with the array allocation.
I've read quite a few answer to similar questions here, but they didn't help me.
I've wrote the following code, but not sure how to continue with it to get the desired result:
void func(int** array, int* rows, int* cols){
int n, m;
FILE *file;
fp = fopen("test.txt", "r");
if (file) {
/* reading numbers n and m */
*rows = n;
*cols = m;
**array = (int*)malloc(n * m * sizeof(int));
int main() {
int rows, cols;
int** array;
func(&array, &rows, &cols);
return 0;
I thought perhaps I should first allocate a 2D array with calloc and then use realloc after reading n,m, but not sure if that's the best practise.
What is the best practise to allocate a 2D array based on dimensions I read from text file?
First the biggest goofs here:
Your function doesn't have any types in the function signature -- this should be rejected by the compiler
a 2D array is not the same as an array of pointers
what should && mean? & is the address of something, its result can't have an address because it isn't stored anywhere, so this doesn't make sense
If you want to dynamically allocate a real 2D array, you need to either have the second dimension fixed or use VLAs (which are optional in C11, but assuming support is quite safe) with a variable. Something like this:
// dimensions in `x` and `y`, should be of type `size_t`
int (*arr)[x] = malloc(y * sizeof *arr);
In any case, the second dimension is part of the type, so your structure won't work -- the calling code has to know this second dimension for passing a valid pointer.
Hint: This first part doesn't apply to the question any more, OP forgot to mention he's interested in C90 only. I added the appropriate tag, but leave the upper part of the answer for reference. The following applies to C90 as well:
You write int ** in your code, this would be a pointer to a pointer. You can create something that can be used like a 2D array by using a pointer to a pointer, but then, you can't allocate it as a single chunk.
The outer pointer will point to an array of pointers (say, the "row-pointers"), so for each of these pointers, you have to allocate an array of the actual values. This could look like the following:
// dimensions again `x` and `y`
int **arr = malloc(y * sizeof *arr);
for (size_t i = 0; i < y; ++i)
arr[i] = malloc(x * sizeof **arr);
Note on both snippets these are minimal examples. For real code, you have to check the return value of malloc() each time. It could return a null pointer on failure.
If you want to have a contiguous block of memory in the absence of VLAs, there's finally the option to just use a regular array and calculate indices yourself, something like:
int *arr = malloc(x * y * sizeof *arr);
// access arr[8][15] when x is the second dimension:
arr[x*8 + 15] = 24;
This will generate (roughly) the same executable code as a real 2D array, but of course doesn't look that nice in your source.
Note this is not much more than a direct answer to your immediate question. Your code contains more goofs. You should really enable a sensible set of compiler warnings (e.g. with gcc or clang, use -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -std=c11 flags) and then fix each and every warning you get when you move on with your project.

How to dynamically array of pointers specifying two dimensions at run time with a single malloc() call [duplicate]

I am writing C code and I would like to heap allocate 512*256 bytes. For my own convenience I would like to be able to access the elements with the syntax array[a][b]; no arithmetic to find the right index.
Every tutorial I see online tells me to create an array of pointers that point to arrays of the rows I want in my array. This means that each subarray needs to be malloc'd and free'd individually. I am interested in a solution that only requires one call to malloc and one call to free.(Thus all elements are contiguous) I think this is possible because I will not be constructing a jagged array.
I would appreciate if anyone could share the syntax for declaring such an array.
Well, if you want to allocate array of type, you assign it into a pointer of that type.
Since 2D arrays are arrays of arrays (in your case, an array of 512 arrays of 256 chars), you should assign it into a pointer to array of 256 chars:
char (*arr)[256]=malloc(512*256);
//Now, you can, for example:
(The parentheses around *arr are to make it a pointer to array, and not an array of pointers)
If you allocate the array like this, it requires two calls to free, but it allows array[a][b] style syntax and is contiguous.
char **array = malloc(512 * sizeof(char *));
array[0] = malloc(512*256);
for (int i = 1; i < 512; i++)
array[i] = array[0] + (256 * i);
See array2 here for more information: http://c-faq.com/aryptr/dynmuldimary.html
This is easy assuming you don't need compatibility with the ancient C89 standard (among current C compilers, only MSVC and a few embedded-target compilers are that backwards). Here's how you do it:
int (*array)[cols] = malloc(rows * sizeof *array);
Then array[a][b] is valid for any a in [0,rows) and b in [0,cols).
In the language of the C standard, array has variably-modified type. If you want to pass the pointer to other functions, you'll need to repeat this type in the function argument list and make sure that at least the number of columns is passed to the function (since it's needed as part of the variably-modified type).
Edit: I missed the fact that OP only cares about a fixed size, 512x256. In that case, C89 will suffice, and all you need is:
int (*array)[256] = malloc(512 * sizeof *array);
The exact same type can be used in function argument lists if you need to pass the pointer around between functions (and also as a function return type, but for this use you might want to typedef it... :-)
Since you know the size of the array ahead of time, you could create a struct type that contains a 521x256 array, and then dynamically allocate the struct.
It is possible to dynamically allocate the same kind of multidimensional array that
static char x[512][256];
gives you, but it's a wee tricky because of type decay. I only know how to do it with a typedef:
typedef char row[512];
row *x = malloc(sizeof(row) * 256);
This only lets you determine the size of the second dimension at runtime. If both dimensions can vary at runtime, you need a dope vector.
If you know the size of the array, you can typedef it, and make a pointer to it. Here is a short snippet that demonstrates this use:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef int array2d[20][20];
int main() {
int i,j;
array2d *a = malloc(sizeof(array2d));
(*a)[i][j] = i + j;
printf("%d ",(*a)[i][j]);
return 0;
All great answers. I just have one thing to add for old weirdos like me who enjoy "retro" coding 16 bit with old compilers like Turbo C, on old machines. Variable length arrays are wonderful, but not needed.
char (*array)[81];
int lineCount;
/* Go get your lineCount.*/
lineCount = GetFileLines("text.fil");
array = malloc(lineCount * 81);
This is how we did "VLA" back in the olden days. It works exactly the same as
char (*array)[81] = malloc(lineCount * 81); /* error pre C99 */
without the luxury of VLA.
Just my old and tarnished 2 cents.

Delete the content of a int * in C

If i have an array like this one:
int * array = ...
and if i want to delete it's content, what is the fastest and most efficient way to do this in C ?
If by "deleting the content" you mean zeroing out the array, using memset should work:
size_t element_count = ... // This defines how many elements your array has
memset(array, 0, sizeof(int) * element_count);
Note that having a pointer to your array and no additional information would be insufficient: you need to provide the number of array elements as well, because it is not possible to derive this information from the pointer itself.
If you dynamically allocate memory for an array in C with
int* array = malloc(some_size);
then you free that memory with
Fast and efficient hasn't got much to do with that procedure - it's just how it's done - but you can pretty much count on that there's no way to do it faster...

Heap allocate a 2D array (not array of pointers)

I am writing C code and I would like to heap allocate 512*256 bytes. For my own convenience I would like to be able to access the elements with the syntax array[a][b]; no arithmetic to find the right index.
Every tutorial I see online tells me to create an array of pointers that point to arrays of the rows I want in my array. This means that each subarray needs to be malloc'd and free'd individually. I am interested in a solution that only requires one call to malloc and one call to free.(Thus all elements are contiguous) I think this is possible because I will not be constructing a jagged array.
I would appreciate if anyone could share the syntax for declaring such an array.
Well, if you want to allocate array of type, you assign it into a pointer of that type.
Since 2D arrays are arrays of arrays (in your case, an array of 512 arrays of 256 chars), you should assign it into a pointer to array of 256 chars:
char (*arr)[256]=malloc(512*256);
//Now, you can, for example:
(The parentheses around *arr are to make it a pointer to array, and not an array of pointers)
If you allocate the array like this, it requires two calls to free, but it allows array[a][b] style syntax and is contiguous.
char **array = malloc(512 * sizeof(char *));
array[0] = malloc(512*256);
for (int i = 1; i < 512; i++)
array[i] = array[0] + (256 * i);
See array2 here for more information: http://c-faq.com/aryptr/dynmuldimary.html
This is easy assuming you don't need compatibility with the ancient C89 standard (among current C compilers, only MSVC and a few embedded-target compilers are that backwards). Here's how you do it:
int (*array)[cols] = malloc(rows * sizeof *array);
Then array[a][b] is valid for any a in [0,rows) and b in [0,cols).
In the language of the C standard, array has variably-modified type. If you want to pass the pointer to other functions, you'll need to repeat this type in the function argument list and make sure that at least the number of columns is passed to the function (since it's needed as part of the variably-modified type).
Edit: I missed the fact that OP only cares about a fixed size, 512x256. In that case, C89 will suffice, and all you need is:
int (*array)[256] = malloc(512 * sizeof *array);
The exact same type can be used in function argument lists if you need to pass the pointer around between functions (and also as a function return type, but for this use you might want to typedef it... :-)
Since you know the size of the array ahead of time, you could create a struct type that contains a 521x256 array, and then dynamically allocate the struct.
It is possible to dynamically allocate the same kind of multidimensional array that
static char x[512][256];
gives you, but it's a wee tricky because of type decay. I only know how to do it with a typedef:
typedef char row[512];
row *x = malloc(sizeof(row) * 256);
This only lets you determine the size of the second dimension at runtime. If both dimensions can vary at runtime, you need a dope vector.
If you know the size of the array, you can typedef it, and make a pointer to it. Here is a short snippet that demonstrates this use:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef int array2d[20][20];
int main() {
int i,j;
array2d *a = malloc(sizeof(array2d));
(*a)[i][j] = i + j;
printf("%d ",(*a)[i][j]);
return 0;
All great answers. I just have one thing to add for old weirdos like me who enjoy "retro" coding 16 bit with old compilers like Turbo C, on old machines. Variable length arrays are wonderful, but not needed.
char (*array)[81];
int lineCount;
/* Go get your lineCount.*/
lineCount = GetFileLines("text.fil");
array = malloc(lineCount * 81);
This is how we did "VLA" back in the olden days. It works exactly the same as
char (*array)[81] = malloc(lineCount * 81); /* error pre C99 */
without the luxury of VLA.
Just my old and tarnished 2 cents.

What is the reason C compiler demands that number of columns in a 2d array will be defined?

given the following function signature:
void readFileData(FILE* fp, double inputMatrix[][], int parameters[])
this doesn't compile.
and the corrected one:
void readFileData(FILE* fp, double inputMatrix[][NUM], int parameters[])
my question is, why does the compiler demands that number of columns will be defined when handling a 2D array in C? Is there a way to pass a 2D array to a function with an unknown dimensions?
thank you
Built-in multi-deminsional arrays in C (and in C++) are implemented using the "index-translation" approach. That means that 2D (3D, 4D etc.) array is laid out in memory as an ordinary 1D array of sufficient size, and the access to the elements of such array is implemented through recalculating the multi-dimensional indices onto a corresponding 1D index. For example, if you define a 2D array of size M x N
double inputMatrix[M][N]
in reality, under the hood the compiler creates an array of size M * N
double inputMatrix_[M * N];
Every time you access the element of your array
the compiler translates it into
inputMatrix_[i * N + j]
As you can see, in order to perform the translation the compiler has to know N, but doesn't really need to know M. This translation formula can easily be generalized for arrays with any number of dimensions. It will involve all sizes of the multi-dimensional array except the first one. This is why every time you declare an array, you are required to specify all sizes except the first one.
As the array in C is purely memory without any meta information about dimensions, the compiler need to know how to apply the row and column index when addressing an element of your matrix.
inputMatrix[i][j] is internally translated to something equivalent to *(inputMatrix + i * NUM + j)
and here you see that NUM is needed.
C doesn't have any specific support for multidimensional arrays. A two-dimensional array such as double inputMatrix[N][M] is just an array of length N whose elements are arrays of length M of doubles.
There are circumstances where you can leave off the number of elements in an array type. This results in an incomplete type — a type whose storage requirements are not known. So you can declare double vector[], which is an array of unspecified size of doubles. However, you can't put objects of incomplete types in an array, because the compiler needs to know the element size when you access elements.
For example, you can write double inputMatrix[][M], which declares an array of unspecified length whose elements are arrays of length M of doubles. The compiler then knows that the address of inputMatrix[i] is i*sizeof(double[M]) bytes beyond the address of inputMatrix[0] (and therefore the address of inputMatrix[i][j] is i*sizeof(double[M])+j*sizeof(double) bytes). Note that it needs to know the value of M; this is why you can't leave off M in the declaration of inputMatrix.
A theoretical consequence of how arrays are laid out is that inputMatrix[i][j] denotes the same address as inputMatrix + M * i + j.¹
A practical consequence of this layout is that for efficient code, you should arrange your arrays so that the dimension that varies most often comes last. For example, if you have a pair of nested loops, you will make better use of the cache with for (i=0; i<N; i++) for (j=0; j<M; j++) ... than with loops nested the other way round. If you need to switch between row access and column access mid-program, it can be beneficial to transpose the matrix (which is better done block by block rather than in columns or in lines).
C89 references: § (array types), § (array subscript expressions)
C99 references: § (array types), § (array subscript expressions).
¹ Proving that this expression is well-defined is left as an exercise for the reader. Whether inputMatrix[0][M] is a valid way of accessing inputMatrix[1][0] is not so clear, though it would be extremely hard for an implementation to make a difference.
This is because in memory, this is just a contiguous area, a single-dimension array if you will. And to get the real offset of inputMatrix[x][y] the compiler has to calculate (x * elementsPerColumn) + y. So it needs to know elementsPerColumn and that in turn means you need to tell it.
No, there's not. The situation's pretty simple really: what the function receives is really just a single, linear block of memory. Telling it the number of columns tells it how to translate something like block[x][y] into a linear address in the block (i.e., it needs to do something like address = row * column_count + column).
Other people have explained why, but the way to pass a 2D array with unknown dimensions is to pass a pointer. The compiler demotes array parameters to pointers anyway. Just make sure it's clear what you expect in your API docs.
