Migrate link from mobile web browser to mobile app - angularjs

I want that my online website link that is opened in my mobile browser checks whether my mobile app is installed or not and then opens it in my mobile app.
I want my functionality as I have shown in this
I am using AngularJS,Express,NodeJS in my application.I tried node deeplink
but it does not work for me.Please provide me with the appropriate solution.

This functionality is known as Mobile Deep Linking. The easiest way to get started is with a deep linking service like Branch.io (full disclosure: I'm on the Branch team), Yozio, or Firebase Dynamic Links. They all do exactly what you're describing.

this could Help you perhaps:
Check this


Building a mobille phone app with webview

I am willing to write a very simple mobile phone app (Android and iPhone). It is so generic that it should already exists. Only 2 pages : one for choosing the URL of the server and one with only webview. It already works in a browser. I looked at tools for this purpose (Android studio and Ionics) but they are quite difficult to start with. Any hint to get this done quickly ?
Thanks in advance.
You can do it with a simple ionic app and the in-app-browser plugin:

How to share App Deep Link vs. Regular link on Facebook accounting for mobile and desktop

I am working on a facebook sharing functionality for a site that is used on both mobile and desktop. We have a deep link we can use to link to the apps and will take the user to the app store if the app is not installed, when on mobile.
This is perfect but in the case that the share is opened on a desktop machine the experience is less than desirable.
Ideally, we would like to find a way for if they share is opened on desktop that the call to action / button goes to the website.
Worst case I would think that we put a redirect to the website when the App Deep Link is clicked on a desktop machine.
Branch has a free solution for this. Their links are smart enough to direct desktop users to the website and mobile users to the store if that's what you want to do. They also have an SDK for routing and attribution.

how to build a mobile website using html on ubuntu 12.04

I'm working on a simple mobile website for a hotel.they don't need much dynamic feature.most are simple HTML.So my question are as below.
I find it's hard to debug mobile website on Ubuntu.cause you know ,desktop browser are to big to show a mobile website.each time i need to put it on a server.then using a phone to test the mobile website.is't too annoy.is there a better way to do this?
On windows u have Dreamweaver to change the css style.but on Ubuntu can I find a tool like Dreamweaver?
is any any JavaScript code for animation for a mobile website.
Jquery mobile is a good js lib to create the basic element in webpages.but if I want to do some transition between pictures.how could I do that.
PS:if you want to use php to send a email to a email address how to do that?
In chrome you can emulate a mobile device, the viewport and user agent will adjust to desired device. In your developer tools you have something called Emulation where you can change your device.
To send a email with PHP, check the documentation:
Link to php docs
FWIW, I would reccomend you start with a resposive framework. There are plenty of great options, including Bootstrap , Foundation or Skeleton
From what you describe about your requirements, responsive is going to be a good fit for your client and you'll future-proof your design.
Then with a responsive design, you can test everything in a standard web browser by making the viewport or window wider or smaller.
Good luck!

Bootstrap 3 - Is it possible not to load assets when on mobile?

Im looking for some guidance on a responsive site design written using Bootstrap 3.
Basically I want the mobile version to be as lightweight as possible and only load JS and HTML that is necessary for the mobile view, and not load assets required for the desktop view. I would like to ignore loading specific JS files when the page is loaded via a mobile device.
Is there a simple method to do this with Bootstrap?
My guess is that I need a Javscript function to detect the device and use that as a trigger, however I was wondering if Bootstrap had this capability that I could use?
Appreciate any thoughts.
It seems there is already answer to detect mobile browser with javascript. Detecting a mobile browser
Otherwise you can detect the mobile device by using http_user_agent to decide not to load assets when the page is loading.
Here is already answer to detect mobile device with php.
Check if PHP-page is accessed from an iOS device
You can perhaps do it by user agent. There is an answer here that might help
Load a javascript file and css file depending on user agent

HtmlEasy and Silken to serve mobile specific page

I'm busy building a web page where I'm using HtmlEasy and Silken with Google Closure Templates.
With ASP.NET MVC4 there is a technique of serving a mobile version of a web page by changing the file name to .mobile.. So it is not just the same version served up using a different stylesheet - the contents/data too can be different. This is really great since not everything may be relevant for a person using a mobile device.
Does HtmlEasy and Silken provide the same or similar feature? I can't seem to find anything that'll help.
Ok, when you need to detect any mobile device then its better to make use of a database.
For my own project I'm using 51Degrees Lite. Pass the user-agent to the lib and it'll tell you if the device is mobile or not. Then serve your soy template(s) accordingly.
