I've checked questions about same problems but advices seen theme didn't help me.
I've created external table using user tpch1.
CREATE TABLE region_ext (r_regionkey NUMBER,
r_name VARCHAR2(25),
r_comment VARCHAR2(152))
TYPE oracle_loader
PREPROCESSOR zcat_dir:'zcat'
LOCATION ('region.tbl.gz'));
User tpch1 created directories: zcat and tpch1_dir and has read and write permissions to them.
Trying to select on this table I get
select count(*) region_count from region_ext
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-29913: error in executing ODCIEXTTABLEFETCH callout
ORA-29400: data cartridge error
KUP-04001: error opening file E:\mgr\datadir\region.tbl.gz
I'm working on Windows 7, Oracle 12c. It's for use during the studies so I can change everything.
I've also changed properties of these directories. Now Everybody can use it fully and the owner is also Everybody.
Plese help me finding the solution :)
I have files in my stage that I want to query, as I want to include filenames in the result, I use the metadata$filename command.
My stage is an Azure ADLS GEN 2.
I have only one file matching the following regexp in my stage : .*regular.*[.]png.
When I run the command
#dev_silver_db.common.stage_bronze/DEV/BRONZE/<CENSORED>/S21/2715147 (
PATTERN => $pattern_png
AS t
I have 562 occurences of the same file in my result.
I thought that it was a bug from my IDE at first and double checked on Snowflake's history and this is the actual result from the request.
If I run LIST, the proper dataset (1 result only) is returned.
If I run the following command (the same with any union).
SELECT $pattern_png
#dev_silver_db.common.stage_bronze/DEV/BRONZE/<CENSORED>/S21/2715147 (
PATTERN => $pattern_png
AS t
I get the following result.
In my opinion, this behavior should be considered a bug, but I may have missed something.
For now I will just use TOP(1) because this is fine in my case but it may become a problem in other contextes.
Thank you in advance for your insights.
When you SELECT from a stage you are actually reading content of the file using a FILE FORMAT. When not specified CSV file format is used by default.
I think that what you're actually seeing is the metadata$filename information duplicated on every "row" that snowflake can read in your file.
So I have the following SOQL query that includes the ActivityHistories relationship of the Account object:
SELECT Id, Name, ParentId, (SELECT Description FROM ActivityHistories)
FROM Account
WHERE Name = '<some client>'
This query works just in in SOQLXplorer and returns 5 nested rows under the ActivityHistories key. In Talend, I am following the instructions from this page to access the sub-objects (although the example uses the query "up" syntax, not the query "down" syntax. My schema mapping is as follows:
The query returns the parent Account rows but not the ActivityHistory rows that are in the subquery:
Starting job GetActivities at 15:43 22/06/2016.
[statistics] connecting to socket on port XXXX
[statistics] connected
[statistics] disconnected
Job GetActivities ended at 15:43 22/06/2016. [exit code=0]
Is it possible to reference the subrows using Talend? If so, what is the syntax for the schema to do so? If not, how can I unpack this data in some ay to get to the Description fields for each Account? Any help is much appreciated.
Update: I have written a small python script to extract the ActivityHistory records and dump them in a file, then used a tFileInput to ingest the CSV and then continue through my process. But this seems very kludgey. Any better options out there?
I've done some debugging from the code perspective and it seems that if you specify correct column name, you will achieve the correct response. For your example, it should be: Account_ActivityHistories_records_Description
The output from tLogRow will be similar to:
As you can see, the Description from all child elements are stored as 1 string, delimited by the semicolon. You can change the delimiter on Advanced Settings view on the SalesforceInput.
I have written a small python script (source gist here) to extract the ActivityHistory records and dump them in a file (command line argument), then used a tFileInput to ingest the CSV and then continue through my process.
So I want to create a database link in oracle, my username is jefferson and I want to connect trough opms so I was told to do this.
create database link tmpp connect to jefferson[opms] identified by nothing using $something ;
For some reason when I try to use [] syntax it just tells me indentified is missing. Why is this not working, I was told to do it this way but I can't find any help in the official documentation for [] usage or the correct syntax.
You can create a fixed-user database link like this, but you need to enclose the entire proxy user identifier in double-quotes; and because it's now a quoted identifier the case has to match the DBA_USERS username, which is uppercase by default:
create database link tmpp connect to "JEFFERSON[OPMS]" identified by nothing using ... ;
As noted in MOS document 1477939.1 you can't create a connected-user database link (which you aren't trying to do); and the 30-character limit on identifiers applies, so the total length of both usernames plus the square brackets has to be 30 characters or less (which is also fine in your example).
However, as discussed in this related question, this functionality is currently broken in and above because of bug 19191702.
I am trying to write data from a .csv file to my postgreSQL database. The connection is fine, but when I run my job i get the following error:
Exception in component tPostgresqlOutput_1
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: zero-length delimited identifier at or near """"
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.receiveErrorResponse(QueryExecutorImpl.java:1592)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.processResults(QueryExecutorImpl.java:1327)
at org.postgresql.core.v3.QueryExecutorImpl.execute(QueryExecutorImpl.java:192)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:451)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.executeWithFlags(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:336)
at org.postgresql.jdbc2.AbstractJdbc2Statement.execute(AbstractJdbc2Statement.java:328)
at talend_test.exporttoexcel_0_1.exportToExcel.tFileInputDelimited_1Process(exportToExcel.java:568)
at talend_test.exporttoexcel_0_1.exportToExcel.runJobInTOS(exportToExcel.java:1015)
at talend_test.exporttoexcel_0_1.exportToExcel.main(exportToExcel.java:886)
My job is very simple:
tFileInputDelimiter -> PostgreSQL_Output
I think that the error means that the double quotes should be single quotes ("" -> ''), but how can i edit this in Talend?
Or is it another reason?
Can anyone help me on this one?
If you are using the customer.csv file from the repository then you have to change the properties of customer file by clicking through metadata->file delimited->customer in the repository pane.
You should be able to right click the customer file and then choose Edit file delimited. In the third screen, if the file extension is .csv then in Escape char settings you have to select CSV options. Typical escape sequences (as used by Excel and other programs) have escape char as "\"" and text enclosure is also "\"".
You should also check that encoding is set to UTF-8 in the file settings. You can then refresh your preview to view a sample of your file in a table format. If this matches your expectations of the data you should then be able to save the metadata entry and update this to your jobs.
If your file is not in the repository, then click on the component with your file and do all of the above CSV configuration steps in the basic settings of the component.
This is my first time trying to use Informix. I have around 160 tables to load, using pipe-delimited text files. We have an older series of batch files that a previous developer wrote to load Informix data, but they're not working with the new version of Informix (11.5) that I installed. I'm running it on a Windows 2003 server.
I've modified the batch file to execute the onpladm commands for one file, so this batch file looks like this:
onpladm create project dif31US-1-table-Load
onpladm create object -F diffdbagidaxsid.dev
onpladm create object -F diffdbagidaxsid.fmt
onpladm create object -F diffdbagidaxsid.map
onpladm create object -F diffdbagidaxsid.job
When I run this, it successfully creates the project and device array,
but I get an error creating the format. The only error I get is:
Create object DELIMITEDFORMAT diffile1fmt failed!
Invalid format!
The diffdbagidaxsid.fmt file is as follows:
PROJECT dif31US-1-table-Load
As you can see, it is only 2 columns. It originally had nothing following the CHARACTERSET. I've tried it with ASCII, and with the numeric code for ASCII, and still get the same error.
Is there any way to get a more verbose error message?
Also, can anyone recommend a decent (meaning active community) forum for Informix? I've tried the old comp.databases.informix forum, http://www.dbforums.com, the 'official' forum on IBM DeveloperWorks, and here of course. None have very much activity. We have to do this testing because we have customers (or maybe just 1 big one) who uses it, so we have to test our data and API against it.
Succinctly, I don't think there is a way to get much more information out of onpladm.