Difference of elements of 2 sorted arrays within given interval - arrays

Let us assume that we have 2 sorted arrays A and B of integers and a given interval [L,M] . If x is an element of A and y an element of B ,our task is to find all pairs of (x,y) that hold the following property: L<=y-x<=M.
Which is the most suitable algorithm for that purpose?
So far ,I have considered the following solution:
Brute force. Check the difference of all possible pairs of elements with a double loop .Complexity O(n^2).
A slightly different version of the previous solution is to make use of the fact that arrays are sorted by not checking the elements of A ,once difference gets out of interval .Complexity would still be O(n^2) but hopefully our program would run faster at an average case.
However ,I believe that O(n^2) is not optimal .Is there an algorithm with better complexity?

Here is a solution.
Have a pointer at the beginning of each array say i for array A and j for array B.
Calculate the difference between B[j] and A[i].
If it is less than L, increment the pointer in array B[], i.e increment j by 1
If it is more than M, increment i, i.e pointer of A.
If the difference is in between, then do the following:
search for the position of an element whose value is B[j]-A[i]-L or the nearest
element whose value is lesser than (B[j]-A[i])-L in array A. This
takes O(logN) time. Say the position is p. Increment the count of
(x,y) pairs by p-i+1
Increment only pointer j
My solution only counts the number of possible (x,y) pairs in O(NlogN) time
For A=[1,2,3] and B=[10,12,15] and L=12 and M=14, answer is 3.
Hope this helps. I leave it up to you, to implement the solution
Edit: Enumerating all the possible (x,y) pairs would take O(N^2) worst case time. We will be able to return the count of such pairs (x,y) in O(NlogN) time. Sorry for not clarifying it earlier.
Edit2: I am attaching a sample implementation of my proposed method below:
def binsearch(a, x):
low = 0
high = len(a)-1
mid = (low+high)/2
if a[mid] == x:
return mid
elif a[mid]<x:
k = mid
low = low + mid
high = high - mid
return k
a = [1, 2, 3]
b = [10, 12, 15, 16]
i = 0
j = 0
lenA = len(a)
lenB = len(b)
L = 12
M = 14
count = 0
result = []
while i<lenA and j<lenB:
if b[j] - a[i] < L:
j = j + 1
elif b[j] - a[i] > M:
i = i + 1
p = binsearch(a,b[j]-L)
count = count + p - i + 1
j = j + 1
print "number of (x,y) pairs: ", count

Because it's possible for every combination to be in the specified range, the worst-case is O([A][B]), which is basically O(n^2)
However, if you want the best simple algorithm, this is what I've come up with. It starts similarly to user-targaryen's algorithm, but handles overlaps in a simplistic fashion
Create three variables: x,y,Z and s (set all to 0)
Create a boolean 'success' and set to false
Calculate Z = B[y] - A[x]
if Z < L
increment y
if Z >= L and <= M
if success is false
set s = y
set success = true
increment y
store x,y
if Z > M
set y = s //this may seem inefficient with my current example
//but you'll see the necessity if you have a sorted list with duplicate values)
//you can just change the A from my example to {1,1,2,2,3} to see what I mean
set success = false
an example:
A = {1,2,3,4,5}
B = {3,4,5,6,7}
L = 2, M = 3
In this example, the first pair is x,y. The second number is s. The third pair is the values A[x] and B[y]. The fourth number is Z, the difference between A[x] and B[y]. The final value is X for not a match and O for a match
0,0 - 0 - 1,3 = 2 O
increment y
0,1 - 0 - 1,4 = 3 O
increment y
0,2 - 0 - 1,5 = 4 X
//this is the tricky part. Look closely at the changes this makes
set y to s
increment x
1,0 - 0 - 2,3 = 1 X
increment y
1,1 - 0 - 2,4 = 2 O
set s = y, set success = true
increment y
1,2 - 1 - 2,5 = 3 O
increment y
1,3 - 1 - 2,6 = 4 X
set y to s
increment x
2,1 - 1 - 3,4 = 1 X
increment y
2,2 - 1 - 3,5 = 2 O
set s = y, set success = true
increment y
2,3 - 2 - 3,6 = 3 O
... and so on


Special Pairs in N natural number sequence

You are given a natural number N which represents sequence [1,2...N]. We have to determine the number of pairs (x,y) from this sequence that satisfies the given conditions.
1 <= x <= y <= N
sum of first x-1 numbers (i.e sum of [1,2,3..x-1]) = sum of numbers from x+1 to y (i.e sum of [x+1...y])
If N = 3 there is only 1 pair (x=1,y=1) for which (sum of x-1 numbers) = 0 = (sum of x+1 to y)
any other pairs like (1,2),(1,3) or (2,3) does not satisfy the properties. so the answer is 1 as there is only one pair.
Another Example:-
If N=10, for pair (6,8) we can see sum of x-1 numbers i.e [1,2,3,4,5] = 15 = sum of numbers from x+1 to y i.e [7,8], Also another such pair would be (1,1). No other such pair exists so the answer, in this case, would be 2.
How can we approach and solve such problems to find the number of pairs in such a sequence?
Other things I have been able to deduce so far:-
If 1<=N<=7
If 8<=N<=48
If 49<=N<=287
If 288<=N<=1680
I tried but am unable to find any pattern or any such thing in these numbers.
Also, 1<=N<=10^16
Courtesy of OEIS (link in comments): you can find the k'th value of y using this formula: ( (0.25) * (3.0+2.0*(2**0.5))**k ).floor
This gives us the k'th value in O(log k). First few results:
Notice that the ratio of successive numbers quickly approaches 5.828427124746. Given a value of n, take the log of n base 5.828427124746. The answer will be an integer close to this log.
E.g., say n = 1,000,000,000. Then log(n, 5.8284271247461) = 11.8. The answer is probably 12, but we can check the neighbors to be sure.
11: 65,918,161
12: 384,199,200
13: 2,239,277,041
-- end edit --
Here's some ruby code to do this. Idea is to have two pointers and increment the pointer for x or y as appropriate. I'm using s(n) to calculate the sums, though this could be done without multiplication by just keeping a running total.
def s(n)
return n*(n+1)/2
def f(n)
count = 0
x = 1
y = 1
while y <= n do
if s(x-1) == s(y) - s(x)
count += 1
puts "(#{x}, #{y})"
if s(x-1) <= s(y) - s(x)
x += 1
y += 1
Here are the first few pairs:
(1, 1)
(6, 8)
(35, 49)
(204, 288)
(1189, 1681)
(6930, 9800)
(40391, 57121)
(235416, 332928)
(1372105, 1940449)
(7997214, 11309768)
(46611179, 65918161)

Maximize sum of array after applying the given operations on the array

Given an Array A consisting of N elements and an integer K. You can perform following operations on array any number of times(Can be 0).
Choose an element from array A. Let us denote as A[i]
Choose a positive integer Y.
Change A[i] to A[i] xor Y.
The Sum of all the Y's used in the operations should not be greater than K.
Your task is to find the maximum sum of all the elements of array A after operations.
Output:- 36
Explanation:- In the first operation, choose the fourth element and Y=2. Then change 4 to 4 xor 2, that is 6.
the updated array will be:- 9,7,7,6,3
In second Operation, choose the fifth element and Y=4. Then change 3 to 3 xor 4, that is 7.
The updated array will be 9,7,7,6,7
Hence sum is 36.
Please someone explain the logic behind the problem. I am not getting the idea.
Since you didn't clarify my comment about Y I will assume that the answer is no, you can not count unique Y values once towards the budget K.
This problem is simply a modified 0-1 knapsack problem in disguise. To solve it using the knapsack problem:
Let the item value & weight pairs be defined as the set
I = { (Y ^ a - a, Y) : a \in A, Y \in {1,K}}
Apply the dynamic programming solution to the 0-1 knapsack problem with weight limit K, and the requirement that only one item may be picked per a \in A. The total optimal weight of the knapsack problem + any unmodified a \in A is the solution.
Here is an implementation in python that solves the example given.
def solve2(w,v,W,nK):
n = len(w)
m = dict()
for j in range(0,W+1):
m[-1, j] = 0
for i in range(-1,n):
m[i, 0] = 0
for i in range(0,n):
for j in range(0,W+1):
b_w = -1
b_v = -1
found = False
for k in range(0,nK):
if w[i][k] <= j and v[i][k] >= b_v:
b_w = w[i][k]
b_v = v[i][k]
found = True
if found:
m[i, j] = max(m[i-1, j], m[i-1, j-b_w] + b_v)
m[i, j] = m[i-1, j]
return m[n-1,W]
A = [9,7,7,4,3]
K = 6
v = [ [ (Y^a)-a for Y in range(1,K+1) ] for a in A]
w = [ [ Y for Y in range(1,K+1) ] for a in A]
print ('Solution value is:', sum(A) + solve2(w,v,K,K))

Forming a 'partial' identity-matrix according to a partially filled vector

I'm currently forming a matrix from a vector in MATLAB following the scheme described below:
Given is a vector x containing ones and zeros in an arbitrary order, e.g.
x = [0 1 1 0 1];
From this, I would like to form a matrix Y that is described as follows:
Y has m rows, where m is the number of ones in x (here: 3).
Each row of Y is filled with a one at the k-th entry, where k is the position of a one in vector x (here: k = 2,3,5)
For the example x from above, this would result in:
Y = [0 1 0 0 0;
0 0 1 0 0;
0 0 0 0 1]
This is identical to an identity matrix, that has its (x=0)th rows eliminated.
I'm currently achieving this via the following code:
x = [0,1,1,0,1]; %example from above
m = sum(x==1);
Y = zeros(m,numel(x));
p = 1;
for n = 1:numel(x)
if x(n) == 1
Y(p,n) = 1;
p = p+1;
It works but I'm kind of unhappy with it as it seems rather inefficient and inelegant. Any ideas for a smoother implementation, maybe using some matrix multiplications or so are welcome.
Here are a few one-line alternatives:
Using sparse:
Y = full(sparse(1:nnz(x), find(x), 1));
Similar but with accumarray:
Y = accumarray([(1:nnz(x)).' find(x(:))], 1);
Using eye and indexing. This assumes Y is previously undefined:
Y(:,logical(x)) = eye(nnz(x));
Use find to obtain the indices of ones in x which are also the column subscripts of ones in Y. Find the number of rows of Y by adding all the elements of the vector x. Use these to initialise Y as a zero matrix. Now find the linear indices to place 1s using sub2ind. Use these indices to change the elements of Y to 1.
cols = find(x);
noofones = sum(x);
Y = zeros(noofones, size(x,2));
Y(sub2ind(size(Y), 1:noofones, cols)) = 1;
Here's an alternative using matrix multiplications:
x = [0,1,1,0,1];
I = eye(numel(x));
% construct identity matrix with zero rows
Y = I .* x; % uses implicit expansion from 2016b or later
Y = Y(logical(x), :); % take only non-zero rows of Y
Y =
0 1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0
0 0 0 0 1
Thanks to #SardarUsama's comment for simplifying the code a bit.
Thanks everybody for the nice alternatives! I tried out all your solutions and averaged execution times over 1e4 executions for random (1000-entry) x-vectors. Here are the results:
(7.3e-4 sec) full(sparse(1:nnz(x), find(x), 1));
(7.5e-4 sec) cols = find(x);
noofones = sum(x);
Y = zeros(noofones, size(x,2));
Y(sub2ind(size(Y), 1:noofones, cols)) = 1;
(7.7e-4 sec) Y = accumarray([(1:nnz(x)).' find(x(:))], 1);
(1.7e-3 sec) I = speye(numel(x));
Y = I .* x;
Y = full(Y(logical(x), :));
(3.1e-3 sec) Y(:,logical(x)) = eye(nnz(x));
From your comment "This is identical to an identity matrix, that has its (x=0)th rows eliminated.", well, you can also explicitly generate it as such:
Y = eye(length(x));
Y(x==0, :) = [];
Very slow option for long x, but it works slightly faster than full(sparse(... for x with 10 elements on my computer.

Arrays: Find minimum number of swaps to make bitonicity of array minimum?

Suppose we are given an array of integer. All adjacent elements are guaranteed to be distinct. Let us define bitonicity of this array a as bt using the following relation:
bt_array[i] = 0, if i == 0;
= bt_array[i-1] + 1, if a[i] > a[i-1]
= bt_array[i-1] - 1, if a[i] < a[i-1]
= bt_array[i-1], if a[i] == a[i-1]
bt = last item in bt_array
We say the bitonicity of an array is minimum when its bitonicity is 0 if it has an odd number of elements, or its bitonicity is +1 or -1 if it has an even number of elements.
The problem is to design an algorithm that finds the fewest number of swaps required in order to make the bitonicity of any array minimum. The time complexity of this algorithm should be at worst O(n), n being the number of elements in the array.
For example, suppose a = {34,8,10,3,2,80,30,33,1}
Its initial bt is -2. Minimum would be 0. This can be achieved by just 1 swap, namely swapping 2 and 3. So the output should be 1.
Here are some test cases:
Test case 1: a = {34,8,10,3,2,80,30,33,1}, min swaps = 1 ( swap 2 and 3)
Test case 2: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7}: min swaps = 2 (swap 7 with 4 and 6 with 5)
Test case 3: {10,3,15,7,9,11}: min swaps = 0. bt = 1 already.
And a few more:
{2,5,7,9,5,7,1}: current bt = 2. Swap 5 and 7: minSwaps = 1
{1,7,8,9,10,13,11}: current bt = 4: Swap 1,8 : minSwaps = 1
{13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1}: current bt = -12: Swap (1,6),(2,5) and (3,4) : minSwaps = 3
I was asked this question in an interview, and here's what I came up with:
1. Sort the given array.
2. Reverse the array from n/2 to n-1.
3. Compare from the original array how many elements changed their position.
Return half of it.
And my bit of code that does this:
int returnMinSwaps(int[] a){
int[] a = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7};
int[] b = a;
for(int i=0; i<= b.length/2 - 1; i++){
swap(b[b.length - i], b[b.length/2 - i]);
int minSwaps = 0;
for(int i=0;i<b.length;i++){
if(a[i] != b[i])
return minSwaps/2;
Unfortunately, I am not getting correct minimum number of ways for some test cases using this logic. Also, I am sorting the array which is making it in O(n log n) and it needs to be done in O(n).
URGENT UPDATE: T3 does not hold!
Consider α = [0, 7, 8, 3, 4, 10, 1, 6, 9, 2, 5]. There is no Sij(α) that can lower |B(α)| by more than 2.
Thinking on amendments to the method…
This solution only works when there are no array elements that are equal.
Feel free to propose generalizations by editing the answer.
Go straight to Conclusion if you want to skip the boring part.
Let`s define the swap operator Sij over the array a:
Sij(a) : [… ai, … aj, …] → [… aj, … ai, …]   ∀i, j ∈ [0; |a|) ∩ ℤ : i ≠ j
Let`s also refer to the bitonicity as B(a), and define it more formally:
The obvious facts:
Swaps are symmetric:
Sij(a) = Sji(a)
Two swaps are independent if their target positions don`t intersect:
Sij(Skl(a)) = Skl(Sij(a))   ∀i, j, k, l : {i, j} ∩ {k, l} = ∅
Two 2-dependent swaps undo one another:
Sij(Sij(a)) = a
Two 1-dependent swaps abide to the following:
Sjk(Sij(a)) = Sij(Sik(a)) = Sik(Sjk(a))
Bitonicity difference is always even for equally sized arrays:
(B(a) – B(a')) mod 2 = 0   ∀a, a' : |a| = |a'|
Naturally, ∀i : 0 < i < |a|,
B([ai–1, ai]) – B([a'i–1, a'i]) = sgn(ai – ai–1) – sgn(a'i – a'i–1),
which can either be 1 – 1 = 0, or 1 – –1 = 2, or –1 – 1 = –2, or –1 – –1 = 0, and any number of ±2`s and 0`s summed yield an even result.
N.B.: this is only true if all elements in a differ from one another, same with a'!
[T1]   |B(Sij(a)) – B(a)| ≤ 4   ∀a, Sij(a)
Without loss of generality, let`s assume that:
0 < i, j < |a| – 1
j – i ≥ 2
ai–1 < ai+1
aj–1 < aj+1
Depending on ai, 3 cases are possible:
ai–1 < ai < ai+1: sgn(ai – ai–1) + sgn(ai+1 – ai) = 1 + 1 = 2
ai < ai–1 < ai+1: sgn(ai – ai–1) + sgn(ai+1 – ai) = –1 + 1 = 0
ai–1 < ai+1 < ai: sgn(ai – ai–1) + sgn(ai+1 – ai) = 1 + –1 = 0
When altering ai and leaving all other elements of a intact, |B(a') – B(a)| ≤ 2 (where a' is the resulting array, for which the above 3 cases also apply), since no other terms of B(a) changed their value, except those two from the 1-neighborhood of ai.
Sij(a) implies what`s described above to happen twice, once for ai and once for aj.
Thus, |B(Sij(a)) – B(a)| ≤ 2 + 2 = 4.
Analogously, for each of the corners and j – i = 1 the max. possible delta is 2, which is ≤ 4.
Finally, this straightforwardly extrapolates to ai–1 > ai+1 and aj–1 > aj+1.
[T2]   ∀a : |B(a)| ≥ 2   ∃Sij(a) : |B(Sij(a))| = |B(a)| – 2
{proof in progress, need to sleep}
[T3]   ∀a : |B(a)| ≥ 4   ∃Sij(a) : |B(Sij(a))| = |B(a)| – 4
{proof in progress, need to sleep}
From T1, T2 and T3, the minimal number of swaps needed to minimize |B(a)| equals:
⌊|B(a)| / 4⌋ + ß,
where ß equals 1 if |B(a)| mod 4 ≥ 2, 0 otherwise.

Optimal way to check for number of triplets where a[k]<a[i]<a[j] for all i<j<k in an array

I'm solving a problem where I have to find number of triplets of Ai, Aj, and Ak such that Ak < Ai < Aj and i < j < k in an array .
The solution to this by brute force is trivial but has complexity O(N^3). What is the optimal way to solve this?
This is an O(n^2) approach that fixes i and iterates over the rest of the array in reverse order, keeping track of the number of elements below a[i].
def count_triplets(a):
"""Count the number of triplets a[k]<a[i]<a[j] for i<j<k"""
t = 0
for i,ai in enumerate(a):
kcount = 0 # The number of elements smaller than a[i]
for x in a[:i:-1]:
if x<ai:
kcount += 1
elif x>ai:
t += kcount
return t
print count_triplets(A)
Worked example
For the given array array the interesting case is when i is equal to 1 and ai is equal to 6.
The program now works backwards over the remaining entries in the array as follows:
x = 4
x < ai so kcount increased to 1
x = 7
x > ai so t increased by kcount, i.e. t increased to 1
x = 4
x < ai so kcount increased to 2
x = 3
x < ai so kcount increased to 3
All other values of i don't end up increasing t at all, so the final value for t is 1.
The Hackerrank site wants the code to support a number of inputs. The code below passes all tests.
for n in range(N):
print count_triplets(A)
